If God is all-knowing, all-powerful, and just, then why do ignorant kids suffer?

I will retract some pissy attitude and post this. Its the best answer I have seen, and it still leaves more questions for some. Here it is if you want to read it.

This is one of the most difficult questions for Christians to answer.

The “problem of pain,” as the well-known Christian scholar, C.S. Lewis, once called it, is atheism's most potent weapon against the Christian faith.

That is, they say, how can a God of love permit such things in His world as war, sickness, pain, and death, especially when their effects often are felt most keenly by those who are apparently innocent? Either He is not a God of love and is indifferent to human suffering, or else He is not a God of power and is therefore helpless to do anything about it. In either case, the Biblical God who is supposedly one of both absolute power and perfect love becomes an impossible anachronism. Or so they claim!

This is a real difficulty, but atheism is certainly not the answer, and neither is agnosticism. While there is much evil in the world, there is even more that is good. This is proved by the mere fact that people normally try to hang on to life as long as they can. Furthermore, everyone instinctively recognizes that “good” is a higher order of truth than “bad”.

We need also to recognize that our very minds were created by God. We can only use these minds to the extent that He allows, and it is, therefore, utterly presumptuous for us to use them to question Him and His motives.


We ourselves do not establish the standards of what is right. Only the Creator of all reality can do that. We need to settle it, in our minds and hearts, whether we understand it or not, that whatever God does is, by definition, right.

Having settled this by faith, we are then free to seek for ways in which we can profit spiritually from the sufferings in life as well as the blessings. As we consider such matters, it is helpful to keep the following great truths continually in our minds.
There is really no such thing as the “innocent” suffering.

Since “all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23), there is no one who has the right to freedom from God's wrath on the basis of his own innocence.

As far as babies are concerned, and others who may be incompetent mentally to distinguish right and wrong, it is clear from both Scripture and universal experience that they are sinners by nature and thus will inevitably become sinners by choice as soon as they are able to do so.

Jesus on the cross. Click here to read about Jesus. (Illustration copyrighted)
Learn about how much Jesus Christ suffered

The Lord Jesus Christ, who was the only truly “innocent” and “righteous” man in all history, nevertheless has suffered more than anyone else who ever lived.

And this He did for us! “Christ died for our sins” (I Corinthians 15:3). He suffered and died, in order that ultimately He might deliver the world from the Curse, and that, even now, He can deliver from sin and its bondage anyone who will receive Him in faith as personal Lord and Savior. This great deliverance from the penalty of inherent sin, as well as of overt sins, very possibly also assures the salvation of those who have died before reaching an age of conscious choice of wrong over right.

With our full faith in God's goodness and in Christ's redemption, we can recognize that our present sufferings can be turned to His glory and our good.

The sufferings of unsaved men are often used by the Holy Spirit to cause them to realize their needs of salvation and to turn to Christ in repentance and faith. The sufferings of Christians should always be the means of developing a stronger dependence on God and a more Christ-like character, if they are properly “exercised thereby” (Hebrews 12:11).

Thus, God is loving and merciful even when, “for the present,” He allows trials and sufferings to come in our lives.

“For we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28).

Hope it helps.
i cut out most of that mumbo jumbo for the sake of space .

firstly once again we have the problem of you believing chriatianity is the ONLY TRUTH ,
that would be okay if the only* holy book *in the world was the bible and it was proven to be authentic world of g-d .
you talk about pain and god in the chriatian sence not in the sence of all of the citizens of the world many believing in something other than chriatianity

the problem of Pain is the best atheist weapon against religion as a WHOLE not just the christian one we are not PICKING on you .

atheism is the believe that there is no g-d christian or otherwise your words from your bible mean nothing to me

you say we as humans do not establish what is right only the creator can do that .

then stop JUDGING others peoples personal lives as if YOU KNOW WHAT IS RIGHT that seems to be what a lot of christians do instead as doing what your *book says about love thy nieghbor .

That's the problem with being human. You tend to make mistakes. One of them is pride. Another is judging others.

Being a Christian and being flawed goes with the territory.

