If I have to Put up with a Bazillion Trump aka neuveua Palin Threads ....

Who do you trust more?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 38 67.9%
  • Barrack Obama

    Votes: 18 32.1%

  • Total voters
he'd have had a shot if he hadn't gone down the birther route.

you understand that doesn't matter to the wackjobs, right? they will vote for anyone or anything that is vile and stupid as long as they say terrible things about the president... no matter how much they're lying.

of course, that really messes up the repub party.

if you guys liked him, that would make him useless to us jill. i think he's great. he'll out charisma obama. it's fun for us for a change, obama's on his heels, trump's fearless and we admire that.
there is no case for experience or dark past that you can reflect back at us, the country smell fear from the democrats.
and AA is right , the whole country is focused on barraks growing secret.
Trump is just a blow-hard and a ego maniac with retard tendencies.

It always makes me laugh that people pay big buck to attend his seminars on how to get rich.

When in reality Trump was born rich.
And I guess you were born a brainwashed islamic beast muzzie!
he'd have had a shot if he hadn't gone down the birther route.

you understand that doesn't matter to the wackjobs, right? they will vote for anyone or anything that is vile and stupid as long as they say terrible things about the president... no matter how much they're lying.

of course, that really messes up the repub party.

if you guys liked him, that would make him useless to us jill. i think he's great. he'll out charisma obama. it's fun for us for a change, obama's on his heels, trump's fearless and we admire that.
there is no case for experience or dark past that you can reflect back at us, the country smell fear from the democrats.
and AA is right , the whole country is focused on barraks growing secret.

he COULD out charisma obama, if he hadn't made a fool of himself with this birther horseshit.
Voting "present" is voting. It's counted as a "No" vote. It's a political tactic - but it's still a vote.

While it is essentially a no vote in that the Illinois Constitution requires 30 affirmative votes to pass legislation, a "present" vote shows a lack of commitment, a spineless decision designed to hide an unpopular position.
If obama's intent was to vote "no" in the 120 or so instances where he voted "present ", why didn't he vote "no"?

For political reasons, of course.

When did we start getting "outraged" at politicians playing politics?

We always should have been. It may have prevented the hole they've dug for us.
Besides.........in order for the Chump to get on the ballot, he'd have to release his tax statements.

He's not gonna do that.

Maybe he would release his college transcripts. Would that suffice for you? Oh wait! transcripts aren't important.

By the way, could you please take the word "Biker" out of your user name?

Tax statements are required to be released.

No...........I won't remove the word Biker out of my name. I own a Harley, have been to Sturgis 3 years in a row.

Oh yeah..............i've got more miles in my legs on a BICYCLE than you have on your scooter.

50-100 miles per day for 8 years. What you got?
I know you lot don't care what the rest of the world thinks but Trump and Palin make America look stupid.
While it is essentially a no vote in that the Illinois Constitution requires 30 affirmative votes to pass legislation, a "present" vote shows a lack of commitment, a spineless decision designed to hide an unpopular position.
If obama's intent was to vote "no" in the 120 or so instances where he voted "present ", why didn't he vote "no"?

For political reasons, of course.

When did we start getting "outraged" at politicians playing politics?

We always should have been. It may have prevented the hole they've dug for us.

Politicians have been "playing politics" for tens of thousands of years. Welcome to how humanity works.
Trump: Obama wasn't qualified for Ivy League - Yahoo! News

Trump saying Obama wasn't qualified for Ivy League, without any evidence at all.

The guy will have 4 years of a Presidential record, let's get to the issues if you want to attack him on something, dumbass.

Sarah Palin had a 74% approval rating when Governor of Alaska.
You're applauding that achievement as well, I am sure. Far more experienced than Obama could ever dream of being.
Trump: Obama wasn't qualified for Ivy League - Yahoo! News

Trump saying Obama wasn't qualified for Ivy League, without any evidence at all.

The guy will have 4 years of a Presidential record, let's get to the issues if you want to attack him on something, dumbass.

Sarah Palin had a 74% approval rating when Governor of Alaska.
You're applauding that achievement as well, I am sure. Far more experienced than Obama could ever dream of being.

As well? As well as what>? My post doesn't applaud anything.
Trump: Obama wasn't qualified for Ivy League - Yahoo! News

Trump saying Obama wasn't qualified for Ivy League, without any evidence at all.

The guy will have 4 years of a Presidential record, let's get to the issues if you want to attack him on something, dumbass.

So let's review - again (for the sake of the moronic who can't grasp simple shit)... what do we know about Obama's academic record?

Well, we know that - at best - his GPA at Occidental was 3.3. AT. BEST. So, annoyingly, Trump could well be right. Why the left can't remember that one simple fact is beyond me.
Trump: Obama wasn't qualified for Ivy League - Yahoo! News

Trump saying Obama wasn't qualified for Ivy League, without any evidence at all.

The guy will have 4 years of a Presidential record, let's get to the issues if you want to attack him on something, dumbass.

So let's review - again (for the sake of the moronic who can't grasp simple shit)... what do we know about Obama's academic record?

Well, we know that - at best - his GPA at Occidental was 3.3. AT. BEST. So, annoyingly, Trump could well be right. Why the left can't remember that one simple fact is beyond me.

Magna Cum Laude at Harvard Law, and eventually, President of the United States of America.

In my opinion that means he's qualified to be there, by proxy. Not qualified to be there would be something like a 2.5 or under.

Besides, your posts don't matter, you just pop in to say fly by bitchy shit, to get your fix.
Trump: Obama wasn't qualified for Ivy League - Yahoo! News

Trump saying Obama wasn't qualified for Ivy League, without any evidence at all.

The guy will have 4 years of a Presidential record, let's get to the issues if you want to attack him on something, dumbass.

So let's review - again (for the sake of the moronic who can't grasp simple shit)... what do we know about Obama's academic record?

Well, we know that - at best - his GPA at Occidental was 3.3. AT. BEST. So, annoyingly, Trump could well be right. Why the left can't remember that one simple fact is beyond me.

Magna Cum Laude at Harvard Law, and eventually, President of the United States of America.

In my opinion that means he's qualified to be there, by proxy. Not qualified to be there would be something like a 2.5 or under.

Besides, your posts don't matter, you just pop in to say fly by bitchy shit, to get your fix.

He's qualified to be in the White House becuase he's MCL at Harvard ?

Are you seriously this dense?
So let's review - again (for the sake of the moronic who can't grasp simple shit)... what do we know about Obama's academic record?

Well, we know that - at best - his GPA at Occidental was 3.3. AT. BEST. So, annoyingly, Trump could well be right. Why the left can't remember that one simple fact is beyond me.

Magna Cum Laude at Harvard Law, and eventually, President of the United States of America.

In my opinion that means he's qualified to be there, by proxy. Not qualified to be there would be something like a 2.5 or under.

Besides, your posts don't matter, you just pop in to say fly by bitchy shit, to get your fix.

He's qualified to be in the White House becuase he's MCL at Harvard ?

Are you seriously this dense?

He's qualified to BE AT HARVARD, is what I was saying, because OBVIOUSLY HE KEPT HIS GRADES TO A COMMENDaBLE LEVEL (Magna Cum Laude). Are you this dense?

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