If Hillary wins in November & the GOP hold the house will they move to impeach her?

Nobody said the GOP was dead? Joe it was the topic of the day at CNN and MSNBC for weeks after the election! Idiots like Rachel Maddow were predicting that the Republican Party might never recover from their crushing defeat and that Democrats would control Washington for decades. They were delusional enough to think that progressive policies were actually going to work and that the people would LOVE them for it! Two years later the GOP came back and steamrollered the Democrats! Barack Obama described it quite accurately as a "shellacking"!

Okay, guy, however you want to remember the past... I know you really need to believe that off-year elections that no one votes in validates you.

I notice you don't dispute how I remember the past, Joey...so I'm assuming you admit that I was spot on in my assessment? No one votes in mid term elections? Republicans do! We actually care about who we send to Washington BESIDES the President! What's become apparent is that a large number of Democratic voters don't even know...or care...who their Congressperson or Senator is because they don't show up to vote for them!
You know, for lying to congress. Or can Obama pardon her to prevent that as well?

Well the House can do whatever it wants- if the GOP really wants to put the final nail in the Republican coffin it could move ti impeach President Clinton.

Letting Hillary remain in office and go down in flames will be the best move the GOP can possibly make, Syriously. You do realize that she's totally incompetent and corrupt as the day is long? How do you think that translates out to for her chances of success?
If the GOP has the majority in the House, of course they can impeach her.

They won't, of course.
Unfortunately, if Hillary wins and the REPS maintain control of the House and Senate, It will be 4 more years of obstructionism of which they will blame Hillary. I can't stand Trump but he is likely to piss everybody off and serendipitously unite the Republicans and the Democrats. So if Trump wins, I see him getting impeached.
You know, for lying to congress. Or can Obama pardon her to prevent that as well?

Well the House can do whatever it wants- if the GOP really wants to put the final nail in the Republican coffin it could move ti impeach President Clinton.

Letting Hillary remain in office and go down in flames will be the best move the GOP can possibly make, Seriously. You do realize that she's totally incompetent and corrupt as the day is long? How do you think that translates out to for her chances of success?

And Trump is not totally incompetent. He is a male Sara Palin - or do you think she was competent,
You know, for lying to congress. Or can Obama pardon her to prevent that as well?

Well the House can do whatever it wants- if the GOP really wants to put the final nail in the Republican coffin it could move ti impeach President Clinton.

Letting Hillary remain in office and go down in flames will be the best move the GOP can possibly make, Seriously. You do realize that she's totally incompetent and corrupt as the day is long? How do you think that translates out to for her chances of success?

And Trump is not totally incompetent. He is a male Sara Palin - or do you think she was competent,
Another paid noob joins the frey
You know, for lying to congress. Or can Obama pardon her to prevent that as well?

Hell, Gramps...the worst thing you can do to Hillary is to stand back and let her try to be President! She doesn't have a clue how to deal with the economy, with immigration, with healthcare, with ISIS, with Russia, with Iran, with foreign trade, with race relations, with Black Lives Matter or any other issue out there! Obama has left her a country in tatters and on fire and all Hillary has in a can of gasoline to throw on it! Who's she going to blame her incompetence on...W?
The fact is she has been dealing with most of the issues you have mentioned. You might not like how she has dealt with them but she certainly has the knowledge and experience. Her opponent has virtually no experience with anything you have mentioned and his knowledge is based on watching CNN.
As was Obamas experience pre 2008 politically. Trump has tons of real world experience with jobs, project & people management as well as budgetary issues.
So do I and so does Joe the Plumber as do millions of other Americans. That does not mean they have what it takes to lead the nation. Governmental budgeting and fiance is not even close to selling and developing real estate. Hiring illegals does make you an expert on immigration. Building golf courses in Europe is not foreign policy, and bribing politicians is not the same as lawmaking.

Obama's experience was 11 years in law making in the Illinois Senate and the US Senate, backed up by a law degree and a job teaching constitutional law. I would say those credentials are far better qualifications for the presidency than selling and developing real estate.
I would say that is your opinion and I disagree with it. Obamas major & only experience was rabble rousing imo
That is your opinon not based on facts.
Unfortunately, if Hillary wins and the REPS maintain control of the House and Senate, It will be 4 more years of obstructionism of which they will blame Hillary. I can't stand Trump but he is likely to piss everybody off and serendipitously unite the Republicans and the Democrats. So if Trump wins, I see him getting impeached.

