If I have to Put up with a Bazillion Trump aka neuveua Palin Threads ....

Who do you trust more?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 38 67.9%
  • Barrack Obama

    Votes: 18 32.1%

  • Total voters
When does Trump plan to break the bad news to the GOP base?

What news?

...that he's pro-choice on abortion.
Trump's greatest asset is the fact that he's a complete idiot. Stupidity is the most powerful thing in the universe.

Right. You definitely get that rich by being a dribbling idiot. As opposed to the geniuses the left venerates, who've never held an actual, private-sector, produces-revenue job in their entire lives before we turn the reins of our government over to them. :cuckoo:

Here's the question, though. If stupidity is so powerful, and obviously the road to riches, why aren't YOU buying and selling Bill Gates out of your pocket change?
How many times will he declare bankruptcy as President?

How Many Times Has Donald Trump Filed For Bankruptcy? | Made Manual

never personally...

If you don't succeed, you're in good company. The following are some examples of U.S. presidents who have failed before they became president:

Abraham Lincoln's first business as the owner of a dry goods store was a flop. He was later appointed postmaster in his township and had the worst efficiency record in the United States.

Franklin D. Roosevelt began his career in public service after flunking out of Columbia Law School. He then decided to run for governor of New York.

Dwight D. Eisenhower was rejected three times for command positions before being appointed Supreme Allied Commander in 1942.

Harry Truman opened a hat and shirt shop at age 35 that went bankrupt after just two years. Truman worked 15 years to pay off the debt.

Now after reading this, don't you feel better? Keep on trying and don't give up. You may surprise yourself!!!!!

obama never took any risks during his formative years, or since really. america loves a risk taker that loses it... then gets it back.
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When does Trump plan to break the bad news to the GOP base?

What news?

...that he's pro-choice on abortion.

I'm conservative and Pro choice, shit every year that number is growing...

You do realize many Democrats are Pro-Life right?
Donald Trump is a bankrupt egomaniac. He has no experience in government. If we've learned anything, experience counts.
He joins a long line of plutocrats who ran for office, like Ross Perot. The day they announced was their high point. It was all downhill from there.
We need a serious adult in the Oval Office, not the boyking Obamasalami and his crowd of sycophantic goons we have now.

do you retards have some problem saying his name or something?
And what is this things about boys? You, Stephanie, Thomas603 always refer to boys.

So i guess that means when it comes to adults having a serious conversation we can just ignore you.

Spare me. In the entire eight years of Bush's presidency, not to mention the time since, I have NEVER heard a leftist on this board simply call him "President Bush". It's pretty damned rare that they even just call him "Bush", with the plain, correct spelling.
When does Trump plan to break the bad news to the GOP base?

What news?

...that he's pro-choice on abortion.

What I want to know is how many of his conquests had abortions?

America needs to know

Seeing as Trump is not Black I can understand why now you would want to know the details. No, "It's about time" slogan for Trump =(

Hey RW, can I get a list of Bush policies you didn’t like, I wana compare them to Obama’s policies so I can better understand why you plan on voting for him Thanks in advance.
Donald Trump is a bankrupt egomaniac. He has no experience in government. If we've learned anything, experience counts.
He joins a long line of plutocrats who ran for office, like Ross Perot. The day they announced was their high point. It was all downhill from there.
We need a serious adult in the Oval Office, not the boyking Obamasalami and his crowd of sycophantic goons we have now.

do you retards have some problem saying his name or something?
And what is this things about boys? You, Stephanie, Thomas603 always refer to boys.

So i guess that means when it comes to adults having a serious conversation we can just ignore you.

Spare me. In the entire eight years of Bush's presidency, not to mention the time since, I have NEVER heard a leftist on this board simply call him "President Bush". It's pretty damned rare that they even just call him "Bush", with the plain, correct spelling.

Somehow I don't think Plasma will understand what you mean about Bu$h the idiot/hitler/monkey president.
do you retards have some problem saying his name or something?
And what is this things about boys? You, Stephanie, Thomas603 always refer to boys.

So i guess that means when it comes to adults having a serious conversation we can just ignore you.

Spare me. In the entire eight years of Bush's presidency, not to mention the time since, I have NEVER heard a leftist on this board simply call him "President Bush". It's pretty damned rare that they even just call him "Bush", with the plain, correct spelling.

