If I have to Put up with a Bazillion Trump aka neuveua Palin Threads ....

Who do you trust more?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 38 67.9%
  • Barrack Obama

    Votes: 18 32.1%

  • Total voters

Or he's thinking about his hair.

Which do you think it is?

He's thinking about you Ravi. ;) You popped his balloon, and landed his icecream cone in the dirt. :evil:

Where was he during the Tea Party's rise and throughout the battles it was having?

Why was he donating to Senator Schumer, Congressman Anthony Weiner, and Hillary Clinton's campaigns when the Tea Party was beginning to rise?

Donald Trump wants universal healthcare - how is that conservative?

Trump contradictS himself on whom the worst President is - first he says it was George W. Bush, then Jimmy Carter, then Obama.
Trump in 2011: Obama Has Been The Worst President Ever
Trump in 2007: No President can be worse than Bush
Trump in 2007: I don’t understand how the Dems lost the 2004 election
Trump in 2008: Bush should be impeached; I’m impressed with Pelosi


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4_AOrgoTq8]YouTube - weiner/oreilly[/ame]

nothing to do with trump, but it's funny.
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Where was he during the Tea Party's rise and throughout the battles it was having?

Why was he donating to Senator Schumer, Congressman Anthony Weiner, and Hillary Clinton's campaigns when the Tea Party was beginning to rise?

Donald Trump wants universal healthcare - how is that conservative?

Trump contradictS himself on whom the worst President is - first he says it was George W. Bush, then Jimmy Carter, then Obama.
Trump in 2011: Obama Has Been The Worst President Ever
Trump in 2007: No President can be worse than Bush
Trump in 2007: I don’t understand how the Dems lost the 2004 election
Trump in 2008: Bush should be impeached; I’m impressed with Pelosi


That Schumer thing really makes you want to puke, huh. ;)
I'm not taking him real serious about running for President at this time.

But, I love the fact he is poking the beehive with a stick. At least it's taken all the hate off Palin for awhile.

Trump has made Palin irrelevant, at least for now. Since Trump enetered the race, Palin's poll numbers have been cut in half. USMB's best Palinbarometer is USArmyRetired, who spent months pimping Palin but has stopped posting fascinating threads about Palin's tweets and is now pimping Trump. But once The Donald gets bored and drops out, the USArmyRetireds will drift back to Sarah.
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I'm not taking him real serious about running for President at this time.

But, I love the fact he is poking the beehive with a stick. At least it's taken all the hate off Palin for awhile.

Trump has made Palin irrelevant, at least for now. Since Trump enetered the race, Palin's poll numbers have been cut in half. USMB's best Palinbarometer is USArmyRetired, who spent months pimping Palin but has stopped posting fascinating threads about Palin's tweets and is now pimping Trump. But once The Donald gets bored and drops out, the USArmyRetireds will drift back to Sarah.

how could you know about pimping harper.? we know that you have no newspapers, tv, crime or electricity. your only contact with the world is through this forum.
also were you in hawaii on august 8th 1961... prove that you weren't.
i think it's quite a coincidence that you are both canadian and a member of this forum, care to explain ??

in closing.... please put the hockey stick official canadian global warming graph back.
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Yep, that's the typical rant of a lefty. I question the validity of his 'qualification' to get into Harvard so I must be a Birther. Fucking idiot.

I said, and I am right... His GPA at Occidental could not have been over 3.3 - and that's assuming he got the top mark for his PolSci - I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. How the fuck does one qualify for Harvard with a 3.3? One doesn't. So,

How the fuck did he get into Harvard?
How the fuck did he go from a 3.3 at an 'easy' college to MCL at a hard one?

These are perfectly legitimate questions. As an American, I have a right to know about my President's record. All of it. And, I would say the same thing if he was a Republican. I would say the same thing if he was white. I would say the same thing no matter who he is.

We have a right to know.

He transferred from Occidental to Columbia and then he got into Harvard.

My question still stands.

How does one go from a 3.3 (and that's assuming he got that - it was more likely to have been less) to MCL?

Which is harder PolSci or a Law Degree from Harvard?

How'd he manage to fuck up the 'easy' one and achieve MCL at the second?

i believe those college records are sealed c g , like the original B C, you have to take their word for it.. i can smell the fear and panic rising. could we have a second democrat pathological liar on our hands.??
Myself being a Republican, I find that Trumps "attacks" are pretty weak. People are getting tired of him and his yapping about the Birth certificate, but, I suppose...each to his own.
Only 38% of Americans feel certain Obama was born in the US. That means 62% of Americans do not take the president at his word, this is a disaster for his re-election prospects. If Obama wants to defuse Trump, he needs to come clean about his past. (Unless the truth is so horrible it must be covered up at any cost).
He transferred from Occidental to Columbia and then he got into Harvard.

My question still stands.

How does one go from a 3.3 (and that's assuming he got that - it was more likely to have been less) to MCL?

Which is harder PolSci or a Law Degree from Harvard?

