If I have to Put up with a Bazillion Trump aka neuveua Palin Threads ....

Who do you trust more?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 38 67.9%
  • Barrack Obama

    Votes: 18 32.1%

  • Total voters
What if Trump does expose his financials and he is not a Billionaire? WOW! That would be embarassing, I would think...LOL

What if you actually answered a question and explained what connection Trump supposedly has to the Tea party? That would be embarassing too... for you.
Obama was taken out by Donald Trump, a reality talk show host and professional gambler. I'm glad Obama isn't very important in the grand scheme of things because Trump sure made him look like more of an idiot than he already is.

Oh, right, so if Obama doesn't show his birth certificate he is not qualified to be pres, but if he does, he is weak.

Talk about a piss-weak argument. So he's in a lose-lose situation to appease neocon whackjobs? I'm sure he really gives a fuck.

As for Trump, I thought the GoP hit a new low when they took Palin seriously. Now The Donald is on the radar, things just got a little more laughable. In all seriousness, if the GoP announced Pee Wee Herman was running on their ticket, I for one, would not be surprised one iota....
Obama was taken out by Donald Trump, a reality talk show host and professional gambler. I'm glad Obama isn't very important in the grand scheme of things because Trump sure made him look like more of an idiot than he already is.

Oh, right, so if Obama doesn't show his birth certificate he is not qualified to be pres, but if he does, he is weak.

Talk about a piss-weak argument. So he's in a lose-lose situation to appease neocon whackjobs? I'm sure he really gives a fuck.

As for Trump, I thought the GoP hit a new low when they took Palin seriously. Now The Donald is on the radar, things just got a little more laughable. In all seriousness, if the GoP announced Pee Wee Herman was running on their ticket, I for one, would not be surprised one iota....
well, obama gave a fuck enough to show his BC.
Obama was taken out by Donald Trump, a reality talk show host and professional gambler. I'm glad Obama isn't very important in the grand scheme of things because Trump sure made him look like more of an idiot than he already is.

Oh, right, so if Obama doesn't show his birth certificate he is not qualified to be pres, but if he does, he is weak.

Talk about a piss-weak argument. So he's in a lose-lose situation to appease neocon whackjobs? I'm sure he really gives a fuck.

As for Trump, I thought the GoP hit a new low when they took Palin seriously. Now The Donald is on the radar, things just got a little more laughable. In all seriousness, if the GoP announced Pee Wee Herman was running on their ticket, I for one, would not be surprised one iota....
well, obama gave a fuck enough to show his BC.

More to shut people up and get on with serious business, than actually caring what the likes of Trump thinks.
More to shut people up and get on with serious business, than actually caring what the likes of Trump thinks.

Glad to know he wanted to get down to the serious business of going on Oprah and then stopping traffic in New York.
Oh, right, so if Obama doesn't show his birth certificate he is not qualified to be pres, but if he does, he is weak.

Talk about a piss-weak argument. So he's in a lose-lose situation to appease neocon whackjobs? I'm sure he really gives a fuck.

As for Trump, I thought the GoP hit a new low when they took Palin seriously. Now The Donald is on the radar, things just got a little more laughable. In all seriousness, if the GoP announced Pee Wee Herman was running on their ticket, I for one, would not be surprised one iota....
well, obama gave a fuck enough to show his BC.

More to shut people up and get on with serious business, than actually caring what the likes of Trump thinks.

in a poll reported by msnbc, only 55 percent of americans were confident obama was born here. I was one of the 55 percent.
It will never be over. Conspiracy theories never die. The believers in them just get more and more nuts.

ravi i gotta tell you... you look especially lovely today....

You rock, wash.

You still doing your movie?

i might have to change the storyline a little, now, got any scandals brewing in the old country ?? can you get me kate middleton's garter belt tomorrow ? you must know people,... you practically live in uk. how bout piers morgan's autograph. hey did you like the lawrence odonnell piece ??
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What if Trump does expose his financials and he is not a Billionaire? WOW! That would be embarassing, I would think...LOL

What if you actually answered a question and explained what connection Trump supposedly has to the Tea party? That would be embarassing too... for you.

Donald Trump Flirts With Tea Party in South Florida | Sunshine State News

You happy now? You sound like you are not a Tea Bagger disciple. Don't you know that they are here to turn back to clock to the good old days. You know, the ones with segregation, police brutality, and poll tax.
What if Trump does expose his financials and he is not a Billionaire? WOW! That would be embarassing, I would think...LOL

What if you actually answered a question and explained what connection Trump supposedly has to the Tea party? That would be embarassing too... for you.

Donald Trump Flirts With Tea Party in South Florida | Sunshine State News

You happy now? You sound like you are not a Tea Bagger disciple. Don't you know that they are here to turn back to clock to the good old days. You know, the ones with segregation, police brutality, and poll tax.

