If I have to Put up with a Bazillion Trump aka neuveua Palin Threads ....

Who do you trust more?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 38 67.9%
  • Barrack Obama

    Votes: 18 32.1%

  • Total voters
He's been in Hawaii numerous times in the last few years. Getting a long form isn't exactly asking him to donate bone marrow, now is it?

Hawaii doesn't issue what the birthers consider to be a "long form" birth certificate. Hawaii issues the BC that Obama has made public. He can go there a million times and beg "pretty please" and the state is still not going to give him anything other than what he already has.

The Honolulu Advertiser published photostats of the original long-form birth certificates of twin daughters born to Eleanor Nordyke at Kapi’olani Maternity and Gynecological Hospital Aug. 5, 1961, one day after Obama was supposedly born at the same facility.

The Nordykes’ certificates include information missing from the short-form document for Obama published online, including the name of the hospital, the name of the attending physician, name and address of the parents, the race of the parents and the race of the baby.

Yes, accessibility to long forms changed in 2008. Long forms were always available.

Why do you suppose there is now a road block to getting them?
He's been in Hawaii numerous times in the last few years. Getting a long form isn't exactly asking him to donate bone marrow, now is it?

Hawaii doesn't issue what the birthers consider to be a "long form" birth certificate. Hawaii issues the BC that Obama has made public. He can go there a million times and beg "pretty please" and the state is still not going to give him anything other than what he already has.

The Honolulu Advertiser published photostats of the original long-form birth certificates of twin daughters born to Eleanor Nordyke at Kapi’olani Maternity and Gynecological Hospital Aug. 5, 1961, one day after Obama was supposedly born at the same facility.

The Nordykes’ certificates include information missing from the short-form document for Obama published online, including the name of the hospital, the name of the attending physician, name and address of the parents, the race of the parents and the race of the baby.

Yes, accessibility to long forms changed in 2008. Long forms were always available.

Why do you suppose there is now a road block to getting them?

Why would anyone object to obamna showing his hummmm his supposed long form BC?
I agree.

I believe he's a citizen as well but find it rather odd that he hasn't produced that pesky BC to put this birther bs to bed.

If Trump finds proof that he wasn't born in Hawaii then I'd like to see it.

By the same token I'm sure there are plenty of folks who would like to see his BC as well.

Why was Bush never asked to produce his birth certificate?

This is all a bunch of racist bullshit. Yes, I called it what it is.

Obama's black. Therefore he must be something other than an American. There's no God damn way the birthers can accept the health dept., believe a Republican gov., and all the other public officials who've seen the birth certificate, + accept a certificate of live birth (the document required to get a passport), which has also been verified by many public officials and fact-checking organizations.. Nope, no way.

Trump is a 'tard.
So, when the lib's were questioning McCain's birth status, that was "racist" also, eh?

Seriously, grow the fuck up. Aspiring to be a young liberal is idiotic enough. Aspiring to be a lifelong liberal is abject stupidity on so many levels.

Trump is a "'tard"?

You continue to show your age and naive ways in every post, youngin'.

People questioning McCain's birth status were just as retarded as Trump and the birthers. At least they gave up, though, when the evidene showing that McCain could legally be President were presented.

These dumbass birthers wouldn't go away if Obama taped his BC to his head and went streaking through a White House state dinner.

Hawaii doesn't issue what the birthers consider to be a "long form" birth certificate. Hawaii issues the BC that Obama has made public. He can go there a million times and beg "pretty please" and the state is still not going to give him anything other than what he already has.

The Honolulu Advertiser published photostats of the original long-form birth certificates of twin daughters born to Eleanor Nordyke at Kapi’olani Maternity and Gynecological Hospital Aug. 5, 1961, one day after Obama was supposedly born at the same facility.

The Nordykes’ certificates include information missing from the short-form document for Obama published online, including the name of the hospital, the name of the attending physician, name and address of the parents, the race of the parents and the race of the baby.

Yes, accessibility to long forms changed in 2008. Long forms were always available.

Why do you suppose there is now a road block to getting them?

Why would anyone object to obamna showing his hummmm his supposed long form BC?

What is included on the long form:

the name of the hospital, the name of the attending physician, name and address of the parents, the race of the parents and the race of the baby.

Why was Bush never asked to produce his birth certificate?

This is all a bunch of racist bullshit. Yes, I called it what it is.

Obama's black. Therefore he must be something other than an American. There's no God damn way the birthers can accept the health dept., believe a Republican gov., and all the other public officials who've seen the birth certificate, + accept a certificate of live birth (the document required to get a passport), which has also been verified by many public officials and fact-checking organizations.. Nope, no way.

Trump is a 'tard.
So, when the lib's were questioning McCain's birth status, that was "racist" also, eh?

