If I have to Put up with a Bazillion Trump aka neuveua Palin Threads ....

Who do you trust more?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 38 67.9%
  • Barrack Obama

    Votes: 18 32.1%

  • Total voters
Trump is "man-child" Obama's worse nightmare. Notice how the little boy "caved" with the birth certificate? And Trump's just begun...

Obama's fucking with the Ivy League now.

Hope he's buckled in.
You wish.

I wonder when we'll start lumping together every Christian bashing thread and slamming them in the looney bin threads?
Obama said. "But I am speaking for the vast majority of the American people as well as for the press. We do not have time for this kind of silliness. We have better stuff to do. I have got better stuff to do. We have got big problems to solve."

What follows below is the result of a detailed photoanalysis using a gaussian progressive-rank liminal scanning procedure in which a successive areas of maximum likelihood for graphic anomalies were identified. In each step, least-squares interpolation improved graphic quality, allowing for smaller and more fine-grained anomalies to be identified for Bayesian alpha-form analysis at higher magnifications. The result allows us to examine the alleged Hawaii Obama birth document in more detail than otherwise possible. Analysis credit goes to the Ad Hoc projects team at Edison Photo Lab of New Brunswick, New Jersey.

At each step, the area identified for further analysis is identified in red. go to >>>

» PhotoAnalysis Reveals Actual Source of so-called Barack Obama Hawaii “Birth Certificate” - Irregular Times

Yea, right before jumping on Air Force One again, to head for Oprah then on to New York for more campaigning. Yea, he's really busy ............spending our money!

half of congress and their wives are in china right now on our dime
Who's an Obamabot? Go through my post history. I think Obama's a miserable president and always have. I didn't vote for him and have actively opposed most of his policies, including protesting against them and being arrested for the effort. Don't like Trump does not equal like Obama or scared that he potentially challenges his position (I don't think he does). Whoever wins among the two of them, we lose, and I don't think it will come down to the two of them anyway. Try to see the world beyond partisan point-scoring.

Do you not care that he plans to commit a war crime, that he wants to pillage and plunder another nation to "pay us back" for attacking and occupying them in the first place?

Drock, you're certainly right that it's something every president does as a matter of routine. Still, I think admitting in advance you're eager to do it and have a plan to effectuate it should be more newsworthy and a more significant dock against his agenda than birtherism or a bad toupee. He doesn't seem to realize that what he plans to do is blatantly illegal and would surely cause a remarkable swell in anti-American violence in Iraq, something we're ostensibly working to minimize.

Trust me I'm not saying what he said was good, but if Obama and Bush were outspoken about their plans to warmonger for oil than maybe people would vote differently.
I am quite suspect of the very term "War Crime".
I think it was invented in 1945 by the Allies who wanted to try Germany's former Nazi leaders as criminals.

War itself is the complete breakdown of law and order and decency. Commiting theft and murder are a normal part of every soldiers job. Anybody who has talked to any US soldier, who has been in combat, knows this.

If TRUMP becomes president, he will take orders and do as he is told just like every other US President has ever done. At least TRUMP has personality and celebrity appeal. I don't know how much damage he would do, (he might even do some good), but I like the side of guy I know from his television appearances. He seems quite honest, he is not bad looking, and he speaks very good English too ! . . . I say Trump 'em !
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I am quite suspect of the very term "War Crime". I think it was invented in 1945 by the Allies who wanted to try Germany's former Nazi leaders as criminals.

War itself is the complete breakdown of law and order and decency. Commiting theft and murder are a normal part of every soldiers job. Anybody who has talked to any US soldier who has been in a combat zone knows this.

If TRUMP becomes president, he will take orders and do as he is told just like every other US President has ever done. At least TRUMP has personality and celebrity appeal. I don't know how much damage he would do, (he might even do some good), but I like the side of guy I know from his television appearances. He seems quite honest and he speaks very good English too !

Haven't you heard that War has been replaced with kind, decent, humanitarian Kinetic Military Actions?
The PDF is composed of multiple images. That’s correct. Using a photo editor or PDF viewer of your choice, you can extract this image data, view it, hide it, etc. But these layers, as they’re being called, aren’t layers in the traditional photo-editing sense of the word. They are, quite literally, pieces of image data that have been positioned in a PDF container. They appear as text but also contain glyphs, dots, lines, boxes, squiggles, and random garbage. They’re not combined or merged in any way. Quite simply, they look like they were created programmatically, not by a human.

