If I have to Put up with a Bazillion Trump aka neuveua Palin Threads ....

Who do you trust more?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 38 67.9%
  • Barrack Obama

    Votes: 18 32.1%

  • Total voters
sounds good , will the candidate provide birth certificate school records and loyalty proof ? thats what their now demanding of president Obama is being asked .

If the candidate runs on a platform of transparency?

Damn well better provide that info.

Obama does not have to provide anything from his background or any loyalty oath. He has already been elected president. The vetting process is over. His oath of office..conducted twice..because Roberts is a fucking nitwit... was performed live on television to the whole American public.

The only thing that Obama has to defend is the work he has accomplished or not while in office. EVERYTHING else is irrelevant. There are plenty of real issues for Obama to explain..but you morons are not concerned with reality. God you folks are stupid!

He was asked during the campaign. He refused.
He is being asked now as he begins his new campaign.
Well..there goes that theory of yours out the window.

We are quite concerned with reality. Seems people like you are more concerned with being fooled again.

LMFAO....all of you dickheads complained "if I knew about Bush ahead of time I would have done all I could to make sure he didnt get into office"

And now?

WHo cares about his past.....anyone who cares is a racist.

LMAO...you woulda thought you leanred something. Instead, you will wait til he does something that pisses you off and you will say once again "if only I had known...."
If the candidate runs on a platform of transparency?

Damn well better provide that info.

Obama does not have to provide anything from his background or any loyalty oath. He has already been elected president. The vetting process is over. His oath of office..conducted twice..because Roberts is a fucking nitwit... was performed live on television to the whole American public.

The only thing that Obama has to defend is the work he has accomplished or not while in office. EVERYTHING else is irrelevant. There are plenty of real issues for Obama to explain..but you morons are not concerned with reality. God you folks are stupid!

Technically you are correct. But when he so often contradicts himself, his background can become more relevent for clues as to where he is coming from and what we should believe about him. He has always had ability to run for a second term and now has declared himself a candidate for a second term. That makes his character and background relevant again.

As he stressed in that video: "Sunlight is the greatest disinfectant." He certainly has not been inclined to practice what he preached.

For many of us, a man's character IS relevant as a factor in who we decide to support and who we will oppose.

Yes...to some of us character.

to the rest?

Words is what sells them.
If the candidate runs on a platform of transparency?

Damn well better provide that info.

Obama does not have to provide anything from his background or any loyalty oath. He has already been elected president. The vetting process is over. His oath of office..conducted twice..because Roberts is a fucking nitwit... was performed live on television to the whole American public.

The only thing that Obama has to defend is the work he has accomplished or not while in office. EVERYTHING else is irrelevant. There are plenty of real issues for Obama to explain..but you morons are not concerned with reality. God you folks are stupid!

Technically you are correct. But when he so often contradicts himself, his background can become more relevent for clues as to where he is coming from and what we should believe about him. He has always had ability to run for a second term and now has declared himself a candidate for a second term. That makes his character and background relevant again.

As he stressed in that video: "Sunlight is the greatest disinfectant." He certainly has not been inclined to practice what he preached.

For many of us, a man's character IS relevant as a factor in who we decide to support and who we will oppose.

practice what he preached? If obama were pinocchio he'd be sporting wood that would even make a black pornstar proud. :lol:
Trump deserves credit whether positive or negative

He forced the President of the United States to comply with his twisted, paranoid birther demands

Obama should be ashamed of himself
Next are his school records. Then who paid for his Columbia/Harvard education.

Dan Rather chimed in today on Obama's birth certificate; "Looks fake but accurate to me!"
It will never be over. Conspiracy theories never die. The believers in them just get more and more nuts.
Can you believe this?? Love him or love to hate him (count me in the latter), you have to admit the guy knows how to manipulate the media and take advantage of a marketing opportunity.

YouTube - Donald Trump Brags About Obama Birth Certificate Release!
It doesn't matter how many times he has declared bankruptcy or what his politics are, it's really more "Presidential Idol” or "Presidential Apprentice". It's a good thing people can't vote with their remote controls!

