If I have to Put up with a Bazillion Trump aka neuveua Palin Threads ....

Who do you trust more?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 38 67.9%
  • Barrack Obama

    Votes: 18 32.1%

  • Total voters
Interesting how a less than average student at an easy college like Occidental can suddenly climb to magna cum laude at a hard one, huh?

In my opinion, he's a phoney. "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark", W Shakespeare, Hamlet Act 1.

Noone would expect that that wouldn't be your opinion. Obviously, since Birth, Obama had moles faking his life in order to become President some 40+ years later. From his place of birth, to his College Records, to his Health Records to his Religious beliefs ..... he's got the Wizard of Oz working on his image and is undermining the intelligence of all who voted for him. All, obviously.

Yep, that's the typical rant of a lefty. I question the validity of his 'qualification' to get into Harvard so I must be a Birther. Fucking idiot.

I said, and I am right... His GPA at Occidental could not have been over 3.3 - and that's assuming he got the top mark for his PolSci - I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. How the fuck does one qualify for Harvard with a 3.3? One doesn't. So,

How the fuck did he get into Harvard?
How the fuck did he go from a 3.3 at an 'easy' college to MCL at a hard one?

These are perfectly legitimate questions. As an American, I have a right to know about my President's record. All of it. And, I would say the same thing if he was a Republican. I would say the same thing if he was white. I would say the same thing no matter who he is.

We have a right to know.

He transferred from Occidental to Columbia and then he got into Harvard.
Ok then, we have a mutual disrespect for each other. So, now that we've established that

You ask me to edit asshole out of the same post in which you address me as jack-puss - ?

You seem to be mildly retarded.

I think the point of me addressing you like that may have missed you. Do you know what the Golden Rule is?

Judging by your profile picture, I bet you know what a Golden Shower is...
You ask me to edit asshole out of the same post in which you address me as jack-puss - ?

You seem to be mildly retarded.

I think the point of me addressing you like that may have missed you. Do you know what the Golden Rule is?

Judging by your profile picture, I bet you know what a Golden Shower is...

Any more gay innuendos you want to throw my way? You know, if you come to NY I can get you with some fly chicks man, relieve some of that keyboard aggression. You may just need to get laid, sir. :eek:
Noone would expect that that wouldn't be your opinion. Obviously, since Birth, Obama had moles faking his life in order to become President some 40+ years later. From his place of birth, to his College Records, to his Health Records to his Religious beliefs ..... he's got the Wizard of Oz working on his image and is undermining the intelligence of all who voted for him. All, obviously.

Yep, that's the typical rant of a lefty. I question the validity of his 'qualification' to get into Harvard so I must be a Birther. Fucking idiot.

I said, and I am right... His GPA at Occidental could not have been over 3.3 - and that's assuming he got the top mark for his PolSci - I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. How the fuck does one qualify for Harvard with a 3.3? One doesn't. So,

How the fuck did he get into Harvard?
How the fuck did he go from a 3.3 at an 'easy' college to MCL at a hard one?

These are perfectly legitimate questions. As an American, I have a right to know about my President's record. All of it. And, I would say the same thing if he was a Republican. I would say the same thing if he was white. I would say the same thing no matter who he is.

We have a right to know.

He transferred from Occidental to Columbia and then he got into Harvard.

My question still stands.

How does one go from a 3.3 (and that's assuming he got that - it was more likely to have been less) to MCL?

Which is harder PolSci or a Law Degree from Harvard?

How'd he manage to fuck up the 'easy' one and achieve MCL at the second?
My question still stands.

How does one go from a 3.3 (and that's assuming he got that - it was more likely to have been less) to MCL?

Which is harder PolSci or a Law Degree from Harvard?

How'd he manage to fuck up the 'easy' one and achieve MCL at the second?

No idea. It doesn't interest me.

All I know is that he interned at one of Wall Street's best law firms, was President of the Harvard Review, graduated MCL at Harvard Law then taught for a decade at the University of Chicago. He very well may have been a beneficiary of affirmative action, I don't know. But that is a fairly impressive CV. So I don't care what his grades are.

In fact, I don't really care about much of this. I only care about how he has done as President.
Yep, that's the typical rant of a lefty. I question the validity of his 'qualification' to get into Harvard so I must be a Birther. Fucking idiot.

