If Hillary runs she may win 45 states

Let us not forget Vince Foster.

If she is stupid enough to run - I hope they crucify her murdering ass. But a serious question here....If Hillary (the murderer) Clinton can't manage a marriage, what the HELL makes you believe that she can run a country? I'll be awaiting your reasoned and well thought response.

So, let me get this straight.

You accuse a likely presidential candidate of being a murderer - without any evidence.

That's called hearsay, can also be slander or libel, depending.

And then you say she can't manage a marriage. The last I looked, she and Bill are still married. If a man has an affair, are you saying that that is the woman's fault? Really?

Is this the best the Tea Party people have to offer? Raw, unsubstantiated accusations and mysogony? And you think that's gonna help your party win in 2016?

Laffin, laffin, laffin...

If a man has an affair

i would not classify the Lewinsky sexual encounters

as an affair

He engaged in sex outside of the marriage and without the consent of his wife: that constitutes an affair. And either way, it doesn't say anything one way or another about Hillary Clinton.
This die-hard republican would vote for Allen West or Dr. Ben Carson in a New York minute.

Oh how I would LOVE to see minorities clamor for an excuse and/or reason to vote for white woman...

Every couple of years, you guys find an Uncle Tom like Alan Keyes or Herman Cain to run... who fully embraces your batshit crazy.

And you guys still end up picking a rich white dude, even if he isn't a real conservative.

I'd say there are some out there, but they are more concerned about the meat grinder media that completely destroys lives to foil their candidacy bids.

Carson is a perfect example... a brilliant mind, well spoken, VERY intelligent and has some charisma. But he doesn't have enough ego. And, that's something a candidate needs. Just ask John McCain. He was too soft.

No political experience? Of course, that's an area that would be attacked. But, honestly... what REAL political experience did 44 run on?

A guy who survived five years in the Hanoi Hilton is anything but soft.

The real reason McCain lost- Because Bush had fucked up everything. The War, the economy, the budget. McCain did the best he could with the hand he was dealt.

Ben Carson is like Sarah Palin, someone who used to have moderate views until he found he could make a shitload more money validating the opinions of wingnuts and laughing all the way to the bank.
This die-hard republican would vote for Allen West or Dr. Ben Carson in a New York minute.

Oh how I would LOVE to see minorities clamor for an excuse and/or reason to vote for white woman...

Every couple of years, you guys find an Uncle Tom like Alan Keyes or Herman Cain to run... who fully embraces your batshit crazy.

And you guys still end up picking a rich white dude, even if he isn't a real conservative.

Republicans love to play See? We have a black guy too

But when things get serious, Republicans will not vote for a black, or a woman for that matter
That's all you've got? Damn... if by "not biting" you mean "uhhhh, shit, I don't know", then you proved the point.

Oh wait...I know something she did...

Hold on, my memory is a little foggy. Must be that fall I took.

We realize what Republicans consider to be accomplishments from a Secretary of State. Lying to start a war. Alienating our allies around the globe. Defending torture

No, Hillary was not that kind of Secretary of State

You can't spin your way out of this. Moron, you have the Youtube with her proclaiming Saddam had WMD! Now you're going to dent what we can watch and hear?.... :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

PRIME EXAMPLE of the democrat/subversives SUSPENSION OF REALITY... They are all 2 digit IQ'd idiots!

You mean Hillary believed the lies that Colin Powell was telling?

Yes, we know that Hillary does not have any "accomplishments" that would impress Republicans

She didn't lead us into bogus nation building invasions
She actually negotiated
She worked with our allies to pick up more of the responsibility

An obvious "failure" to Republicans
This die-hard republican would vote for Allen West or Dr. Ben Carson in a New York minute.

Oh how I would LOVE to see minorities clamor for an excuse and/or reason to vote for white woman...

Every couple of years, you guys find an Uncle Tom like Alan Keyes or Herman Cain to run... who fully embraces your batshit crazy.

And you guys still end up picking a rich white dude, even if he isn't a real conservative.

Republicans love to play See? We have a black guy too

But when things get serious, Republicans will not vote for a black, or a woman for that matter

They haven't figured out that it's not just any black guy or woman. Sarah Palin was not going to get disaffected Hillary voters you rubes.
Interesting. However, I cannot see some states going democrat. For instance I lived in Arizona, and even with the immigration numbers there, GOP supporters far outnumber democrat supporters. I recall outside of Tuscon, there was very little support for democrats in Arizona. Tuscon had high immigration numbers, thus support for democrats.

