If Hillary runs she may win 45 states

OK, Hillary is going to run on:

The shrinking labor force.

The reduced non-healthcare consumption caused by Obamacare.

Reduced employment in healthcare. Reading is fundamental, reducing the cost of a service reduces employment by definition.

She is also going to overcome the steadily declining finances of blue states.

How will she do this? That's a secret.
Benghazi will mean nothing in the 2016 campaign, except to maybe 17 far right reactionaries. The rest of America knows the truth about it: bad security because of both parties, rescue assets too far away, an ambassador who thought he would be safe there, and faulty reporting that led to bad assessment and planning. Just like the situations when embassies were attacked during the Clinton and Bush administrations. And, no, "talking points" will end up be laughing points against the far right. This a Gowdy invasion that won't make even to the beach.

And I will do to you what the rest of America will do when you try it. Laugh at your idiocy and not be back.
Gee, this post is utter paranoia. Joe Biden is hinting at a run as well. By the way, aren't you going to call him a misogynist for attacking her legacy? I mean hey, he just did attack a woman's credentials. Time to start using that "war on women" stuff on your own guy now. When that happens, it will make the Democratic party look patently idiotic.

Either Biden or Hillary will beat the best available GOP candidate

Wishful thinking. Biden is a clown (shoot your shotgun in the air!), and Hillary obviously has a case of dementia from that slip and fall she had before a Benghazi hearing. Funny how she won't label Boko Haram a terrorist group... or blame terrorists for attacking the consulate in Benghazi.
So, you no longer think she faked the fall?
OK, Hillary is going to run on:

The shrinking labor force.

The reduced non-healthcare consumption caused by Obamacare.

Reduced employment in healthcare. Reading is fundamental, reducing the cost of a service reduces employment by definition.

She is also going to overcome the steadily declining finances of blue states.

How will she do this? That's a secret.

and the resetting (overcharge) of relations with Russia
Brent Budowsky: Clinton can win 45 states | TheHill

While the GOP looks downward and backward in its negative politics of derision, aiming its appeal to an extremist faction, Clinton reaches outward and forward in her positive politics of opportunity, aiming her appeal to the nation at large. If she runs in 2016, she could well carry 45 states and sweep into office many Democrats running for the House, Senate and governorships.

I see a few extra sleeping pills for you RWers tonight....:badgrin:

The guy pulled that 45 state figure out of his ass.

However, I do see the GOP continuing to sabotage itself to the Democratic Party's benefit. The GOP continues to be a suicide cult. It's only successes today are due to the superior ideology and behavior of its glorious past. The dead husk it has become today is coasting on past performance, and heavily dependent on deep amnesia in the ranks of the rubes. Today, the Right is a pack of pessimists whining and complaining non-stop. Beating up on Mexicans, and gays, and blacks, and Muslims, and the poor on a daily basis. Riding the ObamaCare-Benghazi-ObamaCare-Benghazi circus merry-to-round until the American people will be entirely sick of hearing their whining.

In the meantime, the Democratic candidate (Hillary, perhaps) will be informing the American people exactly what plans they have for the future of the country.

There will be two choices on the 2016 ballot. The Republican candidate will a whiner who no one has any clue what they will do if they get power, but who has hordes of partisan hacks behind him who have manufactured a sky high mountain of bullshit about their opponent.

The Democratic candidate will be someone who has unequivocally stated exactly what they will do going foward, and it will be a very expensive plan.

Voters will be divided into five groups.

1) People who would have voted Republican but who are so repulsed by the modern day GOP they decide to stay home.

2) Brainwashed rubes who will vote Republican even if Adolf Hitler somehow ended up at the top of the ticket.

3) Brainwashed rubes who will vote Democratic even if Joseph Stalin somehow ended up at the top of the ticket.

4) Brainwashed rubes who have drank so much manufactured bullshit about one party's candidate they do not cast a vote for a candidate, but rather cast a vote against a candidate. They will vote for the "lesser of two evils" without ever realizing they are still voting for evil.

5) People who would have voted Democratic but who are so repulsed by the modern day Democratic Party they decide to stay home.

The election will be decided by 1) and 5).
In order for Republicans to appeal to their base, they have to campaign on a platform of small government, reducing costs, and low taxes. It doesn't take a very smart voter to realize that can mean cutting programs that they depend on such as government contracts, entitlement spending, military spending, and infrastructure.

Republicans have to run on a platform of political philosophies, small government, less spending, less government regulations, and shifting power to the states. If they promise anything specific which is what voters want to hear, they loose votes. So they have to run a negative campaign attacking Democrat proposals, promising voters what they won't do while not promising them what they will do.

I don't think most voters can buy into the idea that a person campaigning for the presidency of the largest business in the world, the US government will reduce the size and scope of the business if elected. It's just not going to happen and most voter know it.
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I'm surprised they're going to allow the (white woman) who they made a loser once already run for President

and Joey Biden-white man

I mean, where's all that diversity in that big tent they claim they are the owners of?
I'm surprised they're going to allow the (white woman) who they made a loser once already run for President

and Joey Biden-white man

I mean, where's all that diversity in that big tent they claim they are the owners of?

