If I Didn't Know Better Obama Sounds Like He's Defending Jihad


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Yesterday in India Obama was asked a simple question. What do you think about Jihad? His answer was in textbook Obama style an attempt to give a history lesson. He appeared to attempt to change the audience member's minds about what Jihad is. It seems to me that all he succeeded in doing was confusing everyone by being too vague and not getting to the point.

This is a habit Obama has. He can take a simple question and turn into a complex 15 mins answer. This accomplishes two things; it shows the questioner how intelligent he is and it allows him to leave difficult questions unanswered.

It also allows one to take sides on how to interpret his answer. If you want to be pragmatic you could assume that he's just trying to be diplomatic. However if you want to use a bit of common-sense you could assume that Obama in some strange way actually supports Jihad. He just doesn't support the death that results from it. One could also assume if you want to take it even further is that he's adopted a Islamic mentality....that this is all Allah's will and basically "Shit Happens". This allows him to be for something and not be blamed for facilitating it.

Obama never wants to take sides on important issues. He almost always chooses the wrong side it seems.

Another note: Barrack....stop talking about Gandi. India has moved on. Every time you mention him...which is often...you show how little you understand about modern day India.
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Yesterday in India Obama was asked a simple question. What do you think about Jihad? His answer was in textbook Obama style an attempt to give a history lesson. He appeared to attempt to change the audience member's minds about what Jihad is. It seems to me that all he succeeded in doing was confusing everyone by being too vague and not getting to the point.

This is a habit Obama has. He can take a simple question and turn into a complex 15 mins answer. This accomplishes two things; it shows the questioner how intelligent he is and it allows him to leave difficult questions unanswered.

It also allows one to take sides on how to interpret his answer. If you want to be pragmatic you could assume that he's just trying to be diplomatic. However if you want to use a bit of common-sense you could assume that Obama in some strange way actually supports Jihad. He just doesn't support the death that results from it. One could also assume if you want to take it even further is that he's adopted a Islamic mentality....that this is all Allah's will and basically "Shit Happens". This allows him to be for something and not be blamed for facilitating it.

Obama never wants to take sides on important issues. He almost always chooses the wrong side it seems.

Another note: Barrack....stop talking about Gandi. India has moved on. Every time you mention him...which is often...you show how little you understand about modern day India.

It accomplishes another thing . . . the audience loses interest/focus on his answer and stop listening. They get tired of trying to figure out exactly what his pov is, or if he even has one . . . . amongst all his blather.

Yesterday in India Obama was asked a simple question. What do you think about Jihad? His answer was in textbook Obama style an attempt to give a history lesson. He appeared to attempt to change the audience member's minds about what Jihad is. It seems to me that all he succeeded in doing was confusing everyone by being too vague and not getting to the point.

This is a habit Obama has. He can take a simple question and turn into a complex 15 mins answer. This accomplishes two things; it shows the questioner how intelligent he is and it allows him to leave difficult questions unanswered.

It also allows one to take sides on how to interpret his answer. If you want to be pragmatic you could assume that he's just trying to be diplomatic. However if you want to use a bit of common-sense you could assume that Obama in some strange way actually supports Jihad. He just doesn't support the death that results from it. One could also assume if you want to take it even further is that he's adopted a Islamic mentality....that this is all Allah's will and basically "Shit Happens". This allows him to be for something and not be blamed for facilitating it.

Obama never wants to take sides on important issues. He almost always chooses the wrong side it seems.

Another note: Barrack....stop talking about Gandi. India has moved on. Every time you mention him...which is often...you show how little you understand about modern day India.

I think you don't know better. Stay with that first instinct, It'll save your life one day.

Yesterday in India Obama was asked a simple question. What do you think about Jihad? His answer was in textbook Obama style an attempt to give a history lesson. He appeared to attempt to change the audience member's minds about what Jihad is. It seems to me that all he succeeded in doing was confusing everyone by being too vague and not getting to the point.

This is a habit Obama has. He can take a simple question and turn into a complex 15 mins answer. This accomplishes two things; it shows the questioner how intelligent he is and it allows him to leave difficult questions unanswered.

It also allows one to take sides on how to interpret his answer. If you want to be pragmatic you could assume that he's just trying to be diplomatic. However if you want to use a bit of common-sense you could assume that Obama in some strange way actually supports Jihad. He just doesn't support the death that results from it. One could also assume if you want to take it even further is that he's adopted a Islamic mentality....that this is all Allah's will and basically "Shit Happens". This allows him to be for something and not be blamed for facilitating it.