No. I'm not in the Tea Party per se. I like my independence. However, I know that your full of crap because the Tea party is about restoring sane government. It's about liberty. It's about having a voice. It's about our calling for our politicians and electing people who will provide a sane fiscal policy IE Live within our means. It's about ending the burden on people who work and encouraging people who seem to think they are entitled to everything, that there is joy in work.
It was degrading for the President of the United States to sink to the level of officially responding to nut-job conspiracy theorists.

Trump is celebrating but it does nothing for him other than to permanantly stamp himself as a nut-job conspiracy theorist. Obama's credibility is diminished....Trumps is gone
I dissagree. Trump is appealing to the angered masses. Much like the tea party did at the beginning. People are pissed, people are dissatified with government in general and they want change. Trump is hammering Obama but he is also making his frustration with everything government known.

In the 2008 elections Obama had everybody chasing his tail. He was the mesiah, the change agent. Well people have seen he is not all that and now Trump has him playing catch up. Obama will not be the front runner in 2012 and Trump will be percieved as the bulldog who just might be able to shake things up.
Jeff Winkler – Fri Apr 29, 9:23 am ET

The Republican presidential candidacy race just got vitriolic as (maybe!) candidate Donald Trump drops the f-bomb at his most recent public engagement.

A day after taking credit for forcing President Obama to release his long-form birth certificate, Trump was discussing some of his other favorite (possible) campaign issues like OPEC’s hold of power and uppity foreign terrorists.

“They [OPEC] want to go in and raise the price of oil because we have nobody in Washington that sits back and says you’re not going to raise that fucking price, you understand me?” Trump said.

He later continued his spirited speech saying, “We build a school, we build a road. They blow up the road. They blow up the school. We build another school, we build another road, they blow them up …We build again, in the meantime we can’t get a fucking school built in Brooklyn.”

Trump was in Las Vegas speaking before, of all things, conservative women’s groups. The public forum is the second for Trump since he first indicated that he is considering running as a potential GOP candidate. He is set to make an appearance May 11 in New Hampshire and has said he will announce his intention to run (or not run, whatever the case may be) “before June.”

Potential Republican presidential candidate Trump drop f-bomb - Yahoo! News

There is no doubt how The Donald feels is there? Compare this with one of Obama bin Lyins speeches. Do you know where he stands on anything?

Now I would like you to see how the same people who complain about Trumps straight forwardness treat a conservative.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEWDcoiqJNA&feature=related]YouTube - MICHELLE MALKIN BEATEN UP AT DNC CONVENTON[/ame]

This video kind of reminds you of scenes from Hitler's 3rd Reich, doesn't it?
And the wingnuts freaked when Biden did it. No problem wiith Trump, huh wingnuts? Typical hypocrites.
Fuckin' A

I'm a proud conservative with an inherent skill for every curse word in the book... I don't give a fuck who or what political figure puts out an f-bomb
It was degrading for the President of the United States to sink to the level of officially responding to nut-job conspiracy theorists.

Trump is celebrating but it does nothing for him other than to permanantly stamp himself as a nut-job conspiracy theorist. Obama's credibility is diminished....Trumps is gone
I dissagree. Trump is appealing to the angered masses. Much like the tea party did at the beginning. People are pissed, people are dissatified with government in general and they want change. Trump is hammering Obama but he is also making his frustration with everything government known.

In the 2008 elections Obama had everybody chasing his tail. He was the mesiah, the change agent. Well people have seen he is not all that and now Trump has him playing catch up. Obama will not be the front runner in 2012 and Trump will be percieved as the bulldog who just might be able to shake things up.

Anger, frustration, fear and all of it justified. When we see our fearless leaders taking and spending our money for no good purpose other than to increase their own prestige, power, influence, and/or fortune and running up debt that weakens the nation now and will handicap our children and grandchildren for their whole lives, those with any sense take notice. Those blinded by ideology apparently don't.

And it is THAT which the Tea Party is all about and why it exists. The ideologues try to demonize it with all sorts of absurd innuendo, straw men, and flat out lies, but the fact is the Tea Party wants sanity returned to the system. And the platform does NOT include social issues other than wanting the federal government to get out of a lot of them and return the power to the states and the people.

Donald Trump has built one of the world's greatest fortunes by accurately reading the tea leaves (pun intended) and coming up with something that will sell. So of course he will court favor from the Tea Partiers even though he has not been one of them. And he is preaching a message that resonates well with all who do want sanity returned to the system.
It was degrading for the President of the United States to sink to the level of officially responding to nut-job conspiracy theorists.