Seriously, grow the fuck up. Aspiring to be a young liberal is idiotic enough. Aspiring to be a lifelong liberal is abject stupidity on so many levels.

Trump is a "'tard"?

You continue to show your age and naive ways in every post, youngin'.

People questioning McCain's birth status were just as retarded as Trump and the birthers. At least they gave up, though, when the evidene showing that McCain could legally be President were presented.

These dumbass birthers wouldn't go away if Obama taped his BC to his head and went streaking through a White House state dinner.


Or he could just release his records just once.
So, when the lib's were questioning McCain's birth status, that was "racist" also, eh?

Seriously, grow the fuck up. Aspiring to be a young liberal is idiotic enough. Aspiring to be a lifelong liberal is abject stupidity on so many levels.

Trump is a "'tard"?

You continue to show your age and naive ways in every post, youngin'.

People questioning McCain's birth status were just as retarded as Trump and the birthers. At least they gave up, though, when the evidene showing that McCain could legally be President were presented.

These dumbass birthers wouldn't go away if Obama taped his BC to his head and went streaking through a White House state dinner.


Or he could just release his records just once.
What trump is doing is showing that Obama is an arrogant fuck, nothing more.

I believe Obama was born here, and I believe Trump actually believes the same, but is using this strategy to out Obama as an arrogant lil' fuck who will play games rather than produce his actual certificate and end it once and for all.

Yes, accessibility to long forms changed in 2008. Long forms were always available.

Why do you suppose there is now a road block to getting them?

Why would anyone object to obamna showing his hummmm his supposed long form BC?

What is included on the long form:

the name of the hospital, the name of the attending physician, name and address of the parents, the race of the parents and the race of the baby.

The race is iirelavant at this time it doesn't matter one way or the other.

Why was Bush never asked to produce his birth certificate?

This is all a bunch of racist bullshit. Yes, I called it what it is.

Obama's black. Therefore he must be something other than an American. There's no God damn way the birthers can accept the health dept., believe a Republican gov., and all the other public officials who've seen the birth certificate, + accept a certificate of live birth (the document required to get a passport), which has also been verified by many public officials and fact-checking organizations.. Nope, no way.

Trump is a 'tard.
So, when the lib's were questioning McCain's birth status, that was "racist" also, eh?

Seriously, grow the fuck up. Aspiring to be a young liberal is idiotic enough. Aspiring to be a lifelong liberal is abject stupidity on so many levels.

Trump is a "'tard"?

You continue to show your age and naive ways in every post, youngin'.

People questioning McCain's birth status were just as retarded as Trump and the birthers. At least they gave up, though, when the evidene showing that McCain could legally be President were presented.

These dumbass birthers wouldn't go away if Obama taped his BC to his head and went streaking through a White House state dinner.

Dude, knock of the retard shit. This isn't the fifties......I have an adopted special needs son. If you ever called him "retarted" in my presence, i'd slap you so hard upside your head, your ears would be playing full sets of ping-pong using your brains as the ball.

C'mon man, quit acting like a child.
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So, when the lib's were questioning McCain's birth status, that was "racist" also, eh?

Seriously, grow the fuck up. Aspiring to be a young liberal is idiotic enough. Aspiring to be a lifelong liberal is abject stupidity on so many levels.

Trump is a "'tard"?

You continue to show your age and naive ways in every post, youngin'.

People questioning McCain's birth status were just as retarded as Trump and the birthers. At least they gave up, though, when the evidene showing that McCain could legally be President were presented.

These dumbass birthers wouldn't go away if Obama taped his BC to his head and went streaking through a White House state dinner.

Dude, knock of the retard shit. This isn't the fifties......I have an adopted special needs son. If you ever called him "retarted" in my presence, i'd slap you so hard upside your head, your ears would be plaiying full sets of ping-pong using your brains as the ball.

C'mon man, quit acting like a child.

I'm not the nationally syndicated talk show host using my airtime to repeatedly use the word "retarded". I'm one poster, on a forum, calling the stupidity of idiots on the right "retarded".

I would never use that word to demonize special needs children.. They aren't retarded. They are very wonderfully made people.. I've actually been around them a lot in my life. Of course you wouldn't know that, because you don't know me.


Grow up, man.. and for god's sakes, grow some skin! I wasn't using that as a slur to your child, or any special needs child!

Of course I think you already knew that, you were just looking to go off topic.
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So you admit that Obama is a pathetic candidate? I'd say thats a good first step to waking up.

I think he's a mediocre President at best.

But I think he's a much better candidate.

Given that he basically saved GM and the financial industry..and was the first president in almost a century to put up any major reform of health care..

I'd rate him a bit better then mediocre.

Although his attempts at bi-partisanship are infuriating.

