If Hillary runs she may win 45 states

Regardless of whether Hillary runs or not, it is getting highly improbable of any Republican winning the White House

George Bush barely reached 270 in his two victories. He needed to win both Florida and Ohio to do it. Bush polled well with Hispanics and moderates.

Republicans have not done well with demographics. They have sacrificed the Hispanic vote to hold the TeaTard vote. They have alienated women

Their ability to reach 270 is slipping away

They have to swing 64 electoral votes; they don't seem to know where they are coming from....


Bush barely got to 270 and he had good support among Hispanics. Republicans blocking immigration reform will not help them

In 2012, Republicans got 45% of the womans vote. Given recent Republican attitudes towards women and Democrats running a woman and that goes down to 40%

No way for Republicans to reach 270
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Regardless of whether Hillary runs or not, it is getting highly improbable of any Republican winning the White House

George Bush barely reached 270 in his two victories. He needed to win both Florida and Ohio to do it. Bush polled well with Hispanics and moderates.

Republicans have not done well with demographics. They have sacrificed the Hispanic vote to hold the TeaTard vote. They have alienated women

Their ability to reach 270 is slipping away

They have to swing 64 electoral votes; they don't seem to know where they are coming from....


Bush barely got to 270 and he had good support among Hispanics. Republicans blocking immigration reform will not help them

In 2012, Republicans got 45% of the womans vote. Given recent Republican attitudes towards women and Democrats running a woman and that goes down to 40%

No way for Republicans to reach 270

Should Democrats be allowed to control polling places and vote counting?
Can the Republicans build on Rove's brain thing? So far that seems to be their best bet. I think Benghazi is a Democratic trap and it could bite em. Is Bill Clinton an asset or a detriment? If Republicans get in a bind they could try the birth certificate thing again.
Can the Republicans build on Rove's brain thing? So far that seems to be their best bet. I think Benghazi is a Democratic trap and it could bite em. Is Bill Clinton an asset or a detriment? If Republicans get in a bind they could try the birth certificate thing again.

I look for a new breed of "birthers" demanding to see Hillary's MRI

Benghazi is a dead horse that will make Republicans look like they are using the terrorist attacks killing brave Americans for political gain

Bill Clinton is one of Hillarys strongest assets
The worst part for Republicans is that Hillary kicks ass in Florida. She even outpolls Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio

You take 29 Electoral Votes off the table and Hillary strolls into the White House

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 Presidential Polls

She outpolls Bush by 8, Rubio by 12, Christie, Paul and Huckabee by 18 and Cruz by 24.

Dear GOP, please run Cruz.

thank you.

Cruz will be a big enough pain in the ass by attacking the loyalty of other Republicans to bring down Republican chances even further

Will Cruz put aside his immense ego for the good of the party? I doubt it
Can the Republicans build on Rove's brain thing? So far that seems to be their best bet. I think Benghazi is a Democratic trap and it could bite em. Is Bill Clinton an asset or a detriment? If Republicans get in a bind they could try the birth certificate thing again.

No, their best bet is pointing out the failure of virtually every Democrat policy enacted over the last 5 years.
Stimulus, economy, Obamacare, foreign policy. Every one a failure.
The worst part for Republicans is that Hillary kicks ass in Florida. She even outpolls Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio

You take 29 Electoral Votes off the table and Hillary strolls into the White House

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 Presidential Polls

She outpolls Bush by 8, Rubio by 12, Christie, Paul and Huckabee by 18 and Cruz by 24.

Dear GOP, please run Cruz.

thank you.

Who's "She", Liz Warren?

Of course he means Hillary.
A poll taken 2 years before the event is meaningless--an indication of name recognition.
In 2006 I am sure polls showed Hillary winning all 57 states. Plus one more and Alaska and Hawaii.
Regardless of whether Hillary runs or not, it is getting highly improbable of any Republican winning the White House

George Bush barely reached 270 in his two victories. He needed to win both Florida and Ohio to do it. Bush polled well with Hispanics and moderates.

Republicans have not done well with demographics. They have sacrificed the Hispanic vote to hold the TeaTard vote. They have alienated women

Their ability to reach 270 is slipping away

The nonliving helped Obama carry the swing states in 2012

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

Nope. Already proven that that was not the case. Fuggeaboudit. Enjoy your butthurt.
It'll all depends on Hillary's drop in popularity (currently below 50%). If it continues the way it has lately, mainly due to Benghazi, and who knows what the committee will uncover, she will be in for a rude awakening if she runs.