I truly believe that whomever the democrats run - it won't make a difference. The democrats are going to be in the "back of the bus" for the next 10 or so years. This country has finally awakened to their agenda - and they aren't having any more of it.
I'm surprised they're going to allow the (white woman) who they made a loser once already run for President

and Joey Biden-white man

I mean, where's all that diversity in that big tent they claim they are the owners of?

I truly believe that whomever the democrats run - it won't make a difference. The democrats are going to be in the "back of the bus" for the next 10 or so years. This country has finally awakened to their agenda - and they aren't having any more of it.

Ooohkay, you tell yourself that.

Reality, the only reason the GOP is going to do well this year is all the Senate Elections are in red states.

This is the "Special Olympics Midterm". Even if you win, you're still retarded.
This is funny! I have been away from the computer and when I finally get back to this thread, you RWers are vomiting from the mouth over a prediction about Hillary. This is sooooo funny!!!

I apologize if I have caused any of you great gastric distress. I know you are having nightmares about Hillary, and a silly yet fairy accurate, prediction like this might just cause eternal overactive colons for many of you. I have one simple word for you. It will lessen the dramatic effects of this catastrophic colon event.



Like I said, the prediction prolly goes too far, but the direction is right, when you look at the numbers.

Hillary is ahead of the GOP field by double digits in: Michigan, Ohio, Pennyslvania, Virginia, Florida and New Mexico.

There aren't enough battlegrounds left for the GOP to cobble together much more than 200 EV, if at all.
Brent Budowsky: Clinton can win 45 states | TheHill

While the GOP looks downward and backward in its negative politics of derision, aiming its appeal to an extremist faction, Clinton reaches outward and forward in her positive politics of opportunity, aiming her appeal to the nation at large. If she runs in 2016, she could well carry 45 states and sweep into office many Democrats running for the House, Senate and governorships.

I see a few extra sleeping pills for you RWers tonight....:badgrin:

Will she be brought in on a wheel chair for the debates ?
The old bitch falls every other day. Senile old skank.
Benghazi will mean nothing in the 2016 campaign, except to maybe 17 far right reactionaries. The rest of America knows the truth about it: bad security because of both parties, rescue assets too far away, an ambassador who thought he would be safe there, and faulty reporting that led to bad assessment and planning. Just like the situations when embassies were attacked during the Clinton and Bush administrations. And, no, "talking points" will end up be laughing points against the far right. This a Gowdy invasion that won't make even to the beach.

And I will do to you what the rest of America will do when you try it. Laugh at your idiocy and not be back.


Picture of Jake
Brent Budowsky: Clinton can win 45 states | TheHill

While the GOP looks downward and backward in its negative politics of derision, aiming its appeal to an extremist faction, Clinton reaches outward and forward in her positive politics of opportunity, aiming her appeal to the nation at large. If she runs in 2016, she could well carry 45 states and sweep into office many Democrats running for the House, Senate and governorships.

I see a few extra sleeping pills for you RWers tonight....:badgrin:

Will she be brought in on a wheel chair for the debates ?
The old bitch falls every other day. Senile old skank.

FDR was in a wheelchair and beat the shit out of Republicans four times
Hillary Clinton Popularity Below 50% and Dropping

Her popularity is dropping, and if the trend continues, she may decide not to run.

Which Republican is she supposed to be afraid of?

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 Presidential Polls
Any Republican candidate. If the trend continues, her popularity will continue to drop, and I really believe if the Benghazi committee reveals damaging facts on her, she will not run.

By the way, Huckabee would beat Hillary in AK.

Hillary would beat Huckabee in Florida....guess who wins?
She's older than Reagan and McCain - combined. Her "proven leadership" resulted in the deaths of innocent Americans. She's married to an adulterer. She's rich, one of Hollywood's elite, born with a silver spoon up her ass. The military loathes her. Islam uses her as a fucking door mat. The world laughs at her (and Obama).

She'll make a wonderful Liberrhoid candidate.
Which Republican is she supposed to be afraid of?

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 Presidential Polls
Any Republican candidate. If the trend continues, her popularity will continue to drop, and I really believe if the Benghazi committee reveals damaging facts on her, she will not run.

By the way, Huckabee would beat Hillary in AK.

Hillary would beat Huckabee in Florida....guess who wins?
Not if she doesn't run...:D
She's older than Reagan and McCain - combined. Her "proven leadership" resulted in the deaths of innocent Americans. She's married to an adulterer. She's rich, one of Hollywood's elite, born with a silver spoon up her ass. The military loathes her. Islam uses her as a fucking door mat. The world laughs at her (and Obama).

She'll make a wonderful Liberrhoid candidate.

The Dems mocked Gingrich for having ethical baggage. Gingrich is a choir boy compared to Clinton. But Gingrich actually achieved stuff. Clinton has just occupied positions based mainly on her marriage to Bill.
No ideas.
No resume
No charisma

I say she doesn't even get the nomination.

(Welcome back, btw)

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