If I have to Put up with a Bazillion Trump aka neuveua Palin Threads ....

Who do you trust more?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 38 67.9%
  • Barrack Obama

    Votes: 18 32.1%

  • Total voters
we've found our man, he's been right here the whole time. Donald J Trump is an american institution and national treasure. we've found our man because he was here all the time.

Donald J Trump, of New York City, the greatest city in the world.

a birfer idiot whose bankrupted two companies?


how do we take this stuff seriously?

i hope you're being tongue in cheek. :eusa_pray:


14.7 trillion in debt
Unemployment up
Poverty up
Welfare up
Tax cuts for billionaires
Wars Wars and more wars
Most divisive President ever
Gitmo open
787 Billion in Stolen stimulus
Lobbyists is Washington UP UP UP
Earmarks UP UP UP
Lies? UP Up Up....
Bailouts for Goldman Sach? Up.....:cuckoo:

President Oprah is a failure

Democrats are not bright

Obama sets goal of $4 trillion in deficit cuts
(Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Wednesday set a goal of cutting the U.S. budget deficit by $4 trillion, plunging into the debate over the nation's fiscal woes after accusations he has failed to lead on the issue.

Obama, facing a 2012 re-election vote in which the nation's debt and deficit are major worries for Americans, promised in a speech in Washington to put the country on a gradually improving fiscal path.

He set a time-frame of 12 years or less to reach the goal of $4 trillion in deficit reduction and called for talks with Democratic and Republican lawmakers to hammer out a detailed blueprint.

Obama warned that steadily rising debt could cost jobs and harm the economy and force the country to borrow more from other countries such as China.

"If our creditors start worrying that we may be unable to pay back our debts, it could drive up interest rates for everyone who borrows money -- making it harder for businesses to expand and hire, or families to take out a mortgage," he said. But he added: "We can solve this problem."

Obama also proposed:

* Curbing deficits to 2.5 percent of GDP in 2015, 2 percent toward the end of the decade

* Ending Bush-era tax rates for the wealthiest Americans

* Seeking $770 billion in savings by 2023 in cuts to non-security discretionary spending

* Saving $480 billion in Medicare and Medicaid by 2023 and at least $1 trillion more by 2033.

Obama's proposal was welcomed by bond investors. It helped lift prices for U.S. government debt, pushing yields lower.

With the U.S. deficit expected to hit $1.65 trillion this year, Obama also proposed triggers that would force automatic, across-the-board cuts in spending if budget targets are not met by 2014.

The aim is to ensure that deficits as a share of the economy average no more than 2.8 percent of gross domestic product in the second half of the decade.

Past presidents have put in place similar "triggers".

Obama's proposal came a week after Paul Ryan, House of Representatives Budget Committee chairman, offered a blueprint for $4.4 trillion in deficit cuts.

obama sets lots of goals. it's just that he never even comes remotely close to achieving them
we've found our man, he's been right here the whole time. Donald J Trump is an american institution and national treasure. we've found our man because he was here all the time.

Donald J Trump, of New York City, the greatest city in the world.

a birfer idiot whose bankrupted two companies?


how do we take this stuff seriously?

i hope you're being tongue in cheek. :eusa_pray:

Obama bankrupted an entire country

Illegally invaded countries for oil

Stole freedoms and liberties

Democrats are evil
to the document:

Provenance, from the French provenir, "to come from", means the origin, or the source of something, or the history of the ownership or location of an object.[1] The term was originally mostly used for works of art, but is now used in similar senses in a wide range of fields, including science and computing. Typical uses may cover any artifact found in archaeology, any object in paleontology, certain documents (such as manuscripts), or copies of printed books. In most fields, the primary purpose of provenance is to confirm or gather evidence as to the time, place, and—when appropriate—the person responsible for the creation, production, or discovery of the object. This will typically be accomplished by tracing the whole history of the object up to the present. Comparative techniques, expert opinions, and the results of scientific tests may also be used to these ends, but establishing provenance is essentially a matter of documentation.
I don't give into threats. So you've ensured that I won't vote for you Mr. Trump.

I know your right leaning so for you to say this, you must really really not like him. Good for you.

I don't have any particular like or dislike for him. He isn't a conservative. He wouldn't have been high on my list anyway. But threatening... I don't give into threats, like I said.
Donald Trump is your man? Multiple bankruptcies, multiple marriages and questionable character?

