If Hillary runs she may win 45 states

Yeah, and who would have thought a Republican would win the governorship of Wisconsin, disband forced union participation, defeat a highly organized and funded recall effort--and after all that pass conservative economic policies that have already led to budget surpluses and economic growth leading the country.

I believe superior policies will prevail, not that certain "groups" or races will blindly vote for a political party that has wrought poverty and failing schools throughout the country. How condescendingly, subtly racist, to insinuate that minorities can not have opinions that differ from the DNC.

But you truly believe the GOP is the KKK.

Republicans have done a fine job figuring what it takes to win at the local level. But in nailing down those seats and gerrymandered districts they are alienating the rest of the state.

Policies that get you 65% vs 60% of a red state do not get you the White House. Winning swing states does. Rather than improve their position in swing states, Republucans have made it worse.
Hillary is close to unbeatable in Florida. Lose Florida and the White House is out of reach

I can list five predictions startlingly similar to yours made around this time before a presidential election that proved to be utter nonsense. The future is completely intangible, and if you believe voters actually vote based upon the merit and fruit of policies then it is completely futile to make such claims. Close to unbeatable in Florida? Florida is one big unpredictable cesspool, with a GOP governor BTW.

Good let's name some

It is not too early. Demographics are what they are. Democrats will not take Texas. Republicans will not take California or New York

The future is not intangible. We know what forces are in play in each state. You might think 2016 is a blank slate at this time. It is not. Democrats have a distict advantage in the electoral college. Republicans start the game needing a near sweep of swing states to reach 270
Bush did it......but key demographics have changed since Bush making it unlikely for Republicans to win

I haven't even started about your candidates in the GOP Clown Car
Yeah, and who would have thought a Republican would win the governorship of Wisconsin, disband forced union participation, defeat a highly organized and funded recall effort--and after all that pass conservative economic policies that have already led to budget surpluses and economic growth leading the country.

I believe superior policies will prevail, not that certain "groups" or races will blindly vote for a political party that has wrought poverty and failing schools throughout the country. How condescendingly, subtly racist, to insinuate that minorities can not have opinions that differ from the DNC.

But you truly believe the GOP is the KKK.

Republicans have done a fine job figuring what it takes to win at the local level. But in nailing down those seats and gerrymandered districts they are alienating the rest of the state.

Policies that get you 65% vs 60% of a red state do not get you the White House. Winning swing states does. Rather than improve their position in swing states, Republucans have made it worse.
Hillary is close to unbeatable in Florida. Lose Florida and the White House is out of reach

I can list five predictions startlingly similar to yours made around this time before a presidential election that proved to be utter nonsense. The future is completely intangible, and if you believe voters actually vote based upon the merit and fruit of policies then it is completely futile to make such claims. Close to unbeatable in Florida? Florida is one big unpredictable cesspool, with a GOP governor BTW.

If the future is intangible, we can stop reading you.

The fact is that if the GOP does not reach out to women and the minorities, the swing states will go blue.
Republicans have done a fine job figuring what it takes to win at the local level. But in nailing down those seats and gerrymandered districts they are alienating the rest of the state.

Policies that get you 65% vs 60% of a red state do not get you the White House. Winning swing states does. Rather than improve their position in swing states, Republucans have made it worse.
Hillary is close to unbeatable in Florida. Lose Florida and the White House is out of reach

What?....Florida goes back to red. As did NC which went for Obama in '08.
Wisconsin will go red. As will Virginia. There is even a legitimate chance Pennsylvania may tip to the GOP as well.
If the GOP produces a good right leaning populist candidate, Ohio and Michigan are in play.
If this goes to plan, you lefties will be screaming for the abolition of the Electoral College.

Simple question...why?

What have you done differently since 2012 to turn those blue states red? Which of your candidates is capable of winning swing states?

Bush, Rand, Christie: if the GOP reaches out honestly to women and minorities.
What?....Florida goes back to red. As did NC which went for Obama in '08.
Wisconsin will go red. As will Virginia. There is even a legitimate chance Pennsylvania may tip to the GOP as well.
If the GOP produces a good right leaning populist candidate, Ohio and Michigan are in play.
If this goes to plan, you lefties will be screaming for the abolition of the Electoral College.

Simple question...why?

What have you done differently since 2012 to turn those blue states red? Which of your candidates is capable of winning swing states?

Bush, Rand, Christie: if the GOP reaches out honestly to women and minorities.