But then again, being flawed isn't exclusive to Christianity.
i cut out most of that mumbo jumbo for the sake of space .

firstly once again we have the problem of you believing chriatianity is the ONLY TRUTH ,
that would be okay if the only* holy book *in the world was the bible and it was proven to be authentic world of g-d .
you talk about pain and god in the chriatian sence not in the sence of all of the citizens of the world many believing in something other than chriatianity

the problem of Pain is the best atheist weapon against religion as a WHOLE not just the christian one we are not PICKING on you .

atheism is the believe that there is no g-d christian or otherwise your words from your bible mean nothing to me

you say we as humans do not establish what is right only the creator can do that .

then stop JUDGING others peoples personal lives as if YOU KNOW WHAT IS RIGHT that seems to be what a lot of christians do instead as doing what your *book says about love thy nieghbor .

You are a liar and a coward. You are not looking for answers, you are rep whoring. I as a Christian find it acceptable. I posted an answer that I as a Christian can accept, I as a Christian have never tried to force my beliefs on any one. If they want it, they will have it. You have NO idea whet the good book says. None. You and most who start thees threads are nothing more then pseudo intellectuals, who Google up The blue letter bible or E-Sword, yank out a verse and put it over a sad picture and lament how there is not really a God to ease the suffering of this small child. You do this because you are not really an intellectual and are insecure in your beliefs (or lack there of) So you post up this crap so all those who are as insecure as you will Pos. Rep. you and blow smoke up your ass's. You provided nothing to the contrary other then whining, as do those who usuley have issues with other peoples faith. You are jealous.
now now your getting testy cus the truth hurts
YOU have no idea whether i read have read or understand the bible .
many religions / folks read it differantly/translate otherwise there wouldnt be so many variations of the christian faith
YOU dont know anything about me except what i post here
dont make assumption i cant blow smoke up you ass cus its filled with your head .

Did you get your daily rep from your pseudo intellectuals to day ? Maybe you need a crack babe or some other awful picture to point at and say "why does God let them suffer". You are not looking for answers, you are trying to look sophisticated.
Last edited:
Two words, free will.

NO, not free will, of which is not taught in the Bible.

We live in the world but there are those who are not of the world. The world is a place of sin and hardship. Those of the Lord are not part of the world, but are still IN the world, thus still prone to the hardships. They are only forgiven for the sin.

Bullshit.........free will was given to mankind, otherwise Yeshua wouldn't have been necessary.
lol: If God won't save the child, why should anyone else bother?

Dear Riva: And what of the actions of MAN? The corruption and collusion of warring factions with African govts, that allow this poor child among many to starve in a continent rich with diamonds and minerals that could feed its own populations (as the fruit of their labor is already exported to feed others around the world while the local villages suffer).

Fortunately, there are many who HAVE bothered to step in and do something to break this preventable cycle of poverty and suffering, due to economic and political abuses.

THAT part humanity can do something about, and many people are taking action!

Although the suffering of helpless children and populations is greater, and many lives have been lost that cannot be changed in the past, we will see less and less of this in the future due to social reforms being pursued now which take generations to spread everywhere.

ed said:
Hosea 13: 16 Samaria shall become desolate; for she hath rebelled against her God: they shall fall by the sword: their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up.

Psalms 137: 9 Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.

Ed: These are more warnings of the suffering that occurs where humanity continues to live by greed and divisive competition, instead of by charity and cooperation in harmony!

These Biblical warnings are still true today, and we see the proof daily of the death and destruction that is caused by unresolved conflicts and imbalance.

The Bible also teaches of the redemption and end of death and suffering when people choose to follow spiritual values, and seek the greater good for all humanity as a spiritual reward in itself. As we follow that path, we see less and less of the tragedies like this.

Just because social ill is warned against and these predictions come true, does not mean that is what we should seek but quite the opposite.

Those warnings are in the Bible so that we recognize the difference in consequences between the two paths: either living by material greed in competition with each other which depletes our resources and causes some to suffer while others have too much to waste; or living by charity and harmony where we use our resources wisely, and care for one another as equal neighbors, instead of letting conflicts waste our time and resources.