Here is more how I see things going in 2016...

I wouldnt throw Wisconsin in the blue category just yet. Especially if their governor is on the ticket. People there have seen what real GOP conservative policies can accomplish: lower deficits, tax cuts, better governance. They may not be so quick to throw the lever for another socialist Democrat.
For sure Scott Walker could help the GOP in Wisconsin. He was able to pull off a win in the recall election, so he can convince voters. His weakness is his favoring amnesty for illegals (like Jeb Bush). However, the reason I hesitate in regards to Wisconsin has to do with Paul Ryan, and the fact that I don't understand WI voter patterns. If voters in WI would not vote for a Republican president when one of their own is running as VP, what gives??? If Paul Ryan were a RINO, I could understand, but he's a conservative, both socially, and fiscally. Thus I am not sure how WI would vote in 2016. Of course anything is possible, especially not knowing who will run for either side.

Non-college Grad Scott Walker has zero chance of winning the Presidency.
I wouldnt throw Wisconsin in the blue category just yet. Especially if their governor is on the ticket. People there have seen what real GOP conservative policies can accomplish: lower deficits, tax cuts, better governance. They may not be so quick to throw the lever for another socialist Democrat.
For sure Scott Walker could help the GOP in Wisconsin. He was able to pull off a win in the recall election, so he can convince voters. His weakness is his favoring amnesty for illegals (like Jeb Bush). However, the reason I hesitate in regards to Wisconsin has to do with Paul Ryan, and the fact that I don't understand WI voter patterns. If voters in WI would not vote for a Republican president when one of their own is running as VP, what gives??? If Paul Ryan were a RINO, I could understand, but he's a conservative, both socially, and fiscally. Thus I am not sure how WI would vote in 2016. Of course anything is possible, especially not knowing who will run for either side.

Non-college Grad Scott Walker has zero chance of winning the Presidency.

His biggest problem is that he has no charisma
Regardless of whether Hillary runs or not, it is getting highly improbable of any Republican winning the White House

George Bush barely reached 270 in his two victories. He needed to win both Florida and Ohio to do it. Bush polled well with Hispanics and moderates.

Republicans have not done well with demographics. They have sacrificed the Hispanic vote to hold the TeaTard vote. They have alienated women

Their ability to reach 270 is slipping away

They have to swing 64 electoral votes; they don't seem to know where they are coming from....


Bush barely got to 270 and he had good support among Hispanics. Republicans blocking immigration reform will not help them

In 2012, Republicans got 45% of the womans vote. Given recent Republican attitudes towards women and Democrats running a woman and that goes down to 40%

No way for Republicans to reach 270

Two years is an eternity in politics. However, when you look at the map and the states Obama won; it's hard to see a path to 270:

Remember, they need 64 to swing to their side.

Which ones will swing?

1 HI No
2 WA No
3 OR No
4 CA No
5 NV Unlikely
6 NM Unlikely
7 CO Unlikely

8 MN No
9 WI Possibly--within the realm of possibility
10 IA Possibly--within the realm; recall that Hillary didn't win Iowa in 2008 when she had every conceivable advantage.
11 IL No
12 OH Possibly--within the realm however she beat Obama in the 08 primary in Ohio. She is incredibly strong in the urban areas
13 MI No
14 PA No
15 NY No
16 NJ No
17 NH No
18 MA No
19 CT No
20 RI No
21 ME No
22 VT No
23 DE No
24 FL Maybe but without two other large states; Florida's switch doesn't matter
25 VA No
26 DC No

So , the GOP has to hold what they have plus get

FL 29
OH 18
IA 06
WI 10

Total is 63

Plus one of the Unlikely 3 (CO, NM, NV).

To flip 5 states is almost impossible in this climate without someone named Reagan on the ballot. It is entirely possible that Clinton may be able to steal Arkansas or Missouri if the candidate is not a TEA party darling.

They have to swing 64 electoral votes; they don't seem to know where they are coming from....


Bush barely got to 270 and he had good support among Hispanics. Republicans blocking immigration reform will not help them

In 2012, Republicans got 45% of the womans vote. Given recent Republican attitudes towards women and Democrats running a woman and that goes down to 40%

No way for Republicans to reach 270

Two years is an eternity in politics. However, when you look at the map and the states Obama won; it's hard to see a path to 270:

Remember, they need 64 to swing to their side.

Which ones will swing?

