If Hillary runs she may win 45 states

Either Biden or Hillary will beat the best available GOP candidate

Yeah yeah yeah..
You can wish in one hand and shit in the other. see what you get first..
Look, if you do not think the GOP or other democrats don't have dirt on Clinton, you are sorely mistaken.
Benghazi is just the tip of the iceberg.
You people can scream "witch hunt" all you like. Facts are facts. And in using the lib play book, innuendo and half truths will work just as well.
Anyway, your confidence is puzzling. The country has had it with the lib/progressive agenda. it has not yielded any positive results at all.
Oh, the dems will roll out the unemployment percentage. They may even use the DJIA as a prop for their economic stance. But there is a solid counterpoint to those two items.
Your side is going to lose the US Senate. Given the red alert from even democrat strategists makes this possibility a probability. Just what do you think is going to happen in 2016? Do you think likely GOP voters are just going to all be on vacation during the first week of November?

If the best you have to beat Hillary is Benghazi, blowjobs and Vince Foster rumors, you will be soundly beaten

The Senate is still in play. If Republicans are this cocky six months out, they will blow another chance
Not surprisingly your post is non-responsive.
Yeah yeah yeah..
You can wish in one hand and shit in the other. see what you get first..
Look, if you do not think the GOP or other democrats don't have dirt on Clinton, you are sorely mistaken.
Benghazi is just the tip of the iceberg.
You people can scream "witch hunt" all you like. Facts are facts. And in using the lib play book, innuendo and half truths will work just as well.
Anyway, your confidence is puzzling. The country has had it with the lib/progressive agenda. it has not yielded any positive results at all.
Oh, the dems will roll out the unemployment percentage. They may even use the DJIA as a prop for their economic stance. But there is a solid counterpoint to those two items.
Your side is going to lose the US Senate. Given the red alert from even democrat strategists makes this possibility a probability. Just what do you think is going to happen in 2016? Do you think likely GOP voters are just going to all be on vacation during the first week of November?

If the best you have to beat Hillary is Benghazi, blowjobs and Vince Foster rumors, you will be soundly beaten

The Senate is still in play. If Republicans are this cocky six months out, they will blow another chance
Not surprisingly your post is non-responsive.

Trying to dust off your 2008 beat Hillary Playbook and screaming Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi will not work

Better come up with something better. Like maybe some new ideas?
Well for starters, she couldn't even knock off a no named Jr. Senator with zero executive experience in the 2008 primaries. Second, like Obama, she has absolutely zero accomplishments that has been beneficial to the nation as Secretary of State and her tenior as former Senator.

That no named Junior Senator, empty chair, destroyed the best available GOP candidate.....TWICE

What makes you think Hillary wouldn't?
Best GOP candidates?
Look, Mc Cain was a sacrificial lamb. His nomination got Steele fired from his job as chairman of the RNC,.
Romney lost because 3 million GOP voters that cast ballots, stayed home in 2012.
There was a report of a study done in 2011 which indicated that if the election were held then, Romney would have been the victor.
Your over confidence is remarkable. It borders on arrogance. Almost as though to you believe you could grab a convicted felon out of prison, put a (D) next to his name and win the election.

Oh, a study. I'm sure it was done by the Heritage Foundation and showed the GOP would win 538-0. Or was it done by the esteemed researches at the University of Colorado?
Brent Budowsky: Clinton can win 45 states | TheHill

While the GOP looks downward and backward in its negative politics of derision, aiming its appeal to an extremist faction, Clinton reaches outward and forward in her positive politics of opportunity, aiming her appeal to the nation at large. If she runs in 2016, she could well carry 45 states and sweep into office many Democrats running for the House, Senate and governorships.

I see a few extra sleeping pills for you RWers tonight....:badgrin:

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Obama only won 29 states the first time.. Hillary 45!!!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: you libs are too funny :cuckoo:
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Impossible, unless she runs for the GOP. I cannot envision her winning Oklahoma, Kentucky, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, South Carolina, Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, North Dakota or Texas. No matter who the democrats run, these are safe GOP states.

Wisconsin,Michigan, Ohio, Virginia and Pennsylvania have a good shot at going to the GOP candidate.
These states will go one way or the other by the slimmest of margins.
Should the GOP win those or any of those states, there will be charges of cheating from the dems and then the army of attorneys to file lawsuits.
Democrats view political office as a birthright. One can see evidence of that by the posts from left wing USMB ers. They do not even consider the possibility their candidate would lose an election.

The cultural demographics inform that you are wrong.