The Clintons are favorably viewed by more than 6 of 10 Americans.

Bill and Chelsea as part of America's favorite family campaigning for Hillary will be very favorable.
As a family, they may be viewed favorably, however by herself, Hillary is having some real issues. Her popularity is the lowest it's been since 2008, and dropping.

A new poll shows former secretary of state Hillary Clinton's (D) numbers hitting their lowest point in six years.

Meanwhile, it finds that the Republican Party is experiencing something of a renaissance.

Hillary Clinton's Numbers Worst Since 2008

Attacking Hillary without looking at the context will lead to a smashing defeat for the GOP.

She can be beaten, I think, but not the way the far right wants.

America is simply tired to death of the cauterwauling and gloom and doom Joe Btfsplk approach: well meaning but a walking catastrophe from the reactionary Far Right.
Regardless of whether Hillary runs or not, it is getting highly improbable of any Republican winning the White House

George Bush barely reached 270 in his two victories. He needed to win both Florida and Ohio to do it. Bush polled well with Hispanics and moderates.

Republicans have not done well with demographics. They have sacrificed the Hispanic vote to hold the TeaTard vote. They have alienated women

Their ability to reach 270 is slipping away

The nonliving helped Obama carry the swing states in 2012

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

Nope. Already proven that that was not the case. Fuggeaboudit. Enjoy your butthurt.

Voting Records Raise Questions After Mummified Body Found « CBS Detroit

How did Obama get 110% of the vote in Democrat Controlled districts in Philly where Romney didn't get a single vote?
The Clintons are favorably viewed by more than 6 of 10 Americans.

Bill and Chelsea as part of America's favorite family campaigning for Hillary will be very favorable.
As a family, they may be viewed favorably, however by herself, Hillary is having some real issues. Her popularity is the lowest it's been since 2008, and dropping.

A new poll shows former secretary of state Hillary Clinton's (D) numbers hitting their lowest point in six years.

Meanwhile, it finds that the Republican Party is experiencing something of a renaissance.

Hillary Clinton's Numbers Worst Since 2008

Attacking Hillary without looking at the context will lead to a smashing defeat for the GOP.

She can be beaten, I think, but not the way the far right wants.

America is simply tired to death of the cauterwauling and gloom and doom Joe Btfsplk approach: well meaning but a walking catastrophe from the reactionary Far Right.


Starkey for Hillary 2016!
The far left is actually the reactionary wing of modern politics as in thought leading to new ideas has eluded them since the 1880s.
The Clintons are favorably viewed by more than 6 of 10 Americans.

Bill and Chelsea as part of America's favorite family campaigning for Hillary will be very favorable.
As a family, they may be viewed favorably, however by herself, Hillary is having some real issues. Her popularity is the lowest it's been since 2008, and dropping.

A new poll shows former secretary of state Hillary Clinton's (D) numbers hitting their lowest point in six years.

Meanwhile, it finds that the Republican Party is experiencing something of a renaissance.

Hillary Clinton's Numbers Worst Since 2008

Attacking Hillary without looking at the context will lead to a smashing defeat for the GOP.

She can be beaten, I think, but not the way the far right wants.

America is simply tired to death of the cauterwauling and gloom and doom Joe Btfsplk approach: well meaning but a walking catastrophe from the reactionary Far Right.

Rove's brain injury statement only fortifies my belief that the GOP is not interested in winning. If they were, they would be building their people up instead of always trying to bring someone else down. That party is no longer the GOP that wanted the best for America. It is now a party of voter suppression, obstruction, exclusion, and only gerrymandering is keeping it alive. But with the changing demographics, it won't matter much longer.
The far left is actually the reactionary wing of modern politics as in thought leading to new ideas has eluded them since the 1880s.

Your statement is misleading. The TP and the GOP are the ones that are longing for the good old days of the old white man majority. Those days are gone and will never be seen in the US again. Sorry....:mad:
Most young people that are paying out the nose for medical care thanks to Obama don't give a shit about some senile old hag like Hillary.

I hope she runs for the Democraps, because they will lose.....you need to run some HIV infected transvestite black Hispanic that plays pro soccer....

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