If I have to Put up with a Bazillion Trump aka neuveua Palin Threads ....

Who do you trust more?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 38 67.9%
  • Barrack Obama

    Votes: 18 32.1%

  • Total voters
Forget the birther shit. I just love the fact that Trump came out last night and called Obama "The worst president in US history"

Now, wouldn't it be great to have the Donald come out and call him that during a debate?...Because we all know that Trump would have no qualms about telling Obama exactly what he is, straight to his inept face.

To give you an idea of how truthful the Donald really is...he said he is liked by the blacks. I love that one. I really do.

The blacks love the Donald. lololololol

He tells it like it is, doesn't he? He also says he has billions. This is Huge!!!!!!

(He fucking inherited 400 million dollars and still declared bankruptcy 4 times!) Oh and he is going to announce if he is running on his show, so tune in! Its not about publicity though.

He tell it like it is though. lololololol

Actually, the truth is, that he will announce when and where the press conference will be on his show, more twisted lies from the left. You people are so afraid of truth, why is that? You clowns are the same dipshits that are against U.S. voters showing a photo Identification to be allowed to vote.......... what are you afraid of?
Forget the birther shit. I just love the fact that Trump came out last night and called Obama "The worst president in US history"

Now, wouldn't it be great to have the Donald come out and call him that during a debate?...Because we all know that Trump would have no qualms about telling Obama exactly what he is, straight to his inept face.

Trump's list of "The worst President in history":

1. Jimmy Carter
2. Bill Clinton
3. George W. Bush
4. Barack Obama

Trump tends to call nearly everyone the "worst President in history." It's how he says hello.
He's been in Hawaii numerous times in the last few years. Getting a long form isn't exactly asking him to donate bone marrow, now is it?

Hawaii doesn't issue what the birthers consider to be a "long form" birth certificate. Hawaii issues the BC that Obama has made public. He can go there a million times and beg "pretty please" and the state is still not going to give him anything other than what he already has.
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You are either a retard or a preteen. Or a retarded preteen.

Did he have a pass port? A united states issued pass port? how did he get it? Retard indeed. How did he make so they announced his birth in two newpapers in 1961? Is he that good?
You're a retard.

How to Get a Passport Without a Birth Certificate

You don't need a birth certificate.

Now, the real question, for the grown ups that are trying to have a conversation, is how he traveled to Pakistan during the time he said he traveled there.

Because you are a retard, I will not ask you to engage in that dialog, because it contains two moving parts.

How did he make so they announced his birth in two newpapers in 1961? Is he that good?
Forget the birther shit. I just love the fact that Trump came out last night and called Obama "The worst president in US history"

Now, wouldn't it be great to have the Donald come out and call him that during a debate?...Because we all know that Trump would have no qualms about telling Obama exactly what he is, straight to his inept face.

To give you an idea of how truthful the Donald really is...he said he is liked by the blacks. I love that one. I really do.

The blacks love the Donald. lololololol

He tells it like it is, doesn't he? He also says he has billions. This is Huge!!!!!!

(He fucking inherited 400 million dollars and still declared bankruptcy 4 times!) Oh and he is going to announce if he is running on his show, so tune in! Its not about publicity though.

He tell it like it is though. lololololol

Actually, the truth is, that he will announce when and where the press conference will be on his show, more twisted lies from the left. You people are so afraid of truth, why is that? You clowns are the same dipshits that are against U.S. voters showing a photo Identification to be allowed to vote.......... what are you afraid of?

Thank you for clarifying this. He is not annoucing if he is running , he is announcing where he will be announcing. ON HIS SHOW.

So you agree, this has nothing to do with publicity for his show then? lolololololol
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Maybe when he matches the 2 million Obama has spent on lawyers blocking the release of most of his records?

You do know he did NOT spend 2 million on blocking lawyers...he spent 2 million on post election bills and that was a small...small part of it. It wasn't to block anything, it was to find what he had to show. (need a link, oh uninformed one? do ya).

He produced it and you idiots still keep coming.

I love burfers. They are the most uninformed people out there . Go fox and go Donald. Woohoo

So after spending 730,000,000 dollars on his 2 year campaign, he still owed another 2 million? What an economic wizard this clown is. I'm amazed at the lack of curiosity coming from the left, the same people that supposedly give us all of the "scientist", what a joke you people are.