Obama never wants to take sides on important issues. He almost always chooses the wrong side it seems.

Another note: Barrack....stop talking about Gandi. India has moved on. Every time you mention him...which is often...you show how little you understand about modern day India.

It accomplishes another thing . . . the audience loses interest/focus on his answer and stop listening. They get tired of trying to figure out exactly what his pov is, or if he even has one . . . . amongst all his blather.

I think he was more credible when he just voted Present.
Sounds like his answer was just too complicated for the pseudo-conned. They really don't like any answer that is over 15 seconds in lengths do they?

Must have something to do with AADD.
Man...what a whle lot of nothing.
What took him 3 minutes and 36 seconds to answer could have been done in 5 seconds.

"I'm not really going to answer that question specifically, I'll just say that Jihad means several different things, some of it bad...and oh yeah...Islam is a great religion"
Sounds like his answer was just too complicated for the pseudo-conned. They really don't like any answer that is over 15 seconds in lengths do they?

Must have something to do with AADD.

What was complicated about Obama's answer that started with the professorial intro ".....there are many different definitions for Jihad.....blah...blah..blah..." that never got around to answering the question in the first place?
You could see the shock on the Indian kids faces when he was talking about how wonderful Islam was.

Did he even know where in the hell he was????

Good God man. Wake the fuck up!!!!

Jihad is the number one threat in India.

Somebody needs to brief Osama on the history and culture of these countries so he can't embarrass us with his stupidity.

It was very insensitive....similar to the way the Prez of Mexico dared to lecture us on illegal immigration.
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Sounds like his answer was just too complicated for the pseudo-conned. They really don't like any answer that is over 15 seconds in lengths do they?

Must have something to do with AADD.

Is that what your Doctor told you? Do me a favor since you speak Bumbling Idiot so well, translate it to English. If I didn't hear the same exact double speak on the pro Jihad, Threads, I would think it funny.
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then there are these gems about Islam............

"The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam. That's not what Islam is all about. Islam is peace." .... George W. Bush September 17, 2001


"We view Islam as a religion of peace" ... George W. Bush March 9, 2006


"I believe that Islam is a great religion that preaches peace." ... George W. Bush October 4, 2007


"Islam is a peaceful religion. Islam is a religion that respects innocent human life" ... Condi Rice October 16, 2001


"So, on behalf of all the men and women of the State Department, thank you for honoring us with your presence this evening. Thank you for what you do every day as people of a great faith, of one of the world's great religions, of a religion of peace and love. Thank you for spending this important holiday evening with us. Ramadan Kareem. (Applause.)" ... Condi Rice October 25, 2005


"And so I would hope that people around the world would recognize that Islam as a religion that is peaceful," ... Condi Rice March 15, 2006

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what a bunch of silliness this thread is.

Well...this is a message board after all.

Let's face it. Obama never fails to show his love for Islam whenever he gets a chance. But this time he did it in front of folks that really have a problem with Muslims....because too many of their friends and relatives have been killed by them.

I think he's on drugs.....or he really thinks he can change anyone's mind.
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then there are these gems about Islam............

"The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam. That's not what Islam is all about. Islam is peace." .... George W. Bush September 17, 2001


"We view Islam as a religion of peace" ... George W. Bush March 9, 2006


"I believe that Islam is a great religion that preaches peace." ... George W. Bush October 4, 2007


"Islam is a peaceful religion. Islam is a religion that respects innocent human life" ... Condi Rice October 16, 2001


"So, on behalf of all the men and women of the State Department, thank you for honoring us with your presence this evening. Thank you for what you do every day as people of a great faith, of one of the world's great religions, of a religion of peace and love. Thank you for spending this important holiday evening with us. Ramadan Kareem. (Applause.)" ... Condi Rice October 25, 2005


"And so I would hope that people around the world would recognize that Islam as a religion that is peaceful," ... Condi Rice March 15, 2006


Wasn't that back when George was dating the Royal Prince. He can't be responsible for what he said back then, that was love talking. ;)

No seriously, Islam needs some tough love and reform. This new Sharia Law Front is evidence of that. Either we are just being played and told what they think we want to hear, while they advance the charge, or they need to be taken by the hand and pottie trained. Which do you think it is?????

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