How'd he manage to fuck up the 'easy' one and achieve MCL at the second?

With age comes maturity, and usually a harder work ethic.

Why would you take the small minded approach that he somehow must not have earned his MCL, but must have been poo-poo'd through? You've got no proof that somehow the teachers all must have fudged his grades, yet you're a skeptic of his grades because why? Because he didn't ALWAYS do that good? So what? Did you never improve on anything? Stop hating.

I don't 'hate', idiot boy. I question. That's a sign of intellect. Ask questions. Research. Know shit. That's why I ask. Because I want to know.

I'm wondering how an average PolSic student gets MCL at Harvard. If it was through an Affirmative Action program, say so. There is no shame in it.... in fact, quite the opposite. I would say that knowing that would be a good thing for those who support AA.
Myself being a Republican, I find that Trumps "attacks" are pretty weak. People are getting tired of him and his yapping about the Birth certificate, but, I suppose...each to his own.

now you know how we feel.
Only 38% of Americans feel certain Obama was born in the US. That means 62% of Americans do not take the president at his word, this is a disaster for his re-election prospects. If Obama wants to defuse Trump, he needs to come clean about his past. (Unless the truth is so horrible it must be covered up at any cost).

if he didn't have such a sketchy pattern, this would be so much easier for him.

1. Not thorough or detailed
2. (of a picture) Resembling a sketch; consisting of outline without much detail.
I don't 'hate', idiot boy. I question. That's a sign of intellect. Ask questions. Research. Know shit. That's why I ask. Because I want to know.

I'm wondering how an average PolSic student gets MCL at Harvard. If it was through an Affirmative Action program, say so. There is no shame in it.... in fact, quite the opposite. I would say that knowing that would be a good thing for those who support AA.

Excuse me for my ignorance since I didn't go to school in America but isn't magna cum laude an academic distinction? I thought it meant one graduated near the top of one's class. Is the distinction awarded based on race also?
I don't 'hate', idiot boy. I question. That's a sign of intellect. Ask questions. Research. Know shit. That's why I ask. Because I want to know.

I'm wondering how an average PolSic student gets MCL at Harvard. If it was through an Affirmative Action program, say so. There is no shame in it.... in fact, quite the opposite. I would say that knowing that would be a good thing for those who support AA.

Excuse me for my ignorance since I didn't go to school in America but isn't magna cum laude an academic distinction? I thought it meant one graduated near the top of one's class. Is the distinction awarded based on race also?

Magna Cum Laude is 3.8 - 3.9 GPA, Summa Cum Laude is 3.9 or above
I don't 'hate', idiot boy. I question. That's a sign of intellect. Ask questions. Research. Know shit. That's why I ask. Because I want to know.

I'm wondering how an average PolSic student gets MCL at Harvard. If it was through an Affirmative Action program, say so. There is no shame in it.... in fact, quite the opposite. I would say that knowing that would be a good thing for those who support AA.

Excuse me for my ignorance since I didn't go to school in America but isn't magna cum laude an academic distinction? I thought it meant one graduated near the top of one's class. Is the distinction awarded based on race also?

YA THINK ???!!!

No... that's magna GUM laude, when you have to spit your chewing gum into the teacher's hand.

look, you're about this close to not being in my movie (although i'll have to share the "created by" credit it with you (if it's turned into a hit tv series like celebrity apprentice), for suggesting (vaguely) that i make a movie out of the birther rallies. (you'll be there in june right?).

also, don't you have anything better to do all day than hang out on this forum??

in closing... you stole my jesus fish didn't you ?? remember..toto... Summa Cum Laude than others...
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"Solid ethics"? Riiiiiiight............like the "solid ethics" that the GOP displays with adultery, divorce, lying and crap like that eh?

lots of Dems are in that room too ABS......and im not saying you dont know that.....

You're right Harry, the most famous of them being Clinton.

However, the Dems aren't the ones that call themselves the party of family values. Either they should straighten up, or quit calling themselves that.
seems to me that Trump helps Gingrich look electable. OTOH, Zachary Taylor didn't vote until he ran for president.
For all the Trump 'tards......

NEW YORK - The New York City Board of Elections says Donald Trump hadn't voted in a primary elections over 20 years.

The board said before the 2010 N.Y. primary, the last time the possible Republican presidential candidate voted in a primary election was in the 1989 primary for mayor. That's when Rudy Giuliani beat businessman Ronald Lauder.

Trump also skipped the 2002 general election.

TV station NY1 was the first to report the information.

Trump didn't vote in primaries between 1989-2010 - CBS News

Now.......if this idiot hasn't voted in any elections for the past 20 years, he more than likely hasn't paid attention to politics.

Still think he's a viable candidate for president y'all?

Too funny. You make shit up and then expect to be taken seriously. What a fuckin' loser.
Since when does 'Should' have anything to do with anything? This current President has set the bar pretty low as far as qualifications for being President goes. 'Should' the guy in there now be President? I would say no. But he is. 'Should' has nothing to do with it.

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