The worst thing that could possibly happen to Hillary is for the Democrats to take control of the House and Senate because then she will have ZERO excuses for not getting the job done yet she won't have a single clue about HOW to get the job done!
You can give me a "funny" Jake but you know I'm right! Hillary isn't running on what she's going to do when she becomes President because what she HAS proposed is nothing more than liberal talking points stitched together to try and get enough liberal voting blocks to show up at the poll to get her elected. None of it is viable.
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You know, for lying to congress. Or can Obama pardon her to prevent that as well?

Well the House can do whatever it wants- if the GOP really wants to put the final nail in the Republican coffin it could move ti impeach President Clinton.

Letting Hillary remain in office and go down in flames will be the best move the GOP can possibly make, Seriously. You do realize that she's totally incompetent and corrupt as the day is long? How do you think that translates out to for her chances of success?

And Trump is not totally incompetent. He is a male Sara Palin - or do you think she was competent,
Another paid noob joins the frey

Are you getting worried that your competitors might be getting paid as much as you?
You know, for lying to congress. Or can Obama pardon her to prevent that as well?

Well the House can do whatever it wants- if the GOP really wants to put the final nail in the Republican coffin it could move ti impeach President Clinton.

Letting Hillary remain in office and go down in flames will be the best move the GOP can possibly make, Syriously. You do realize that she's totally incompetent and corrupt as the day is long? How do you think that translates out to for her chances of success?

I realize that Clinton is the one competent and rational candidate for President of the United States- the only one with actual accomplishments in the legislative and executive branches, and she is less corrupt than Donald Trump.

If Clinton is elected, and the GOP moves to impeach her immediately, it would be the death knell of the Republican Party- it would be seen for what it would be- a blatant attempt to overturn the results of an election.
You know, for lying to congress. Or can Obama pardon her to prevent that as well?

Well the House can do whatever it wants- if the GOP really wants to put the final nail in the Republican coffin it could move ti impeach President Clinton.

Letting Hillary remain in office and go down in flames will be the best move the GOP can possibly make, Syriously. You do realize that she's totally incompetent and corrupt as the day is long? How do you think that translates out to for her chances of success?

I realize that Clinton is the one competent and rational candidate for President of the United States- the only one with actual accomplishments in the legislative and executive branches, and she is less corrupt than Donald Trump.

If Clinton is elected, and the GOP moves to impeach her immediately, it would be the death knell of the Republican Party- it would be seen for what it would be- a blatant attempt to overturn the results of an election.

Are you high? What "accomplishments" has Hillary Clinton done in the legislative or executive branch? I hate to break this to you, Sparky...but pretty much every thing she touches turns to shit! She hasn't been good at her jobs dating all the way back to the Bill Clinton Administration when she was put in charge of redoing healthcare and botched the job so badly that the GOP took back control of Congress.
As for corruption? Dude, her and her husband have made hundreds of millions of dollars exchanging political favors for cash. You can't GET any more corrupt than they are!

Or are you REALLY so stupid that you think all those big corporations and foreign governments seeking things from the State Department paid those $250,000 a whack "speaking fees" to listen to Hillary or Bill Clinton talk to them?
I notice you don't dispute how I remember the past, Joey...so I'm assuming you admit that I was spot on in my assessment?

No, guy, I long ago concluded that you live in your own reality. Not that someone says some vaccuous after an election.

No one votes in mid term elections? Republicans do! We actually care about who we send to Washington BESIDES the President!

And that's the problem. No one knows who these guys are. You gerrymander the shit out of congressional districts and then claim you have a mandate.

What's become apparent is that a large number of Democratic voters don't even know...or care...who their Congressperson or Senator is because they don't show up to vote for them!

Actually, a large part of Republican voters don't either. LIke when you guys masturbated for weeks over the senate races in 2014, but not ONE of your candidates actually got more votes than Romney did in those states two years earlier.

