If Hillary wins in November & the GOP hold the house will they move to impeach her?

Unfortunately, if Hillary wins and the REPS maintain control of the House and Senate, It will be 4 more years of obstructionism of which they will blame Hillary. I can't stand Trump but he is likely to piss everybody off and serendipitously unite the Republicans and the Democrats. So if Trump wins, I see him getting impeached.

The worst thing that could possibly happen to Hillary is for the Democrats to take control of the House and Senate because then she will have ZERO excuses for not getting the job done yet she won't have a single clue about HOW to get the job done!

Ultimately we can only guess as to what either candidate will accomplish if elected. The political system has a large number of variables that are very hard to account for. One of those variables is the economy - Economics is still not an exact science. Consider the $200 billion surplus at the end of the Clinton administration with a Republican house and senate. What if both houses were controlled by the Democrats? Would there be a $400 billion surplus or would there be a $200 billion deficite?
Unfortunately, if Hillary wins and the REPS maintain control of the House and Senate, It will be 4 more years of obstructionism of which they will blame Hillary. I can't stand Trump but he is likely to piss everybody off and serendipitously unite the Republicans and the Democrats. So if Trump wins, I see him getting impeached.

The worst thing that could possibly happen to Hillary is for the Democrats to take control of the House and Senate because then she will have ZERO excuses for not getting the job done yet she won't have a single clue about HOW to get the job done!

Ultimately we can only guess as to what either candidate will accomplish if elected. The political system has a large number of variables that are very hard to account for. One of those variables is the economy - Economics is still not an exact science. Consider the $200 billion surplus at the end of the Clinton administration with a Republican house and senate. What if both houses were controlled by the Democrats? Would there be a $400 billion surplus or would there be a $200 billion deficite?

With all due respect, Jam...there was no "surplus" at the end of the Clinton Administration.

If Clinton hadn't been forced to spend less by Newt Gingrich and the "Contract with America" GOP Congress then I'm sure that you'd admit that he would have spent more?
Ultimately we can only guess as to what either candidate will accomplish if elected. The political system has a large number of variables that are very hard to account for. One of those variables is the economy - Economics is still not an exact science. Consider the $200 billion surplus at the end of the Clinton administration with a Republican house and senate. What if both houses were controlled by the Democrats? Would there be a $400 billion surplus or would there be a $200 billion deficit?[/QUOTE]

With all due respect, Jam...there was no "surplus" at the end of the Clinton Administration.

If Clinton hadn't been forced to spend less by Newt Gingrich and the "Contract with America" GOP Congress then I'm sure that you'd admit that he would have spent more?[/QUOTE]

Can you prove your point? Perhaps you are right, but you are only speculating. The point I am making is that predicting political outcomes is a lot like predicting the weather - it's not very accurate. Why? Both endeavors entail large numbers of variables that are very difficult to account for.

If you flip a coin and call out heads and it lands heads, that doesn't indicate any expertise on coin tosses.
Unfortunately, if Hillary wins and the REPS maintain control of the House and Senate, It will be 4 more years of obstructionism of which they will blame Hillary. I can't stand Trump but he is likely to piss everybody off and serendipitously unite the Republicans and the Democrats. So if Trump wins, I see him getting impeached.

The worst thing that could possibly happen to Hillary is for the Democrats to take control of the House and Senate because then she will have ZERO excuses for not getting the job done yet she won't have a single clue about HOW to get the job done!

Ultimately we can only guess as to what either candidate will accomplish if elected. The political system has a large number of variables that are very hard to account for. One of those variables is the economy - Economics is still not an exact science. Consider the $200 billion surplus at the end of the Clinton administration with a Republican house and senate. What if both houses were controlled by the Democrats? Would there be a $400 billion surplus or would there be a $200 billion deficite?

With all due respect, Jam...there was no "surplus" at the end of the Clinton Administration.

If Clinton hadn't been forced to spend less by Newt Gingrich and the "Contract with America" GOP Congress then I'm sure that you'd admit that he would have spent more?
Nope! clinton came in to office, with a plan to reduce the Deficit, with his 1993 Deficit Reduction Plan, and not one of the Republicans voted for it, but it did pass.... and THAT is what stirred the Republicans to poop or get off the pot....they then focused on reducing the deficit to act like heros and gain some seats....but if Clinton had not pushed it, the Republicans would NOT have reduced the Deficit, they believed and stood for the term..."Deficits don't matter"....