Sort of like when Obama maipulated the media when he was proven wrong about the 8% unemployment rate thing...saying "imagine how bad it COULD have been"


Trumps game cost him his own money....I beleive I heard 2 million.

Obamas game cost the American people 850 Billion dollars.
It was degrading for the President of the United States to sink to the level of officially responding to nut-job conspiracy theorists.

Trump is celebrating but it does nothing for him other than to permanantly stamp himself as a nut-job conspiracy theorist. Obama's credibility is diminished....Trumps is gone
The Democrats need a couple of mean attack dogs like Trump who don't care how they come across.
If the candidate runs on a platform of transparency?

Damn well better provide that info.

Obama does not have to provide anything from his background or any loyalty oath. He has already been elected president. The vetting process is over. His oath of office..conducted twice..because Roberts is a fucking nitwit... was performed live on television to the whole American public.

The only thing that Obama has to defend is the work he has accomplished or not while in office. EVERYTHING else is irrelevant. There are plenty of real issues for Obama to explain..but you morons are not concerned with reality. God you folks are stupid!

He was asked during the campaign. He refused.
He is being asked now as he begins his new campaign.
Well..there goes that theory of yours out the window.

We are quite concerned with reality. Seems people like you are more concerned with being fooled again.

LMFAO....all of you dickheads complained "if I knew about Bush ahead of time I would have done all I could to make sure he didnt get into office"

And now?

WHo cares about his past.....anyone who cares is a racist.

LMAO...you woulda thought you leanred something. Instead, you will wait til he does something that pisses you off and you will say once again "if only I had known...."

Mute point. He was elected. That game is over. A re-election is not a vetting process of a candidate. He is already president and has cleared the bar in that regard. I am not so concerned with what Obama has done as much as what he has not done. I'm not sure what more he could be doing...he is not king..he has to work with hundreds of other people to get anything accomplished and many of them put their hatred of him above the needs of the country. That isn't an excuse it is a fact. Now whether a republican could have done a better job in this current term is pure speculation. THINGS COULD BE MUCH WORSE. I think many of you lose sight of the dire circumstance we were facing as Obama took office. The fact that our economy is not running full steam ahead right now is the result of many factors most of which the president(any president) has no control over. One must consider what a republican could do in his position that he is not able to achieve. I can't think of anything that would be a benefit to the AVERAGE American. Our country is not made up of the 1% the GOP favors and only a complete idiot buys into "trickle down" at this point. The rich gained the most wealth at the very time that the system was gamed and massive fraud was perpetrated. They should pay the most to restore the system. Call it reparations.
sounds good , will the candidate provide birth certificate school records and loyalty proof ? thats what their now demanding of president Obama is being asked .

If the candidate runs on a platform of transparency?

Damn well better provide that info.

Obama does not have to provide anything from his background or any loyalty oath. He has already been elected president. The vetting process is over. His oath of office..conducted twice..because Roberts is a fucking nitwit... was performed live on television to the whole American public.

The only thing that Obama has to defend is the work he has accomplished or not while in office. EVERYTHING else is irrelevant. There are plenty of real issues for Obama to explain..but you morons are not concerned with reality. God you folks are stupid!

Bullshit, asshole. Since the law requires certain qualities for one to be eligible to run for office, then by filing to be on the ballot, the candidate agrees to PROVE that he is in compliance with the law if he is asked. Don't even try that "He won, so the laws don't apply, votes trump rule of law" crap.

The vetting process isn't over until it's over, period, so don't even think that your conspirators in the media can "run out the clock" by refusing to do their job and investigate the candidates that give them and you a happy thrill in your pants. If the vetting takes longer because the people have to take over and because YOUR FUCKING CANDIDATE refused to live up to his obligations, that ALSO does not work.

Bottom line: the people have a right to demand compliance with the law from their elected officials any goddamned time they want, no matter WHAT you elitist liberals think of "the little people"; and if you didn't want to be finishing the vetting process three years into his term, you have no one to blame but Obama for stalling and yourself for sucking his ass instead of telling him to get it over with.
I keep reading "if he runs on a platform of transparency ? are you kidding ?
its in the constitution , it their fucking duty .
now no one has ever been called out on it like Obama was . but I don't want a president that runs on a platform of don't ask and I ain't admitting to it .
you mite think well if he didn't say he would be honest why should we expect him to ?

all I want to know is will this be mandatory for all presidential candidates to answer ? and show proof ?

as long as he never says he'll be open then its fine ?

and you people call me stupid
I was hoping this birther BS was finally over. Guess not.