By forgiveness of past faults and injustice, we can see more clearly how to correct the causes, and work together to prevent more and more of the ills we see going on.

If we don't forgive, but we judge and remain divided,
we are doomed to repeat history and the mistakes of the past
and stay stuck in the same vicious cycle of suffering this way!

Which path does the most good to end the suffering, Ed?

Criticizing back and forth? Does this solve anything?
Or applying compassion and charity to implement solutions and multiply efforts?
To reach an understanding so more people can align in purpose, organize and act?
Two words, free will.

NO, not free will, of which is not taught in the Bible.

We live in the world but there are those who are not of the world. The world is a place of sin and hardship. Those of the Lord are not part of the world, but are still IN the world, thus still prone to the hardships. They are only forgiven for the sin.

Dear Wings of Wind: Trying to understand your angle.
So if there is no free will, but this world of sin is either the fault of the past, or of Satan for befalling man, but man is helpless and has not the capability by will to change it.

Are you saying our only choice is whether we forgive living "in the world" and do not live "of the world" we are still saved in spirit while the world is still doomed

So you do not believe that Jesus came to save the world means that physically it will be changed to a better place, you only believe this means spiritually we will be saved from a material world that is doomed to hardship?

Is this what you believe?

(I happen to believe that by forgiving to the fullest extent that Jesus allows, changes our lives, our relationships and how we see and act in the world, however flawed, so that it does change the physical world and reality we live in today, on this earth as it is now.)
The whole Bible is about free will. What happens if you live under the Law (Torah) and what happens if you don't.

You're free to choose which it is for you, and the consequences of your actions is also documented.

Tell me again how free will isn't in the Bible.
The whole Bible is about free will. What happens if you live under the Law (Torah) and what happens if you don't.

You're free to choose which it is for you, and the consequences of your actions is also documented.

Tell me again how free will isn't in the Bible.

I can't because it's clearly there "Choose this day whom you will serve." Kind of difficult if we don't have a choice.

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
According to doctrine no dilemma exists, mankind is responsible for all the suffering we endure because of the one aspect of God that purports he cannot go back on his word. Once it is spoken there is no taking it back, doesn't mean he's not just, doesn't mean he doesn't care it just means he put the solution in our hands and due to his nature cannot take it back. At least that's the way I understand it.
hes a FUCKING god aint he he can do what he likes.he is answerable to nobody so he can take it back
your bullshit gets more silly every post

Dear JohnA and Ringel05:
I would say yes and no.
Ringel: God is still responsible for creating humans with free will but without full maturity to apply reason and free will perfectly. So that is how I understand why God would have to send Jesus to remedy what mankind is not able to fix on our own. We are not capable of forgiving perfectly and unconditionally, so we rely on God's divine help to forgive what we cannot. Yes, it is our responsibility, up to our free will to ASK for help and strength for forgiveness. That part only works if we choose freely, but the timing at which we learn and understand the steps toward this, that is also governed by God's will. We cannot always help if we do not understand. So God is responsible in that sense, for making human conscience to be imperfect, biased by emotional reactions from the past, etc.

JohnA: God cannot violate the laws of physics and energy by which the universe is created and operates. That would just be unnatural, and there is no need to do anything unnatural. So there are some things God has no reason to do, and will not do, regardless.

As for changing laws or plans, I do believe there is room for change within the greater plan that basically is unchanging. For example, you could view the introduction of Jesus as changing the ways that humans relate to the universal laws. In the OT these laws were given to be obeyed by faith, and if not the consequences are recorded there as disastrous death and destruction in the older Bible history; in the NT the laws are followed by love and freedom to choose, so there is redemption and restorative justice. That is different from before. Just enforcing laws by punishing wrong is not enough. But by teaching mercy and correction for wrongs, where injustices are made right and relations restored, then people can understand higher spiritual reward and peace that comes with living by justice and charity, and breaking the cycle of retribution from the past that failed to establish law.

You can say if God is omnipotent and unchanging,
then this plan had to be known from the start.
Knowing humanity would fall, into such a vicious cycle that could not be broken out of
by man's efforts alone, that divine intervention would be required (through Jesus) to bring forgiveness and correction to end all the suffering going in circles.