Women and minorities will not give the pubs the narrow minorities they need in those states if the GOP does not sincerely reach out to them. Did not happen in 2008 and we solidly lost. Did not happen in 2012 and we got ass kicked. If we do nothing again, the above states are gone, and the dems will make huge gains in the solid red states.

"The cultural demographics inform that you are wrong."
Says who?
This is typical liberal arrogance.
The idea that you believe women will vote in lockstep one way or another is Misogynistic.
What your post says is you believe that women are unable to think for themselves and unable to make their choices in an intelligent well though out manner.
Wisconsin,Michigan, Ohio, Virginia and Pennsylvania have a good shot at going to the GOP candidate.
These states will go one way or the other by the slimmest of margins.
Should the GOP win those or any of those states, there will be charges of cheating from the dems and then the army of attorneys to file lawsuits.
Democrats view political office as a birthright. One can see evidence of that by the posts from left wing USMB ers. They do not even consider the possibility their candidate would lose an election.

The cultural demographics inform that you are wrong.

Women and minorities will not give the pubs the narrow minorities they need in those states if the GOP does not sincerely reach out to them. Did not happen in 2008 and we solidly lost. Did not happen in 2012 and we got ass kicked. If we do nothing again, the above states are gone, and the dems will make huge gains in the solid red states.

"The cultural demographics inform that you are wrong."
Says who?
This is typical liberal arrogance.
The idea that you believe women will vote in lockstep one way or another is Misogynistic.
What your post says is you believe that women are unable to think for themselves and unable to make their choices in an intelligent well though out manner.

Women do not vote in lockstep. But only 45% voted Republican in the last election. Much lower numbers of women in swing states

Those are the demographics you are up against
Wisconsin,Michigan, Ohio, Virginia and Pennsylvania have a good shot at going to the GOP candidate.
These states will go one way or the other by the slimmest of margins.
Should the GOP win those or any of those states, there will be charges of cheating from the dems and then the army of attorneys to file lawsuits.
Democrats view political office as a birthright. One can see evidence of that by the posts from left wing USMB ers. They do not even consider the possibility their candidate would lose an election.

The cultural demographics inform that you are wrong.

Women and minorities will not give the pubs the narrow minorities they need in those states if the GOP does not sincerely reach out to them. Did not happen in 2008 and we solidly lost. Did not happen in 2012 and we got ass kicked. If we do nothing again, the above states are gone, and the dems will make huge gains in the solid red states.

"The cultural demographics inform that you are wrong." Says who?
You? This is typical liberal arrogance. The idea that you believe women will vote in lockstep one way or another is Misogynistic.
What your post says is you believe that women are unable to think for themselves and unable to make their choices in an intelligent well though out manner.

Your far right reactionary no information arrogance is breath taking.

When we lose 55% of all women, 66% of unmarried women, more than 70% of Hispanics, more than 90% of African-Americans, I find your comment stupid, meaning you can learn but you won't.

We will lose to the Dems if we don't change; we tried it your way and we've lost 4 of 6 presidential elections and 5 of 6 popular elections.

Truly, are you this stupid?
This is an entirely plausible Hillary EV map, assuming the current state and national polling stands:

View attachment 30129


View attachment 30130

If she really is 8-10 points ahead of the GOP field nationally, then obviously, more than 31 or 32 states are going to fall her way.

That is not a prediction on my part - yet. But with the current polling numbers, it is plausible.
Interesting. However, I cannot see some states going democrat. For instance I lived in Arizona, and even with the immigration numbers there, GOP supporters far outnumber democrat supporters. I recall outside of Tuscon, there was very little support for democrats in Arizona. Tuscon had high immigration numbers, thus support for democrats.

Here is more how I see things going in 2016...

Virginia, Ohio,Pennsylvania AND Florida go Red

Even with your optimistic estimate.Republicans barely get to 270
It'll all depends on Hillary's drop in popularity (currently below 50%). If it continues the way it has lately, mainly due to Benghazi, and who knows what the committee will uncover, she will be in for a rude awakening if she runs.
The cultural demographics inform that you are wrong.

Women and minorities will not give the pubs the narrow minorities they need in those states if the GOP does not sincerely reach out to them. Did not happen in 2008 and we solidly lost. Did not happen in 2012 and we got ass kicked. If we do nothing again, the above states are gone, and the dems will make huge gains in the solid red states.

"The cultural demographics inform that you are wrong." Says who?
You? This is typical liberal arrogance. The idea that you believe women will vote in lockstep one way or another is Misogynistic.
What your post says is you believe that women are unable to think for themselves and unable to make their choices in an intelligent well though out manner.

Your far right reactionary no information arrogance is breath taking.

