If Hillary runs she may win 45 states


It's Statistheilhitler, revealing his statism.
Yes, Roosevelt got elected. Amazing what happens when you promise free shit to ignorant people. Of course Americans suffered more under Roosevelt than under any other president, since his policies prolonged and deepened the Depression.
No wonder Obamabots love him.

Wow, the scary thing is this is how Rabbid actually thinks.

FDR took the worse economic crisis in history, managed to turn the economy around while still maintaining American Democracy, and put the country in a position where we could turn the tide in WWII and finish the war as the dominant economic power.

"But, but, but, he required a minimum wage and social security. He hated my freedom!"

Okay, seriously, guy, get over yourself. This argument was lost by your side 80 years ago. The GOP was sane when it admitted as much under Ike and Nixon and yes, even Reagan.
^^Joe displaying his public school education.

sorry, man, I went to Catholic schools and then on to a university.

But that's okay, guy, All those history books are wrong and whatever shit you heard on Hate Radio is right.
It's Statistheilhitler, revealing his statism.
Yes, Roosevelt got elected. Amazing what happens when you promise free shit to ignorant people. Of course Americans suffered more under Roosevelt than under any other president, since his policies prolonged and deepened the Depression.
No wonder Obamabots love him.

Rabbi still spouting his "Prosperity is just around the corner" meme

Hoover tried that one. Let the economy self correct. How much worse can it get? Hands off government is the best government

Guess what? The Depression got worse

FDR understood that the Depression wasn't about economic indicators or trends. The Depression was about the American people suffering and yes, the Government needed to do something about it

Revisionist history that the depression would have fixed itself faster if FDR did nothing is pure rightwing fantasy

Hoover was a progressive who sought to stop the Depression by infrastructure spending and stimulus.
Facts are tough on the stupid.

You are almost half-right here. But only "almost". Indeed, Hoover identified himself with the "progessive" wing of YOUR party, the Republican party, but the definition of the terms have changed with time. His vision of Progressivism was private-public cooperation.

What Hoover did was far too little, far too late. And it cost him his re-election campaign.

FDR vastly stepped up what Hoover started, and the economy began to mend. Kudos to FDR.

So, you are right: facts are tough on the stupid. Especially stupid wanna-be-Rabbis.

Of course, all of that is pretty far from the title and intent of this thread:

If Hillary runs she may win 45 states,

which is about the here-and-now, and not about Herbert Hoover.

So, now I'm off to work. Keep screaming, Rabbi, maybe one day someone will hear your pleas for help.
That's called RW whackadoodle logic.

There are, however, some sane Righties out there who know not to use this type of silly argument. They're just hard to find.

That's actually called "looking at the facts of the situation". Smart people can look at two things that appear similar and discern differences.
You can't.

Still trying your hardest to fart out a thought now and then, eh, Rabbi-boy? The only facts you see are your own personal rabies.

Fact is that many, many more US personnel died under a number of other administrations than this one. That is factually proven. You don't like it? Tough shit for you. Actually, your very behavior proves why this OP, with the title:

If Hillary runs she may win 45 states


Hillary is not going to win 45 states, but she is already running away with it; polling is proving that very consistently and has been now for over 16 months, and a lot of it is due to RW whackadoodles like you who say crazy shit like that.

So, thanks for your help.

Republicans run Ted Cruz and Hillary wins 45 states

Republicans run Jeb Bush and she wins 27 and 300 EV. Everyone else is somewhere in between

Any way you slice it, Republicans can't get to 270

It's Statistheilhitler, revealing his statism.
Yes, Roosevelt got elected. Amazing what happens when you promise free shit to ignorant people. Of course Americans suffered more under Roosevelt than under any other president, since his policies prolonged and deepened the Depression.
No wonder Obamabots love him.

Wow, the scary thing is this is how Rabbid actually thinks.

FDR took the worse economic crisis in history, managed to turn the economy around while still maintaining American Democracy, and put the country in a position where we could turn the tide in WWII and finish the war as the dominant economic power.

"But, but, but, he required a minimum wage and social security. He hated my freedom!"

Okay, seriously, guy, get over yourself. This argument was lost by your side 80 years ago. The GOP was sane when it admitted as much under Ike and Nixon and yes, even Reagan.

That's actually called "looking at the facts of the situation". Smart people can look at two things that appear similar and discern differences.
You can't.

Still trying your hardest to fart out a thought now and then, eh, Rabbi-boy? The only facts you see are your own personal rabies.

Fact is that many, many more US personnel died under a number of other administrations than this one. That is factually proven. You don't like it? Tough shit for you. Actually, your very behavior proves why this OP, with the title:

If Hillary runs she may win 45 states


Hillary is not going to win 45 states, but she is already running away with it; polling is proving that very consistently and has been now for over 16 months, and a lot of it is due to RW whackadoodles like you who say crazy shit like that.

So, thanks for your help.