But still it shows that the human relation or perception with God changes,
at least on our side, from a God of retributive justice where people take turns
accusing and excusing one another by the "letter of the law" to
a God of love and restorative justice, living by the "spirit of the law" which is
love of truth and charity for others, that restores relations and rights past wrongs
through forgiveness, correction, and restitution to bring healing and harmony on earth.

We don't have to agree on all things, on where the changes took place,
in order to accept the changes necessary in life to make progress toward peace.
We just have to be open to forgive the places where we have conflicts or differences,
so we can focus on points where we agree and can work together more effectively.

Thank you both for your
contributions here. I appreciate
your input and sharing so honestly how you see things.

JohnA: God cannot violate the laws of physics and energy by which the universe is created and operates. That would just be unnatural, and there is no need to do anything unnatural. SO THERE ARE SOME THINGS GOD HAS NO REASON TO DO AND WILL NOT DO REGARDLESS

Once again you have shown how full of shit you are
of course god can change and disrupt the naturals laws of physics and energy
dont you read your own fucking bible according to that his did at least twice .

ill give you a clue

in genesis he sends a flood after warning telling noah to build a ship

and here

Living Bulwark
he sends plagues

cant post in detail you can look it up yourself
kinda refutes your argument about him not interfering dont it
Okay. I think that I understand your point. Yet, according to the Christian doctrine, is god just and fair? If such is the case, then is it just and fair that the child should suffer due to the acts of its ancestors? Wouldn't a just God intercede for the sake of the innocent child? That is a dilemma.

According to doctrine no dilemma exists, mankind is responsible for all the suffering we endure because of the one aspect of God that purports he cannot go back on his word. Once it is spoken there is no taking it back, doesn't mean he's not just, doesn't mean he doesn't care it just means he put the solution in our hands and due to his nature cannot take it back. At least that's the way I understand it.
hes a FUCKING god aint he he can do what he likes.he is answerable to nobody so he can take it back
your bullshit gets more silly every post

Well he SENT a flood and a plague on the world

your need to read the bible before you make the statement like that
the plague and the flood caused suffering at his hands
see post above
hes a FUCKING god aint he he can do what he likes.he is answerable to nobody so he can take it back
your bullshit gets more silly every post

Dear JohnA and Ringel05:
I would say yes and no.
Ringel: God is still responsible for creating humans with free will but without full maturity to apply reason and free will perfectly. So that is how I understand why God would have to send Jesus to remedy what mankind is not able to fix on our own. We are not capable of forgiving perfectly and unconditionally, so we rely on God's divine help to forgive what we cannot. Yes, it is our responsibility, up to our free will to ASK for help and strength for forgiveness. That part only works if we choose freely, but the timing at which we learn and understand the steps toward this, that is also governed by God's will. We cannot always help if we do not understand. So God is responsible in that sense, for making human conscience to be imperfect, biased by emotional reactions from the past, etc.

JohnA: God cannot violate the laws of physics and energy by which the universe is created and operates. That would just be unnatural, and there is no need to do anything unnatural. So there are some things God has no reason to do, and will not do, regardless.

As for changing laws or plans, I do believe there is room for change within the greater plan that basically is unchanging. For example, you could view the introduction of Jesus as changing the ways that humans relate to the universal laws. In the OT these laws were given to be obeyed by faith, and if not the consequences are recorded there as disastrous death and destruction in the older Bible history; in the NT the laws are followed by love and freedom to choose, so there is redemption and restorative justice. That is different from before. Just enforcing laws by punishing wrong is not enough. But by teaching mercy and correction for wrongs, where injustices are made right and relations restored, then people can understand higher spiritual reward and peace that comes with living by justice and charity, and breaking the cycle of retribution from the past that failed to establish law.

You can say if God is omnipotent and unchanging,
then this plan had to be known from the start.
Knowing humanity would fall, into such a vicious cycle that could not be broken out of
by man's efforts alone, that divine intervention would be required (through Jesus) to bring forgiveness and correction to end all the suffering going in circles.

