If I have to Put up with a Bazillion Trump aka neuveua Palin Threads ....

Who do you trust more?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 38 67.9%
  • Barrack Obama

    Votes: 18 32.1%

  • Total voters
Trump is forced to spend his money on this?

Trump would like to see it and he refuses to let him...so Trump is forced to get it onhis own.

As an employee, everyone is required to produce proof of citizenship.
As one of Obamas employers, Trump asked to see proof of citizenship......Obama does not have to produce it for Trump in particualar, but he does have to produce it to receive a paycheck.
I did research on the internet and nowhere have I found a statement or ANY information regarding his I-9 form...a form required to be filled out by ALL employees of ALL entities in the US...and they MUST be accompanied by either a passport OR a Birth Certificate and a government issued photo ID.
The only thing I found on the internet was the fact that there IS NO I-9 info on Obama.

Why is that?

And his passport is on record. His mother would have needed to use it if he had been born in Kenya but she wanted it to seem like he was born in Hawaii. Has Trump tried that route?

No, he is too stoopid.

His passport is on record?


LOL...and you call Trump stupid. LMAO....YOU called Trump stupid.....LMFAO......

(he scares the shit out of you...doesnt he) :eusa_shhh:
All I know is, any sane person who have provided the true BC just to shut everybody up. Sorry, I find it odd that this hasn't been done.

Yes it has been done. You just refuse to acknowledge it.



(and dont give me that Certificate of Live Birth garbage...as it pertains to I-9 requirements, a CoLB is only deemed valid if accompanied with a letter from the department of state confirming that it corresponds with a BC)
Trump would like to see it and he refuses to let him...so Trump is forced to get it onhis own.

First of all, since when is Trump so special that just because he wants something, he gets it? What right does Trump have to force anyone to show him their birth certificate?

Second, if Trump wants to see Obama's birth certificate all he has to do is look. Obama has already released it. He released it years ago.
o my question is this....why does the Obama team claim that they do not need to produce the BC....is POTUS exempt from I-9 requirements?

He's already produced his birth certificate. You people simply refuse to acknowledge it.

Just an FYI.....

If you were an employer and you were audited by the DoL and one of your employees had a file with an I-9 form and attasched to it was a Certificate of Live Birth and a state drivers license....you would be fined and forced to suspend that employee until he produced one of three things:

1) A valid US passport
2) A Birth Certificate with a raised seal
3) A letter from the department of state of birth confirming that there is a valid BC that corresponds with the hospital issued Certificate of Live Birth

So that being siad...he fooled the shit out of you....he produced nothing deemed by his OWN government that he heads up that is considered proof of citizenship.

Lol...I guess he sees you as just too stupid to know this. He fooled the shit out of ya.
No one has an answer as to why the president, who recives a salary, does not need to provide the proper documentation for I-9?
One, you don't need to present your birth certificate when filling out the I9 if you have a valid US Passport.

Two, who is to say he didn't?

One...I made that clear inmy earlier posts...either a valid passport OR a BC accompanied by a government issued photo ID

Two.....who is to say he did?

As an employer, I am forced to produce it for all of my employees.....so if it is on file, do we not, as his employer, have the right to see it?
Sure, go to the White House, knock on the door, and ask to see it.

Or you can see it here:

Don't look, birthers: Obama's passport - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com
Trump would like to see it and he refuses to let him...so Trump is forced to get it onhis own.

First of all, since when is Trump so special that just because he wants something, he gets it? What right does Trump have to force anyone to show him their birth certificate?

Second, if Trump wants to see Obama's birth certificate all he has to do is look. Obama has already released it. He released it years ago.

Funny.....for something he released years ago....you would think it would be on the internet.

Fuirthermore.....do you ALSO think that Trump and his people are so stupid that they are spending millions of dollars and hours of manpower to find it if, in fact, it is already public record and easily retrievable?

I mean...really...put your partisnaship aside and look at it logically.....if it were easy to find, it would be out there.