Allen West: I am considering a run for President (VIDEO)

*Pundit Press ^

On Wednesday, former Congressman Allen West told Ben Shapiro that he is considering a run for President in 2016. Shapiro: And I am not saying something’s going to happen. But I am hearing very strong rumors—we have to ask— there have been very strong rumors that you are interested in throwing your hat into the ring for the 2016 presidential nomination on the Republican side of the aisle. Is there any truth to those rumors? West: Well look, the thing is this. As I was doing the motorcycle ride across the country and wherever we stopped, you know, fuel stop,...
Simple question...why?

What have you done differently since 2012 to turn those blue states red? Which of your candidates is capable of winning swing states?

Bush, Rand, Christie: if the GOP reaches out honestly to women and minorities.

Allen West: I am considering a run for President (VIDEO)

*Pundit Press ^

On Wednesday, former Congressman Allen West told Ben Shapiro that he is considering a run for President in 2016. Shapiro: And I am not saying something’s going to happen. But I am hearing very strong rumors—we have to ask— there have been very strong rumors that you are interested in throwing your hat into the ring for the 2016 presidential nomination on the Republican side of the aisle. Is there any truth to those rumors? West: Well look, the thing is this. As I was doing the motorcycle ride across the country and wherever we stopped, you know, fuel stop,...

West has the same chance as Vigilante
Bush, Rand, Christie: if the GOP reaches out honestly to women and minorities.

Allen West: I am considering a run for President (VIDEO)

*Pundit Press ^

On Wednesday, former Congressman Allen West told Ben Shapiro that he is considering a run for President in 2016. Shapiro: And I am not saying something’s going to happen. But I am hearing very strong rumors—we have to ask— there have been very strong rumors that you are interested in throwing your hat into the ring for the 2016 presidential nomination on the Republican side of the aisle. Is there any truth to those rumors? West: Well look, the thing is this. As I was doing the motorcycle ride across the country and wherever we stopped, you know, fuel stop,...

West has the same chance as Vigilante

As I knew...if it isn't a black liberal, you're a fucking racist! :eusa_clap:
This entire thread a just a circle jerk for the leftists on this board to make them feel better about the up coming midterm elections. Trying to predict a presidential election this far out is laughably absurd.

Im marveling at their fascination with another miserable failure
As if this chimp Obama isnt a big enough fuck up...
This die-hard republican would vote for Allen West or Dr. Ben Carson in a New York minute.

Oh how I would LOVE to see minorities clamor for an excuse and/or reason to vote for white woman...
Simple question...why?

What have you done differently since 2012 to turn those blue states red? Which of your candidates is capable of winning swing states?

Bush, Rand, Christie: if the GOP reaches out honestly to women and minorities.

Allen West: I am considering a run for President (VIDEO)

*Pundit Press ^

On Wednesday, former Congressman Allen West told Ben Shapiro that he is considering a run for President in 2016. Shapiro: And I am not saying something’s going to happen. But I am hearing very strong rumors—we have to ask— there have been very strong rumors that you are interested in throwing your hat into the ring for the 2016 presidential nomination on the Republican side of the aisle. Is there any truth to those rumors? West: Well look, the thing is this. As I was doing the motorcycle ride across the country and wherever we stopped, you know, fuel stop,...

I forgot about Allen West

If he is the GOP candidate, Hillary will win 50 States
The Nation has already had enough of the Left for a while, and their Second Term isn't even halfway done yet.

The Right will keep the House and will re-take the Senate in November 2014.

The Right will also take the White House in November 2016, but ONLY if the Republicans can field a respectable candidate who won't screw-the-pooch on the campaign trail and whom can motivate The People and get them to believe in him or her.

I'm just not sure that anybody on the Republican side of the aisle currently fits the bill, nor whether the Republican National Committee has upgraded its grey matter, to avoid running the likes of McSame or Mittens again.

God help us if Billary gets a shot at the prize, because the dumb-ass Republicans couldn't field a decent alternative.
The Nation has already had enough of the Left for a while, and their Second Term isn't even halfway done yet.

The Right will keep the House and will re-take the Senate in November 2014.

The Right will also take the White House in November 2016, but ONLY if the Republicans can field a respectable candidate who won't screw-the-pooch on the campaign trail and whom can motivate The People and get them to believe in him or her.