But still it shows that the human relation or perception with God changes,
at least on our side, from a God of retributive justice where people take turns
accusing and excusing one another by the "letter of the law" to
a God of love and restorative justice, living by the "spirit of the law" which is
love of truth and charity for others, that restores relations and rights past wrongs
through forgiveness, correction, and restitution to bring healing and harmony on earth.

We don't have to agree on all things, on where the changes took place,
in order to accept the changes necessary in life to make progress toward peace.
We just have to be open to forgive the places where we have conflicts or differences,
so we can focus on points where we agree and can work together more effectively.

Thank you both for your
contributions here. I appreciate
your input and sharing so honestly how you see things.

JohnA: God cannot violate the laws of physics and energy by which the universe is created and operates. That would just be unnatural, and there is no need to do anything unnatural. SO THERE ARE SOME THINGS GOD HAS NO REASON TO DO AND WILL NOT DO REGARDLESS

Once again you have shown how full of shit you are
of course god can change and disrupt the naturals laws of physics and energy
dont you read your own fucking bible according to that his did at least twice .

ill give you a clue

in genesis he sends a flood after warning telling noah to build a ship

and here

Living Bulwark
he sends plagues

cant post in detail you can look it up yourself
kinda refutes your argument about him not interfering dont it
Very few believers actually took the time to read the bible, that's why they are believers.

An even better example of God violating the laws of physics by doing something unnatural is God stopping the sun from setting so his chosen people can have enough light to keep killing.

Josh 10: 12 Then spake Joshua to the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon.
13 And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day
Dear JohnA and Ringel05:
I would say yes and no.
Ringel: God is still responsible for creating humans with free will but without full maturity to apply reason and free will perfectly. So that is how I understand why God would have to send Jesus to remedy what mankind is not able to fix on our own. We are not capable of forgiving perfectly and unconditionally, so we rely on God's divine help to forgive what we cannot. Yes, it is our responsibility, up to our free will to ASK for help and strength for forgiveness. That part only works if we choose freely, but the timing at which we learn and understand the steps toward this, that is also governed by God's will. We cannot always help if we do not understand. So God is responsible in that sense, for making human conscience to be imperfect, biased by emotional reactions from the past, etc.

JohnA: God cannot violate the laws of physics and energy by which the universe is created and operates. That would just be unnatural, and there is no need to do anything unnatural. So there are some things God has no reason to do, and will not do, regardless.

As for changing laws or plans, I do believe there is room for change within the greater plan that basically is unchanging. For example, you could view the introduction of Jesus as changing the ways that humans relate to the universal laws. In the OT these laws were given to be obeyed by faith, and if not the consequences are recorded there as disastrous death and destruction in the older Bible history; in the NT the laws are followed by love and freedom to choose, so there is redemption and restorative justice. That is different from before. Just enforcing laws by punishing wrong is not enough. But by teaching mercy and correction for wrongs, where injustices are made right and relations restored, then people can understand higher spiritual reward and peace that comes with living by justice and charity, and breaking the cycle of retribution from the past that failed to establish law.

You can say if God is omnipotent and unchanging,
then this plan had to be known from the start.
Knowing humanity would fall, into such a vicious cycle that could not be broken out of
by man's efforts alone, that divine intervention would be required (through Jesus) to bring forgiveness and correction to end all the suffering going in circles.

But still it shows that the human relation or perception with God changes,
at least on our side, from a God of retributive justice where people take turns
accusing and excusing one another by the "letter of the law" to
a God of love and restorative justice, living by the "spirit of the law" which is
love of truth and charity for others, that restores relations and rights past wrongs
through forgiveness, correction, and restitution to bring healing and harmony on earth.

We don't have to agree on all things, on where the changes took place,
in order to accept the changes necessary in life to make progress toward peace.
We just have to be open to forgive the places where we have conflicts or differences,
so we can focus on points where we agree and can work together more effectively.

Thank you both for your
contributions here. I appreciate
your input and sharing so honestly how you see things.