Or is that just the dodge? Why pick the time when we are at an economic abyss to make bi-partisanship your first priority? I have similar questions about the Senate: if we were in so much danger, why were Senate rules regarding filibusters not changed so that the Democrats could enact the legislation that the voters had just endorsed a few months before, in November, 2008? Do Senate rules take priority over the national interest?
And nothing Obama has done has worked for shit.....Other than burying our future generations in mass debt.

Yeah, you lib's should be so proud.:cuckoo:

You you are completly side stepping bush not putting the wars on the books or medicare part d. That was ok with you? Really? Then you complain when Obama tries to fix that mess? Really?
Obama took the mess and has made it even worse. What did your dem controlled congress and senate do during Bush's term?

Face it, Obama is undoubtedly the worst president in US history. The man is clueless. He's not a leader in any way. Just look at how he nad his administration can't get onh the same page regarding anything. They are all over the fucking place. Obama says one thing, and the next day members of his administration are saying something completely different. It's fucking comical. That shit doesn't happen under true leadership.

Examples please?
The problem with the vast majority of potential Republican candidates is that they really are incapable of energizing anybody other than their core supporters, because honestly, they aren't very likable. Every single one of them comes with some very big negatives. While I personally like Jeb Bush, he too comes with many negatives, namely his name and the fact that he isn't all that conservative. The only potential candidate I can think of without any negatives and many positives has already said he isn't running, and that is John Thune. Despite Thune's very conservative track record, he is not an unlikable person, and he could sway many who would not consider many of the other potential Republican candidates.

You are correct - Jeb is not very conservative. But rightwingers would flock to him, despite all their BS about demanding only conservative candidates. Because winning is more important than principles. And the same thing will happen on the Democratic side. A lot of Liberals will vote for Obama but would rather have a true Progressive.

Our two-party system sucks.
Liberals always tell us who they fear the most. They should fear Trump. He's an extremely viable candidate. Much more so than Obama was at this stage of the game (back in 2007). Trump has instant recognition and loads of cash. Oh did I mention he has a hit television show too? :clap2:

He captured everyone's attention with the birth certificate issue- that's what a good showman does. He'll play that for as long as he can. Then he'll focus on the track record of the empty suit that currently occupies the oval office. Obama is in for a fight regardless of whom the nominee is but if Trump gets the nod, it will be a dirty, bloody fight.

No it won't.

Trumps a light weight. He's no fighter. When I was a mover..I saw his "opponents", little old ladies on fix incomes that could not afford the relentless assaults of his lawyers.

But when push comes to shove..he's a little pasty faced pansy.

Heck..he doesn't shake hands. That's deadly when you're a politician.
I agree about his character: non-existent. But I see his point about the handshaking. He rightly points out that the Japanese get along fine without it. And it does spread germs very easily.

But Trump is a fake. He won't show his tax returns, because they will show that he isn't worth anywhere near what he claims. His casinos are failures. How the hell do you not make money owning a casino?

I will say, however, that his daughter is an absolute stunner!

Why can't they draw quality people to run for President?

Quality people (with integrity) are eliminated long before they're on the running.

Truly honest men and women are considered loose cannons in the game of politics.

I agree. I believe that the dark side of the GOP scared the hell out of H. Ross Perot. He was threatened. And we never got the whole story behind Perot dropping out with his cockamamie story of people threatening to disrupt his daughter's wedding. What a load of crap! A multi-billionaire cannot hire security for a wedding? And the media never said a word.

So that may be the only thing in The Donald's favor: he is rich enough to finance his own campaign and not be beholden to anyone. But he's a dealmaker at heart, so I don't see that happening.
Which part of Obama's family is behind this dastardly plot, the white half or the black half?
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Now that Donald Trump has had his 15 minutes of fame as a 2012 Republican presidential candidate, what other "reclamation projects" do the GOP have in mind?
Wanna stir up a lib nest?

Just make them defensive about the President.

This is why Birthers set the libs off.

They (libs) know that the COLB is not actually the same as a Birth Certificate.

They live in a fantasy land when the topic is broached.

I have almost ZERO persuasive evidence that President Obama was born anywhere but in Hawaii.

On the other hand, I have almost ZERO persuasive evidence that President Obama was born in Hawaii.

Even that mild set of statements makes the lib hive BUZZ!


Wanna stir up a lib nest?

Just make them defensive about the President.

This is why Birthers set the libs off.

They (libs) know that the COLB is not actually the same as a Birth Certificate.

They live in a fantasy land when the topic is broached.

I have almost ZERO persuasive evidence that President Obama was born anywhere but in Hawaii.

On the other hand, I have almost ZERO persuasive evidence that President Obama was born in Hawaii.

Even that mild set of statements makes the lib hive BUZZ!


"A thread with no substance ..." - how would a "CONSERVATIVE" know the difference?

The prosecution rests its case!

"Liability" has proven my case for more eloquently than I ever could!
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