Most all of those same Republicans were in Power for most all of Bush's first 6 years, with these same Republicans adding nearly $500 Billion a year in deficits and to our National debt, even more, each of all of those years, with their Republican President.....

So please spare us that it was the Republican Congress that reduced the deficit to nil and are the fiscally responsible ones....fiscally responsible my ass!

Clinton got them on the RIGHT TRACK to reduce the deficit, the Democratic President.

Bush got these same people, to blow the Federal Budget in to smithereens, doubling the National debt in 8 years, The Republican President....

This CLEARLY shows that Bill Clinton WAS the main reason the Budget deficits were eliminated....not the Republicans in congress.
You know, for lying to congress. Or can Obama pardon her to prevent that as well?

Well the House can do whatever it wants- if the GOP really wants to put the final nail in the Republican coffin it could move ti impeach President Clinton.

Letting Hillary remain in office and go down in flames will be the best move the GOP can possibly make, Syriously. You do realize that she's totally incompetent and corrupt as the day is long? How do you think that translates out to for her chances of success?

I realize that Clinton is the one competent and rational candidate for President of the United States- the only one with actual accomplishments in the legislative and executive branches, and she is less corrupt than Donald Trump.

If Clinton is elected, and the GOP moves to impeach her immediately, it would be the death knell of the Republican Party- it would be seen for what it would be- a blatant attempt to overturn the results of an election.

Are you high? What "accomplishments" has Hillary Clinton done in the legislative or executive branch? I hate to break this to you, Sparky..

Step away from the Trump koolaid Spanky.

Although her major initiative, the Clinton health care plan failed, it certainly set the groundwork for the health care law we have today, the Affordable Care Act. And she played a leading role in advocating the creation of the State Children's Health Insurance Program, which provides state support for children whose parents cannot provide them with health coverage. She promoted nationwide immunization against childhood illnesses. She also played a leading role in creation of the Adoption and Safe Families Act and the Foster Care Independence Act. She encouraged older women to seek a mammogram for early detection of breast cancer (which is covered by Medicare) and successfully sought to increase research funding for prostate cancer and childhood asthma at the NIH. She worked to investigate illnesses that were reportedly affecting Veterans of the Gulf War; now commonly known as Gulf War Syndrome. And she created an Office on Violence Against Women at the Department of Justice. She is also the first first lady to hold a post graduate degree, and she traveled to more countries than any other first lady had at that time.

She was instrumental in securing $21 billion in funding for the World Trade Center site's redevelopment. She subsequently took a leading role in investigating the health issues that 9/11 first responders were facing.

After visiting soldiers in Iraq, Clinton noted that the insurgency had failed to disrupt the democratic elections held earlier, and that parts of the country were functioning well. Noting that war deployments were draining regular and reserve forces, she cointroduced legislation to increase the size of the regular Army by 80,000 soldiers to ease the strain and supported retaining and improving health benefits for veterans. She also she introduced the Family Entertainment Protection Act.

As our secretary of state, Clinton visited 112 countries, helping to repair a badly damaged U.S. reputation. She advocated an expanded role in global economic issues for the State Department and cited the need for an increased U.S. diplomatic presence, especially in Iraq, where the Defense Department had conducted diplomatic missions. Clinton unveiled the Global Hunger and Food Security program, prevailed over Vice President Biden to send an additional 21,000 troops to Afghanistan, saved the signing of a Turkish-Armenian accord, and assisted the president with major decisions as to the U.S. position with regard to the revolution in Egypt and the decision to use military force in Libya

Hillary Clinton's Accomplishments Speak for Themselves
The GOP will give her nearly whatever she wants. They'll stamp their feet and say "nuh uh" but at the end of the day, they're as establishment as she is and will do her bidding.
Clinton got them on the RIGHT TRACK to reduce the deficit, the Democratic President

On this issue, the Democrats lie and lie and lie. The Clintons tried to destroy the US economy and start trillion dollar deficits in the early 1990s, but Hillary's socializing health care FAILED. Then NEWT became SPEAKER and the Clintons bitched and whined and shut the government down over more SPENDING they wanted, and did not get.

