If Hillary runs she may win 45 states

The nonliving helped Obama carry the swing states in 2012

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

Nope. Already proven that that was not the case. Fuggeaboudit. Enjoy your butthurt.

Voting Records Raise Questions After Mummified Body Found « CBS Detroit

How did Obama get 110% of the vote in Democrat Controlled districts in Philly where Romney didn't get a single vote?

From your link:

According to a report in the Detroit Free Press, records show Farrenkopf as voting in the November 2010 gubernatorial election. Officials say, however, that it may represent an administrative error. Oakland County Sheriff Mike Bouchard says the information must be checked out.

That article is two months old. You were unable to find an update, what?

As for Philly, in no precinct was there 110% voting. That is a lie.

With absentee registration and provisional ballots, in states where same day registration is allowed, then there cannot be any "over 100%" voting to begin with. You do understand that, right?

There are, however, at least six precincts in Philly where there are less than 4 registered Republicans on the rolls to begin with. This was reported in both 2008 and 2012,

You are going to have to get a little more creative with the butthurt complex. This is far to transparent. Fish in the bucket.
Most young people that are paying out the nose for medical care thanks to Obama don't give a shit about some senile old hag like Hillary.

I hope she runs for the Democraps, because they will lose.....you need to run some HIV infected transvestite black Hispanic that plays pro soccer....

What, are you running for the DEMS? Wow.
Nope. Already proven that that was not the case. Fuggeaboudit. Enjoy your butthurt.

Voting Records Raise Questions After Mummified Body Found « CBS Detroit

How did Obama get 110% of the vote in Democrat Controlled districts in Philly where Romney didn't get a single vote?

From your link:

According to a report in the Detroit Free Press, records show Farrenkopf as voting in the November 2010 gubernatorial election. Officials say, however, that it may represent an administrative error. Oakland County Sheriff Mike Bouchard says the information must be checked out.

That article is two months old. You were unable to find an update, what?

As for Philly, in no precinct was there 110% voting. That is a lie.

With absentee registration and provisional ballots, in states where same day registration is allowed, then there cannot be any "over 100%" voting to begin with. You do understand that, right?

There are, however, at least six precincts in Philly where there are less than 4 registered Republicans on the rolls to begin with. This was reported in both 2008 and 2012,

You are going to have to get a little more creative with the butthurt complex. This is far to transparent. Fish in the bucket.

This is Frank

He knows it is a lie, that is why he keeps repeating it
Voting Records Raise Questions After Mummified Body Found « CBS Detroit

How did Obama get 110% of the vote in Democrat Controlled districts in Philly where Romney didn't get a single vote?

From your link:

According to a report in the Detroit Free Press, records show Farrenkopf as voting in the November 2010 gubernatorial election. Officials say, however, that it may represent an administrative error. Oakland County Sheriff Mike Bouchard says the information must be checked out.

That article is two months old. You were unable to find an update, what?

As for Philly, in no precinct was there 110% voting. That is a lie.

With absentee registration and provisional ballots, in states where same day registration is allowed, then there cannot be any "over 100%" voting to begin with. You do understand that, right?

There are, however, at least six precincts in Philly where there are less than 4 registered Republicans on the rolls to begin with. This was reported in both 2008 and 2012,

You are going to have to get a little more creative with the butthurt complex. This is far to transparent. Fish in the bucket.

This is Frank

He knows it is a lie, that is why he keeps repeating it

But sometimes it's fun to humor him.
From your link:

That article is two months old. You were unable to find an update, what?

As for Philly, in no precinct was there 110% voting. That is a lie.

With absentee registration and provisional ballots, in states where same day registration is allowed, then there cannot be any "over 100%" voting to begin with. You do understand that, right?

There are, however, at least six precincts in Philly where there are less than 4 registered Republicans on the rolls to begin with. This was reported in both 2008 and 2012,

You are going to have to get a little more creative with the butthurt complex. This is far to transparent. Fish in the bucket.

This is Frank

He knows it is a lie, that is why he keeps repeating it

But sometimes it's fun to humor him.

Crusader Frank is here to post shit that pisses off Liberals. It gives him a hard-on. Whether it is true or not is irrelevant.
The far left is actually the reactionary wing of modern politics as in thought leading to new ideas has eluded them since the 1880s.

Your statement is misleading. The TP and the GOP are the ones that are longing for the good old days of the old white man majority. Those days are gone and will never be seen in the US again. Sorry....:mad:

LOl, I think Bush's administration had more minorities in it than Obama's
and you have the never to spout that stupid shit
you all are so out of everything now it's, your fellow white countrymen and women are you all's enemy, too
race and class warfare is all you low life's subjects for the Democrats is your bread and butter to beat people over the head with

but Obama an his sheep were suppose to bring us al together...we see who is tearing us apart
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The far left is actually the reactionary wing of modern politics as in thought leading to new ideas has eluded them since the 1880s.