JohnA: God cannot violate the laws of physics and energy by which the universe is created and operates. That would just be unnatural, and there is no need to do anything unnatural. SO THERE ARE SOME THINGS GOD HAS NO REASON TO DO AND WILL NOT DO REGARDLESS

Once again you have shown how full of shit you are
of course god can change and disrupt the naturals laws of physics and energy
dont you read your own fucking bible according to that his did at least twice .

ill give you a clue

in genesis he sends a flood after warning telling noah to build a ship

and here

Living Bulwark
he sends plagues

cant post in detail you can look it up yourself
kinda refutes your argument about him not interfering dont it
Very few believers actually took the time to read the bible, that's why they are believers.

An even better example of God violating the laws of physics by doing something unnatural is God stopping the sun from setting so his chosen people can have enough light to keep killing.

Josh 10: 12 Then spake Joshua to the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon.
13 And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day
and these are the same posters who say *we dont understand the bible *I THINK nonbelievers understand it more than the sheep who blindly follow it .

i was bought up on it thats why i deny it now
Hosea 13: 16 Samaria shall become desolate; for she hath rebelled against her God: they shall fall by the sword: their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up.

Psalms 137: 9 Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.

I see you are taking scripture out of context again. ;)
It's piss easy to say "out of context" when you don't give the correct context! ;)

It is also easy to just post scripture without the context it is actually in and say it is meaning something else altogether. If you are going to post ANY scripture it is best to keep it in context in the first place. YOU were the one to first post those scriptures. Why don't YOU put them in the correct context if you think I am wrong.

The Lord killed EVERYONE except those on Noah's boat. Does that mean He is evil? NO. He was not satisfied with His creation so He did away with all of it but those He considered righteous.

Any killing the Lord does is justified by the fact that EVERY one of us are sinners. Yes, even the little kids that everyone seems to think are innocent. There is no place in the Bible that teaches the age of accountability. The Bible teaches we are all 'born' in sin, thus we are all guilty. Even those who are forgiven are guilty, the difference is that Christ payed their punishment instead of them paying for it.
For those souls that cannot make it into Paradise there is a world that is basically a preparatory level. There those who were not given a chance to become educated. They can choose then where they want to go. Some call this purgatory or the prison world.

However, Jesus said that children are a special case. They cannot be evil. They usually go straight to Paradise, which is a half-way level before going on to Heaven.

Please post the scripture where Jesus says this.
Two words, free will.

NO, not free will, of which is not taught in the Bible.

We live in the world but there are those who are not of the world. The world is a place of sin and hardship. Those of the Lord are not part of the world, but are still IN the world, thus still prone to the hardships. They are only forgiven for the sin.

Bullshit.........free will was given to mankind, otherwise Yeshua wouldn't have been necessary.

What Jesus did was necessary because Adam sinned and brought sin unto man. Free will is only a way for people to say 'they' are in control instead of the Lord.

Rom 5:12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:
Two words, free will.

NO, not free will, of which is not taught in the Bible.

We live in the world but there are those who are not of the world. The world is a place of sin and hardship. Those of the Lord are not part of the world, but are still IN the world, thus still prone to the hardships. They are only forgiven for the sin.

Dear Wings of Wind: Trying to understand your angle.
So if there is no free will, but this world of sin is either the fault of the past, or of Satan for befalling man, but man is helpless and has not the capability by will to change it.

Are you saying our only choice is whether we forgive living "in the world" and do not live "of the world" we are still saved in spirit while the world is still doomed

So you do not believe that Jesus came to save the world means that physically it will be changed to a better place, you only believe this means spiritually we will be saved from a material world that is doomed to hardship?

Is this what you believe?

(I happen to believe that by forgiving to the fullest extent that Jesus allows, changes our lives, our relationships and how we see and act in the world, however flawed, so that it does change the physical world and reality we live in today, on this earth as it is now.)

The term 'world' I am referring to is mankind in general. Man is born dead in sin, thus man's nature IS sin. Man can not do what is not in his nature. The Lord has made a way for some to have a change in their nature and that is through Christ. If the Lord deems that you are to be forgiven, He will change your nature so that you are 'able' to fallow Christ and the work Christ did would be the payment for your transgressions (see John 11, Lazarus rising from the dead) Once the Lord has grace on you, you are no longer part of the 'world' or general mankind and the nature of it.

