IF he could, would Obama get re-elected?

He still has the better part of a year to declare an Imperial Emergency and suspend elections.

But, given the lack of testosterone exhibited by The Great American Apologist.....would he have the balls? Would Moochelle let him have any of those little things?

Sure.....run, hide, stock up on firearms......LOL
He still has the better part of a year to declare an Imperial Emergency and suspend elections.

But, given the lack of testosterone exhibited by The Great American Apologist.....would he have the balls? Would Moochelle let him have any of those little things?

Sure.....run, hide, stock up on firearms......LOL
No. Americans are tired of being governed by a dictator with an attitude of my way or the highway mindset. He does not understand that the President proposes and Congress disposes. His approach of if Congress does not act on what I want I will do it alone. Totally unconstitutional!
I think Obama should consider himself lucky if he is allowed to finish his present term. His next term should be in a federal prison.

Ronald Reagan sold weapons to Iran in violation of the Constitution - and he used the money to fund an illegal war in Central America.

He should have been impeached and put in prison.

Yet, he is celebrated as hero (by people like you).

In other words, voters (like you) tend to overlook, rationalize, or ignore the criminality and impeachable offenses committed by the "home team".

So you don't really have a leg to stand on.

Ronald Reagan sold weapons to Iran in violation of the Constitution - and he used the money to fund an illegal war in Central America.

He should have been impeached and put in prison.

Yet, he is celebrated as hero (by people like you).

In other words, voters (like you) tend to overlook, rationalize, or ignore the criminality and impeachable offenses committed by the "home team".

So you don't really have a leg to stand on.

Thanks....But not only that, as of this year, Obama has issued 194 EOs, whereas GWB signed 291 in 8 years in office....Obama would have to sign 7 or 8 EOs per month during his last year in office, just to match GWB.
I really want to see all of you Clintonistas with your asses hanging if Bernie kicks her ass in Iowa and New Hampshire!

What will be the excuse then?

In the 2004, she gets beat by a no-name black freshman Senator from Illinois and then gets beat by a no-name white Socialist who is older than dirt Senator from Vermont! That's the epitome of incompetence!

Careful there, both your misogyny and racism is poking through.....

Again, I'm no fan of Hillary....HOWEVER, even her husband lost Iowa and NH and STILL managed to win the presidency for 2 terms.

Sanders, unfortunately, has no to little support in SC and NV, the next 2 crucial states in the primaries.

Sanders has no respect among anyone with good common sense.
I think Obama should consider himself lucky if he is allowed to finish his present term. His next term should be in a federal prison.

Ronald Reagan sold weapons to Iran in violation of the Constitution - and he used the money to fund an illegal war in Central America.

He should have been impeached and put in prison.

Yet, he is celebrated as hero (by people like you).

In other words, voters (like you) tend to overlook, rationalize, or ignore the criminality and impeachable offenses committed by the "home team".

So you don't really have a leg to stand on.


Bill Clinton was impeached for violating the law and his supporters said that was wrong. In other words, what you said just applying to the other side.
Bill Clinton was impeached for violating the law

Clinton was impeached by hypocritical zealots and his biggest mistake was to cover up a sexual affair instead of telling his enemies to go screw themselves.
Obviously, Obama can't run again...but the answer to the question posed in the title's thread should thoroughly "upset' the most rabid of Obama's critics....Could Obama win a 3rd term if he could run (and would want to)?

Since Obama's critics like to contend that a Hillary Clinton's election is tantamount to the continuation of Obama's policies, AND since it is very likely that the Senate could revert to Dems. hands this November, the question posed is valid.
Sure he would, he nothing but a POS career politician. Corruption is the backbone of Obama's politics reelection was a key to it.

Ronald Reagan sold weapons to Iran in violation of the Constitution - and he used the money to fund an illegal war in Central America.

He should have been impeached and put in prison.

Yet, he is celebrated as hero (by people like you).

In other words, voters (like you) tend to overlook, rationalize, or ignore the criminality and impeachable offenses committed by the "home team".

So you don't really have a leg to stand on.

You failed to back up any of your claims. You don't have a mind to operate with.
Bill Clinton was impeached for violating the law

Clinton was impeached by hypocritical zealots and his biggest mistake was to cover up a sexual affair instead of telling his enemies to go screw themselves.
If slick willy did not act like a punk ass frat boy all his life, there would not be an impeachment. Single term limits would all but stop this childish behavior.
Just because these POS career politicians want nothing to do with their spouses... There is no reason for them keeping their current status.

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