Your statement is misleading. The TP and the GOP are the ones that are longing for the good old days of the old white man majority. Those days are gone and will never be seen in the US again. Sorry....:mad:

LOl, I think Bush's administration had more minorities in it than Obama's
and you have the never to spout that stupid shit
you all are so out of everything now it's, your fellow white countrymen and women are you all's enemy, too
race and class warfare is all you low life's subjects for the Democrats is your bread and butter to beat people over the head with

but Obama an his sheep were suppose to bring us al together...we see who is tearing us apart

That was delightfully fact-free.

Clinton's administration had more high-level minorities in it than Bush, but there are many ways to measure this. One carte blanche statement doesn't cover it all.

An English course for you, perhaps?
Still trying your hardest to fart out a thought now and then, eh, Rabbi-boy? The only facts you see are your own personal rabies.

Fact is that many, many more US personnel died under a number of other administrations than this one. That is factually proven. You don't like it? Tough shit for you. Actually, your very behavior proves why this OP, with the title:

If Hillary runs she may win 45 states


Hillary is not going to win 45 states, but she is already running away with it; polling is proving that very consistently and has been now for over 16 months, and a lot of it is due to RW whackadoodles like you who say crazy shit like that.

So, thanks for your help.

Republicans run Ted Cruz and Hillary wins 45 states

Republicans run Jeb Bush and she wins 27 and 300 EV

Any way you slice it, Republicans can't get to 270

that assessment is probably accurate at this point in time. i'm just not a big fan of declaring victory this early. at this point in 2006, i'd have said she'd be president as well.... which isn't to say a republican who is wingnutty enough to get through the GOP primary can ever win a national election.
A log of things can happen in the 2 1/2 years before an election, scandals, catastrophic events, dark horses can come out nowhere, and issues that don't even exist today. Hillary is certainly the favorite today but it's a long time till the election.
The far left is actually the reactionary wing of modern politics as in thought leading to new ideas has eluded them since the 1880s.

Your statement is misleading. The TP and the GOP are the ones that are longing for the good old days of the old white man majority. Those days are gone and will never be seen in the US again. Sorry....:mad:

LOl, I think Bush's administration had more minorities in it than Obama's
and you have the never to spout that stupid shit
you all are so out of everything now it's, your fellow white countrymen and women are you all's enemy, too
race and class warfare is all you low life's subjects for the Democrats is your bread and butter to beat people over the head with

but Obama an his sheep were suppose to bring us al together...we see who is tearing us apart
No, not Bush.
Obama has the record for most women appointed. Clinton appointed the most blacks. However, since Obama has over 2 years left, he may have the record for both women and blacks.

Obama, Bush or Clinton: Who Put More Blacks at the Top? | Politic365
Obama's Bench Press: Record Number of Women, Minorities Appointed | MadameNoire
JimH, I've got more Cherokee ancestry than the chiefs of two of the three official reservation so why don't you head back to Eurasia where idiots like you are in the majority.
Regardless of whether Hillary runs or not, it is getting highly improbable of any Republican winning the White House

George Bush barely reached 270 in his two victories. He needed to win both Florida and Ohio to do it. Bush polled well with Hispanics and moderates.

Republicans have not done well with demographics. They have sacrificed the Hispanic vote to hold the TeaTard vote. They have alienated women

Their ability to reach 270 is slipping away

The nonliving helped Obama carry the swing states in 2012

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

Nope. Already proven that that was not the case. Fuggeaboudit. Enjoy your butthurt.

Yes, enjoy your butthurt, Staishisfuckingnameis!

Obama Likely Won Re-Election Through Election Fraud - Rachel Alexander - Page 1
The nonliving helped Obama carry the swing states in 2012

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

Nope. Already proven that that was not the case. Fuggeaboudit. Enjoy your butthurt.

Yes, enjoy your butthurt, Staishisfuckingnameis!

Obama Likely Won Re-Election Through Election Fraud - Rachel Alexander - Page 1

Well, first, let's check out the title of the OP:

If Hillary runs she may win 45 states

Hmmmm, that has nothing to do with 2012. Hmmmmm.....

Now, dear esteemed Vagisil, is that your EXPERT opinion on this voter fraud thingy? :D
Brent Budowsky: Clinton can win 45 states | TheHill

While the GOP looks downward and backward in its negative politics of derision, aiming its appeal to an extremist faction, Clinton reaches outward and forward in her positive politics of opportunity, aiming her appeal to the nation at large. If she runs in 2016, she could well carry 45 states and sweep into office many Democrats running for the House, Senate and governorships.

I see a few extra sleeping pills for you RWers tonight....:badgrin:

As all polls show the GOP on the verge of retaking the Senate, vast majority of governorships and state legislatures in GOP control--Miss Cleo over here is calling the election for Hillary.
I suppose the leftists on this board have to cling to any hopeful news they can find. As we all know these types of predictions two years before an election are startlingly accurate...

