If I have to Put up with a Bazillion Trump aka neuveua Palin Threads ....

Who do you trust more?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 38 67.9%
  • Barrack Obama

    Votes: 18 32.1%

  • Total voters
Wonder what Donald the Chump is gonna go after now?

I told you birthers a LONG time ago that Obama was a citizen.

Trump is cutting down obama one attack at a time. Don't forget, trump is a master at marketing. He is a true salesman. he has access to and knows howw to work the media. he has obama worried and that's why obama is trying to diffuse this now. but he has given trump a signal that he is worried, and now the shark smells blood.

This will be fun to watch, a giant ego(Trump) going after another giant ego(dipshit ...errrr....Barry) and the first has nothing to lose. Trump is a very dangerous person, especially since he is enjoying it so much. He's the exact opposite of a politician and doesn't care what anyone thinks. He also has plenty of cash to work on him.......hell, if Obama were on his show, he would have been fired the first week.

Trump has nothing to lose. worst case scenario he goes back to being a plain old millionaire with a hot wife. well a plain old millionaire who has gotten a ton of publicity and is even more recognizeable. He only has upside.
Trump is cutting down obama one attack at a time. Don't forget, trump is a master at marketing. He is a true salesman. he has access to and knows howw to work the media. he has obama worried and that's why obama is trying to diffuse this now. but he has given trump a signal that he is worried, and now the shark smells blood.

This will be fun to watch, a giant ego(Trump) going after another giant ego(dipshit ...errrr....Barry) and the first has nothing to lose. Trump is a very dangerous person, especially since he is enjoying it so much. He's the exact opposite of a politician and doesn't care what anyone thinks. He also has plenty of cash to work on him.......hell, if Obama were on his show, he would have been fired the first week.

Trump has nothing to lose. worst case scenario he goes back to being a plain old millionaire with a hot wife. well a plain old millionaire who has gotten a ton of publicity and is even more recognizeable. He only has upside.

That would be billionaire, the latest figure I have read is 7 billion.
Trump is cutting down obama one attack at a time. Don't forget, trump is a master at marketing. He is a true salesman. he has access to and knows howw to work the media. he has obama worried and that's why obama is trying to diffuse this now. but he has given trump a signal that he is worried, and now the shark smells blood.

This will be fun to watch, a giant ego(Trump) going after another giant ego(dipshit ...errrr....Barry) and the first has nothing to lose. Trump is a very dangerous person, especially since he is enjoying it so much. He's the exact opposite of a politician and doesn't care what anyone thinks. He also has plenty of cash to work on him.......hell, if Obama were on his show, he would have been fired the first week.

Trump has nothing to lose. worst case scenario he goes back to being a plain old millionaire with a hot wife. well a plain old millionaire who has gotten a ton of publicity and is even more recognizeable. He only has upside.

Actually, he has a lot to lose. His apprentice show was used by him to promote a candidate (himself) on a national network. That's a violation of standards and practices.

He's also lost any political capital he may have had, because now everyone iknows he's batshit crazy, and will never see the presidency.

I'm guessing NBC is gonna tell Trump he's fired, and then where will he be? If his show isn't renewed, he's SOL.
This will be fun to watch, a giant ego(Trump) going after another giant ego(dipshit ...errrr....Barry) and the first has nothing to lose. Trump is a very dangerous person, especially since he is enjoying it so much. He's the exact opposite of a politician and doesn't care what anyone thinks. He also has plenty of cash to work on him.......hell, if Obama were on his show, he would have been fired the first week.

Trump has nothing to lose. worst case scenario he goes back to being a plain old millionaire with a hot wife. well a plain old millionaire who has gotten a ton of publicity and is even more recognizeable. He only has upside.

That would be billionaire, the latest figure I have read is 7 billion.

see, it's working in his favor already
Anybody who trusts Trump is a bona fide idiot.....

we can trust obama though right? i mean all those campaign promises, they were serious. he wouldn't lie to us.

I wouldn't trust any politician...period. But as they are responsible for running a country, then it is a matter of choosing one who is pretty close to what you believe in.

