If I have to Put up with a Bazillion Trump aka neuveua Palin Threads ....

Who do you trust more?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 38 67.9%
  • Barrack Obama

    Votes: 18 32.1%

  • Total voters
Why do you assume that anyone who thinks Trump is a dumbass is an Obama supporter?

Why do you think using "Joe Biden" as a strawman helps you make a point?
I don't care if you are a supporter of Obama. My point is simple- Biden is the VP . After a 40 year career in public service, earning an income north of 200K per year he has a net worth of less than $300K. It is not a strawman, it's a fact- the man cannot manage his won finances.

Except you're the only person in this thread talking about Joe Biden. What's the point of the "look at the guy on your side" argument? What does Joe Biden's personal finances have to do with a thread about Trump?

To point out the nincompoopery of Obama/Biden supporters bitching about Trump's finances.

That's all.
Yes, we really need someone with the financial acumen of Joe Biden to run the country instead. :cuckoo:

Why do you assume that anyone who thinks Trump is a dumbass is an Obama supporter?

Why do you think using "Joe Biden" as a strawman helps you make a point?
I don't care if you are a supporter of Obama. My point is simple- Biden is the VP . After a 40 year career in public service, earning an income north of 200K per year he has a net worth of less than $300K. It is not a strawman, it's a fact- the man cannot manage his won finances.

Biden will collect a pension of $180K per year plus full social security benefits.

Four pension options are available for members of Congress who, like Biden, began serving before 1984.

Biden's office did not respond to questions about which pension option he has exercised.

Sepp said the "more generous" of the four options allows Biden to draw a pension equal to 80 percent of his highest salary. As vice president, Biden's salary jumped from the newly adjusted congressional rate of $174,000 to $227,300.

Sepp said most senior members of Congress tend to stay in the older system, which pays a higher benefit. He said Biden can remain in that system as vice president because he presides over the Senate.

Members of Congress, according to the Congressional Research Service, can collect Social Security benefits simultaneously with their congressional pensions without being subjected to a "windfall" offset that applies to other federal employees.

Members of Congress have been required to participate in the Social Security system since 1984. Before that, participation was optional.

According to the Congressional Research Service, Congress exempted itself from the so-called windfall provision more than two decades ago.


He is a poster child for government employees who don't have to save for their retirements - we're paying for them.
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I don't care if you are a supporter of Obama. My point is simple- Biden is the VP . After a 40 year career in public service, earning an income north of 200K per year he has a net worth of less than $300K. It is not a strawman, it's a fact- the man cannot manage his won finances.

Except you're the only person in this thread talking about Joe Biden. What's the point of the "look at the guy on your side" argument? What does Joe Biden's personal finances have to do with a thread about Trump?

To point out the nincompoopery of Obama/Biden supporters bitching about Trump's finances.

That's all.

Well, I'm neither an Obama supporter, nor a Biden supporter. So I guess his point kinda failed, didn't it?

In a larger sense, don't you realize how stupid the "this guy on your side did it too" argument is?
Why do you assume that anyone who thinks Trump is a dumbass is an Obama supporter?

Why do you think using "Joe Biden" as a strawman helps you make a point?
I don't care if you are a supporter of Obama. My point is simple- Biden is the VP . After a 40 year career in public service, earning an income north of 200K per year he has a net worth of less than $300K. It is not a strawman, it's a fact- the man cannot manage his won finances.

Except you're the only person in this thread talking about Joe Biden. What's the point of the "look at the guy on your side" argument? What does Joe Biden's personal finances have to do with a thread about Trump?
Trump is a potential candidate, not even announced yet, and the vapid morons on the left (who don't know the meaning of the words "one" or "several") are attacking his voting record and his financial record. Joe Biden is an elected official serving as Vice President of the United States- his finances should be subject to the same scrutiny as Trump's. Feel free to explain why you disagree....
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I don't care if you are a supporter of Obama. My point is simple- Biden is the VP . After a 40 year career in public service, earning an income north of 200K per year he has a net worth of less than $300K. It is not a strawman, it's a fact- the man cannot manage his won finances.

Except you're the only person in this thread talking about Joe Biden. What's the point of the "look at the guy on your side" argument? What does Joe Biden's personal finances have to do with a thread about Trump?
Trump is a potential candidate, not even announced yet, and the vapid morons on the left (who don't know the meaning of the words "one" or "several") are attacking his voting record and his financial record. Joe Biden is an elected official serving as Vice President of the United States- his finances should be subject to the same scrutiny as Trump's. Feel free to explain why you disagree....

Because you are trolling and they are not.
Besides.........in order for the Chump to get on the ballot, he'd have to release his tax statements.

He's not gonna do that.

Maybe he would release his college transcripts. Would that suffice for you? Oh wait! transcripts aren't important.