Now, if we had fairly drawn maps and got rid of the Senate (because that's useless. Wyoming getting as many Senators as California!) as well as the Electoral College, and had direct democracy where people's votes actually counted, you'd see more people come out and vote.

But again, what i keep pointing out to you, Dog Style. There aren't enough angry white men to keep your sorry-ass party afloat. You keep alienating women and people of color, you won't win Presidential elections.
Are you high? What "accomplishments" has Hillary Clinton done in the legislative or executive branch? I hate to break this to you, Sparky...but pretty much every thing she touches turns to shit! She hasn't been good at her jobs dating all the way back to the Bill Clinton Administration when she was put in charge of redoing healthcare and botched the job so badly that the GOP took back control of Congress.

Translation: "She has a vagina and she scares me!"

As for corruption? Dude, her and her husband have made hundreds of millions of dollars exchanging political favors for cash. You can't GET any more corrupt than they are!

Or are you REALLY so stupid that you think all those big corporations and foreign governments seeking things from the State Department paid those $250,000 a whack "speaking fees" to listen to Hillary or Bill Clinton talk to them?

Translation: That Vajayjay is really scary!!!
You can give me a "funny" Jake but you know I'm right! Hillary isn't running on what she's going to do when she becomes President because what she HAS proposed is nothing more than liberal talking points stitched together to try and get enough liberal voting blocks to show up at the poll to get her elected. None of it is viable.
Nonsense. You are passing air, nothing more. I will vote for McMullin. Trump is no more worthy of being president than Hillary.
I notice you don't dispute how I remember the past, Joey...so I'm assuming you admit that I was spot on in my assessment?

No, guy, I long ago concluded that you live in your own reality. Not that someone says some vaccuous after an election.

No one votes in mid term elections? Republicans do! We actually care about who we send to Washington BESIDES the President!

And that's the problem. No one knows who these guys are. You gerrymander the shit out of congressional districts and then claim you have a mandate.

What's become apparent is that a large number of Democratic voters don't even know...or care...who their Congressperson or Senator is because they don't show up to vote for them!

Actually, a large part of Republican voters don't either. LIke when you guys masturbated for weeks over the senate races in 2014, but not ONE of your candidates actually got more votes than Romney did in those states two years earlier.

Now, if we had fairly drawn maps and got rid of the Senate (because that's useless. Wyoming getting as many Senators as California!) as well as the Electoral College, and had direct democracy where people's votes actually counted, you'd see more people come out and vote.

But again, what i keep pointing out to you, Dog Style. There aren't enough angry white men to keep your sorry-ass party afloat. You keep alienating women and people of color, you won't win Presidential elections.

So let me see if I understand "Joey Logic" here...our election system works fine when it's NOT a midterm election and a Democrat is elected President but it's flawed when it IS a midterm election and Republicans get sent to Congress?

You think you lost the 2010 midterms because of "Gerrymandering"? LOL Here's a clue for you, Sparky...in order to DO Gerrymandering...you first have to have enough votes from the people to control your State legislature! You lost in 2010 because a majority of Americans told you they didn't want ObamaCare but Barry, Harry and Nancy didn't care. They pushed through what is arguably the most badly written piece of legislation ever passed by Congress...all the while lying their asses off to the American people about what it would do and what it would cost!
Are you high? What "accomplishments" has Hillary Clinton done in the legislative or executive branch? I hate to break this to you, Sparky...but pretty much every thing she touches turns to shit! She hasn't been good at her jobs dating all the way back to the Bill Clinton Administration when she was put in charge of redoing healthcare and botched the job so badly that the GOP took back control of Congress.

Translation: "She has a vagina and she scares me!"

As for corruption? Dude, her and her husband have made hundreds of millions of dollars exchanging political favors for cash. You can't GET any more corrupt than they are!

Or are you REALLY so stupid that you think all those big corporations and foreign governments seeking things from the State Department paid those $250,000 a whack "speaking fees" to listen to Hillary or Bill Clinton talk to them?

Translation: That Vajayjay is really scary!!!

I could care less about Hillary's "vagina"! You want me to vote for her because she's a woman? That's an insult to women. You should vote for someone because they are qualified for the office they seek and you should base that on their track record...not on their genitalia! Hillary Clinton combines incompetence with corruption. Why would her "vagina" make that not a problem?

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