If I have to Put up with a Bazillion Trump aka neuveua Palin Threads ....

Who do you trust more?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 38 67.9%
  • Barrack Obama

    Votes: 18 32.1%

  • Total voters
Not even Sarah Palin has been able to generate the interest and focus that Donald Trump has come up with and the fact that the left is already doing their damndest to demonize him as much as possible says he worries them. And the fact that so many on the right are so eager to discredit him says that he might be a serious contender if he really does decide to run.

I can remember during the Ross Perot campaigns, Rush Limbaugh did a segment day after day ridiculing Perot. He really didn't like Perot. I need to check in I guess to see how Trump is playing to Rushbo.




Sarah Who?
I don't begrudge Donald Trump anything of who he is or what he has accomplished.

I am wary of him because of my perceptions that he tailors his message to suit whatever it is that he is selling at the time. And because at one time he was praising Barack Obma as the greatest thing since sliced bread, I am a bit wary as to how sincere he is now in some of this stuff he is selling now.

In other words I need to be sold a bit more convincingly before I'll be willing to allow myself to get excited about a Donald Trump candidacy.

The American people already bought into the hype of one glib and slick snake oil salesman with no personal convictions behind the hype.

I would rather we not make the same mistake again.
trump is a master salesman. that and being a shrewd business man if how he grew his fortune. A lot of people sung obama's praise in the beginning. A lot of people had very high expectations of him . He's let a lot of people down. Some of obama's biggest supporters have grown silent.

I have no idea what trumps intentions are. it could be all about the donald. milking as much publicity as he can ot the very end and then backing out. it could be another ross perot. trying to get a message out but in the end not really wanting to make the commitment himself. or maybe he is sincere. who knows? time will tell

That's true. I just hope people serious about politics will give him a fair hearing because if he runs, I think he will force a much different kind of campaign than we've been seeing for decades. Vague sound bites with a few key words won't do it for the other candidates because he's going to be talking real action.

So I hope those of us who want the best candidate will keep setting the record straight when he is falsely accused and keep asking those who say things like "(he) bilked his investors out of a lot of cash?" to prove it, because I don't believe they can. He may be a snake oil salesman just as Obama was, but he deserves a fair hearing. And I'm pretty sure his history and background will be a whole lot more transparent than Obama's too.

Here ya go.......

As the boss of the boardroom on his TV show "The Apprentice" and a real estate king in real life, Trump has earned a reputation.

As investor Guadelupe Mendoza put it, "How could you go wrong? You are investing in a multimillionaire who has proven himself in many real estate ventures."

She was talking about a luxury condo-hotel property on Mexico's Baja peninsula, which Trump talked up in a promotional video obtained by CBS News.

"That was the main reason we went ahead with this project because it was a Trump project," said Hamed Hoshyarsar, another investor.

Click here to watch a bonus interview with Ivanka Trump, only on CBSNews.com.

Hoshyarsar 's southern California family made a down payment of $165,000 to secure a one bedroom unit. With Trump's name and face all over it, they figured it was a sure bet.

Instead, it went bust.

"The money is gone. All they've told us is there is no money. That's it," Hoshyarsar said.

A hole in the ground is all that's left, and all there ever was, of the much-hyped project - a victim of the real estate and credit bubble bursts.

Investors poured $32 million into it and are now told they won't get a penny back.

Investors Sue Trump Over Failed Resort - CBS Evening News - CBS News
What if you actually answered a question and explained what connection Trump supposedly has to the Tea party? That would be embarassing too... for you.

Donald Trump Flirts With Tea Party in South Florida | Sunshine State News

You happy now? You sound like you are not a Tea Bagger disciple. Don't you know that they are here to turn back to clock to the good old days. You know, the ones with segregation, police brutality, and poll tax.

No. I'm not in the Tea Party per se. I like my independence. However, I know that your full of crap because the Tea party is about restoring sane government. It's about liberty. It's about having a voice. It's about our calling for our politicians and electing people who will provide a sane fiscal policy IE Live within our means. It's about ending the burden on people who work and encouraging people who seem to think they are entitled to everything, that there is joy in work.

bull shit .
not that your in the teabaggers , but they buy their own words tack SS medicare , well old people in general .

having a voice as long as you say what they want to hear .

they attack people that don't . when interview the bagger that stud on a girls head the interviewer asked if he'd like to apologize to the girl he said she should apologize for dirty up his shoe . that the teaparty .

there's a joy and [pride in work , but salary is very important too .

teabaggers spew hate toward teachers , they say they are over paid under worked lazy bumbs that only work 6 months a year, this on an interview , wile they say they can't make it on only 250,000 a year , try it on 60'000 ,

your either not as smart as you think , our your meaner then I thought .
if you people don't like your image you give to the public ? stop giving interviews
I don't begrudge Donald Trump anything of who he is or what he has accomplished.