I was too. I'm tired of the distractions. They are worried about the fork being on the wrong side of the plate while the ship is sinking.
If the candidate runs on a platform of transparency?

Damn well better provide that info.

Obama does not have to provide anything from his background or any loyalty oath. He has already been elected president. The vetting process is over. His oath of office..conducted twice..because Roberts is a fucking nitwit... was performed live on television to the whole American public.

The only thing that Obama has to defend is the work he has accomplished or not while in office. EVERYTHING else is irrelevant. There are plenty of real issues for Obama to explain..but you morons are not concerned with reality. God you folks are stupid!

Bullshit, asshole. Since the law requires certain qualities for one to be eligible to run for office, then by filing to be on the ballot, the candidate agrees to PROVE that he is in compliance with the law if he is asked. Don't even try that "He won, so the laws don't apply, votes trump rule of law" crap.

The vetting process isn't over until it's over, period, so don't even think that your conspirators in the media can "run out the clock" by refusing to do their job and investigate the candidates that give them and you a happy thrill in your pants. If the vetting takes longer because the people have to take over and because YOUR FUCKING CANDIDATE refused to live up to his obligations, that ALSO does not work.

Bottom line: the people have a right to demand compliance with the law from their elected officials any goddamned time they want, no matter WHAT you elitist liberals think of "the little people"; and if you didn't want to be finishing the vetting process three years into his term, you have no one to blame but Obama for stalling and yourself for sucking his ass instead of telling him to get it over with.

Because I don't buy into your insanity..I'm an asshole? "My FUCKING CANDIDATE"?? "elitist liberal"?? Did I go to any Obama rallies? Did I contribute to his campaign? No..I did not. Because I didn't vote for a guy that did more harm as a navy pilot to our own side than any single North Vietnamese pilot and was tortured for ten years leaving him a mental case...hooked up with possibly the most unqualified vice presidential selection EVER to grace a ticket....that makes me an Obamabot?

Yes I am a republican...No I am not a party hack. The GOP still has to earn votes from republicans such as myself. I regret voting for every republican president that won save Bush one. They have all been liars and destroyers of the middle class. The McCain/Palin ticket was a no-brainer. Obama was the ONLY choice any intelligent person could make. That makes me an asshole? I'll suffer being called an asshole as long as our country is spared the likes of a John McCain or a Sarah Palin and you CC can go fuck yourself.
What if Trump does expose his financials and he is not a Billionaire? WOW! That would be embarassing, I would think...LOL
If the candidate runs on a platform of transparency?

Damn well better provide that info.

Obama does not have to provide anything from his background or any loyalty oath. He has already been elected president. The vetting process is over. His oath of office..conducted twice..because Roberts is a fucking nitwit... was performed live on television to the whole American public.

The only thing that Obama has to defend is the work he has accomplished or not while in office. EVERYTHING else is irrelevant. There are plenty of real issues for Obama to explain..but you morons are not concerned with reality. God you folks are stupid!

Technically you are correct. But when he so often contradicts himself, his background can become more relevent for clues as to where he is coming from and what we should believe about him. He has always had ability to run for a second term and now has declared himself a candidate for a second term. That makes his character and background relevant again.

As he stressed in that video: "Sunlight is the greatest disinfectant." He certainly has not been inclined to practice what he preached.

For many of us, a man's character IS relevant as a factor in who we decide to support and who we will oppose.

If you are concerned about a man's character, then I guess you are very concerned about The Donald. He has bankrupted how many businesses? He has made rediculous statements about invading the Iraq oil fields. He claimed Obama's birth certificate was lost and that his "Investigator" could not find any evidence that Obama being born in Hawaii, whic was refuted on CNN. He is a carmera hog, who is playing this out for his own publicity.

So what are you guys going to do if he backs out? Who is going to fill the vacuum for the GOP?

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