Now, they take credit for that which they opposed in real time = FISCAL CONSERVATISM...

The PROOF...

I am all for "repeating" what happened under Bill, but that was DESPITE THE CLINTONS, not because of them...
Unfortunately, if Hillary wins and the REPS maintain control of the House and Senate, It will be 4 more years of obstructionism of which they will blame Hillary. I can't stand Trump but he is likely to piss everybody off and serendipitously unite the Republicans and the Democrats. So if Trump wins, I see him getting impeached.

The worst thing that could possibly happen to Hillary is for the Democrats to take control of the House and Senate because then she will have ZERO excuses for not getting the job done yet she won't have a single clue about HOW to get the job done!

Ultimately we can only guess as to what either candidate will accomplish if elected. The political system has a large number of variables that are very hard to account for. One of those variables is the economy - Economics is still not an exact science. Consider the $200 billion surplus at the end of the Clinton administration with a Republican house and senate. What if both houses were controlled by the Democrats? Would there be a $400 billion surplus or would there be a $200 billion deficite?

With all due respect, Jam...there was no "surplus" at the end of the Clinton Administration.

If Clinton hadn't been forced to spend less by Newt Gingrich and the "Contract with America" GOP Congress then I'm sure that you'd admit that he would have spent more?
Nope! clinton came in to office, with a plan to reduce the Deficit, with his 1993 Deficit Reduction Plan, and not one of the Republicans voted for it, but it did pass.... and THAT is what stirred the Republicans to poop or get off the pot....they then focused on reducing the deficit to act like heros and gain some seats....but if Clinton had not pushed it, the Republicans would NOT have reduced the Deficit, they believed and stood for the term..."Deficits don't matter"....

Most all of those same Republicans were in Power for most all of Bush's first 6 years, with these same Republicans adding nearly $500 Billion a year in deficits and to our National debt, even more, each of all of those years, with their Republican President.....

So please spare us that it was the Republican Congress that reduced the deficit to nil and are the fiscally responsible ones....fiscally responsible my ass!

Clinton got them on the RIGHT TRACK to reduce the deficit, the Democratic President.

Bush got these same people, to blow the Federal Budget in to smithereens, doubling the National debt in 8 years, The Republican President....

This CLEARLY shows that Bill Clinton WAS the main reason the Budget deficits were eliminated....not the Republicans in congress.

Gee, Care...what was different between the Clinton Presidency and the George W. Bush Presidency? Oh, that's right 9/11 happened! We had to go to war against the Taliban and Al Queda! Blaming budget deficits on the GOP when Democrats like John Kerry and Hillary Clinton voted to authorize military action against Afghanistan shows what a partisan shill you are!

As for your claim that budget deficits were "eliminated" by Bill Clinton? A massive influx of revenue from the Dot Com Boom coupled with a decrease in the public debt but an increase in the national debt made it appear that he was eliminating debt but in fact what took place was an increase in intergovernmental holdings. There was no decrease in the national debt...it in fact increased throughout the Clinton Administration. The economy was doing well due to the dot-com bubble and people were earning a lot of money and paying a lot into Social Security. Since Social Security had more money coming in than it had to pay in benefits to retired persons, all that extra money was immediately used to buy U.S. Government securities. The government was still running deficits, but since there was so much money coming from excess Social Security contributions there was no need to borrow more money directly from the public. As such, the public debt went down while intragovernmental holdings continued to skyrocket.
We had to go to war against the Taliban and Al Queda!

Assuming you were so utterly addicted to parroting and had no ability to THINK and ASK a FEW QUESTIONS...

Meanwhile, those really behind it, Mr. Netanyahu and Mr. Tenet, continue to reap the rewards of your idiocy, and will continue to do so if Hillary wins...
No. The Republican Leadership has been hijacked by milquetoast RINO cowards. They're merely Democrats in Republican clothing. It's a rig-job farce folks. They're members of the same Globalist Elite club. But hey, you keep on getting all worked up over the 'R Vs. D' and 'Left Vs Right' sham. Continue being a sucka. It's your call.
You know, for lying to congress. Or can Obama pardon her to prevent that as well?

