If I have to Put up with a Bazillion Trump aka neuveua Palin Threads ....

Who do you trust more?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 38 67.9%
  • Barrack Obama

    Votes: 18 32.1%

  • Total voters
I bet you and your ilk would love to see Cookie Monster eat Obama for lunch too...wouldn't you?
I bet you and your ilk would love to see Cookie Monster eat Obama for lunch too...wouldn't you?

The Cookie Monster?? Nope. Just Trump.

If by ILK you mean folks who don't drool all over OL'BO then I'm happy to join those ranks.

ILK it is.
The Donald wouldn't pull any punchs and would be one tough opponent for OL'BO and his possee. He would call him on everything he's done since getting elected and some stuff that McCain wouldn't touch no doubt.

I doubt he has any serious interest in running for POTUS though.

I think it would be an interesting campaign though. Trump says what he thinks and he doesn't care if you like it or not. Nothing PC about him at all.

It take up to much time and doesn't pay enough.

Trump wants to run on HIS personal record?

Marla Maples will be a lot of fun

LOL Your right there.

His personal life certainly has its highs and lows.

Anyone who can read knows all about his personal life. Its not the deep dark secret it would be if he were a professional politican.

I wouldn't vote for Trump but I still think it would be one hell of a campaign.
Does this mean Trump hasn't found any proof yet? How much of his money is he really going to spend chasing this red herring?
What a dumb fucking thread.... How about you start a thread when something actually happens, ok?

PS, Trup sucks ballz.

A thread with no substance naturally started by a liberal.:eusa_whistle:

He's in a threesome with his Unrepentant Homicidal Commie/Terrorist Billy Ayers and the Whackjob Black Racist Holy Man "Goddamn America" Wright.

I guess fright-wingers don't have much of a sense of humor. :lol::lol::lol:

I don't know...Gautama's post is pretty funny. :lol::lol::lol:
A thread with no substance naturally started by a liberal.:eusa_whistle:

And he puts it in 'politics'. This is interesting because it provides evidence that, to the Obamanation, empty shit is politics.

:lol:Donald Trump is considering a run for POTUS, which makes his charade "political". Luckily, he and Caribou Barbie are both gunning for the GOP slot. You right wingers must be SO proud....
A thread with no substance naturally started by a liberal.:eusa_whistle:

And he puts it in 'politics'. This is interesting because it provides evidence that, to the Obamanation, empty shit is politics.

:lol:Donald Trump is considering a run for POTUS, which makes his charade "political". Luckily, he and Caribou Barbie are both gunning for the GOP slot. You right wingers must be SO proud....
If you've been doing any reading beyond MSNBC, you'd see that Obama's followers are leaving him in droves. But don't mind me, just carry on in blissful ignorance!

Love that 3rd War by the way. :D
The Donald wouldn't pull any punchs and would be one tough opponent for OL'BO and his possee. He would call him on everything he's done since getting elected and some stuff that McCain wouldn't touch no doubt.

I doubt he has any serious interest in running for POTUS though.

I think it would be an interesting campaign though. Trump says what he thinks and he doesn't care if you like it or not. Nothing PC about him at all.

It take up to much time and doesn't pay enough.

Trump wants to run on HIS personal record?

Marla Maples will be a lot of fun

LOL Your right there.

His personal life certainly has its highs and lows.

Anyone who can read knows all about his personal life. Its not the deep dark secret it would be if he were a professional politican.

I wouldn't vote for Trump but I still think it would be one hell of a campaign.

Trump thinks all he has to do to run for President is proudly pull out his Birth Certificate. The fun part will come when he has to produce his tax records for the past three years.
And he puts it in 'politics'. This is interesting because it provides evidence that, to the Obamanation, empty shit is politics.

:lol:Donald Trump is considering a run for POTUS, which makes his charade "political". Luckily, he and Caribou Barbie are both gunning for the GOP slot. You right wingers must be SO proud....
If you've been doing any reading beyond MSNBC, you'd see that Obama's followers are leaving him in droves. But don't mind me, just carry on in blissful ignorance!

