If I have to Put up with a Bazillion Trump aka neuveua Palin Threads ....

Who do you trust more?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 38 67.9%
  • Barrack Obama

    Votes: 18 32.1%

  • Total voters
If 'Should' really mattered,Barack Obama would not be President. So much is still unknown about this guy's past and he certainly didn't have any real qualifications to be President. So 'Should' Trump be Elected? Sure,why not?
someone investigated Obama.

You rock Don !!

Dems did it to Sarah Palin

Trump doin it to Obama!

Lovin' it!!!!!

Trump claims Obama birth certificate 'missing' – Anderson Cooper 360 - CNN.com Blogs

what did you think of the interview. cooper was trying so hard to paint trump as a liar. if cnn didn't find trump's investigator, well then there couln't be any right. cooper may as well have i love obama tatooed on his forhead. this is really creepy, this birther scandal. toobin the butboy.
Now listen wash, I can't comment on your post unless you mention hockey. You mentioned that hockey stick graph but that isn't really about hockey. You might be able to fool me 15 or 20 times with that hockey stick graph thing, but we aren't stoooopid. We are very very clever, like the beaver, nature's fireman.

Hey look! A meerkat!

washamericom said:
YA THINK ???!!!

No... that's magna GUM laude, when you have to spit your chewing gum into the teacher's hand.

look, you're about this close to not being in my movie (although i'll have to share the "created by" credit it with you (if it's turned into a hit tv series like celebrity apprentice), for suggesting (vaguely) that i make a movie out of the birther rallies. (you'll be there in june right?).

also, don't you have anything better to do all day than hang out on this forum??

in closing... you stole my jesus fish didn't you ?? remember..toto... Summa Cum Laude than others...
Now listen wash, I can't comment on your post unless you mention hockey. You mentioned that hockey stick graph but that isn't really about hockey. You might be able to fool me 15 or 20 times with that hockey stick graph thing, but we aren't stoooopid. We are very very clever, like the beaver, nature's fireman.

Hey look! A meerkat!

washamericom said:
YA THINK ???!!!

No... that's magna GUM laude, when you have to spit your chewing gum into the teacher's hand.

look, you're about this close to not being in my movie (although i'll have to share the "created by" credit it with you (if it's turned into a hit tv series like celebrity apprentice), for suggesting (vaguely) that i make a movie out of the birther rallies. (you'll be there in june right?).

also, don't you have anything better to do all day than hang out on this forum??

in closing... you stole my jesus fish didn't you ?? remember..toto... Summa Cum Laude than others...

brilliant, you should be jay carney.
goalie for the U.S. Spending Team. it's not an official olympic sport, yet.....
but will be soon, cross your figures

did you see that trump continues to accelerate in the poll up at the top of this page ?, getting and further further out in front everyday. keep you eyes peeled my canadian brother, this effects you too, might be able to get you voting privledges.
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I'm not taking him real serious about running for President at this time.

But, I love the fact he is poking the beehive with a stick. At least it's taken all the hate off Palin for awhile.

Trump has made Palin irrelevant, at least for now. Since Trump enetered the race, Palin's poll numbers have been cut in half. USMB's best Palinbarometer is USArmyRetired, who spent months pimping Palin but has stopped posting fascinating threads about Palin's tweets and is now pimping Trump. But once The Donald gets bored and drops out, the USArmyRetireds will drift back to Sarah.

ok, I'm glad to know all that.:rolleyes:
I'm not taking him real serious about running for President at this time.

But, I love the fact he is poking the beehive with a stick. At least it's taken all the hate off Palin for awhile.

Trump has made Palin irrelevant, at least for now. Since Trump enetered the race, Palin's poll numbers have been cut in half. USMB's best Palinbarometer is USArmyRetired, who spent months pimping Palin but has stopped posting fascinating threads about Palin's tweets and is now pimping Trump. But once The Donald gets bored and drops out, the USArmyRetireds will drift back to Sarah.

ok, I'm glad to know all that.:rolleyes:

Quick question..........why would USA Retard start pumping Palin again? Does he really like being on a losing team?
For all the Trump 'tards......

NEW YORK - The New York City Board of Elections says Donald Trump hadn't voted in a primary elections over 20 years.

The board said before the 2010 N.Y. primary, the last time the possible Republican presidential candidate voted in a primary election was in the 1989 primary for mayor. That's when Rudy Giuliani beat businessman Ronald Lauder.

Trump also skipped the 2002 general election.

TV station NY1 was the first to report the information.

Trump didn't vote in primaries between 1989-2010 - CBS News

Now.......if this idiot hasn't voted in any elections for the past 20 years, he more than likely hasn't paid attention to politics.

Still think he's a viable candidate for president y'all?
He had nobody to vote for.
I didn't either.
Really? Wanna talk about the tea baggers and how their far right views are imploding the GOP?

And YOU would care about that, if true, why?

It's not so much that I care about the GOP imploding, it's more that I care that a major political party is letting the lunatics take over the asylum.

You speak for the democratic party I see, we finally agree on something they let lunatics take over the asylum years ago.
last week called.

it wants its *news* back

oh yeah ?? the shrimp store called.... it wants the jerk back.... no wait... the ocean called want a shrimp, there is no jerk store... wait...
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