Joh 15:18 If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.
Joh 15:19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.

1Jn 2:15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
1Jn 2:16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.
1Jn 2:17 And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.
Now, your last statement I do agree with. We are told that those of the Lord are to be the salt of the world. What you said is very close to what the salt of the world means. By our gentle nature and kindness we are the salt that makes the world a bit better.
I see you are taking scripture out of context again. ;)
It's piss easy to say "out of context" when you don't give the correct context! ;)

It is also easy to just post scripture without the context it is actually in and say it is meaning something else altogether. If you are going to post ANY scripture it is best to keep it in context in the first place. YOU were the one to first post those scriptures. Why don't YOU put them in the correct context if you think I am wrong.

The Lord killed EVERYONE except those on Noah's boat. Does that mean He is evil? NO. He was not satisfied with His creation so He did away with all of it but those He considered righteous.

Any killing the Lord does is justified by the fact that EVERY one of us are sinners. Yes, even the little kids that everyone seems to think are innocent. There is no place in the Bible that teaches the age of accountability. The Bible teaches we are all 'born' in sin, thus we are all guilty. Even those who are forgiven are guilty, the difference is that Christ payed their punishment instead of them paying for it.
Of course he is! Everything, including evil, exists by the hand of God. God killed all the people and ANIMALS not on the boat knowing that nothing would change. The world is just as bad now as then. God kills for the sheer pleasure of the kill.

Psalms 137: 9 Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.
Two words, free will.

NO, not free will, of which is not taught in the Bible.

We live in the world but there are those who are not of the world. The world is a place of sin and hardship. Those of the Lord are not part of the world, but are still IN the world, thus still prone to the hardships. They are only forgiven for the sin.

Dear Wings of Wind: Trying to understand your angle.
So if there is no free will, but this world of sin is either the fault of the past, or of Satan for befalling man, but man is helpless and has not the capability by will to change it.

Are you saying our only choice is whether we forgive living "in the world" and do not live "of the world" we are still saved in spirit while the world is still doomed

So you do not believe that Jesus came to save the world means that physically it will be changed to a better place, you only believe this means spiritually we will be saved from a material world that is doomed to hardship?

Is this what you believe?

(I happen to believe that by forgiving to the fullest extent that Jesus allows, changes our lives, our relationships and how we see and act in the world, however flawed, so that it does change the physical world and reality we live in today, on this earth as it is now.)

He is wrong, freewill is the cause of the rebellion by both Angels and Man or the fall to use another term.

What would be the point of us being tested if we did not possess freewill ?
Dear JohnA and Ringel05:
I would say yes and no.
Ringel: God is still responsible for creating humans with free will but without full maturity to apply reason and free will perfectly. So that is how I understand why God would have to send Jesus to remedy what mankind is not able to fix on our own. We are not capable of forgiving perfectly and unconditionally, so we rely on God's divine help to forgive what we cannot. Yes, it is our responsibility, up to our free will to ASK for help and strength for forgiveness. That part only works if we choose freely, but the timing at which we learn and understand the steps toward this, that is also governed by God's will. We cannot always help if we do not understand. So God is responsible in that sense, for making human conscience to be imperfect, biased by emotional reactions from the past, etc.

JohnA: God cannot violate the laws of physics and energy by which the universe is created and operates. That would just be unnatural, and there is no need to do anything unnatural. So there are some things God has no reason to do, and will not do, regardless.

As for changing laws or plans, I do believe there is room for change within the greater plan that basically is unchanging. For example, you could view the introduction of Jesus as changing the ways that humans relate to the universal laws. In the OT these laws were given to be obeyed by faith, and if not the consequences are recorded there as disastrous death and destruction in the older Bible history; in the NT the laws are followed by love and freedom to choose, so there is redemption and restorative justice. That is different from before. Just enforcing laws by punishing wrong is not enough. But by teaching mercy and correction for wrongs, where injustices are made right and relations restored, then people can understand higher spiritual reward and peace that comes with living by justice and charity, and breaking the cycle of retribution from the past that failed to establish law.