Love that 3rd War by the way. :D

Got a poll that states this (other than Rasmussen or FOX, I mean)? And even if Obama supporters are leaving, where will they go? To support Caribou Barbie? The Donald? I think not...But don't mind me, just carry on in blissful ignorance!
And he puts it in 'politics'. This is interesting because it provides evidence that, to the Obamanation, empty shit is politics.

:lol:Donald Trump is considering a run for POTUS, which makes his charade "political". Luckily, he and Caribou Barbie are both gunning for the GOP slot. You right wingers must be SO proud....
If you've been doing any reading beyond MSNBC, you'd see that Obama's followers are leaving him in droves. But don't mind me, just carry on in blissful ignorance!

Love that 3rd War by the way. :D

3rd war plus high unemployment and the thrill of higher gas and food prices.:eusa_whistle:
:lol:Donald Trump is considering a run for POTUS, which makes his charade "political". Luckily, he and Caribou Barbie are both gunning for the GOP slot. You right wingers must be SO proud....
If you've been doing any reading beyond MSNBC, you'd see that Obama's followers are leaving him in droves. But don't mind me, just carry on in blissful ignorance!

Love that 3rd War by the way. :D

Got a poll that states this (other than Rasmussen or FOX, I mean)? And even if Obama supporters are leaving, where will they go? To support Caribou Barbie? The Donald? I think not...But don't mind me, just carry on in blissful ignorance!
Nothing wrong with either of those News Outlets polls. In fact, if you do some research, you'll see that they had Obama winning in the last 2008 Presidential Election poll. Even Teh Rove said Obama would win (And he almost nailed the final electoral tally as well)

But since you requested it, here it is.
Newsmax Poll: Trump Overwhelms Obama, GOP Field in 2012 Race
You know...I have been sayiong all along that whereas I believe Obama is a citizen, I am convinced that he has been aloof with his birth certificate so his politcal allies can make fun of those that refuse to accept his citizenship as fact without a BC.

Now, yes, the hospital prodcued his Certificate of Live Birth, but that is not a BC...

Which brings me to this....

I was audited last Wednesday by the department of Labor. Being in the business I am in (one of my companies is a temporary staffing firm), we are subject to unannounced field audits where the DoL comes in and we must open our I-9 records to them. Each employee must have proof of citizenship (and we must retain a photocopy of the doc(s)..and it is like a Chinese Restaurant Menu...they can produce a Passport...OR...a Birth Certificate and a Drivers license....or a combination of other things.....

We passed the audit, but I asked the auditor if a Certificate of Live Birth is acceptable....as we discussed the whole birther thing..... and he said no, unless it is accompanied by a vairety of other things...and is not as "strong" as a birth certificate...

So my question is....if it is illegal to hire someone without the required proof of citizenship, then why do those that support Obama continaully claim that he does not have to produce his BC if he does not want to?

Didnt we, the American People hire him? Is he exempt from having to prove his citizenship? Exactly who was the one who processed his paperwork as a government employee...in particualr...his i-9 form....and isnt that supposed to be public seeing as he is hired by the public?
you know...i have been sayiong all along that whereas i believe obama is a citizen, i am convinced that he has been aloof with his birth certificate so his politcal allies can make fun of those that refuse to accept his citizenship as fact without a bc.

Now, yes, the hospital prodcued his certificate of live birth, but that is not a bc...

Which brings me to this....

I was audited last wednesday by the department of labor. Being in the business i am in (one of my companies is a temporary staffing firm), we are subject to unannounced field audits where the dol comes in and we must open our i-9 records to them. Each employee must have proof of citizenship (and we must retain a photocopy of the doc(s)..and it is like a chinese restaurant menu...they can produce a passport...or...a birth certificate and a drivers license....or a combination of other things.....

We passed the audit, but i asked the auditor if a certificate of live birth is acceptable....as we discussed the whole birther thing..... And he said no, unless it is accompanied by a vairety of other things...and is not as "strong" as a birth certificate...

So my question is....if it is illegal to hire someone without the required proof of citizenship, then why do those that support obama continaully claim that he does not have to produce his bc if he does not want to?