I said, and I am right... His GPA at Occidental could not have been over 3.3 - and that's assuming he got the top mark for his PolSci - I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. How the fuck does one qualify for Harvard with a 3.3? One doesn't. So,

How the fuck did he get into Harvard?
How the fuck did he go from a 3.3 at an 'easy' college to MCL at a hard one?

These are perfectly legitimate questions. As an American, I have a right to know about my President's record. All of it. And, I would say the same thing if he was a Republican. I would say the same thing if he was white. I would say the same thing no matter who he is.

We have a right to know.

He transferred from Occidental to Columbia and then he got into Harvard.

My question still stands.

How does one go from a 3.3 (and that's assuming he got that - it was more likely to have been less) to MCL?

Which is harder PolSci or a Law Degree from Harvard?

How'd he manage to fuck up the 'easy' one and achieve MCL at the second?

With age comes maturity, and usually a harder work ethic.

Why would you take the small minded approach that he somehow must not have earned his MCL, but must have been poo-poo'd through? You've got no proof that somehow the teachers all must have fudged his grades, yet you're a skeptic of his grades because why? Because he didn't ALWAYS do that good? So what? Did you never improve on anything? Stop hating.
So let's review - again (for the sake of the moronic who can't grasp simple shit)... what do we know about Obama's academic record?

Well, we know that - at best - his GPA at Occidental was 3.3. AT. BEST. So, annoyingly, Trump could well be right. Why the left can't remember that one simple fact is beyond me.

Magna Cum Laude at Harvard Law, and eventually, President of the United States of America.

In my opinion that means he's qualified to be there, by proxy. Not qualified to be there would be something like a 2.5 or under.

Besides, your posts don't matter, you just pop in to say fly by bitchy shit, to get your fix.

Interesting how a less than average student at an easy college like Occidental can suddenly climb to magna cum laude at a hard one, huh?

In my opinion, he's a phoney. "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark", W Shakespeare, Hamlet Act 1.

3.3... Less than average? :eusa_eh:
Obama probably played the race card every chance he had at Harvard, as he continues to do so today. Rather than professors facing "accusations," they just pushed his lazy, dumb-ass through. People like George Bush, on the other hand, honestly busted their ass in Harvard Business School and Yale...
Magna Cum Laude at Harvard Law, and eventually, President of the United States of America.

In my opinion that means he's qualified to be there, by proxy. Not qualified to be there would be something like a 2.5 or under.

Besides, your posts don't matter, you just pop in to say fly by bitchy shit, to get your fix.

Interesting how a less than average student at an easy college like Occidental can suddenly climb to magna cum laude at a hard one, huh?

In my opinion, he's a phoney. "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark", W Shakespeare, Hamlet Act 1.

3.3... Less than average? :eusa_eh:

Yes. It takes a 3.8 to get into a good grad school ...

Why don't you enter college and find out dumb ass.
Interesting how a less than average student at an easy college like Occidental can suddenly climb to magna cum laude at a hard one, huh?

In my opinion, he's a phoney. "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark", W Shakespeare, Hamlet Act 1.

3.3... Less than average? :eusa_eh:

Yes. It takes a 3.8 to get into a good grad school ...
Why don't you enter college and find out dumb ass.

Oh word? Who said this?

"As long as you're willing to pay the tuition, dumb fuck, you can attend college anywhere.
Perhaps someday when you graduate high school, you'll discover this, dumb fuck.
Interesting how a less than average student at an easy college like Occidental can suddenly climb to magna cum laude at a hard one, huh?

In my opinion, he's a phoney. "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark", W Shakespeare, Hamlet Act 1.

3.3... Less than average? :eusa_eh:

Yes. It takes a 3.8 to get into a good grad school ...

Why don't you enter college and find out dumb ass.

Be real, aren't you just envious of Obama because he's smarter than you? Don't be. I'm sure University of Phoenix will get you placed real soon. :lol:
By BETH FOUHY, Associated Press Beth Fouhy, Associated Press – Mon Apr 25, 10:00 pm ET

NEW YORK – Real estate mogul Donald Trump suggested in an interview Monday that President Barack Obama had been a poor student who did not deserve to be admitted to the Ivy League universities he attended. Trump, who is mulling a bid for the Republican presidential nomination, offered no proof for his claim but said he would continue to press the matter as he has the legitimacy of the president's birth certificate.

