If I have to Put up with a Bazillion Trump aka neuveua Palin Threads ....

Who do you trust more?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 38 67.9%
  • Barrack Obama

    Votes: 18 32.1%

  • Total voters
Uncle Ferd says, "Yea, Obama was one o' dem reverse discrimination affirmative action students dat kept more qualified guys like dat Bakke fella from gettin' into medical school...
Obama wasn’t qualified for Ivy League: Trump
Wed, Apr 27, 2011 - ALLEGATIONS:Aside from questioning Obama’s birth records, Donald Trump said, without offering proof, that the US president had been a ‘terrible student’
Real-estate mogul Donald Trump suggested in an interview on Monday that US President Barack Obama had been a poor student who did not deserve to be admitted to the Ivy League universities he attended. Trump, who is mulling a bid for the Republican presidential nomination, offered no proof for his claim, but said he would continue to press the matter as he has the legitimacy of the president’s birth certificate. “I heard he was a terrible student, terrible. How does a bad student go to Columbia and then to Harvard?’’ Trump said in an interview. “I’m thinking about it, I’m certainly looking into it. Let him show his records.’’

Obama graduated from Columbia University in New York in 1983 with a degree in political science after transferring from Occidental College in California. He went on to Harvard Law School, where he graduated magna cum laude in 1991 and was the first black president of the Harvard Law Review. Obama’s 2008 campaign did not release his college transcripts and in his best-selling memoir, Dreams From My Father, Obama indicated he hadn’t always been an academic star. Trump said that Obama’s refusal to release his college grades were part of a pattern of concealing information about himself.

“I have friends who have smart sons with great marks, great boards, great everything and they can’t get into Harvard,” Trump said. “We don’t know a thing about this guy. There are a lot of questions that are unanswered about our president.” Katie Hogan, a spokeswoman for Obama’s re-election campaign, declined to comment.

Trump has shaped himself as an ultraconservative candidate, reversing some positions he once held. He now would make abortion illegal, opposes gay marriage and gun control. He advocates repeal of Obama’s healthcare overhaul that became law last year. He wants to cut foreign aid, is highly critical of China’s trade and monetary policies and wants to end the US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

More Obama wasn?t qualified for Ivy League: Trump - Taipei Times
I don't give into threats. So you've ensured that I won't vote for you Mr. Trump.
I don't give into threats. So you've ensured that I won't vote for you Mr. Trump.

I know your right leaning so for you to say this, you must really really not like him. Good for you.

Well that just assured I will vote for him. The republicans lost me when they tried to push McLame at me anyway. I'd rather vote for an independent.
So what happens if The Donald actually moves into the White House in January of 2013 and promptly disappoints conservatives in the same way Obama has dissed progressives?

By calling for single-payer, for example; something Trump has long championed.

Or maybe a "one time" 14% wealth tax on the richest Americans which is another of Trumps liberal leanings.

Whatever else can be said about The Donald, he is a player. And he's arrogant enough to know it.

Maybe some of you cons should really be careful what you wish for? There are more than a few liberals feeling that way about their "player."
If he runs the federal government as though it were a business, plans to and adheres to strict fiscal responsibility( not spending more than it receives in revenues) I would not object to a one time "wealth tax"...Trump would not simply slap wealthy people with a tax without some kind of consideration in return.
Obviously on matters of business and finance Trump is a genius compared to Obama who seems absolutely lost on these matters.
For example, Obama believes his own BS on the matter of "green energy" and alternative fuel sources for automobiles. He also knows that these technologies are far off in the future. However, Obama is an egomaniac. He wants things the way he wants them and damn the consequences. Obama stated very clearly that he "would be comfortable with four dollar per gallon gasoline". Ha also stated that if he were president electricity rates "would necessarily skyrocket". He also planned to put the coal industry out of business while saying during his campaign the he favored "clean coal"....That was bullshit.
Obama said in his latest speech which was nothing more than a campaign speech on $4 gas he basically said too bad. Screw you. Buy a smaller car.
Obama thinks he can ram conservation down our throats by doing whatever he can to make gas as expensive as possible. Obama has crippled the US oil industry with his idiotic oil drilling bans.
In a nutshell, Trump has opposed every single one of these Obama policies. Trump gets my vote on that alone.
I don't give into threats. So you've ensured that I won't vote for you Mr. Trump.

I know your right leaning so for you to say this, you must really really not like him. Good for you.

Well that just assured I will vote for him. The republicans lost me when they tried to push McLame at me anyway. I'd rather vote for an independent.

He inherited 400 million and purchased a casino and went broke 4 times. 4 damn bankruptcies. Wow. How the hell do you fail with a casino?

He is a fabulous business man who would do great for this country.:lol:
Trump is the classic liberal.
Chases women, borrows more than he can pay for, spends more than he makes and blames his problems on others.
I honestly think Trump is a closet Obama supporter. He is doing this to pull the crazies out and it looks like there are a lot on that side.

The Donald is brilliant if you ask me. His ratings are going up, idiots actually are agreeing with his crazy theories and Obama will win big time in 2012.

