IF he could, would Obama get re-elected?

That would depend greatly on who would be running against him since we don't know that there is no way to accurately answer the question.

Well, you can rely on the "gossip" that the GOP may be thinking of resurrecting and drafting Romney as the repub. choice in the midst of having only the clown posse as candidates.
By his own words, he did something with immigration that he said he didn't have authority to do and said so 22 times.

As Obama has repeatedly stated.....let the republican-led congress act to repeal and REPLACE his EO or shut the hell up.
Winning when Bernie is catching up fast? I call bull.

Bernie...as much as I like him......will have quite the downturn in other states other than the east and west states. I wish it weren't so, since I do NOT like Hillary.
By his own words, he did something with immigration that he said he didn't have authority to do and said so 22 times.

As Obama has repeatedly stated.....let the republican-led congress act to repeal and REPLACE his EO or shut the hell up.

What he repeatedly stated is his lack of authority to do what he did anyway. So much for trusting his statements.
Winning when Bernie is catching up fast? I call bull.

Bernie...as much as I like him......will have quite the downturn in other states other than the east and west states. I wish it weren't so, since I do NOT like Hillary.
You mean in the non blue states. Surprise, surprise. They don't like his socialist agenda.

I bet you vote Hillary if she gets the nomination.
Obviously, Obama can't run again...but the answer to the question posed in the title's thread should thoroughly "upset' the most rabid of Obama's critics....Could Obama win a 3rd term if he could run (and would want to)?

Since Obama's critics like to contend that a Hillary Clinton's election is tantamount to the continuation of Obama's policies, AND since it is very likely that the Senate could revert to Dems. hands this November, the question posed is valid.
I think the GOP and the retards, psychopaths, hypocrites, and liars who have hijacked the part could help Obama win a another term again, yes.

They have done it twice, and are still doing the same thing over and over. So of course we would get the same result.
That would depend greatly on who would be running against him since we don't know that there is no way to accurately answer the question.

Well, you can rely on the "gossip" that the GOP may be thinking of resurrecting and drafting Romney as the repub. choice in the midst of having only the clown posse as candidates.
Left wing talking points responses like that are what make this thread more pointless than it already was having said that I'm checking out of it now.
What he repeatedly stated is his lack of authority to do what he did anyway. So much for trusting his statements.

If Congress cannot pass any laws because of gridlock, then it has violated its obligations under the Constitution, and accordingly the president has the right to use his enforcement powers to implement policies that serve the public interest. The Constitution gives the president "executive power," which has always been understood to include the discretionary power to allocate resources among enforcement efforts. The significance of this power has grown over the last century, as Congress has created vast regulatory agencies and given the president control over them.
Obviously, Obama can't run again...but the answer to the question posed in the title's thread should thoroughly "upset' the most rabid of Obama's critics....Could Obama win a 3rd term if he could run (and would want to)?

Since Obama's critics like to contend that a Hillary Clinton's election is tantamount to the continuation of Obama's policies, AND since it is very likely that the Senate could revert to Dems. hands this November, the question posed is valid.[/QUOTE

I don't think he'd even try to be honest, Nat! Why would he? He's been without answers economically since Larry Summers left over five years ago and it looks like we're sliding back towards a recession because of oil prices collapsing. He's got no answers when it comes to foreign policy either. I think Barry is holding his breath between now and next January because he's almost out the door and all of his mess is going to fall into the lap of someone else. He'll go play golf with his rich friends (who he made much richer!) and let a fawning media attempt to burnish his Presidential reputation.

Give the guy credit...he managed to pull off the biggest scam since Chauncey Gardiner...sitting in the Oval Office for two whole terms when you have absolutely no idea what you're doing and managing to bullshit your way through it!
he's got more people dependent on government than ever before, so yes, he would get relected
Wow....the cynicism among right wingers is more pronounced than usual. Economically, we are doing much better than the rest of the world....Thousands of US military caskets have stopped coming home.... and the "moral rudder" of this country is headed in the right direction.

Are there major mistakes that Obama has made during these past 7 years? YES !!!!! But, such should not be translated into the self-destructive cynicism.
Check Hillarys numbers as a gauge. He'd be toast.

Actually, I did.....

NBC/WSJ has Clinton up by 10 points and CNN has her up by more than 2; even the right wing Rasmussen poll has her winning. So, your point is.....?

I really want to see all of you Clintonistas with your asses hanging if Bernie kicks her ass in Iowa and New Hampshire!

What will be the excuse then?

In the 2004, she gets beat by a no-name black freshman Senator from Illinois and then gets beat by a no-name white Socialist who is older than dirt Senator from Vermont! That's the epitome of incompetence!
Wow....the cynicism among right wingers is more pronounced than usual. Economically, we are doing much better than the rest of the world....Thousands of US military caskets have stopped coming home.... and the "moral rudder" of this country is headed in the right direction.

Are there major mistakes that Obama has made during these past 7 years? YES !!!!! But, such should not be translated into the self-destructive cynicism.

No, the caskets are already here for the victims of ISIS in terror attacks at home.

The moral rudder of this country was broken the minute when Obama took office and the ship has foundered as a result.
By his own words, he did something with immigration that he said he didn't have authority to do and said so 22 times.

As Obama has repeatedly stated.....let the republican-led congress act to repeal and REPLACE his EO or shut the hell up.

That's not how this works! That is not how any of this works!
I really want to see all of you Clintonistas with your asses hanging if Bernie kicks her ass in Iowa and New Hampshire!

What will be the excuse then?

In the 2004, she gets beat by a no-name black freshman Senator from Illinois and then gets beat by a no-name white Socialist who is older than dirt Senator from Vermont! That's the epitome of incompetence!

Careful there, both your misogyny and racism is poking through.....

Again, I'm no fan of Hillary....HOWEVER, even her husband lost Iowa and NH and STILL managed to win the presidency for 2 terms.

Sanders, unfortunately, has no to little support in SC and NV, the next 2 crucial states in the primaries.
That's not how this works! That is not how any of this works!

You can repeat that as many times as you want....and each time you would be wrong. The Constitution clearly gives the president powers to act when congress chooses to just sit on their fat arses.
I really want to see all of you Clintonistas with your asses hanging if Bernie kicks her ass in Iowa and New Hampshire!

What will be the excuse then?

In the 2004, she gets beat by a no-name black freshman Senator from Illinois and then gets beat by a no-name white Socialist who is older than dirt Senator from Vermont! That's the epitome of incompetence!

Careful there, both your misogyny and racism is poking through.....

Again, I'm no fan of Hillary....HOWEVER, even her husband lost Iowa and NH and STILL managed to win the presidency for 2 terms.

Sanders, unfortunately, has no to little support in SC and NV, the next 2 crucial states in the primaries.

I don't have any misogyny or racism to poke through. If any of the three of them were drowning, I would have a really hard time trying decide to which one I should throw the anchor!
I don't have any misogyny or racism to poke through. If any of the three of them were drowning, I would have a really hard time trying decide to which one I should throw the anchor!

Yeah, yeah......you've proven what a great "humanitarian" you must be. Take care of your ulcers.
I don't have any misogyny or racism to poke through. If any of the three of them were drowning, I would have a really hard time trying decide to which one I should throw the anchor!

Yeah, yeah......you've proven what a great "humanitarian" you must be. Take care of your ulcers.

No ulcers. I just have no use for charlatans, liars, and thieves.
He still has the better part of a year to declare an Imperial Emergency and suspend elections.

But, given the lack of testosterone exhibited by The Great American Apologist.....would he have the balls? Would Moochelle let him have any of those little things?

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