1 HI No
2 WA No
3 OR No
4 CA No
5 NV Unlikely
6 NM Unlikely
7 CO Unlikely

8 MN No
9 WI Possibly--within the realm of possibility
10 IA Possibly--within the realm; recall that Hillary didn't win Iowa in 2008 when she had every conceivable advantage.
11 IL No
12 OH Possibly--within the realm however she beat Obama in the 08 primary in Ohio. She is incredibly strong in the urban areas
13 MI No
14 PA No
15 NY No
16 NJ No
17 NH No
18 MA No
19 CT No
20 RI No
21 ME No
22 VT No
23 DE No
24 FL Maybe but without two other large states; Florida's switch doesn't matter
25 VA No
26 DC No

So , the GOP has to hold what they have plus get

FL 29
OH 18
IA 06
WI 10

Total is 63

Plus one of the Unlikely 3 (CO, NM, NV).

To flip 5 states is almost impossible in this climate without someone named Reagan on the ballot. It is entirely possible that Clinton may be able to steal Arkansas or Missouri if the candidate is not a TEA party darling.

Hillary is more likely to take North Carolina and Arkansas from the Republicans than they are to flip those states
Bush barely got to 270 and he had good support among Hispanics. Republicans blocking immigration reform will not help them

In 2012, Republicans got 45% of the womans vote. Given recent Republican attitudes towards women and Democrats running a woman and that goes down to 40%

No way for Republicans to reach 270

Two years is an eternity in politics. However, when you look at the map and the states Obama won; it's hard to see a path to 270:

Remember, they need 64 to swing to their side.

Which ones will swing?

1 HI No
2 WA No
3 OR No
4 CA No
5 NV Unlikely
6 NM Unlikely
7 CO Unlikely

8 MN No
9 WI Possibly--within the realm of possibility
10 IA Possibly--within the realm; recall that Hillary didn't win Iowa in 2008 when she had every conceivable advantage.
11 IL No
12 OH Possibly--within the realm however she beat Obama in the 08 primary in Ohio. She is incredibly strong in the urban areas
13 MI No
14 PA No
15 NY No
16 NJ No
17 NH No
18 MA No
19 CT No
20 RI No
21 ME No
22 VT No
23 DE No
24 FL Maybe but without two other large states; Florida's switch doesn't matter
25 VA No
26 DC No

So , the GOP has to hold what they have plus get

FL 29
OH 18
IA 06
WI 10

Total is 63

Plus one of the Unlikely 3 (CO, NM, NV).

To flip 5 states is almost impossible in this climate without someone named Reagan on the ballot. It is entirely possible that Clinton may be able to steal Arkansas or Missouri if the candidate is not a TEA party darling.

Hillary is more likely to take North Carolina and Arkansas from the Republicans than they are to flip those states


I'd say there are some out there, but they are more concerned about the meat grinder media that completely destroys lives to foil their candidacy bids.

Carson is a perfect example... a brilliant mind, well spoken, VERY intelligent and has some charisma. But he doesn't have enough ego. And, that's something a candidate needs. Just ask John McCain. He was too soft.

No political experience? Of course, that's an area that would be attacked. But, honestly... what REAL political experience did 44 run on?

A guy who survived five years in the Hanoi Hilton is anything but soft.

The real reason McCain lost- Because Bush had fucked up everything. The War, the economy, the budget. McCain did the best he could with the hand he was dealt.

Ben Carson is like Sarah Palin, someone who used to have moderate views until he found he could make a shitload more money validating the opinions of wingnuts and laughing all the way to the bank.

McCain also showed incredibly poor judgement in selecting Palin as his running mate, another nail in the coffin that was his presidential run.
Every couple of years, you guys find an Uncle Tom like Alan Keyes or Herman Cain to run... who fully embraces your batshit crazy.

And you guys still end up picking a rich white dude, even if he isn't a real conservative.

Republicans love to play See? We have a black guy too

But when things get serious, Republicans will not vote for a black, or a woman for that matter

They haven't figured out that it's not just any black guy or woman. Sarah Palin was not going to get disaffected Hillary voters you rubes.
There are plenty of elected Republican blacks. So Nutsucker is wrong, as usual.

Democrats believe that a black Republican, or a female Republican, or a Hispanic Republican is a freak and a traitor. That's why they get vilified with the most offensive, vile rhetoric by the left.
What I am seeing is from the far right is despair, name calling, and denial, the which will not result in a GOP victory for the presidency.
Manage her marriage is exactly what she did do. She could have destroyed his career and possibly her own by walking out on him but she stuck by him. Had she given up on her marriage and walked out, she wouldn't be the likely choice as the Democrat nominee for president and probably our next president.