What’s plausible is that somewhere along the way — from the scanning device to the PDF-creation software, both of which can perform OCR (optical character recognition) — these partial/pseudo-text images were created and saved. What’s not plausible is that the government spent all this time manufacturing Obama’s birth certificate only to commit the laughably rookie mistake of exporting the layers from Photoshop, or whatever photo editing software they are meant to have used. It’s likely that whoever scanned the birth certificate in Hawaii forgot to turn off the OCR setting on the scanner. Let’s leave it at that.

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*Note: There are currently 6 threads on Obama on the first page of just this forum. Trump is the leading potential candidate against the incumbent president and thus the subject of many important and distinct news stories. If you move this to the one massive catch-all "Trump thread" to be hidden amongst the pile, fuck you for your total lack of fair, reasonable, or justifiable standards.

that's just the way it is here, take it or leave it. it's still a fun board to hang on, the libs here are hysterical. if you notice, instead of six threads on trump.... it's one thread with trump in the title five times, gunny's sense of humor, which i actually like, you'll get used to it. palin's in this thread too, somewhere. it's part of the charm of this forum. i think it's still the best one on the web because of the loose rules, which also bring out the riff raff. it's hard to keep the front page clean.
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Trump to Obama aide: I'm your 'worst nightmare'

Obama to Trump: Stop it with the Viagra .. you'll go blind as well as deaf and dumb.
Man these guys do the weirdest thread placement.

The Encyclopedia Britannica was shorter than this thread.

i'm waiting for the movie to come out... in the meantime i am so proud of this thread, i was the only one that was able to do it. i hope it turns out wonderfully, for the president, so we can discuss the other issues, and not be distracted by sideshows and carnival barkers.
Man these guys do the weirdest thread placement.

The Encyclopedia Britannica was shorter than this thread.

i'm waiting for the movie to come out... in the meantime i am so proud of this thread, i was the only one that was able to do it. i hope it turns out wonderfully, for the president, so we can discuss the other issues, and not be distracted by sideshows and carnival barkers.

:eek: It ended up in The Flame Zone. That's the literary equivilent of dumpster diving. I don't believe this.......
So...are Trump and all the other Birther nutcases going to apologise to Obama and all the officials and other people that contended that there was a long-form birth certificate and that he was born where he claimed he was.
After all they were accused of lying and the least they should expect is an apology.

As for Trump gloating over this...whatever happened to his statement that he had investigators in Hawaii and "they can't believe what they're finding"?
What did they find?
He took over and perpetuated a sideshow that has been expensive and distracting to the country.
He should at least be embarrassed and he should apologise.

It could be argued that Obama has taken the higher ground.
He would have known that it would have been better, tactically, to hold the certificate back until closer to the election.
He would have known that it would open him up to accusations of caving into the nutcases.
But maybe, he saw the damage that the whole stupid issue was doing to the country and how distracting it was from the real issues.
Maybe he decided he would take the personal hit for the greater good...hmmmm?
So...are Trump and all the other Birther nutcases going to apologise to Obama and all the officials and other people that contended that there was a long-form birth certificate and that he was born where he claimed he was.
After all they were accused of lying and the least they should expect is an apology.

As for Trump gloating over this...whatever happened to his statement that he had investigators in Hawaii and "they can't believe what they're finding"?
What did they find?
He took over and perpetuated a sideshow that has been expensive and distracting to the country.
He should at least be embarrassed and he should apologise.

It could be argued that Obama has taken the higher ground.
He would have known that it would have been better, tactically, to hold the certificate back until closer to the election.
He would have known that it would open him up to accusations of caving into the nutcases.
But maybe, he saw the damage that the whole stupid issue was doing to the country and how distracting it was from the real issues.
Maybe he decided he would take the personal hit for the greater good...hmmmm?

he doesn't have the character for that.
The Encyclopedia Britannica was shorter than this thread.

i'm waiting for the movie to come out... in the meantime i am so proud of this thread, i was the only one that was able to do it. i hope it turns out wonderfully, for the president, so we can discuss the other issues, and not be distracted by sideshows and carnival barkers.

:eek: It ended up in The Flame Zone. That's the literary equivilent of dumpster diving. I don't believe this.......

it bounces around, much like the birth certificate itself. trump isn't popular, but he sure makes people do... things.
he'll make a great president with sarah palin at his side. it will all work out in the end. i call it moderator wars.
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