And Trump is his employer...as you and I are....we are required by law to ensure our employees are legal.
You know...I have been sayiong all along that whereas I believe Obama is a citizen, I am convinced that he has been aloof with his birth certificate so his politcal allies can make fun of those that refuse to accept his citizenship as fact without a BC.

Now, yes, the hospital prodcued his Certificate of Live Birth, but that is not a BC...

Which brings me to this....

I was audited last Wednesday by the department of Labor. Being in the business I am in (one of my companies is a temporary staffing firm), we are subject to unannounced field audits where the DoL comes in and we must open our I-9 records to them. Each employee must have proof of citizenship (and we must retain a photocopy of the doc(s)..and it is like a Chinese Restaurant Menu...they can produce a Passport...OR...a Birth Certificate and a Drivers license....or a combination of other things.....

We passed the audit, but I asked the auditor if a Certificate of Live Birth is acceptable....as we discussed the whole birther thing..... and he said no, unless it is accompanied by a vairety of other things...and is not as "strong" as a birth certificate...

So my question is....if it is illegal to hire someone without the required proof of citizenship, then why do those that support Obama continaully claim that he does not have to produce his BC if he does not want to?

Didnt we, the American People hire him? Is he exempt from having to prove his citizenship? Exactly who was the one who processed his paperwork as a government employee...in particualr...his i-9 form....and isnt that supposed to be public seeing as he is hired by the public?

I-9 form requires 1 item from List A. OR 1 item from List B and List C.
A US Passport is an item required for List A.
That is all he'd be required to produce.

But don't let me interrupt ya'lls hyperbole
You know...I have been sayiong all along that whereas I believe Obama is a citizen, I am convinced that he has been aloof with his birth certificate so his politcal allies can make fun of those that refuse to accept his citizenship as fact without a BC.

Now, yes, the hospital prodcued his Certificate of Live Birth, but that is not a BC...

Which brings me to this....

I was audited last Wednesday by the department of Labor. Being in the business I am in (one of my companies is a temporary staffing firm), we are subject to unannounced field audits where the DoL comes in and we must open our I-9 records to them. Each employee must have proof of citizenship (and we must retain a photocopy of the doc(s)..and it is like a Chinese Restaurant Menu...they can produce a Passport...OR...a Birth Certificate and a Drivers license....or a combination of other things.....

We passed the audit, but I asked the auditor if a Certificate of Live Birth is acceptable....as we discussed the whole birther thing..... and he said no, unless it is accompanied by a vairety of other things...and is not as "strong" as a birth certificate...

So my question is....if it is illegal to hire someone without the required proof of citizenship, then why do those that support Obama continaully claim that he does not have to produce his BC if he does not want to?

Didnt we, the American People hire him? Is he exempt from having to prove his citizenship? Exactly who was the one who processed his paperwork as a government employee...in particualr...his i-9 form....and isnt that supposed to be public seeing as he is hired by the public?

I-9 form requires 1 item from List A. OR 1 item from List B and List C.
A US Passport is an item required for List A.
That is all he'd be required to produce.

But don't let me interrupt ya'lls hyperbole


You quoted my post and I said that exact thing in that post.

But dont let me interrupt your dickheadedness
Trump would like to see it and he refuses to let him...so Trump is forced to get it onhis own.

First of all, since when is Trump so special that just because he wants something, he gets it? What right does Trump have to force anyone to show him their birth certificate?

Second, if Trump wants to see Obama's birth certificate all he has to do is look. Obama has already released it. He released it years ago.

Funny.....for something he released years ago....you would think it would be on the internet.

Fuirthermore.....do you ALSO think that Trump and his people are so stupid that they are spending millions of dollars and hours of manpower to find it if, in fact, it is already public record and easily retrievable?

I mean...really...put your partisnaship aside and look at it logically.....if it were easy to find, it would be out there.

And Trump is his employer...as you and I are....we are required by law to ensure our employees are legal.

I searched Ancestory.com and discovered he died in Texas

Obama - Ancestry.com

One, you don't need to present your birth certificate when filling out the I9 if you have a valid US Passport.