Party, Power, Money over ethics, morals, and principles


And as we see, with Conservative twits like Vagisil, candidate's children are not off limits.

What are you, Vagisil, 12?

Could you link me to where YOU complained about the Subversives making fun of Sarah Palin's Down Syndrome son...... :cuckoo::eusa_liar::eusa_clap:
We realize what Republicans consider to be accomplishments from a Secretary of State. Lying to start a war. Alienating our allies around the globe. Defending torture

No, Hillary was not that kind of Secretary of State

You can't spin your way out of this. Moron, you have the Youtube with her proclaiming Saddam had WMD! Now you're going to dent what we can watch and hear?.... :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

PRIME EXAMPLE of the democrat/subversives SUSPENSION OF REALITY... They are all 2 digit IQ'd idiots!

You mean Hillary believed the lies that Colin Powell was telling?

Yes, we know that Hillary does not have any "accomplishments" that would impress Republicans

She didn't lead us into bogus nation building invasions
She actually negotiated
She worked with our allies to pick up more of the responsibility

An obvious "failure" to Republicans

Seems, she voted for the resolution...was she against it, before she was for it?

550 tons of UNGUARDED yellowcake IS WMD, even when you assholes say it's not

What did her Thighness negotiate?


Get your head out of Obuma's ass, and smell Hillary's twat...for a change!
Party, Power, Money over ethics, morals, and principles


And as we see, with Conservative twits like Vagisil, candidate's children are not off limits.

What are you, Vagisil, 12?

Could you link me to where YOU complained about the Subversives making fun of Sarah Palin's Down Syndrome son...... :cuckoo::eusa_liar::eusa_clap:

False moral equivalency.

You don't get to do it because others don't meet the standard.

You correct them, don't do the same thing yourself, and move on.
No, V, if WMDs had been discovered in Iraq by the Bushies, they would have been shouting it from the roof tops.

You don't speak for anyone but yourself, which is a confused personality at best.
Republicans love to play See? We have a black guy too

But when things get serious, Republicans will not vote for a black, or a woman for that matter

They haven't figured out that it's not just any black guy or woman. Sarah Palin was not going to get disaffected Hillary voters you rubes.
There are plenty of elected Republican blacks. So Nutsucker is wrong, as usual.


In the past 100 years, Republicans have elected just six blacks as Senators or Congressmen. No Governors or Presidents....Just SIX

That is not "plenty"
Shrub (George W. Bush) and his Daddy's gang of 'advisers' (Shrub-handlers) lied through their teeth to contrive a bullshit casus belli, to take us to war with Iraq.

Iraq took our eye off the ball in Afghanistan and kept us there, as well, for years longer than we should have been.

It is OK (not to mention wise, and honest, and honorable) to publicly admit these things, amongst ourselves and elsewhere.

It is how we (as a People) learn, collectively.

Some of Shrub's 'visionaries' saw great advantages to removing Saddam Hussein and his incarnation of the Baath Party, and realized that the American Public was still in an anti-Muslim avenging fury over 9-11, and would sit-still for (tolerate, or allow to unfold) a war against a Muslim nation - one that we had defeated once in the prior decade and against whom so many Americans had come to feel that we had not completed that job.

So we went to war.

A great many of our elected officials of the time - including Senators like Billary - saw more than we did, but there was an Oval Office campaign to hoodwink much of Capital Hill, as well, and I doubt that Billary did much more than hold-out for more evidence and put out a call or two for negotiations or talks or more inspections, before she, too, succumbed to the War Momentum, and voted the way most of our elected officials of the time did.

Frankly, I think the window of opportunity for Billary to become President has come and gone, and, nowadays, after eight years of Obumble, another four to eight years of hyper-Liberalism would probably be more than the Nation can safely afford. Billary as POTUS, before Obumble, might have been a halfway-decent and viable idea. Billary as POTUS after Obumble would be too much, too soon after we rid ourselves of the Great Community Organizer.

I don't want to see Billary as POTUS, and I'm not all that interested in defending her old voting record in the Senate, but, in all honesty, I can see how she would have voted the way she did back then.

Most of 'em voted the same way.

Consequently, I, for one, do not see Billary's voting record on Iraq, as a barrier to her seeking the Presidency.

Mind you, I think elevating her to that role, hard on the heels of an Obama Presidency, would be a huge frigging mistake.

But I will not hold her Iraq voting record against her in connection with that.
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