If I have to Put up with a Bazillion Trump aka neuveua Palin Threads ....

Who do you trust more?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 38 67.9%
  • Barrack Obama

    Votes: 18 32.1%

  • Total voters
I repeat (from the other Trump thread)

How come Repubs put up such dumb candidates?
Bush jr, Quayle, Palin, now Trump?

It's not like there are NO intelligent repubs out there. But like everything in life, righties go for the lowest common denominator I guess....

holy smoke, look at some the people you all vote for.

Billy boy Clinton the serial adulterer and PROVEN LIAR
Slow Joe Biden
the community agitator with not one shred of EXPERIENCE in anything Obama.
the mafia don Scary Harry Reid
the queen Bwany Fwanks
the kkk member Byrd
the witch Bella Pelosi
shall I go on.:lol:
What we really need is an inexperienced junior senator with a religious mentor that hates white people and has cozy relations with crooked land developers and domestic terrorists. That's a winning combo!!!!

And were you a perfect little boy all the time you were growing up? Oh wait. You haven't grown up yet.

I would not have been successful in my own career had my future bosses known some of the characters I hung around with in my formative years, but I do believe they would have forgiven me if I had bought my home LEGALLY from a person who didn't have a pristine reputation in land dealings. Oops, wait one more minute. Shall we presume that Donald Trump's land dealings were all above board? But of course: He'd be running as a Republican.
Liberals always tell us who they fear the most. They should fear Trump. He's an extremely viable candidate. Much more so than Obama was at this stage of the game (back in 2007). Trump has instant recognition and loads of cash. Oh did I mention he has a hit television show too? :clap2:

He captured everyone's attention with the birth certificate issue- that's what a good showman does. He'll play that for as long as he can. Then he'll focus on the track record of the empty suit that currently occupies the oval office. Obama is in for a fight regardless of whom the nominee is but if Trump gets the nod, it will be a dirty, bloody fight.

No it won't.

Trumps a light weight. He's no fighter. When I was a mover..I saw his "opponents", little old ladies on fix incomes that could not afford the relentless assaults of his lawyers.

But when push comes to shove..he's a little pasty faced pansy.

Heck..he doesn't shake hands. That's deadly when you're a politician.
I agree about his character: non-existent. But I see his point about the handshaking. He rightly points out that the Japanese get along fine without it. And it does spread germs very easily.

But Trump is a fake. He won't show his tax returns, because they will show that he isn't worth anywhere near what he claims. His casinos are failures. How the hell do you not make money owning a casino?

I will say, however, that his daughter is an absolute stunner!


Except she's wooden, with the personality of a clam. Hot blondes are a dime a dozen, especially those who can afford to have their good looks manufactured.
I repeat (from the other Trump thread)

How come Repubs put up such dumb candidates?
Bush jr, Quayle, Palin, now Trump?

It's not like there are NO intelligent repubs out there. But like everything in life, righties go for the lowest common denominator I guess....

holy smoke, look at some the people you all vote for.

Billy boy Clinton the serial adulterer and PROVEN LIAR
Slow Joe Biden
the community agitator with not one shred of EXPERIENCE in anything Obama.
the mafia don Scary Harry Reid
the queen Bwany Fwanks
the kkk member Byrd
the witch Bella Pelosi
shall I go on.:lol:

Sure, go on, please. Kudos to each and every one!
It's easy to lead when you're running unopposed. And Mitt's initial release last week apparently resulted in a big yawn. Too bad Christie, Rubio and a few of the other younger guys are not running yet.

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He's a genius. He wins even if he does not run. He's marketing his brand--for free.

he is a clown, just like Beck but he represents the right perfectly. Imagine if we had these clowns? Imagine if we had a Steele or and Angle.

Damn, they are such clowns on that side.
So the biggest issue the left has with the Don is his hair? Figures they have nothing of substance to talk about.
That's how awful this Hopey Changey Presidency has been. I think anyone has a legitimate chance against him. Even Trump. There are no success stories in this Hopey Changey reign. I would choose Trump over Obama.
That's how awful this Hopey Changey Presidency has been. I think anyone has a legitimate chance against him. Even Trump. There are no success stories in this Hopey Changey reign. I would choose Trump over Obama.

As would I...but then There are others that eclipse Trump.
Seriously,could Donald Trump really do any worse than this current President has? Trump has some business sense and that's exactly what this country needs right now. No more "Community Organizers." Haven't they done enough damage?

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