By the way, could you please take the word "Biker" out of your user name?
I'd like to use this opportunity to post another hot pic of Trump's wife:


Al things being even with the politicians.....Trump would get my vote based on his main squeeze. :lol:
See you're already demonizing and smearing anyone who runs against Barack Obama. I don't even have to wait till 2012 to be proven correct. I'm already there. Yea but you haven't made up your mind yet on who you're voting for in 2012? Come on man,who are you really lying to in the end? Besides,Trump has voted in many Elections. This is a very weak smear at best. Shame shame.
I don't care if you are a supporter of Obama. My point is simple- Biden is the VP . After a 40 year career in public service, earning an income north of 200K per year he has a net worth of less than $300K. It is not a strawman, it's a fact- the man cannot manage his won finances.

Except you're the only person in this thread talking about Joe Biden. What's the point of the "look at the guy on your side" argument? What does Joe Biden's personal finances have to do with a thread about Trump?

To point out the nincompoopery of Obama/Biden supporters bitching about Trump's finances.

That's all.

Except you're the only person in this thread talking about Joe Biden. What's the point of the "look at the guy on your side" argument? What does Joe Biden's personal finances have to do with a thread about Trump?
Trump is a potential candidate, not even announced yet, and the vapid morons on the left (who don't know the meaning of the words "one" or "several") are attacking his voting record and his financial record. Joe Biden is an elected official serving as Vice President of the United States- his finances should be subject to the same scrutiny as Trump's. Feel free to explain why you disagree....

Because you are trolling and they are not.
In other words, you have no argument. Thanks for letting us know where you stand. :cuckoo:
oui, cela est vrai toto. Je suis un fan de le "blackhawks" du chicago. Je suis né il ya

no hockey in the film frenchie

why do canadians do it doggie style ??? so they can both watch the hockey game !

Les Cauncks de Vancouver vont battre le Blackhawks de Chicago parce que les Blackhawks sont une équipe de petites filles.

C'mon, just two minutes worth of hockey. You could have a clip of Donald Trump furiously digging away in the Hawaiian archives, then suddenly - BAM! you cut away to two minutes of hockey! I guarantee, you'll have 30 million hosers coming to the theatres to see your movie.

Or you could have your movie starting out with Lou Dobbs in front of the White House talking in his deep voice. It would go something like this;

"In America today, we may be facing the greatest constitutional threat in the history of the union. Greater than the Civil War, the issue of whether or not President Barack Obama is a natural born citizen might ..."

The BAM! a herd of stampeding buffalo trample over Lou Dobbs! Thousands of them all over 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Followed by thousands of wildebeest. And meerkats. The meerkats are riding the wildebeest.

And then some hockey.

Now THAT would be a movie.

little girls ? what would the music be ?? who could we get to play dobbs ??

toto tell me what you thimk about this.... you're ruled by the queen, i mean, the queen tells you what to do, so you might appreciate this. prince william proposed marriage to kate middleton in kenya. you see where i'm going with this ?? obama was born in kenya, i think that's too an amazing of a coincidence. either obama is a royal, or kate middleton could be obknoba's say.... cousin. wouldn't that explain the obama's not being invited to the wedding. ?? plus they all enjoy a good hockey game.... what do you think ??

I think you've cracked it...the smoking gun!!!!!

I hope you've passed this new information onto Donald so that he can get his 'investigators' out of the bar at Waikiki where they're pretending to look for clues, don their tweed deerstalker hats, pick up their magnifying glasses and smoking pipes and get on the first plane to Kenya...boy will they be pissed off!
See you're already demonizing and smearing anyone who runs against Barack Obama. I don't even have to wait till 2012 to be proven correct. I'm already there. Yea but you haven't made up your mind yet on who you're voting for in 2012? Come on man,who are you really lying to in the end? Besides,Trump has voted in many Elections. This is a very weak smear at best. Shame shame.

Obama deserves to be trounced as he tells US to get used to mediocrity...as HE Jets around on OUR DIME to $38,000 a plate dinners in California...on his Re-Elect more Disaster Tour 2011
What candidate would be deemed "Viable" by someone who has already decided they're voting for Barack Obama again? Many on this very Board are obviously voting for Barack Obama again. So no candidate running against him is going to be deemed "Viable" by them. That's just the way it is. These people are going to demonize and smear anyone who runs against him. And we know who those people on this Board are. They just don't have any credibility on issues like this. Trump is viable but they just don't like him. And gee i wonder why? Could it be that he's running against their guy? It's not very complicated. The smears are only just beginning with these people. It's going to get much much worse. They've already made up their minds on who they're voting for. So no one opposing their guy will be acceptable to them. It is what it is.

Hmm.........maybe he would make a good candidate for the GOP. I mean, he's already got the flip flopping down pat as many positions he had just a few years ago are 180 out from where he's at now.

The reason I don't think Trump is viable? He hasn't taken a solid position on anything, nor has he shown any real knowledge of the issues presented before him.

He's about as "viable" as Palin is, which is to say, not much.

maybe obama is as viable as you are.

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