Man, you guys are desperate. The guy is a cartoon. The only game he has is stirring up teabaggers about the non-existent birther controversy.

Good luck.

Look at his choice in wives....why cant he buy american? He likes cheaper imports? Sup wit dat Donny T?:lol:
to the original certificate.

Provenance, from the French provenir, "to come from", means the origin, or the source of something, or the history of the ownership or location of an object.[1] The term was originally mostly used for works of art, but is now used in similar senses in a wide range of fields, including science and computing. Typical uses may cover any artifact found in archaeology, any object in paleontology, certain documents (such as manuscripts), or copies of printed books. In most fields, the primary purpose of provenance is to confirm or gather evidence as to the time, place, and—when appropriate—the person responsible for the creation, production, or discovery of the object. This will typically be accomplished by tracing the whole history of the object up to the present. Comparative techniques, expert opinions, and the results of scientific tests may also be used to these ends, but establishing provenance is essentially a matter of documentation.

he'll always be the president that wouldn't show his birth certificate*

trump's right about this, it's fishy. anderson cooper is dancing.... it's not a popular stance, but something is wrong here.
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No front runners on the democrat side either except for the incumbant.

Read that back please.

No shit Sherlock! Right now, why would any dem run against the sitting president who is in their party. A sitting president we all know will win in 2012.

Again, no shit Sherlock.

Now back to there not being anyone serious running from your side. I hope Donald continues to be the front runner. Its freaking hilarious.
No front runners on the democrat side either except for the incumbant.

Read that back please.

No shit Sherlock! Right now, why would any dem run against the sitting president who is in their party. A sitting president we all know will win in 2012.

Again, no shit Sherlock.

Now back to there not being anyone serious running from your side. I hope Donald continues to be the front runner. Its freaking hilarious.

the white house is in damage control mode, why ?
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we've found our man, he's been right here the whole time. Donald J Trump is an american institution and national treasure. we've found our man because he was here all the time.

Donald J Trump, of New York City, the greatest city in the world.

The only thing Trump can talk about is Obama. Trump has no position on anything except "Obama". Every interview starts with Obama and ends with Obama. Obama's school. Obama's religion. Obama's birthplace.

Trump. Calm down. Relax. Stop the woodworks.


Some would call this "obsession". Or a "Brokeback" moment.

"Why can't I quit you?"
Anybody who trusts Trump is a bona fide idiot.....

we can trust obama though right? i mean all those campaign promises, they were serious. he wouldn't lie to us.

I wouldn't trust any politician...period. But as they are responsible for running a country, then it is a matter of choosing one who is pretty close to what you believe in.

However, my main problem with Trump - and it seems endemic with GoP candidates - is that he is dumb as a sack of spuds...
Anybody who trusts Trump is a bona fide idiot.....

we can trust obama though right? i mean all those campaign promises, they were serious. he wouldn't lie to us.

I wouldn't trust any politician...period. But as they are responsible for running a country, then it is a matter of choosing one who is pretty close to what you believe in.

However, my main problem with Trump - and it seems endemic with GoP candidates - is that he is dumb as a sack of spuds...

But he can speak without a teleprompter.
Trump: Obama wasn't qualified for Ivy League - Yahoo! News

Trump saying Obama wasn't qualified for Ivy League, without any evidence at all.

The guy will have 4 years of a Presidential record, let's get to the issues if you want to attack him on something, dumbass.

Sarah Palin had a 74% approval rating when Governor of Alaska.
You're applauding that achievement as well, I am sure. Far more experienced than Obama could ever dream of being.
When is Poor Sarah going to release her High School diploma?
we can trust obama though right? i mean all those campaign promises, they were serious. he wouldn't lie to us.

I wouldn't trust any politician...period. But as they are responsible for running a country, then it is a matter of choosing one who is pretty close to what you believe in.

However, my main problem with Trump - and it seems endemic with GoP candidates - is that he is dumb as a sack of spuds...

But he can speak without a teleprompter.

Unlike Cheney:



Unlike Rubio:


Unlike DeMint:


Unlike Reagan:


Unlike Bush The Wiser:


Unlike Bush The Dumber:


You're a fucking idiot.

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