However, my main problem with Trump - and it seems endemic with GoP candidates - is that he is dumb as a sack of spuds...
Really? Go ahead and post examples of how Trump is dumb as potatoes.
You haven't a clue as to what your posting about.
Just admit you don't like the guy because he is wealthy and you are not.
And if you decide to come back with " I don't care how much money he has". You can skip right past that and dig up some examples as requested above.
And for every example you upchuck I will give you 5 why Trump is a very smart man.
He's also a ruthless business man. He gets things done and doesn't wait for the politically correct solution to get it done. I realize that flies right in the face of the PC lefty way of "making sure no one is ever offended" way of doing things. That's why liberals cannot be trusted to handle the taxpayer's money.
This will be fun to watch, a giant ego(Trump) going after another giant ego(dipshit ...errrr....Barry) and the first has nothing to lose. Trump is a very dangerous person, especially since he is enjoying it so much. He's the exact opposite of a politician and doesn't care what anyone thinks. He also has plenty of cash to work on him.......hell, if Obama were on his show, he would have been fired the first week.

Trump has nothing to lose. worst case scenario he goes back to being a plain old millionaire with a hot wife. well a plain old millionaire who has gotten a ton of publicity and is even more recognizeable. He only has upside.

Actually, he has a lot to lose. His apprentice show was used by him to promote a candidate (himself) on a national network. That's a violation of standards and practices.

He's also lost any political capital he may have had, because now everyone iknows he's batshit crazy, and will never see the presidency.

I'm guessing NBC is gonna tell Trump he's fired, and then where will he be? If his show isn't renewed, he's SOL.

uhm yea, except he isn't offically a candidate yet so........ get your facts straight. ok?
smoking gun

Submitted by Dr.Guru on Wed, 2011-04-27 14:03.I get a kick out of all the individuals who, when confronted by something disturbing, automatically resort to name-calling. Even worse, is the bevy of ignoramuses I see on the web and news who, working under the mantra of, "hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil" condemn others for using critical thought and questioning something instead of blindly following a notion with religious-like faith (there, that should have irritated most every non-thinker on this site).

That being said, the posted PDF on the whitehouse.gov site is weapons grade 'bull-onium". I am not Adobe certified (who cares), but I do know most of the tricks of the Adobe Creative suite package and use them all the time in forensic work (both in and out of the courtroom setting). The document posted isn't even a good attempt at a hoax (a real disappointment since one would expect better, even for a fraudulent document). Acrobat does not create multiple layers by default of a scanned image (which is what this is supposed to be), and especially in really convenient locations for editing purposes.

A scanned document should consist of a single graphical layer composed of pixels and no vector content. Yet this is not what is seen in the whitehouse.gov PDF file. One can readily remove most of the typewritten text from the document in Adobe Illustrator (an impossibility for a purely honest scanned document) as well as manipulate the dates stamped on it (again separate objects and an impossibility for an honest document). I was easily able to substitute my brother's name for Obama's as a proof of principle (and to irritate him).

My modified PDF has no structural differences than the one posted by the White House. How can this be??? Even the Adobe Acrobat Pro software indicates that the file has been edited and contains deleted and cropped content. How can you have deleted and cropped content on a purely honest scanned document. You can't, that's the point. I now relinquish the dais back to the name-calling.

any experts in the house? i'd love to walk this original in to the pawn stars shoppe in vegas, just to see the looks on their faces.
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Trump claimed he would commit war crimes if elected president

In a little-noticed admission last week, billionaire real estate mogul Donald Trump, who currently leads all likely Republican candidates for the presidential nomination in 2012, admitted that he would commit war crimes if he were elected president.

The startling claim went without controversy until today, when Good Magazine pointed out that Trump's "plan" to seize $1.5 trillion from Iraq's oil profits to "reemburse ourselves" for the invasion and subsequent occupation would actually be an explicit violation of international law -- a violation considered to be a war crime.

"According to the 1907 Hague Convention, 'pillaging,' the stealing of valuable goods from a locality, especially during combat, is a war crime, regardless of what you feel you deserve," noted Cord Jefferson, Good's senior editor. "In the Hague's exact words: 'The pillage of a town or place, even when taken by assault, is prohibited.'"

Many have suggested that Trump's "campaign" may not be entirely serious: that he may only be doing it to get his show on NBC renewed for another season.

The billionaire has not said whether he'll officially launch a campaign, but he's become a staple guest on the Fox News Channel, where he's been given carte blanche to promote unfounded conspiracy theories about President Barack Obama's birthplace.

A poll in February found that in a hypothetical match-up, Trump would lose to President Obama by just two percent of the vote.

The video below is from ABC News, broadcast April 18, 2011.