I am wary of him because of my perceptions that he tailors his message to suit whatever it is that he is selling at the time. And because at one time he was praising Barack Obma as the greatest thing since sliced bread, I am a bit wary as to how sincere he is now in some of this stuff he is selling now.

In other words I need to be sold a bit more convincingly before I'll be willing to allow myself to get excited about a Donald Trump candidacy.

The American people already bought into the hype of one glib and slick snake oil salesman with no personal convictions behind the hype.

I would rather we not make the same mistake again.
trump is a master salesman. that and being a shrewd business man if how he grew his fortune. A lot of people sung obama's praise in the beginning. A lot of people had very high expectations of him . He's let a lot of people down. Some of obama's biggest supporters have grown silent.

I have no idea what trumps intentions are. it could be all about the donald. milking as much publicity as he can ot the very end and then backing out. it could be another ross perot. trying to get a message out but in the end not really wanting to make the commitment himself. or maybe he is sincere. who knows? time will tell

That's true. I just hope people serious about politics will give him a fair hearing because if he runs, I think he will force a much different kind of campaign than we've been seeing for decades. Vague sound bites with a few key words won't do it for the other candidates because he's going to be talking real action.

So I hope those of us who want the best candidate will keep setting the record straight when he is falsely accused and keep asking those who say things like "(he) bilked his investors out of a lot of cash?" to prove it, because I don't believe they can. He may be a snake oil salesman just as Obama was, but he deserves a fair hearing. And I'm pretty sure his history and background will be a whole lot more transparent than Obama's too.

He will never get past the Financial Disclosure.
Donald Trump Flirts With Tea Party in South Florida | Sunshine State News

You happy now? You sound like you are not a Tea Bagger disciple. Don't you know that they are here to turn back to clock to the good old days. You know, the ones with segregation, police brutality, and poll tax.

No. I'm not in the Tea Party per se. I like my independence. However, I know that your full of crap because the Tea party is about restoring sane government. It's about liberty. It's about having a voice. It's about our calling for our politicians and electing people who will provide a sane fiscal policy IE Live within our means. It's about ending the burden on people who work and encouraging people who seem to think they are entitled to everything, that there is joy in work.

bull shit .
not that your in the teabaggers , but they buy their own words tack SS medicare , well old people in general .

having a voice as long as you say what they want to hear .

they attack people that don't . when interview the bagger that stud on a girls head the interviewer asked if he'd like to apologize to the girl he said she should apologize for dirty up his shoe . that the teaparty .

there's a joy and [pride in work , but salary is very important too .

teabaggers spew hate toward teachers , they say they are over paid under worked lazy bumbs that only work 6 months a year, this on an interview , wile they say they can't make it on only 250,000 a year , try it on 60'000 ,

your either not as smart as you think , our your meaner then I thought .
if you people don't like your image you give to the public ? stop giving interviews

Quoted it for you so that they can see your response.

You're welcome.
I've already debunked that article ABS. The investors were not Trump's investors but somebody who paid to use his name to promote a project in Baja. When the developer failed to produce the promised product, Trump sued the developer to either complete the project as advertised or return the investor's money.

And I'm pretty sure Trump would protect his name to be sure none of those investors did not lose their initial investment. And I think that is a safe bet since we haven't heard anymore about it.

Trump Baja Lawsuit | Donald Trump sues developer of Baja California condo project with his name - Los Angeles Times
lol! That video is stupid. Looks like it was produced by one of those Racist Community Organizer assholes. People who enjoy accusing everyone of being Racists are usually the biggest Racists of all. That's been my life-experience anyway. Beware of anyone who constantly cries "Racism." 99% certainty they're very Racist themselves.
March 19, 2007
RUSH: These people are racists. You know, the racists in our society, Ted, are these white liberals.

September 16, 2009
RUSH: Well, the point of all this is that the racism in this country exists primarily on the left.