Didnt we, the american people hire him? Is he exempt from having to prove his citizenship? Exactly who was the one who processed his paperwork as a government employee...in particualr...his i-9 form....and isnt that supposed to be public seeing as he is hired by the public?

now, yes, the hospital prodcued his certificate of live birth, but that is not a bc

the hospital did not have nor did it produce obama's birth certificate.
You know...I have been sayiong all along that whereas I believe Obama is a citizen, I am convinced that he has been aloof with his birth certificate so his politcal allies can make fun of those that refuse to accept his citizenship as fact without a BC.

Now, yes, the hospital prodcued his Certificate of Live Birth, but that is not a BC...

Which brings me to this....

I was audited last Wednesday by the department of Labor. Being in the business I am in (one of my companies is a temporary staffing firm), we are subject to unannounced field audits where the DoL comes in and we must open our I-9 records to them. Each employee must have proof of citizenship (and we must retain a photocopy of the doc(s)..and it is like a Chinese Restaurant Menu...they can produce a Passport...OR...a Birth Certificate and a Drivers license....or a combination of other things.....

We passed the audit, but I asked the auditor if a Certificate of Live Birth is acceptable....as we discussed the whole birther thing..... and he said no, unless it is accompanied by a vairety of other things...and is not as "strong" as a birth certificate...

So my question is....if it is illegal to hire someone without the required proof of citizenship, then why do those that support Obama continaully claim that he does not have to produce his BC if he does not want to?

Didnt we, the American People hire him? Is he exempt from having to prove his citizenship? Exactly who was the one who processed his paperwork as a government employee...in particualr...his i-9 form....and isnt that supposed to be public seeing as he is hired by the public?

I agree.

I believe he's a citizen as well but find it rather odd that he hasn't produced that pesky BC to put this birther bs to bed.

If Trump finds proof that he wasn't born in Hawaii then I'd like to see it.

By the same token I'm sure there are plenty of folks who would like to see his BC as well.
you know...i have been sayiong all along that whereas i believe obama is a citizen, i am convinced that he has been aloof with his birth certificate so his politcal allies can make fun of those that refuse to accept his citizenship as fact without a bc.

Now, yes, the hospital prodcued his certificate of live birth, but that is not a bc...

Which brings me to this....

I was audited last wednesday by the department of labor. Being in the business i am in (one of my companies is a temporary staffing firm), we are subject to unannounced field audits where the dol comes in and we must open our i-9 records to them. Each employee must have proof of citizenship (and we must retain a photocopy of the doc(s)..and it is like a chinese restaurant menu...they can produce a passport...or...a birth certificate and a drivers license....or a combination of other things.....

We passed the audit, but i asked the auditor if a certificate of live birth is acceptable....as we discussed the whole birther thing..... And he said no, unless it is accompanied by a vairety of other things...and is not as "strong" as a birth certificate...

So my question is....if it is illegal to hire someone without the required proof of citizenship, then why do those that support obama continaully claim that he does not have to produce his bc if he does not want to?

Didnt we, the american people hire him? Is he exempt from having to prove his citizenship? Exactly who was the one who processed his paperwork as a government employee...in particualr...his i-9 form....and isnt that supposed to be public seeing as he is hired by the public?

now, yes, the hospital prodcued his certificate of live birth, but that is not a bc

the hospital did not have nor did it produce obama's birth certificate.

Yes...I know...they produced a certificate of live birth....one is the property of the hospital and the other is the property of the person...there is a big difference.

As for "weight" as it pertains to I-9...

A certificate of live birth MUST accompany a letter from the department of state affirming that it correlates with a BC AND it must also accompany a government (srate or federal) picture ID.

A Birth Certificate with a raised seal only needs to be accompanied by the government issued photo ID.

So my question is this....why does the Obama team claim that they do not need to produce the BC....is POTUS exempt from I-9 requirements?

Did he produce a passport?

Exactly what did he produce to satisfy the I-9 requirements...and why would that not be public?

Does anyone know?

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