Donald Trump's Solution on Gas Prices: Get Tough With Saudi Arabia; Seize Oil Fields in Libya and Iraq? - George Stephanopoulos' Bottom Line

*Note: There are currently 6 threads on Obama on the first page of just this forum. Trump is the leading potential candidate against the incumbent president and thus the subject of many important and distinct news stories. If you move this to the one massive catch-all "Trump thread" to be hidden amongst the pile, fuck you for your total lack of fair, reasonable, or justifiable standards.
Trump will never run because he will have to show his tax returns, and the world will see what a liar and a fraud he is.
Obama said. "But I am speaking for the vast majority of the American people as well as for the press. We do not have time for this kind of silliness. We have better stuff to do. I have got better stuff to do. We have got big problems to solve."

What follows below is the result of a detailed photoanalysis using a gaussian progressive-rank liminal scanning procedure in which a successive areas of maximum likelihood for graphic anomalies were identified. In each step, least-squares interpolation improved graphic quality, allowing for smaller and more fine-grained anomalies to be identified for Bayesian alpha-form analysis at higher magnifications. The result allows us to examine the alleged Hawaii Obama birth document in more detail than otherwise possible. Analysis credit goes to the Ad Hoc projects team at Edison Photo Lab of New Brunswick, New Jersey.

At each step, the area identified for further analysis is identified in red. go to >>>


this is the smoking gun....
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Good honesty, committing war crimes is a basic component of being president. They all do it. Doesn't make it ok, but at least he's willing to admit it.
Obama said. "But I am speaking for the vast majority of the American people as well as for the press. We do not have time for this kind of silliness. We have better stuff to do. I have got better stuff to do. We have got big problems to solve."

What follows below is the result of a detailed photoanalysis using a gaussian progressive-rank liminal scanning procedure in which a successive areas of maximum likelihood for graphic anomalies were identified. In each step, least-squares interpolation improved graphic quality, allowing for smaller and more fine-grained anomalies to be identified for Bayesian alpha-form analysis at higher magnifications. The result allows us to examine the alleged Hawaii Obama birth document in more detail than otherwise possible. Analysis credit goes to the Ad Hoc projects team at Edison Photo Lab of New Brunswick, New Jersey.

At each step, the area identified for further analysis is identified in red. go to >>>

» PhotoAnalysis Reveals Actual Source of so-called Barack Obama Hawaii “Birth Certificate” - Irregular Times

Yea, right before jumping on Air Force One again, to head for Oprah then on to New York for more campaigning. Yea, he's really busy ............spending our money!
As far as i can tell the only thing Trump has in his arsenal is just the Birth Cert issue, which is at best a piece of useless stupidity that distracts from more important discussions.

Does he have a position on the budget? On monetary policy? on Spending priorities? on the size of the military? On the recreational pharmacy laws? on Tax policy?

Back in the day, Ross Perot hit a nerve with his rhetoric about the total lack of leadership in Washington, where both parties more interested in Gotcha back and forth, petty bickering over trivia and total time wasting... ignoring what was important and behaving like over sugared kindergartners with advanced ADD.

20 years on, Washington hasn't really improved that much. If anything, it seems to have sunk deeper into the swamp.

Just as with Perot, Dolfus, Musollini and Franco, Trump has no real policy except his own leadership skills. Leadership skills defined mostly by his own narcissism

It bothers me that so many are looking to him without examining him just a little bit. Of course, I have my own areas where I caught fire about politicians that were mostly clay, but trump not only has feet of clay, he is half baked as well. The affection for him fills me with dispair.
Who's an Obamabot? Go through my post history. I think Obama's a miserable president and always have. I didn't vote for him and have actively opposed most of his policies, including protesting against them and being arrested for the effort. Don't like Trump does not equal like Obama or scared that he potentially challenges his position (I don't think he does). Whoever wins among the two of them, we lose, and I don't think it will come down to the two of them anyway. Try to see the world beyond partisan point-scoring.

Do you not care that he plans to commit a war crime, that he wants to pillage and plunder another nation to "pay us back" for attacking and occupying them in the first place?

Drock, you're certainly right that it's something every president does as a matter of routine. Still, I think admitting in advance you're eager to do it and have a plan to effectuate it should be more newsworthy and a more significant dock against his agenda than birtherism or a bad toupee. He doesn't seem to realize that what he plans to do is blatantly illegal and would surely cause a remarkable swell in anti-American violence in Iraq, something we're ostensibly working to minimize.
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What do you mean better haircut?


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