Way to go Donald.
I only vote for muslim bastard community organizers

Ah so your one of those idiots they show when they are trying to degrade Obama?

He gonna pay my rent!




14.7 trillion in debt
Unemployment up
Poverty up
Welfare up
Tax cuts for billionaires
Wars Wars and more wars
Most divisive President ever
Gitmo open
787 Billion in Stolen stimulus
Lobbyists is Washington UP UP UP
Earmarks UP UP UP
Lies? UP Up Up....
Bailouts for Goldman Sach? Up.....:cuckoo:

President Oprah is a failure
I only vote for muslim bastard community organizers

Ah so your one of those idiots they show when they are trying to degrade Obama?

He gonna pay my rent!




14.7 trillion in debt
Unemployment up
Poverty up
Welfare up
Tax cuts for billionaires
Wars Wars and more wars
Most divisive President ever
Gitmo open
787 Billion in Stolen stimulus
Lobbyists is Washington UP UP UP
Earmarks UP UP UP
Lies? UP Up Up....
Bailouts for Goldman Sach? Up.....:cuckoo:

President Oprah is a failure

Democrats are not bright
Independent is code for liberal

Your code only, but not my code.
I own 3 corporations, employ others, vote Republican 90% of the time since 1972 and make payroll every two weeks.
I am an independent and not a liberal.
Speak for yourself only. Get out more often. The real world awaits you.
Leaving aside the fact that Obama, who went on to graduate Harvard Law magna cum laude, seems like he was probably a very good student, Mr. Trump might need a refresher course in how unqualified people actually do manage to get into the prestigious Ivy League Universities .

Let us take, as an example, the story of a student so obviously unqualified, so transparently unworthy, that a book was written about what his admittance into Harvard said about the sorry behavior of supposedly elite colleges.

That student—that dull, below-average student who somehow made his way into Harvard—was Donald Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner.

Kushner’s father, real estate developer Charles Kushner, bought Jared his Harvard acceptance. It cost him $2.5 million. (Kushner later went to jail for tax evasion and witness tampering, so it was also, technically, dirty money that bought Trump’s daughter’s husband’s entry into the Ivy League.)

Wall Street Journal education writer Daniel Golden’s book “The Price of Admission” explores the Kushner donation at length. An official at Kushner’s (expensive, private) high school told the author: “There was no way anybody in . . . the school thought he would on the merits get into Harvard. His GPA did not warrant it, his SAT scores did not warrant it. We thought, for sure, there was no way this was going to happen.”

But it did.

And that is how things actually work at “elite” schools.

Donald Trump's personal experience with questionable Ivy League admittance standards - War Room - Salon.com

Oh my goodness. I wonder if he will talk about this when he is "campaigning". lol
Ah so your one of those idiots they show when they are trying to degrade Obama?

He gonna pay my rent!




14.7 trillion in debt
Unemployment up
Poverty up
Welfare up
Tax cuts for billionaires
Wars Wars and more wars
Most divisive President ever
Gitmo open
787 Billion in Stolen stimulus
Lobbyists is Washington UP UP UP
Earmarks UP UP UP
Lies? UP Up Up....
Bailouts for Goldman Sach? Up.....:cuckoo:

President Oprah is a failure

Democrats are not bright

Obama sets goal of $4 trillion in deficit cuts
(Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Wednesday set a goal of cutting the U.S. budget deficit by $4 trillion, plunging into the debate over the nation's fiscal woes after accusations he has failed to lead on the issue.

Obama, facing a 2012 re-election vote in which the nation's debt and deficit are major worries for Americans, promised in a speech in Washington to put the country on a gradually improving fiscal path.

He set a time-frame of 12 years or less to reach the goal of $4 trillion in deficit reduction and called for talks with Democratic and Republican lawmakers to hammer out a detailed blueprint.

Obama warned that steadily rising debt could cost jobs and harm the economy and force the country to borrow more from other countries such as China.

"If our creditors start worrying that we may be unable to pay back our debts, it could drive up interest rates for everyone who borrows money -- making it harder for businesses to expand and hire, or families to take out a mortgage," he said. But he added: "We can solve this problem."

Obama also proposed:

* Curbing deficits to 2.5 percent of GDP in 2015, 2 percent toward the end of the decade

* Ending Bush-era tax rates for the wealthiest Americans

* Seeking $770 billion in savings by 2023 in cuts to non-security discretionary spending

* Saving $480 billion in Medicare and Medicaid by 2023 and at least $1 trillion more by 2033.

Obama's proposal was welcomed by bond investors. It helped lift prices for U.S. government debt, pushing yields lower.

With the U.S. deficit expected to hit $1.65 trillion this year, Obama also proposed triggers that would force automatic, across-the-board cuts in spending if budget targets are not met by 2014.

The aim is to ensure that deficits as a share of the economy average no more than 2.8 percent of gross domestic product in the second half of the decade.

Past presidents have put in place similar "triggers".

Obama's proposal came a week after Paul Ryan, House of Representatives Budget Committee chairman, offered a blueprint for $4.4 trillion in deficit cuts.

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