When we lose 55% of all women, 66% of unmarried women, more than 70% of Hispanics, more than 90% of African-Americans, I find your comment stupid, meaning you can learn but you won't.

We will lose to the Dems if we don't change; we tried it your way and we've lost 4 of 6 presidential elections and 5 of 6 popular elections.

Truly, are you this stupid?

He is spouting the party line. Republicans don't care about demographics. They treat everyone the same. Black, white, Hispanic, woman, male, as long as you are wealthy, they treat you the same
There has never been a democrat party this destructive before. Don't count on Hillary winning the pussy vote. Women are vicious when it comes to fat dumpy women.
Interesting. However, I cannot see some states going democrat. For instance I lived in Arizona, and even with the immigration numbers there, GOP supporters far outnumber democrat supporters. I recall outside of Tuscon, there was very little support for democrats in Arizona. Tuscon had high immigration numbers, thus support for democrats.

Here is more how I see things going in 2016...

Virginia, Ohio,Pennsylvania AND Florida go Red

Even with your optimistic estimate.Republicans barely get to 270
It'll all depends on Hillary's drop in popularity (currently below 50%). If it continues the way it has lately, mainly due to Benghazi, and who knows what the committee will uncover, she will be in for a rude awakening if she runs.

Can you show that poll?

Every poll I see shows Hillary beating prospective Republucan challengers by a wide margin
Interesting. However, I cannot see some states going democrat. For instance I lived in Arizona, and even with the immigration numbers there, GOP supporters far outnumber democrat supporters. I recall outside of Tuscon, there was very little support for democrats in Arizona. Tuscon had high immigration numbers, thus support for democrats.

Here is more how I see things going in 2016...

Virginia, Ohio,Pennsylvania AND Florida go Red

Even with your optimistic estimate.Republicans barely get to 270
It'll all depends on Hillary's drop in popularity (currently below 50%). If it continues the way it has lately, mainly due to Benghazi, and who knows what the committee will uncover, she will be in for a rude awakening if she runs.

The Clintons are favorably viewed by more than 6 of 10 Americans.

Bill and Chelsea as part of America's favorite family campaigning for Hillary will be very favorable.
Gee, this post is utter paranoia. Joe Biden is hinting at a run as well. By the way, aren't you going to call him a misogynist for attacking her legacy? I mean hey, he just did attack a woman's credentials. Time to start using that "war on women" stuff on your own guy now. When that happens, it will make the Democratic party look patently idiotic.

Either Biden or Hillary will beat the best available GOP candidate

Biden? He's borderline retarded.

Interesting. However, I cannot see some states going democrat. For instance I lived in Arizona, and even with the immigration numbers there, GOP supporters far outnumber democrat supporters. I recall outside of Tuscon, there was very little support for democrats in Arizona. Tuscon had high immigration numbers, thus support for democrats.

Here is more how I see things going in 2016...

Virginia, Ohio,Pennsylvania AND Florida go Red

Even with your optimistic estimate.Republicans barely get to 270
It'll all depends on Hillary's drop in popularity (currently below 50%). If it continues the way it has lately, mainly due to Benghazi, and who knows what the committee will uncover, she will be in for a rude awakening if she runs.

Isn't this the same Hillary Clinton that was fired from the Watergate investigation? And lied about coming under sniper fire? And used that awful black accent? That Hillary Clinton?
Virginia, Ohio,Pennsylvania AND Florida go Red

Even with your optimistic estimate.Republicans barely get to 270
It'll all depends on Hillary's drop in popularity (currently below 50%). If it continues the way it has lately, mainly due to Benghazi, and who knows what the committee will uncover, she will be in for a rude awakening if she runs.

The Clintons are favorably viewed by more than 6 of 10 Americans.

Bill and Chelsea as part of America's favorite family campaigning for Hillary will be very favorable.

Oh palease.. the Clintons are pathological, lying political whores that would sell their own for power.
Soggy, I know you are unhappy, but you understand numbers.

The majority will support Clinton unless we get immigration reform passed and make nice with women.
Virginia, Ohio,Pennsylvania AND Florida go Red

Even with your optimistic estimate.Republicans barely get to 270
It'll all depends on Hillary's drop in popularity (currently below 50%). If it continues the way it has lately, mainly due to Benghazi, and who knows what the committee will uncover, she will be in for a rude awakening if she runs.

Isn't this the same Hillary Clinton that was fired from the Watergate investigation? And lied about coming under sniper fire? And used that awful black accent? That Hillary Clinton?

Is that really in your "beat Hillary" plan?

Might play on Fox but fizzles elsewhere

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