If humans went extinct, who should 'inherit the earth?'


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Like to see dolphins evolve into a land-dwelling species. Considering an orca's superior emotional intelligence and capacity for empathy and compassion, I'd love to see what they evolved into. But I'm afraid I'm not much of a fan of humans continuing on. Seems our entire existence is defined by wars and violence. Sooner we're gone the sooner there'll be room on the planet for something else to occupy the top spot and evolve. Would think another primate'd be sensible, but we're primates and look at us. Let's go another way next time. :)
The left would be happy if all humans were going extinct.

That is a fact.

Probably Chimps would evolve into something else given time.
The left would be happy if all humans were going extinct.

That is a fact.

Probably Chimps would evolve into something else given time.

History of humankind is defined by the wars. Fuck the human race. Sooner we're gone the better.

Problem isn't left or right, calitalist or communist or any of that. Those are the diversions. The problem is our primate brain's, opposable thumbs, and propensity for using the primitive part of our brains. We're flawed, irrational, prone to fight instead of flight being predators, and have guns, planes, nukes, a tendency to get awnry.
Why haven't dolphins evolved to land dwellers already

They started on land as their flippers show residual fingers.

Good question though is why are intelligent species vastly older than humans absent technology and such as we've developed in much shorter spans of time? Human and bottlenose dolphin brains are almost exactly alike. Oweing to a watery enviroment, much of a dolphin's brain is devoted to accoustic processing for sonar. On land, it'd be interesting to see what became of that.
The left would be happy if all humans were going extinct.

That is a fact.

Probably Chimps would evolve into something else given time.
uhmmm, so now you go from a racist to a liar ......Typical breakdown......
Every opportunity in the past we had for peace was rejected for war. Every pacifist denounced or assassinated leaving hawks to start or continue wars unabated. If war is what defines humanity then we should accept our flawed state, quit resisting the inevitible, and just let it happen. Opposing it doesn't work, it's been tried. They wanna fight and murder one another. So let them. Give something else a chance to evolve when we finally wipe ourselves out.
The left would be happy if all humans were going extinct.

That is a fact.

Probably Chimps would evolve into something else given time.

History of humankind is defined by the wars. Fuck the human race. Sooner we're gone the better.

Problem isn't left or right, calitalist or communist or any of that. Those are the diversions. The problem is our primate brain's, opposable thumbs, and propensity for using the primitive part of our brains. We're flawed, irrational, prone to fight instead of flight being predators, and have guns, planes, nukes, a tendency to get awnry.
You suck...If you feel the need to off yourself because you have put yourself into a position of hopelessness...don't include me in your depressed state...
I don' know who 'should' inherit the earth. But it WOULD be inherited by insects.
The left would be happy if all humans were going extinct.

That is a fact.

Probably Chimps would evolve into something else given time.

History of humankind is defined by the wars. Fuck the human race. Sooner we're gone the better.

Problem isn't left or right, calitalist or communist or any of that. Those are the diversions. The problem is our primate brain's, opposable thumbs, and propensity for using the primitive part of our brains. We're flawed, irrational, prone to fight instead of flight being predators, and have guns, planes, nukes, a tendency to get awnry.
You suck...If you feel the need to off yourself because you have put yourself into a position of hopelessness...don't include me in your depressed state...

Myself? Heh you wish...;)

"Sheldon's a lab accident away from being a supervillain." - "The Big Bang Theory"

...just saying. :)
If humans went extinct, who should 'inherit the earth?'

It is not a matter of IF it is a matter of when..

500 Million years from now the Sun will start it's journey into becoming a red giant, 1.5 Billion years form now life on the Earth will be extinct.
I don' know who 'should' inherit the earth. But it WOULD be inherited by insects.

Dunno. Vastly more of them even with our stepping on them and gassing them every chance we get. But I don't see potential to evolve in the average insect. They're pretty much as evolved as they're gonna get I"d say and have evolved as far as they have despite our stepping on them and stuff. Give em millions of years though who knows. Have some freakish examples of intelligence and hereditary intelligence we'd slaughter puppies for. :)
"It's only in the face of horror that you truly find your nobler selves. And you can be so noble. So, I'll bring you pain, I'll bring you horror, so that you may rise above it. So that those of you who survive this reign of hell on earth will be worthy..."
- Gabriel, "Constantine"

"...for sixpence a line, I could cause a riot in a nunnery..."
Shakespeare, "Shakespeare in Love"

While I'm no Shakespeare, it doesn't take one to cause a row. We're prone to that as it is. Just takes the right nudge.
Portuguese man-o'-wars.

Those little gas-filled bladders are fearsome.
I don' know who 'should' inherit the earth. But it WOULD be inherited by insects.

Dunno. Vastly more of them even with our stepping on them and gassing them every chance we get. But I don't see potential to evolve in the average insect. They're pretty much as evolved as they're gonna get I"d say and have evolved as far as they have despite our stepping on them and stuff. Give em millions of years though who knows. Have some freakish examples of intelligence and hereditary intelligence we'd slaughter puppies for. :)

I didn't say they would author a Magna Carta, or move to the 'berbs'...but they WILL survive though...

Not matter how much we 'gas' them, the few surviving insects and their offspring are immune to that 'gas'...

Their evolutionary cycle is measured in days, not centuries...

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