Two, who is to say he didn't?

One...I made that clear inmy earlier posts...either a valid passport OR a BC accompanied by a government issued photo ID

Two.....who is to say he did?

As an employer, I am forced to produce it for all of my employees.....so if it is on file, do we not, as his employer, have the right to see it?
Sure, go to the White House, knock on the door, and ask to see it.

Or you can see it here:

Don't look, birthers: Obama's passport - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

as I thought thats a new passport. How about showing the one before he became President?
If you've been doing any reading beyond MSNBC, you'd see that Obama's followers are leaving him in droves. But don't mind me, just carry on in blissful ignorance!

Love that 3rd War by the way. :D

Got a poll that states this (other than Rasmussen or FOX, I mean)? And even if Obama supporters are leaving, where will they go? To support Caribou Barbie? The Donald? I think not...But don't mind me, just carry on in blissful ignorance!
Nothing wrong with either of those News Outlets polls. In fact, if you do some research, you'll see that they had Obama winning in the last 2008 Presidential Election poll. Even Teh Rove said Obama would win (And he almost nailed the final electoral tally as well)

But since you requested it, here it is.
Newsmax Poll: Trump Overwhelms Obama, GOP Field in 2012 Race


An Internet poll sponsored by Newsmax.com reveals that Americans overwhelmingly favor Donald Trump as their preferred candidate for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012.

Online participants in the poll, which has drawn more than 550,000 responses, also support Trump by a wide margin in a head-to-head matchup with President Barack Obama.

If the election were held today, Trump would beat Obama in a landslide, 68 to 13 percent. But that lead is just as sizeable when Trump faces off against the best and the brightest in the oft-mentioned field of GOP contenders for 2012.

Trump takes 57 percent of the vote in a field including Mike Huckabee, Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney and Tim Pawlenty. His closest competitor, according to the poll, is former Massachusetts Gov. Romney with 9 percent of the vote.

Newsmax Poll: Trump Overwhelms Obama, GOP Field in 2012 Race

Says more about NewsMax than anything.

You know...I have been sayiong all along that whereas I believe Obama is a citizen, I am convinced that he has been aloof with his birth certificate so his politcal allies can make fun of those that refuse to accept his citizenship as fact without a BC.

Now, yes, the hospital prodcued his Certificate of Live Birth, but that is not a BC...

Which brings me to this....

I was audited last Wednesday by the department of Labor. Being in the business I am in (one of my companies is a temporary staffing firm), we are subject to unannounced field audits where the DoL comes in and we must open our I-9 records to them. Each employee must have proof of citizenship (and we must retain a photocopy of the doc(s)..and it is like a Chinese Restaurant Menu...they can produce a Passport...OR...a Birth Certificate and a Drivers license....or a combination of other things.....

We passed the audit, but I asked the auditor if a Certificate of Live Birth is acceptable....as we discussed the whole birther thing..... and he said no, unless it is accompanied by a vairety of other things...and is not as "strong" as a birth certificate...

So my question is....if it is illegal to hire someone without the required proof of citizenship, then why do those that support Obama continaully claim that he does not have to produce his BC if he does not want to?

Didnt we, the American People hire him? Is he exempt from having to prove his citizenship? Exactly who was the one who processed his paperwork as a government employee...in particualr...his i-9 form....and isnt that supposed to be public seeing as he is hired by the public?

When I got my green card, I didn't need to show my Canadian long-form birth certificate. A passport and what you guys call the COLB was good enough.
You know...I have been sayiong all along that whereas I believe Obama is a citizen, I am convinced that he has been aloof with his birth certificate so his politcal allies can make fun of those that refuse to accept his citizenship as fact without a BC.

Now, yes, the hospital prodcued his Certificate of Live Birth, but that is not a BC...

Which brings me to this....