Well the House can do whatever it wants- if the GOP really wants to put the final nail in the Republican coffin it could move ti impeach President Clinton.

Letting Hillary remain in office and go down in flames will be the best move the GOP can possibly make, Syriously. You do realize that she's totally incompetent and corrupt as the day is long? How do you think that translates out to for her chances of success?

I realize that Clinton is the one competent and rational candidate for President of the United States- the only one with actual accomplishments in the legislative and executive branches, and she is less corrupt than Donald Trump.

If Clinton is elected, and the GOP moves to impeach her immediately, it would be the death knell of the Republican Party- it would be seen for what it would be- a blatant attempt to overturn the results of an election.

Are you high? What "accomplishments" has Hillary Clinton done in the legislative or executive branch? I hate to break this to you, Sparky..

Step away from the Trump koolaid Spanky.

Although her major initiative, the Clinton health care plan failed, it certainly set the groundwork for the health care law we have today, the Affordable Care Act. And she played a leading role in advocating the creation of the State Children's Health Insurance Program, which provides state support for children whose parents cannot provide them with health coverage. She promoted nationwide immunization against childhood illnesses. She also played a leading role in creation of the Adoption and Safe Families Act and the Foster Care Independence Act. She encouraged older women to seek a mammogram for early detection of breast cancer (which is covered by Medicare) and successfully sought to increase research funding for prostate cancer and childhood asthma at the NIH. She worked to investigate illnesses that were reportedly affecting Veterans of the Gulf War; now commonly known as Gulf War Syndrome. And she created an Office on Violence Against Women at the Department of Justice. She is also the first first lady to hold a post graduate degree, and she traveled to more countries than any other first lady had at that time.

She was instrumental in securing $21 billion in funding for the World Trade Center site's redevelopment. She subsequently took a leading role in investigating the health issues that 9/11 first responders were facing.

After visiting soldiers in Iraq, Clinton noted that the insurgency had failed to disrupt the democratic elections held earlier, and that parts of the country were functioning well. Noting that war deployments were draining regular and reserve forces, she cointroduced legislation to increase the size of the regular Army by 80,000 soldiers to ease the strain and supported retaining and improving health benefits for veterans. She also she introduced the Family Entertainment Protection Act.

As our secretary of state, Clinton visited 112 countries, helping to repair a badly damaged U.S. reputation. She advocated an expanded role in global economic issues for the State Department and cited the need for an increased U.S. diplomatic presence, especially in Iraq, where the Defense Department had conducted diplomatic missions. Clinton unveiled the Global Hunger and Food Security program, prevailed over Vice President Biden to send an additional 21,000 troops to Afghanistan, saved the signing of a Turkish-Armenian accord, and assisted the president with major decisions as to the U.S. position with regard to the revolution in Egypt and the decision to use military force in Libya

Hillary Clinton's Accomplishments Speak for Themselves

Liberal talk show hosts like Leslie Marshall have spent years trying to "polish" Hillary Clinton's record to make her seem accomplished, Syriously but when you really examine what they're saying and compare it with the facts it's obvious that they're "polishing a turd" to use the vernacular! To say that she laid the groundwork for ObamaCare with her total failure to reform healthcare is laughable. Marshall lauds the fact that Clinton visited 112 countries as Secretary of State? Too bad she was doing so because her staff thought it would make her look more Presidential is she could say that she visited more countries than any other S of S and had a list to check off where she should visit to make that happen! That's Hillary in a nutshell! She wasn't flying to those countries to actually DO something that needed to be done...she was flying there to APPEAR that she was doing something!
We had to go to war against the Taliban and Al Queda!

Assuming you were so utterly addicted to parroting and had no ability to THINK and ASK a FEW QUESTIONS...

Meanwhile, those really behind it, Mr. Netanyahu and Mr. Tenet, continue to reap the rewards of your idiocy, and will continue to do so if Hillary wins...

Netanyahu was behind 9/11? Take your head out of your ass. Seriously! That's so idiotic I don't even know how to reply to it...
I wouldn't be surprised.

Would make the Clinton's 2 for 2, so that'd be something they could be proud of.....

You moonbats kept saying Republicans were going to impeach Obama. Bodecea is going to lose a bet on that on inauguration day and I get to put a statement in her sig for six months

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