If Hillary wins in November & the GOP hold the house will they move to impeach her?

You know, for lying to congress. Or can Obama pardon her to prevent that as well?

Hell, Gramps...the worst thing you can do to Hillary is to stand back and let her try to be President! She doesn't have a clue how to deal with the economy, with immigration, with healthcare, with ISIS, with Russia, with Iran, with foreign trade, with race relations, with Black Lives Matter or any other issue out there! Obama has left her a country in tatters and on fire and all Hillary has in a can of gasoline to throw on it! Who's she going to blame her incompetence on...W?
The fact is she has been dealing with most of the issues you have mentioned. You might not like how she has dealt with them but she certainly has the knowledge and experience. Her opponent has virtually no experience with anything you have mentioned and his knowledge is based on watching CNN.
As was Obamas experience pre 2008 politically. Trump has tons of real world experience with jobs, project & people management as well as budgetary issues.
You know, for lying to congress. Or can Obama pardon her to prevent that as well?

Hell, Gramps...the worst thing you can do to Hillary is to stand back and let her try to be President! She doesn't have a clue how to deal with the economy, with immigration, with healthcare, with ISIS, with Russia, with Iran, with foreign trade, with race relations, with Black Lives Matter or any other issue out there! Obama has left her a country in tatters and on fire and all Hillary has in a can of gasoline to throw on it! Who's she going to blame her incompetence on...W?
The fact is she has been dealing with most of the issues you have mentioned. You might not like how she has dealt with them but she certainly has the knowledge and experience. Her opponent has virtually no experience with anything you have mentioned and his knowledge is based on watching CNN.
As was Obamas experience pre 2008 politically. Trump has tons of real world experience with jobs, project & people management as well as budgetary issues.
So do I and so does Joe the Plumber as do millions of other Americans. That does not mean they have what it takes to lead the nation. Governmental budgeting and fiance is not even close to selling and developing real estate. Hiring illegals does make you an expert on immigration. Building golf courses in Europe is not foreign policy, and bribing politicians is not the same as lawmaking.

Obama's experience was 11 years in law making in the Illinois Senate and the US Senate, backed up by a law degree and a job teaching constitutional law. I would say those credentials are far better qualifications for the presidency than selling and developing real estate.
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There can be no doubt that if the Beast does win, there will have never been a president-elect so thoroughly under a dark cloud. It will be a very grim 4 years even if she doesn't die in office. Compound that with the Hapless VP, there is no hope for anything positive or healing as a country.
You know, for lying to congress. Or can Obama pardon her to prevent that as well?

Oh they could but they will never get the Senate to go along with their stupidity...

When you do not have the votes in the Senate then all it will do is be a major waste of time for the House to impeach her!
You know, for lying to congress. Or can Obama pardon her to prevent that as well?

Hell, Gramps...the worst thing you can do to Hillary is to stand back and let her try to be President! She doesn't have a clue how to deal with the economy, with immigration, with healthcare, with ISIS, with Russia, with Iran, with foreign trade, with race relations, with Black Lives Matter or any other issue out there! Obama has left her a country in tatters and on fire and all Hillary has in a can of gasoline to throw on it! Who's she going to blame her incompetence on...W?
The fact is she has been dealing with most of the issues you have mentioned. You might not like how she has dealt with them but she certainly has the knowledge and experience. Her opponent has virtually no experience with anything you have mentioned and his knowledge is based on watching CNN.
As was Obamas experience pre 2008 politically. Trump has tons of real world experience with jobs, project & people management as well as budgetary issues.
So do I and so does Joe the Plumber as do millions of other Americans. That does not mean they have what it takes to lead the nation. Governmental budgeting and fiance is not even close to selling and developing real estate. Hiring illegals does make you an expert on immigration. Building golf courses in Europe is not foreign policy, and bribing politicians is not the same as lawmaking.

Obama's experience was 11 years in law making in the Illinois Senate and the US Senate, backed up by a law degree and a job teaching constitutional law. I would say those credentials are far better qualifications for the presidency than selling and developing real estate.
I would say that is your opinion and I disagree with it. Obamas major & only experience was rabble rousing imo
The GOP could have impeached Obama in 2014, when the House Judiciary found out Obama had covered up the FBI's case against the climate "scientists."

The GOP got on its knees and said "YES MASTER" when this man told them to cork it...


Hillary will have the SAME Congress and get the SAME results - everything she wants, and if she gets a hard time, she just tells on the GOP to their master ... see photos on last page unless you want more...

We are going to war with Iran if Hillary wins, but first we will have another fraudulent "terror" attack done by Zionists and blamed on Muslims...
You know, for lying to congress. Or can Obama pardon her to prevent that as well?