I was audited last Wednesday by the department of Labor. Being in the business I am in (one of my companies is a temporary staffing firm), we are subject to unannounced field audits where the DoL comes in and we must open our I-9 records to them. Each employee must have proof of citizenship (and we must retain a photocopy of the doc(s)..and it is like a Chinese Restaurant Menu...they can produce a Passport...OR...a Birth Certificate and a Drivers license....or a combination of other things.....

We passed the audit, but I asked the auditor if a Certificate of Live Birth is acceptable....as we discussed the whole birther thing..... and he said no, unless it is accompanied by a vairety of other things...and is not as "strong" as a birth certificate...

So my question is....if it is illegal to hire someone without the required proof of citizenship, then why do those that support Obama continaully claim that he does not have to produce his BC if he does not want to?

Didnt we, the American People hire him? Is he exempt from having to prove his citizenship? Exactly who was the one who processed his paperwork as a government employee...in particualr...his i-9 form....and isnt that supposed to be public seeing as he is hired by the public?

I-9 form requires 1 item from List A. OR 1 item from List B and List C.
A US Passport is an item required for List A.
That is all he'd be required to produce.

But don't let me interrupt ya'lls hyperbole


You quoted my post and I said that exact thing in that post.

But dont let me interrupt your dickheadedness
Then what, exactly, is your issue?
He has the documentation required for hiring.
Why should he have to produce additional documentation?

If Bam-Bam has a PP, DL, SS, and CLB why can't I hire him?
if he's not worried about his taxes, why should we ? one thing he said is obama should want to show the piece of paper so closely guarded in hawaii. you know... after all of that transparency crap. this will do him in either way. if he refuses to show it, or if he's not genuine. the only way he can get reelcted is to see it for ourselves... which is all we've asked for from day one. we have establised that it exists, that it has been seen by a select few. why can't we see it ?

the biggest scandal in american history.?? this is all so atlas shrugged. i can also tell you that theobamascandal.com
has already been registered, not by me.

I did.

Wanna buy it?
One, you don't need to present your birth certificate when filling out the I9 if you have a valid US Passport.

Two, who is to say he didn't?

One...I made that clear inmy earlier posts...either a valid passport OR a BC accompanied by a government issued photo ID

Two.....who is to say he did?

As an employer, I am forced to produce it for all of my employees.....so if it is on file, do we not, as his employer, have the right to see it?
Sure, go to the White House, knock on the door, and ask to see it.

Or you can see it here:

Don't look, birthers: Obama's passport - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

Thanks, Ravi. I knew it would be online.
I-9 form requires 1 item from List A. OR 1 item from List B and List C.
A US Passport is an item required for List A.
That is all he'd be required to produce.

But don't let me interrupt ya'lls hyperbole


You quoted my post and I said that exact thing in that post.

But dont let me interrupt your dickheadedness
Then what, exactly, is your issue?
He has the documentation required for hiring.
Why should he have to produce additional documentation?

If Bam-Bam has a PP, DL, SS, and CLB why can't I hire him?

You can....

But we have NOT seen a valid passport issued prior to his hiring (or when he began work) and without it, a DL, SS and CLB are not enough to satisfy the requirements of the I-9.

I want to know why those were NOT required when he began work.

You and I would be fined if any of OUR employees did not produce that and we permitted them to work anyway.
Trump would like to see it and he refuses to let him...so Trump is forced to get it onhis own.

First of all, since when is Trump so special that just because he wants something, he gets it? What right does Trump have to force anyone to show him their birth certificate?

Second, if Trump wants to see Obama's birth certificate all he has to do is look. Obama has already released it. He released it years ago.

First of all, since when is Trump so special that just because he wants something, he gets it? What right does Trump have to force anyone to show him their birth certificate?
What is it you fear? If I was so dead certain obama's BC was real I wouldn't care if someone questioned it. I wouldn't care if people tried to force the issue. I would say obama needs to show his long form BC.

Second, if Trump wants to see Obama's birth certificate all he has to do is look. Obama has already released it. He released it years ago

He's shown one that was not accepted by the Hawaiian Registrar. It was filed on Aug 8 1961 that does not mean it was accepted by the state of Hawaii in the year 1961

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