Why not focus on the midterm elections first?
Nope. Already proven that that was not the case. Fuggeaboudit. Enjoy your butthurt.

Yes, enjoy your butthurt, Staishisfuckingnameis!

Obama Likely Won Re-Election Through Election Fraud - Rachel Alexander - Page 1

Well, first, let's check out the title of the OP:

If Hillary runs she may win 45 states

Hmmmm, that has nothing to do with 2012. Hmmmmm.....

Now, dear esteemed Vagisil, is that your EXPERT opinion on this voter fraud thingy? :D

Things don't change, unless they actually caught you with your pants down! :eusa_clap:
Josef, FDRs economic record was worse than the 7 Biblical Lean Years. His abuse of government power gave us 20% unemployment from his inauguration until his fellow fascist brother Hitler conquered France in 1940

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

Guy, that's not true, either.

When FDR Took office in 1932, the Unemployment rate stood at 23.9%. At the end of his first term, it had been reduced to 16%. Then he made the mistake of listening to stupid people and cut back on the New Deal, and it jumped back up to 19% in 1938, but by 1940, they had gotten it down 14.6.

I mean, seriously, what kind of fucking retard are you.

Oh, wait, don't answer that.

United States Unemployment Rate 1920?2012 | Infoplease.com
Josef, FDRs economic record was worse than the 7 Biblical Lean Years. His abuse of government power gave us 20% unemployment from his inauguration until his fellow fascist brother Hitler conquered France in 1940

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

Guy, that's not true, either.

When FDR Took office in 1932, the Unemployment rate stood at 23.9%. At the end of his first term, it had been reduced to 16%. Then he made the mistake of listening to stupid people and cut back on the New Deal, and it jumped back up to 19% in 1938, but by 1940, they had gotten it down 14.6.

I mean, seriously, what kind of fucking retard are you.

Oh, wait, don't answer that.

United States Unemployment Rate 1920?2012 | Infoplease.com

What kind of immature, hateful, pompous asshole are you?

FDR's policies prolonged economic stagnation, but arguing with someone that is going to respond with childish, hate-ridden BS like "what kind of retard are you" is pointless. I do not understand why people like you even post anything.
Gee, this post is utter paranoia. Joe Biden is hinting at a run as well. By the way, aren't you going to call him a misogynist for attacking her legacy? I mean hey, he just did attack a woman's credentials. Time to start using that "war on women" stuff on your own guy now. When that happens, it will make the Democratic party look patently idiotic.

Either Biden or Hillary will beat the best available GOP candidate

Let me make the necessary correction:

Neither Biden or Hillary can beat any available GOP candidate.

Americans are slow to learn sometimes, but eventually they DO learn, especially when the current example and proof of their gullibility is so obvious.
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Brent Budowsky: Clinton can win 45 states | TheHill

While the GOP looks downward and backward in its negative politics of derision, aiming its appeal to an extremist faction, Clinton reaches outward and forward in her positive politics of opportunity, aiming her appeal to the nation at large. If she runs in 2016, she could well carry 45 states and sweep into office many Democrats running for the House, Senate and governorships.

I see a few extra sleeping pills for you RWers tonight....:badgrin:

As all polls show the GOP on the verge of retaking the Senate, vast majority of governorships and state legislatures in GOP control--Miss Cleo over here is calling the election for Hillary.

It is not a question of can Hillary win but by how much?

Republicans have struggled to reach 270 in the last six elections. Bush barely managed to do it while Democrats won by large margins

Since Bush, Republicans have squandered the Hispanic vote and only received 45% of the woman's vote in 2012. With a popular woman running, they will be lucky to see 40% of the woman's vote

The White House is essentially out of reach of Republicans
Brent Budowsky: Clinton can win 45 states | TheHill

I see a few extra sleeping pills for you RWers tonight....:badgrin:

As all polls show the GOP on the verge of retaking the Senate, vast majority of governorships and state legislatures in GOP control--Miss Cleo over here is calling the election for Hillary.

It is not a question of can Hillary win but by how much?

Republicans have struggled to reach 270 in the last six elections. Bush barely managed to do it while Democrats won by large margins

Since Bush, Republicans have squandered the Hispanic vote and only received 45% of the woman's vote in 2012. With a popular woman running, they will be lucky to see 40% of the woman's vote

The White House is essentially out of reach of Republicans

You should start a 900 psychic hotline. Whatever makes you feel good.

MSNBC, Huffington Post--the entire left were proclaiming the death of the GOP in 2010, then in 2011 the GOP retook the House and inched its way to reclaiming the Senate. The same repetitive claims of the death of the GOP. And you believe you know, with absolute certainty, every future presidential election.

Again, whatever makes you feel good. Try masturbation, that achieves about the same as these fantasy predictions. I know there is not too much good news for you so far in the midterm elections.

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