Hell, Gramps...the worst thing you can do to Hillary is to stand back and let her try to be President! She doesn't have a clue how to deal with the economy, with immigration, with healthcare, with ISIS, with Russia, with Iran, with foreign trade, with race relations, with Black Lives Matter or any other issue out there! Obama has left her a country in tatters and on fire and all Hillary has in a can of gasoline to throw on it! Who's she going to blame her incompetence on...W?
The fact is she has been dealing with most of the issues you have mentioned. You might not like how she has dealt with them but she certainly has the knowledge and experience. Her opponent has virtually no experience with anything you have mentioned and his knowledge is based on watching CNN.
As was Obamas experience pre 2008 politically. Trump has tons of real world experience with jobs, project & people management as well as budgetary issues.

Trump has tons of world experience going bankrupt, and he won't listen to anyone, he is narcissist and the worst thing you can do is to give a Narcissist unbridled power.
Trump is a NARCISSIST?--and what happens when you give one unbridled power.
Donald Trump is a unique threat to American democracy

Basically when TRUMP knows more than our Generals, HE actually believes he does, which makes him the most dangerous candidate in this nations history.
'Embarrassing to our country': Trump suggests he’ll fire top generals

Leon Panetta has worked under 9 different administrations, and is highly respected by both Republicans and Democrats, and for the first time EVER he has come out from behind the curtain to say something about Clinton & Trump. You would be well advised to listen to every single word this man has to say.

And here's Trump in the WORST answer in Debate History.

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Leon Panetta has worked under 9 different administrations, and is highly respected by both Republicans and Democrats

The TRAITORS from both parties love him - that's your case.

This guy kept the CIA under Mossad control. The result is ISIS.

Thanks, Leon...
You know, for lying to congress. Or can Obama pardon her to prevent that as well?

Hell, Gramps...the worst thing you can do to Hillary is to stand back and let her try to be President! She doesn't have a clue how to deal with the economy, with immigration, with healthcare, with ISIS, with Russia, with Iran, with foreign trade, with race relations, with Black Lives Matter or any other issue out there! Obama has left her a country in tatters and on fire and all Hillary has in a can of gasoline to throw on it! Who's she going to blame her incompetence on...W?
The fact is she has been dealing with most of the issues you have mentioned. You might not like how she has dealt with them but she certainly has the knowledge and experience. Her opponent has virtually no experience with anything you have mentioned and his knowledge is based on watching CNN.
As was Obamas experience pre 2008 politically. Trump has tons of real world experience with jobs, project & people management as well as budgetary issues.

Trump has tons of world experience going bankrupt, and he won't listen to anyone, he is narcissist and the worst thing you can do is to give a Narcissist unbridled power.
Trump is a NARCISSIST?--and what happens when you give one unbridled power.
Donald Trump is a unique threat to American democracy

Basically when TRUMP knows more than our Generals, HE actually believes he does, which makes him the most dangerous candidate in this nations history.
'Embarrassing to our country': Trump suggests he’ll fire top generals

Leon Panetta has worked under 9 different administrations, and is highly respected by both Republicans and Democrats, and for the first time EVER he has come out from behind the curtain to say something about Clinton & Trump. You would be well advised to listen to every single word this man has to say.

We've already determined you're a fraud so your points are a waste of your effort imo
You know, for lying to congress. Or can Obama pardon her to prevent that as well?

Hell, Gramps...the worst thing you can do to Hillary is to stand back and let her try to be President! She doesn't have a clue how to deal with the economy, with immigration, with healthcare, with ISIS, with Russia, with Iran, with foreign trade, with race relations, with Black Lives Matter or any other issue out there! Obama has left her a country in tatters and on fire and all Hillary has in a can of gasoline to throw on it! Who's she going to blame her incompetence on...W?
The fact is she has been dealing with most of the issues you have mentioned. You might not like how she has dealt with them but she certainly has the knowledge and experience. Her opponent has virtually no experience with anything you have mentioned and his knowledge is based on watching CNN.
As was Obamas experience pre 2008 politically. Trump has tons of real world experience with jobs, project & people management as well as budgetary issues.

Trump has tons of world experience going bankrupt, and he won't listen to anyone, he is narcissist and the worst thing you can do is to give a Narcissist unbridled power.
Trump is a NARCISSIST?--and what happens when you give one unbridled power.
Donald Trump is a unique threat to American democracy

Basically when TRUMP knows more than our Generals, HE actually believes he does, which makes him the most dangerous candidate in this nations history.
'Embarrassing to our country': Trump suggests he’ll fire top generals

Leon Panetta has worked under 9 different administrations, and is highly respected by both Republicans and Democrats, and for the first time EVER he has come out from behind the curtain to say something about Clinton & Trump. You would be well advised to listen to every single word this man has to say.

We've already determined you're a fraud so your points are a waste of your effort imo

You're rino days are long over. In your efforts to get a non establishment candidate you have "rino'd" yourselves right into a Hillary Clinton presidency, a certain loss of the Senate, a ton of seats in the house and down ballot races all across this country.