Republicans run Ted Cruz and Hillary wins 45 states

Republicans run Jeb Bush and she wins 27 and 300 EV

Any way you slice it, Republicans can't get to 270

that assessment is probably accurate at this point in time. i'm just not a big fan of declaring victory this early. at this point in 2006, i'd have said she'd be president as well.... which isn't to say a republican who is wingnutty enough to get through the GOP primary can ever win a national election.
FDR was in a wheelchair and beat the shit out of Republicans four times

And how, [MENTION=20321]rightwinger[/MENTION]

1932: FDR 57.41%, Hoover 39.65%, other 2.94%. Margin: FDR +17.76%
1936: FDR 60.80%, Landon 36.54%, other 2.66%. Margin: FDR +24.66%
1940: FDR 54.72%, Willkie 44.77%, other 0.50%. Margin: FDR +9.95%
1944: FDR 53.39%, Dewey 45.89%, other 0.72%. Margin: FDR +7.49%

Even in his worst election (1944), he still did better than any Republican has since 1984. And his best election (1936) is only surpassed by Harding 1920 and Coolidge 1924 in margin and by LBJ 1964 in winning margin.

Poor Republicans. They keep making the same mistakes all over again, but expect different results.

I believe that is the definition of insanity.

The sad part is that their strategy for winning is.....Hillary is OLD, Hillary is UGLY
Ha...Ha.....Hillary in a wheelchair

Kind of sad, isn't it...

It's Statistheilhitler, revealing his statism.
Yes, Roosevelt got elected. Amazing what happens when you promise free shit to ignorant people. Of course Americans suffered more under Roosevelt than under any other president, since his policies prolonged and deepened the Depression.
No wonder Obamabots love him.

Wow, the scary thing is this is how Rabbid actually thinks.

FDR took the worse economic crisis in history, managed to turn the economy around while still maintaining American Democracy, and put the country in a position where we could turn the tide in WWII and finish the war as the dominant economic power.

"But, but, but, he required a minimum wage and social security. He hated my freedom!"

Okay, seriously, guy, get over yourself. This argument was lost by your side 80 years ago. The GOP was sane when it admitted as much under Ike and Nixon and yes, even Reagan.

he doesn't actually think
Of all the candidates out there I think to date she would serve us best. I want you to focus on something. "serve us best".

I want to cry when I look at the field. But I do believe in one thing. Hilary is a died in the wool American dedicated to America and she is not without her screw ups but she is first and foremost a daughter of the country and a sister to the soul of this nation.

This is hard for me. But I'm trying to be honest. Clinton vs Warren? I mean hells bells here I'm changing the grandkids diapers and smiling!!!!!

You had a chance conservatives a few years ago to really run for the roses. You didn't. So now you have to choose between your losers.

And you only have yourself to blame.

Hilary is a died in the wool

ha ha ha ha :lmao:ooooh, how i wish she will die in the wool.., ha ha ha ha ha ha :lmao: ... :lmao:

It's Statistheilhitler, revealing his statism.
Yes, Roosevelt got elected. Amazing what happens when you promise free shit to ignorant people. Of course Americans suffered more under Roosevelt than under any other president, since his policies prolonged and deepened the Depression.
No wonder Obamabots love him.

Wow, the scary thing is this is how Rabbid actually thinks.

FDR took the worse economic crisis in history, managed to turn the economy around while still maintaining American Democracy, and put the country in a position where we could turn the tide in WWII and finish the war as the dominant economic power.

"But, but, but, he required a minimum wage and social security. He hated my freedom!"

Okay, seriously, guy, get over yourself. This argument was lost by your side 80 years ago. The GOP was sane when it admitted as much under Ike and Nixon and yes, even Reagan.

Josef, FDRs economic record was worse than the 7 Biblical Lean Years. His abuse of government power gave us 20% unemployment from his inauguration until his fellow fascist brother Hitler conquered France in 1940

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Regardless of whether Hillary runs or not, it is getting highly improbable of any Republican winning the White House

George Bush barely reached 270 in his two victories. He needed to win both Florida and Ohio to do it. Bush polled well with Hispanics and moderates.

Republicans have not done well with demographics. They have sacrificed the Hispanic vote to hold the TeaTard vote. They have alienated women

Their ability to reach 270 is slipping away
Regardless of whether Hillary runs or not, it is getting highly improbable of any Republican winning the White House

George Bush barely reached 270 in his two victories. He needed to win both Florida and Ohio to do it. Bush polled well with Hispanics and moderates.

Republicans have not done well with demographics. They have sacrificed the Hispanic vote to hold the TeaTard vote. They have alienated women

Their ability to reach 270 is slipping away

The nonliving helped Obama carry the swing states in 2012

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Regardless of whether Hillary runs or not, it is getting highly improbable of any Republican winning the White House

George Bush barely reached 270 in his two victories. He needed to win both Florida and Ohio to do it. Bush polled well with Hispanics and moderates.

Republicans have not done well with demographics. They have sacrificed the Hispanic vote to hold the TeaTard vote. They have alienated women

Their ability to reach 270 is slipping away

They have to swing 64 electoral votes; they don't seem to know where they are coming from....


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