If I have to Put up with a Bazillion Trump aka neuveua Palin Threads ....

Who do you trust more?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 38 67.9%
  • Barrack Obama

    Votes: 18 32.1%

  • Total voters
Score one for the Donald. The savvy business man schools the community agitator. The amateur-in-chief caves and releases his BC, and Trump gloats he's the only one who could force Barry to do so. And now he'll continue to push him on other things. Welcome to the big leagues, kid.
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Score one for the Donald. The savvy business man schools the community agitator. The amateur-in-chief caves and releases his BC, and Trump gloats he's the only one who could force Barry to do so. And now he'll continue to push him on other things. Welcome to the big leagues, kid.

Did you see Trump's press conference?
He's truly "Man Handling" the man-child-in-chief.
Trump did the country a favor by blowing up the Birth Certificate Bubble. Now, hopefully, this issue will subside and the voting public will instead focus on the Epic Fail of Obama's policies and leadership instead.
This is probably Trump's last hoorah, he went all in on the birther issue for his candidacy and it's dead more than a year before the election.

This is probably the last time Trump will reach high fame, he'll always be rich, but I think he's tapped out his interest in the media and the american public.
Trump would tear hussein obama a new asshole in a real debate.obama would be crying at the end.lol
No teleprompter to save his sorry ass.
Score one for the Donald. The savvy business man schools the community agitator. The amateur-in-chief caves and releases his BC, and Trump gloats he's the only one who could force Barry to do so. And now he'll continue to push him on other things. Welcome to the big leagues, kid.

Did you see Trump's press conference?
He's truly "Man Handling" the man-child-in-chief.

Like that's hard to do. obama is used to being told what to do by George Soros. He hasn't had an original thought yet, and Trump is just taking advantage of obama being a fucking moron. He's man handling him like the two bit little twit Soros puppet he is. obama has been handled with kid gloves by the entire media, except for a couple lone voices out there like Beck and Limbaugh, so Trump not being on the "KISS OBAMA'S ASS BAND WAGON" really is a good thing. I like Trump.
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the birther issue is resolved. there is no way to doctor the provenance on an original, so that's it, we're very happy.

this is really it, for me there is a great sense of relief. now the playing field is level for the upcoming campaign. good luck to all of the candidates, american politics shines once again.
Ok, I have no idea how trump punked obama.

Someone care to explain?

Thats because you are a hopeless liberal.Let me help you.Trump made the weak punk obama
who is the current POTUS respond to him!!!obama is running in PANIC mode!!

Allie is a hopeless liberal?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I just love how some people assume anyone who doesn't agree with everything they say MUST be part of the 'other' side.

The BC proves that his father was born in Kenya making him ineligible to Be POTUS.
Why did it take him So Long? This LFBC copy has an April 25 2011 date.
He hasn't been sitting around with this because he Just ordered it 2 days ago.
Obama & Friends have been lying for the last 2 years saying that there are NO OTHER FORMs well it sure looks like there is ~

Now Trump is going after O's school records :clap2:

And what the Hell is that slice & curl on the Left side????
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Trump did the country a favor by blowing up the Birth Certificate Bubble. Now, hopefully, this issue will subside and the voting public will instead focus on the Epic Fail of Obama's policies and leadership instead.

Exactly. If OBama was smarter he would have waited. Let the public get in a huge lather over it, foaming at the mouth, clamoring for the TRUTH!!!! Then just a few days before the election, he could have released the BC with an attestation of authenticity from a Supreme Court Justice (not one he appointed!) and ended the entire issue with a masterful flair and a HUGE head of steam going into the election.

Instead - he took the issue off the table and made the "R" candidate's job much, much easier. Obama is not a blank canvas anymore, he has a record. An abysmal record of fecklessness and failure.

In 2008, Obama Had No Record. He was a blank canvas upon which people projected their own hopes for the country.

Now, we have the Dismal Record and Epic Fail of Obamanomics which daily and UNEXPECTEDLY worsens. This should be what the GOP addresses in the campaign.

In 2008, Obama Had No Record. He was a blank canvas upon which people projected their own hopes for the country.

Now, we have the Dismal Record and Epic Fail of Obamanomics which daily and UNEXPECTEDLY worsens. This should be what the GOP addresses in the campaign.

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