Somehow I don't think Plasma will understand what you mean about Bu$h the idiot/hitler/monkey president.

I never expect Plasma to understand anything. Doesn't mean it still didn't need to be said. ;)
Trump to Obama aide: I'm your 'worst nightmare' - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

"I can tell you I'm their worst nightmare. I am not the person they want to run against. They know it, and I know it. I know it for a fact because I have a lot of people that frankly are contributors to him and they tell me, 'Donald, you are not the person they want to run against.'"

Trump continues to raise questions about whether Obama was born in Hawaii.

And yet, still ZERO PROOF. Zero!
The Donald wouldn't pull any punchs and would be one tough opponent for OL'BO and his possee. He would call him on everything he's done since getting elected and some stuff that McCain wouldn't touch no doubt.

I doubt he has any serious interest in running for POTUS though. it takes up to much time and doesn't pay enough.

I think it would be an interesting campaign though. Trump says what he thinks and he doesn't care if you like it or not. Nothing PC about him at all.

Yup. Sure would be interesting.

He would bring up truthful, facts like this birther thing? Really?

Here is what would stop him. Half of this country likes obama..when they got together and took away half of his revenue, he would stop in a fucking minute.

Did you know? Obama's half sister, born in Indonesia, has a Hawaiian Certification of Live Birth
Dallas News, Dallas Information, Dallas Events - Examiner.com | Examiner.com

That's a link to Philadelphia News. I didn't see any story about Obama's half sister.

hopefully this link works better:

Did you know? Obama's half sister, born in Indonesia, has a Hawaiian Certification of Live Birth - Orlando Orange County Conservative | Examiner.com
Did you know? Obama's half sister, born in Indonesia, has a Hawaiian Certification of Live Birth
Dallas News, Dallas Information, Dallas Events - Examiner.com | Examiner.com

That's a link to Philadelphia News. I didn't see any story about Obama's half sister.

hopefully this link works better:

Did you know? Obama's half sister, born in Indonesia, has a Hawaiian Certification of Live Birth - Orlando Orange County Conservative | Examiner.com

Yup that works. No pic of her certificate though.
Trump to Obama aide: I'm your 'worst nightmare' - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

"I can tell you I'm their worst nightmare. I am not the person they want to run against. They know it, and I know it. I know it for a fact because I have a lot of people that frankly are contributors to him and they tell me, 'Donald, you are not the person they want to run against.'"

Trump continues to raise questions about whether Obama was born in Hawaii.

Hey....the guy is getting some traction. Go over to DRUDGE tonight and its one of the highlighted stories "Trump blames high gas prices on Obama"

I laughed my balls off..........figuring if enough suckers voted for Obama, the same suckers will buy all the dirt being dished out by Trump. Its a win-win for the country whether he runs or not. The guy is a lightning rod...........hes not going anywhere no matter what happens. He see's his country going into the shitter and he's going to be a thorn in the side of Obama for the next 18 months..................FTMFW!!!:rock::rock::rock:

And who knows on the birth certificate thing..........I was always "meh" about it, but Trump said last week, "You wont believe what my people are finding!!!"

This is great stuff..............unless you're a k00k of course.
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Did you know? Obama's half sister, born in Indonesia, has a Hawaiian Certification of Live Birth
Dallas News, Dallas Information, Dallas Events - Examiner.com | Examiner.com

That's a link to Philadelphia News. I didn't see any story about Obama's half sister.

hopefully this link works better:

Did you know? Obama's half sister, born in Indonesia, has a Hawaiian Certification of Live Birth - Orlando Orange County Conservative | Examiner.com

Ummm.... that's not "proof" of anything. Maya Soetoro most certainly does NOT have a Hawaiian COLB.

Your OP was LYING.

No, a teenaged boy does not have a different opinion? No, charging up daddy's card on a good time is not a good idea?
It does have a tendency to establish bad-habits.


No, a teenaged boy does not have a different opinion? No, charging up daddy's card on a good time is not a good idea?
It does have a tendency to establish bad-habits.



This is the lamest graph posted up on this forum in the last 2 years. Believed only by suckers.........not to mention it conveniently stops in 2009. :fu::fu::fu:Youd need a waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay bigger graph to document the last two years of debt.

Congress spends $$.............not the president asshole. Since 2006, its been all Dums all the time and the debt has become laughable.

Thankfully...........the people get it............finally.
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