You can say if God is omnipotent and unchanging,
then this plan had to be known from the start.
Knowing humanity would fall, into such a vicious cycle that could not be broken out of
by man's efforts alone, that divine intervention would be required (through Jesus) to bring forgiveness and correction to end all the suffering going in circles.

But still it shows that the human relation or perception with God changes,
at least on our side, from a God of retributive justice where people take turns
accusing and excusing one another by the "letter of the law" to
a God of love and restorative justice, living by the "spirit of the law" which is
love of truth and charity for others, that restores relations and rights past wrongs
through forgiveness, correction, and restitution to bring healing and harmony on earth.

We don't have to agree on all things, on where the changes took place,
in order to accept the changes necessary in life to make progress toward peace.
We just have to be open to forgive the places where we have conflicts or differences,
so we can focus on points where we agree and can work together more effectively.

Thank you both for your
contributions here. I appreciate
your input and sharing so honestly how you see things.

JohnA: God cannot violate the laws of physics and energy by which the universe is created and operates. That would just be unnatural, and there is no need to do anything unnatural. SO THERE ARE SOME THINGS GOD HAS NO REASON TO DO AND WILL NOT DO REGARDLESS

Once again you have shown how full of shit you are
of course god can change and disrupt the naturals laws of physics and energy
dont you read your own fucking bible according to that his did at least twice .

ill give you a clue

in genesis he sends a flood after warning telling noah to build a ship

and here

Living Bulwark
he sends plagues

cant post in detail you can look it up yourself
kinda refutes your argument about him not interfering dont it
Very few believers actually took the time to read the bible, that's why they are believers.

An even better example of God violating the laws of physics by doing something unnatural is God stopping the sun from setting so his chosen people can have enough light to keep killing.

Josh 10: 12 Then spake Joshua to the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon.
13 And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day

God is only limited by two things and they are kinda cool if you ask me.

He can't sin and he can't die.
JohnA: God cannot violate the laws of physics and energy by which the universe is created and operates. That would just be unnatural, and there is no need to do anything unnatural. SO THERE ARE SOME THINGS GOD HAS NO REASON TO DO AND WILL NOT DO REGARDLESS

Once again you have shown how full of shit you are
of course god can change and disrupt the naturals laws of physics and energy
dont you read your own fucking bible according to that his did at least twice .

ill give you a clue

in genesis he sends a flood after warning telling noah to build a ship

and here

Living Bulwark
he sends plagues

cant post in detail you can look it up yourself
kinda refutes your argument about him not interfering dont it
Very few believers actually took the time to read the bible, that's why they are believers.

An even better example of God violating the laws of physics by doing something unnatural is God stopping the sun from setting so his chosen people can have enough light to keep killing.

Josh 10: 12 Then spake Joshua to the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon.
13 And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day
and these are the same posters who say *we dont understand the bible *I THINK nonbelievers understand it more than the sheep who blindly follow it .

i was bought up on it thats why i deny it now

Stereo typing again you speak very boldly for such a wise one.

You reject it because you lack faith and have been brainwashed into believing the creator is not capable of all the design we witness on a daily basis.
JohnA: God cannot violate the laws of physics and energy by which the universe is created and operates. That would just be unnatural, and there is no need to do anything unnatural. SO THERE ARE SOME THINGS GOD HAS NO REASON TO DO AND WILL NOT DO REGARDLESS

Once again you have shown how full of shit you are
of course god can change and disrupt the naturals laws of physics and energy
dont you read your own fucking bible according to that his did at least twice .

ill give you a clue

in genesis he sends a flood after warning telling noah to build a ship

and here

Living Bulwark
he sends plagues

cant post in detail you can look it up yourself
kinda refutes your argument about him not interfering dont it
Very few believers actually took the time to read the bible, that's why they are believers.

An even better example of God violating the laws of physics by doing something unnatural is God stopping the sun from setting so his chosen people can have enough light to keep killing.

Josh 10: 12 Then spake Joshua to the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon.
13 And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day

God is only limited by two things and they are kinda cool if you ask me.

He can't sin and he can't die.
Even God cannot change the past.
- Agathon

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