You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator

Deep RED states are now endorsing Hillary Clinton.
The Arizona Republic endorses Hillary Clinton
We recommend Hillary Clinton for president | Editorials | Dallas News

I can only hope that you Tea Party--anti-establishment groupies, and all these right wing talk show hosts, their guests and every fucking idiot that has endorsed, promoted or defended this ass clown gets on that election night train to HELL with Donald Trump and we never have to listen to you or their ignorant babble ever again.

Your barn is going to burn to the ground.
#NeverTrump: We Told You He Would Kill Us, but You Didn’t Listen


Hell, Gramps...the worst thing you can do to Hillary is to stand back and let her try to be President! She doesn't have a clue how to deal with the economy, with immigration, with healthcare, with ISIS, with Russia, with Iran, with foreign trade, with race relations, with Black Lives Matter or any other issue out there! Obama has left her a country in tatters and on fire and all Hillary has in a can of gasoline to throw on it! Who's she going to blame her incompetence on...W?
The fact is she has been dealing with most of the issues you have mentioned. You might not like how she has dealt with them but she certainly has the knowledge and experience. Her opponent has virtually no experience with anything you have mentioned and his knowledge is based on watching CNN.
As was Obamas experience pre 2008 politically. Trump has tons of real world experience with jobs, project & people management as well as budgetary issues.

Trump has tons of world experience going bankrupt, and he won't listen to anyone, he is narcissist and the worst thing you can do is to give a Narcissist unbridled power.
Trump is a NARCISSIST?--and what happens when you give one unbridled power.
Donald Trump is a unique threat to American democracy

Basically when TRUMP knows more than our Generals, HE actually believes he does, which makes him the most dangerous candidate in this nations history.
'Embarrassing to our country': Trump suggests he’ll fire top generals

Leon Panetta has worked under 9 different administrations, and is highly respected by both Republicans and Democrats, and for the first time EVER he has come out from behind the curtain to say something about Clinton & Trump. You would be well advised to listen to every single word this man has to say.

We've already determined you're a fraud so your points are a waste of your effort imo

You're rino days are long over. In your efforts to get a non establishment candidate you have "rino'd" yourselves right into a Hillary Clinton presidency, a certain loss of the Senate, a ton of seats in the house and down ballot races all across this country.


You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator

Deep RED states are now endorsing Hillary Clinton.
The Arizona Republic endorses Hillary Clinton
We recommend Hillary Clinton for president | Editorials | Dallas News

I can only hope that you Tea Party--anti-establishment groupies, and all these right wing talk show hosts, their guests and every fucking idiot that has endorsed, promoted or defended this ass clown gets on that election night train to HELL with Donald Trump and we never have to listen to you or their ignorant babble ever again.

Your barn is going to burn to the ground.
#NeverTrump: We Told You He Would Kill Us, but You Didn’t Listen


Considering that you on the left declared the GOP "dead" in 2008 and they turned around and won the biggest swing of Congressional and Senate seats in modern political history two years later...

Except no one really said that and in 2008, I was still voting Republican even as i watched them burn down my financial house.

Quite the contrary I knew that an Obama win in 2008 would probably cause Republican gains in 2010... because it always does.

So instead of repeating the arguments that weren't made, let's get on to the argument that is being made.

ou've pretty much admitted already that Hillary is going to be a disaster as President. Who do you think is going to benefit from that...the Libertarian Party? We'll have had twelve YEARS of Democratic Presidents at that point with what will most likely become known as a "lost decade" in American economic history.

Well, sadly, yes, it will take 12 years for people to forget how badly Republican fuck up the economy for those of us who aren't rich. Kind of like they almost forgot how bad Poppy Bush fucked up the economy in 1992 and let Dumbya steal the election in 2000.

However, that said, long term, there just aren't enough old angry white males to sustain you guys in the long run.

Nobody said the GOP was dead? Joe it was the topic of the day at CNN and MSNBC for weeks after the election! Idiots like Rachel Maddow were predicting that the Republican Party might never recover from their crushing defeat and that Democrats would control Washington for decades. They were delusional enough to think that progressive policies were actually going to work and that the people would LOVE them for it! Two years later the GOP came back and steamrollered the Democrats! Barack Obama described it quite accurately as a "shellacking"!
You know, for lying to congress. Or can Obama pardon her to prevent that as well?

Well the House can do whatever it wants- if the GOP really wants to put the final nail in the Republican coffin it could move ti impeach President Clinton.
Nobody said the GOP was dead? Joe it was the topic of the day at CNN and MSNBC for weeks after the election! Idiots like Rachel Maddow were predicting that the Republican Party might never recover from their crushing defeat and that Democrats would control Washington for decades. They were delusional enough to think that progressive policies were actually going to work and that the people would LOVE them for it! Two years later the GOP came back and steamrollered the Democrats! Barack Obama described it quite accurately as a "shellacking"!

Okay, guy, however you want to remember the past... I know you really need to believe that off-year elections that no one votes in validates you.

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