If I have to Put up with a Bazillion Trump aka neuveua Palin Threads ....

Who do you trust more?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 38 67.9%
  • Barrack Obama

    Votes: 18 32.1%

  • Total voters
I wouldn't trust any politician...period. But as they are responsible for running a country, then it is a matter of choosing one who is pretty close to what you believe in.

However, my main problem with Trump - and it seems endemic with GoP candidates - is that he is dumb as a sack of spuds...

But he can speak without a teleprompter.

Unlike Cheney:



Unlike Rubio:


Unlike DeMint:


Unlike Reagan:


Unlike Bush The Wiser:


Unlike Bush The Dumber:


You're a fucking idiot.

None of those people (with the exception of Reagan who was a great speaker with or without a teleprompter) are considered "great orator's". Obama was sold as a brilliant speaker and a fantastic communicator. Granted , he does read his speeches well, usually. But when he is off-prompter, too often he's a blubbering, bumbling, boob that makes GW Bush look like Daniel Webster.

Obama said:
Uh, umm, err ahh, Good ah, Morning. Wa wait as second. What uh, um, happened to the tel-uh-prompter? Oh,it's uh broken. I see. Well, I ah um am, the uhh, umm, er....Obama, the great orator. I, uh uh um um can speak real good. Uh ah, the reason, i ah, am ah here today is to uh, speak with you about the um uh, ah...the notion, um. uh. Thank You.
I don't give into threats. So you've ensured that I won't vote for you Mr. Trump.

I know your right leaning so for you to say this, you must really really not like him. Good for you.

I don't have any particular like or dislike for him. He isn't a conservative. He wouldn't have been high on my list anyway. But threatening... I don't give into threats, like I said.

I think Trump is going to have to explain this shit.....

Where was he during the Tea Party's rise and throughout the battles it was having?

Why did he donate to Senator Schumer?
Why did he donate to Congressman Anthony Weiner?
Why did he donate to Hillary Clinton's campaigns when the Tea Party was beginning to rise?

Donald Trump wants universal healthcare - how is that conservative?

Trump contradicts himself on whom the worst President is - first he says it was George W. Bush, then Jimmy Carter, then Obama.

Trump in 2011: "Obama Has Been The Worst President Ever"
Trump in 2007: "No President can be worse than Bush"
Trump in 2007: "I don’t understand how the Dems lost the 2004 election"
Trump in 2008: "Bush should be impeached; I’m impressed with Pelosi "

we can trust obama though right? i mean all those campaign promises, they were serious. he wouldn't lie to us.

I wouldn't trust any politician...period. But as they are responsible for running a country, then it is a matter of choosing one who is pretty close to what you believe in.

However, my main problem with Trump - and it seems endemic with GoP candidates - is that he is dumb as a sack of spuds...

But he can speak without a teleprompter.

And he makes most of it up on the spot.
He is not going to run.

And I just read an article that puts his net worth at between 150-200 million dollars.

Callow Sallow, as usual you're full of shit.

Trump's net worth is 7 Billion.

Subsequent posts will indicate if I or the Obamarrhoidal stooge is correct.
Donald Trump is your man? Multiple bankruptcies, multiple marriages and questionable character?

Man, you guys are desperate. The guy is a cartoon. The only game he has is stirring up teabaggers about the non-existent birther controversy.

Good luck.

Look at his choice in wives....why cant he buy american? He likes cheaper imports? Sup wit dat Donny T?:lol:

respect women do you ?
why didn't andrson cooper's agent in hawaii ask the health department lady if the names we the same on the two forms ??
we've found our man, he's been right here the whole time. Donald J Trump is an american institution and national treasure. we've found our man because he was here all the time.

Donald J Trump, of New York City, the greatest city in the world.

The only thing Trump can talk about is Obama. Trump has no position on anything except "Obama". Every interview starts with Obama and ends with Obama. Obama's school. Obama's religion. Obama's birthplace.

Trump. Calm down. Relax. Stop the woodworks.


Some would call this "obsession". Or a "Brokeback" moment.

"Why can't I quit you?"

i don't expect the hard core left to accept him.
we've found our man, he's been right here the whole time. Donald J Trump is an american institution and national treasure. we've found our man because he was here all the time.

Donald J Trump, of New York City, the greatest city in the world.

Trump is an opportunist. He supported Obama's healthcare monstrosity and he gave $50,000 to Rham Emanuel.

Nominating him would be the biggest mistake Republicans could make. The last thing we need is another RINO.
we've found our man, he's been right here the whole time. Donald J Trump is an american institution and national treasure. we've found our man because he was here all the time.

Donald J Trump, of New York City, the greatest city in the world.

The only thing Trump can talk about is Obama. Trump has no position on anything except "Obama". Every interview starts with Obama and ends with Obama. Obama's school. Obama's religion. Obama's birthplace.

Trump. Calm down. Relax. Stop the woodworks.


Some would call this "obsession". Or a "Brokeback" moment.

"Why can't I quit you?"

there is nothing wrong with your being gay howard, you should be proud of whatever you are.
we've found our man, he's been right here the whole time. Donald J Trump is an american institution and national treasure. we've found our man because he was here all the time.

Donald J Trump, of New York City, the greatest city in the world.

a birfer idiot whose bankrupted two companies?


how do we take this stuff seriously?

i hope you're being tongue in cheek. :eusa_pray:

jill, i have to say obama's not a very good president so far.
Trump is just a blow-hard and a ego maniac with retard tendencies.

It always makes me laugh that people pay big buck to attend his seminars on how to get rich.

When in reality Trump was born rich.

Trump was born a little bit rich. He made himself very very rich.
Trump is just a blow-hard and a ego maniac with retard tendencies.

It always makes me laugh that people pay big buck to attend his seminars on how to get rich.

When in reality Trump was born rich.

Trump was born a little bit rich. He made himself very very rich.

it was about thirty five mil. this is great politics.

Trump/Palin 2011
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seriously, it's a solved issue, it wasn't so hard. we will theorize why he waited, but we're very satisfied.

i really would rather be doing other things.
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