Trump is celebrating but it does nothing for him other than to permanantly stamp himself as a nut-job conspiracy theorist. Obama's credibility is diminished....Trumps is gone
I dissagree. Trump is appealing to the angered masses. Much like the tea party did at the beginning. People are pissed, people are dissatified with government in general and they want change. Trump is hammering Obama but he is also making his frustration with everything government known.

In the 2008 elections Obama had everybody chasing his tail. He was the mesiah, the change agent. Well people have seen he is not all that and now Trump has him playing catch up. Obama will not be the front runner in 2012 and Trump will be percieved as the bulldog who just might be able to shake things up.

let's call him the great white hope. Since it appears it is ok to vote for someone based on race alone.
It was degrading for the President of the United States to sink to the level of officially responding to nut-job conspiracy theorists.

Trump is celebrating but it does nothing for him other than to permanantly stamp himself as a nut-job conspiracy theorist. Obama's credibility is diminished....Trumps is gone
I dissagree. Trump is appealing to the angered masses. Much like the tea party did at the beginning. People are pissed, people are dissatified with government in general and they want change. Trump is hammering Obama but he is also making his frustration with everything government known.

In the 2008 elections Obama had everybody chasing his tail. He was the mesiah, the change agent. Well people have seen he is not all that and now Trump has him playing catch up. Obama will not be the front runner in 2012 and Trump will be percieved as the bulldog who just might be able to shake things up.

Anger, frustration, fear and all of it justified. When we see our fearless leaders taking and spending our money for no good purpose other than to increase their own prestige, power, influence, and/or fortune and running up debt that weakens the nation now and will handicap our children and grandchildren for their whole lives, those with any sense take notice. Those blinded by ideology apparently don't.

And it is THAT which the Tea Party is all about and why it exists. The ideologues try to demonize it with all sorts of absurd innuendo, straw men, and flat out lies, but the fact is the Tea Party wants sanity returned to the system. And the platform does NOT include social issues other than wanting the federal government to get out of a lot of them and return the power to the states and the people.

Donald Trump has built one of the world's greatest fortunes by accurately reading the tea leaves (pun intended) and coming up with something that will sell. So of course he will court favor from the Tea Partiers even though he has not been one of them. And he is preaching a message that resonates well with all who do want sanity returned to the system.

The original tea party was formed because of taxation without representation. We now have representation, but it no longer represents us. It repesents special interests yet our taxes are used to fund their programs. Frustration has reached boiling points and that has been compounded by two things. A growing society of dependents fueled by entitlements and a crashing economy which has pushed already stretched individuals over the edge. It's more than we are no longer going to take it. We can't take it. They drain more than we have. And government (being bi partisan here) does nothing to imporve the situation. It's going to take a rebel, a maverick, someone who isn't worried about their future political capitol, to stand up an challenge the status quo. And the minute people have the feeling they've found that individual leader, they are going to latch on.

look at the support the tea party got. and people didn't even know who or what they were supporting. The tea party was not well defined. They were supporting a movement, an anger more than an individual or group.

trump doesn't get the credit he deserves for what he's done. I here oh he inherited it all from his father. that all came later. Trump was give $1 million out of college and he built his fortune on that.
Jeff Winkler – Fri Apr 29, 9:23 am ET

The Republican presidential candidacy race just got vitriolic as (maybe!) candidate Donald Trump drops the f-bomb at his most recent public engagement.

A day after taking credit for forcing President Obama to release his long-form birth certificate, Trump was discussing some of his other favorite (possible) campaign issues like OPEC’s hold of power and uppity foreign terrorists.

“They [OPEC] want to go in and raise the price of oil because we have nobody in Washington that sits back and says you’re not going to raise that fucking price, you understand me?” Trump said.

He later continued his spirited speech saying, “We build a school, we build a road. They blow up the road. They blow up the school. We build another school, we build another road, they blow them up …We build again, in the meantime we can’t get a fucking school built in Brooklyn.”

Trump was in Las Vegas speaking before, of all things, conservative women’s groups. The public forum is the second for Trump since he first indicated that he is considering running as a potential GOP candidate. He is set to make an appearance May 11 in New Hampshire and has said he will announce his intention to run (or not run, whatever the case may be) “before June.”

Potential Republican presidential candidate Trump drop f-bomb - Yahoo! News

There is no doubt how The Donald feels is there? Compare this with one of Obama bin Lyins speeches. Do you know where he stands on anything?

Now I would like you to see how the same people who complain about Trumps straight forwardness treat a conservative.


This video kind of reminds you of scenes from Hitler's 3rd Reich, doesn't it?

it reminded me of the teabaggers in DC .
hey don't nock whores , little babyson is just trying to earn her pimp some money .

but it was no way to act in a political race or any other , freedom of speech people , thuggery is not a democrats way . shame on fox , and the people they hire to make up news .

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