"I heard he was a terrible student, terrible. How does a bad student go to Columbia and then to Harvard?" Trump said in an interview with The Associated Press. "I'm thinking about it, I'm certainly looking into it. Let him show his records."

Obama graduated from Columbia University in New York in 1983 with a degree in political science after transferring from Occidental College in California. He went on to Harvard Law School, where he graduated magna cum laude 1991 and was the first black president of the Harvard Law Review.

Obama's 2008 campaign did not release his college transcripts, and in his best-selling memoir, "Dreams From My Father," Obama indicated he hadn't always been an academic star. Trump told the AP that Obama's refusal to release his college grades were part of a pattern of concealing information about himself.
i enjoy watching cnn and msnbc primetime, i watch them all. last night the olberman guy o'donnell was amazing in his bias toward franklin grahm. rude and delusional, he's almost like someone trying to communicate from behind a foot thick piece of glass. he 's trying to trap grahm, but he's not good at it.

at one point he asks "have you ever voted for a republican?", grahm "no, but at sate and local levels i have voted for democrats before" to which olberman replies "ok, so in a lifetime of voting you've never voted for a democrat" moving on... it was all directed a trump.

anderson cooper, trying desparately to trip up donald trump, and falling all over himself to defend obama. then brought on toobin who smooths over the anti birther argument.

all the same arguments, are used. but trump hung in there, and i believe he's right. there is just too much that doesn't add up.

now trump has heard that the original long form document may be missing, which i predicted from the start. howerever the governor and the the health department say, it absolutely exists, and it's in the vault.

this plot thickens.
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Or he's thinking about his hair.

Which do you think it is?
this is one hell of a fish story. there is a cover up here... anderson cooper was surounded by wrong facts and contradictions.

http://andersoncooper360review.blogspot.com/ long form has no space for religion.

Here is a video report from Hawaii on the Obama Birth Certificate controversy, where Hawaii Governor – Democrat Neil Abercrombie – “clarifies” what he meant when he previously said he was “there” when Obama was born. Abercrombie says he meant he was “there in Hawaii” – not in the room. But he claims he saw baby Barack Obama shortly after his birth in Hawaii.

The report cites a Hawaii Health Official as claiming she has twice inspected Obama’s official birth certificate and that there is no question he was born in Hawaii.

As usual, no one answers why Obama cannot do what any average American can do – just give permission for his Birth Certificate – not the Certification of Live Birth – to be shown publicly. Obama could do that if he wanted to. For some reason, he does not. If it is there – and it very well may be – why in the world would a President/Presidential Candidate not just release the original in order to put this whole thing to rest?

i believe that through cross referencing, we'll eventually get to the truth.

there are holes galore in this. "not as official" one request for longform" the president could file a frredom of information act" "most of these people are crazy and or bigots " " the president has no reason" "he's already president" "legally confusing" "no prcident".. "we don't know what the money was spent on". "direct and tangible interest"

clearly cnn is trying to protect obama. why ??

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Where was he during the Tea Party's rise and throughout the battles it was having?

Why was he donating to Senator Schumer, Congressman Anthony Weiner, and Hillary Clinton's campaigns when the Tea Party was beginning to rise?

Donald Trump wants universal healthcare - how is that conservative?

Trump contradictS himself on whom the worst President is - first he says it was George W. Bush, then Jimmy Carter, then Obama.
Trump in 2011: Obama Has Been The Worst President Ever
Trump in 2007: No President can be worse than Bush
Trump in 2007: I don’t understand how the Dems lost the 2004 election
Trump in 2008: Bush should be impeached; I’m impressed with Pelosi

I'm not taking him real serious about running for President at this time.

But, I love the fact he is poking the beehive with a stick. At least it's taken all the hate off Palin for awhile.
I'm not taking him real serious about running for President at this time.

But, I love the fact he is poking the beehive with a stick. At least it's taken all the hate off Palin for awhile.

steph, watch the interview with anderson cooper from last night, tell me what you think. i'm so glad i just happened to catch it !! part two tonight, i'll bett cnn's ratings are awesome tonite, everyone will be talking about this today.

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