May 2, 2007
RUSH: When in fact, when I listen to Democrats today and Democrat supporters, I hear so much rage and hatred that I don't believe it. I've been listening to it for three years. I hear so much racism.
I've already debunked that article ABS. The investors were not Trump's investors but somebody who paid to use his name to promote a project in Baja. When the developer failed to produce the promised product, Trump sued the developer to either complete the project as advertised or return the investor's money.

And I'm pretty sure Trump would protect his name to be sure none of those investors did not lose their initial investment. And I think that is a safe bet since we haven't heard anymore about it.

Trump Baja Lawsuit | Donald Trump sues developer of Baja California condo project with his name - Los Angeles Times

Trump would protect his name?


If that was true, why did he drag it through the mud for the past month with his birther bullshit?
I wonder what will happen now..OOOOOOOH.....the left will make a HUGE thing out of it....idiots.
lol! That video is stupid. Looks like it was produced by one of those Racist Community Organizer assholes. People who enjoy accusing everyone of being Racists are usually the biggest Racists of all. That's been my life-experience anyway. Beware of anyone who constantly cries "Racism." 99% certainty they're very Racist themselves.
March 19, 2007
RUSH: These people are racists. You know, the racists in our society, Ted, are these white liberals.

September 16, 2009
RUSH: Well, the point of all this is that the racism in this country exists primarily on the left.

May 2, 2007
RUSH: When in fact, when I listen to Democrats today and Democrat supporters, I hear so much rage and hatred that I don't believe it. I've been listening to it for three years. I hear so much racism.

omg, Rush Limbaugh and your obsession with him. way funny.:lol::lol:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6_1Pw1xm9U]YouTube - Surprise Surprise Surprise[/ame]
Who gives a fuck about a popularity small sample poll in 2011 about 2 celebrities when there is no election they are involved in??
Poll: Nearly 6 in 10 say 'no way' to Trump, Palin - On Politics: Covering the US Congress, Governors, and the 2010 Election - USATODAY.com
Nearly 6 in 10 Americans say they "would never vote" for Donald Trump or Sarah Palin for president, a new poll shows, in an indication of the steep hill two of the best-known names in the potential Republican field would have to climb to get to the White House.

I don't mean to be rude here PJ but this is new's?

The only person I suspect hoping for Trump is well Trump he can do that as he has the money for it.

As far a Palin goes she hasn't mentioned running and I rather doubt she will. So aside from this being a hit piece is there some point to call this out seeing as how the election is what 18 months away and the Field hasn't been selected yet.
Let's face reality, is there anyone who is a candidate or who may be a candidate for prez that people are excited about?
Obama's approval rating is 45% versus a 46% disapproval rating, yet all polls show him beating all other possible opponents. How sad is that?
Poll: Nearly 6 in 10 say 'no way' to Trump, Palin - On Politics: Covering the US Congress, Governors, and the 2010 Election - USATODAY.com
Nearly 6 in 10 Americans say they "would never vote" for Donald Trump or Sarah Palin for president, a new poll shows, in an indication of the steep hill two of the best-known names in the potential Republican field would have to climb to get to the White House.

I don't mean to be rude here PJ but this is new's?

The only person I suspect hoping for Trump is well Trump he can do that as he has the money for it.

As far a Palin goes she hasn't mentioned running and I rather doubt she will. So aside from this being a hit piece is there some point to call this out seeing as how the election is what 18 months away and the Field hasn't been selected yet.

Totally agree.

Trump is playing right now. He won't run. It takes to much time and it sure as hell doesn't pay the kind of money he's used to making.

Palin isn't going to run either. I doubt very seriously that she will either.

Theres only one person who's declared he is actually running and thats Gary Johnson.
It's far too early to even worry about.

Because 6 in 10 people probably don't even know anything about Trumps political views. Wait until he's campaigned for awhile, then take a poll.
Poll: Nearly 6 in 10 say 'no way' to Trump, Palin - On Politics: Covering the US Congress, Governors, and the 2010 Election - USATODAY.com
Nearly 6 in 10 Americans say they "would never vote" for Donald Trump or Sarah Palin for president, a new poll shows, in an indication of the steep hill two of the best-known names in the potential Republican field would have to climb to get to the White House.

I don't know who I would choose because Sarah Palin is hot and so is Trump's wife. What to do? :dunno:

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