I'm just not sure that anybody on the Republican side of the aisle currently fits the bill, nor whether the Republican National Committee has upgraded its grey matter, to avoid running the likes of McSame or Mittens again.

God help us if Billary gets a shot at the prize, because the dumb-ass Republicans couldn't field a decent alternative.

Good stuff ...who are you suggesting can beat Hillary?

Give us a name
Bush, Rand, Christie: if the GOP reaches out honestly to women and minorities.

Allen West: I am considering a run for President (VIDEO)

*Pundit Press ^

On Wednesday, former Congressman Allen West told Ben Shapiro that he is considering a run for President in 2016. Shapiro: And I am not saying something’s going to happen. But I am hearing very strong rumors—we have to ask— there have been very strong rumors that you are interested in throwing your hat into the ring for the 2016 presidential nomination on the Republican side of the aisle. Is there any truth to those rumors? West: Well look, the thing is this. As I was doing the motorcycle ride across the country and wherever we stopped, you know, fuel stop,...

I forgot about Allen West

If he is the GOP candidate, Hillary will win 50 States

Allen West: I am considering a run for President (VIDEO)

*Pundit Press ^

On Wednesday, former Congressman Allen West told Ben Shapiro that he is considering a run for President in 2016. Shapiro: And I am not saying something’s going to happen. But I am hearing very strong rumors—we have to ask— there have been very strong rumors that you are interested in throwing your hat into the ring for the 2016 presidential nomination on the Republican side of the aisle. Is there any truth to those rumors? West: Well look, the thing is this. As I was doing the motorcycle ride across the country and wherever we stopped, you know, fuel stop,...

I forgot about Allen West

If he is the GOP candidate, Hillary will win 50 States


You have already posted that lame cartoon

Hillary has been Senator and Secretary of State

Which Republican is more qualified?
The Nation has already had enough of the Left for a while, and their Second Term isn't even halfway done yet.

The Right will keep the House and will re-take the Senate in November 2014.

The Right will also take the White House in November 2016, but ONLY if the Republicans can field a respectable candidate who won't screw-the-pooch on the campaign trail and whom can motivate The People and get them to believe in him or her.

I'm just not sure that anybody on the Republican side of the aisle currently fits the bill, nor whether the Republican National Committee has upgraded its grey matter, to avoid running the likes of McSame or Mittens again.

God help us if Billary gets a shot at the prize, because the dumb-ass Republicans couldn't field a decent alternative.

Good stuff ...who are you suggesting can beat Hillary?

Give us a name
Didn't I just say that I'm not sure that they have anyone in the stable that can get the job done?
The Nation has already had enough of the Left for a while, and their Second Term isn't even halfway done yet.

The Right will keep the House and will re-take the Senate in November 2014.

The Right will also take the White House in November 2016, but ONLY if the Republicans can field a respectable candidate who won't screw-the-pooch on the campaign trail and whom can motivate The People and get them to believe in him or her.

I'm just not sure that anybody on the Republican side of the aisle currently fits the bill, nor whether the Republican National Committee has upgraded its grey matter, to avoid running the likes of McSame or Mittens again.

God help us if Billary gets a shot at the prize, because the dumb-ass Republicans couldn't field a decent alternative.

I'd say there are some out there, but they are more concerned about the meat grinder media that completely destroys lives to foil their candidacy bids.

Carson is a perfect example... a brilliant mind, well spoken, VERY intelligent and has some charisma. But he doesn't have enough ego. And, that's something a candidate needs. Just ask John McCain. He was too soft.

No political experience? Of course, that's an area that would be attacked. But, honestly... what REAL political experience did 44 run on?
You have already posted that lame cartoon

Hillary has been Senator and Secretary of State

Which Republican is more qualified?

List her accomplishments.....



Sorry, not biting

If by "accomplishments" you mean wrongly leading our country into war, no Hillary did not do that

That's all you've got? Damn... if by "not biting" you mean "uhhhh, shit, I don't know", then you proved the point.

Oh wait...I know something she did...

Hold on, my memory is a little foggy. Must be that fall I took.
You have already posted that lame cartoon

Hillary has been Senator and Secretary of State

Which Republican is more qualified?

List her accomplishments.....



Sorry, not biting

If by "accomplishments" you mean wrongly leading our country into war, no Hillary did not do that

You're liar and an ass....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VrI21UytBhw]Hillary and Bill Clinton were both for the invasion of Iraq +WMDs - YouTube[/ame]

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