Did bush put either war on his books? Seriously, answer this. After you answer it, I will attempt to clue you in how much he actually spent. What about medicare pard D. Was that on the books? Answer me dammit....lol

Don't wanna go down that route do ya? It is in direct correlation to Obama having to HAVE to do something to not allow us to go into another damn depression.

Keep quoting how much he spent to fix your fucking guy's massive shit on this country.

Oh and god bless.
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You do know he did NOT spend 2 million on blocking lawyers...he spent 2 million on post election bills and that was a small...small part of it. It wasn't to block anything, it was to find what he had to show. (need a link, oh uninformed one? do ya).

He produced it and you idiots still keep coming.

I love burfers. They are the most uninformed people out there . Go fox and go Donald. Woohoo

So after spending 730,000,000 dollars on his 2 year campaign, he still owed another 2 million? What an economic wizard this clown is. I'm amazed at the lack of curiosity coming from the left, the same people that supposedly give us all of the "scientist", what a joke you people are.

Did bush put either war on his books? Seriously, answer this. After you answer it, I will attempt to clue you in how much he actually spent. What about medicart pard D. Was that on the books? Answer me dammit....lol

Don't wanna go down that route do ya? It is in direct correlation to Obama having to HAVE to do something to not allow us to go into another damn depression.

Keep quoting how much he spent to fix your fucking guy's massive shit on this country.

Oh and god bless.
And nothing Obama has done has worked for shit.....Other than burying our future generations in mass debt.

Yeah, you lib's should be so proud.:cuckoo:
Here is the real problem. Perhaps this really is just a game by Obama to make cons look stupid, but the bottom line is that he had a vetting process for those that interviewed for positions within his administration while not affording the people of this country the same requirement.

He feels above the American people. He doesn't realize he works for us, and we have a right to have answers to our questions.

Yeah! I mean I know he did show what Hawaii has, but dammit, thats not enough! He should actually break the law...I mean he is the president dammit...and go back to hawaii and get that damn long form...even though that is not how the law is written in hawaii and he did exactly what hawaii said was legal already.

He's been in Hawaii numerous times in the last few years. Getting a long form isn't exactly asking him to donate bone marrow, now is it?
Its not the way Hawaii does it. Its their law. Should he break it or should he do it the correct way and show you what they provided him.

Do you not get it?
So after spending 730,000,000 dollars on his 2 year campaign, he still owed another 2 million? What an economic wizard this clown is. I'm amazed at the lack of curiosity coming from the left, the same people that supposedly give us all of the "scientist", what a joke you people are.

Did bush put either war on his books? Seriously, answer this. After you answer it, I will attempt to clue you in how much he actually spent. What about medicart pard D. Was that on the books? Answer me dammit....lol

Don't wanna go down that route do ya? It is in direct correlation to Obama having to HAVE to do something to not allow us to go into another damn depression.

Keep quoting how much he spent to fix your fucking guy's massive shit on this country.

Oh and god bless.
And nothing Obama has done has worked for shit.....Other than burying our future generations in mass debt.

Yeah, you lib's should be so proud.:cuckoo:

You you are completly side stepping bush not putting the wars on the books or medicare part d. That was ok with you? Really? Then you complain when Obama tries to fix that mess? Really?
And nothing Obama has done has worked for shit.....Other than burying our future generations in mass debt.

Yeah, you lib's should be so proud.:cuckoo:

Well, when you put it that way, you conservatives should be so proud of Reagan and W piling up so much debt, too. This is the problem with American politics today. All the rampant partisanship prevents anything meaningful from ever being done. Everyone is too wrapped up with trying to get their political party to win the popularity contest, neither party cares if the country burns in the process.
Did bush put either war on his books? Seriously, answer this. After you answer it, I will attempt to clue you in how much he actually spent. What about medicart pard D. Was that on the books? Answer me dammit....lol

Don't wanna go down that route do ya? It is in direct correlation to Obama having to HAVE to do something to not allow us to go into another damn depression.

Keep quoting how much he spent to fix your fucking guy's massive shit on this country.

Oh and god bless.
And nothing Obama has done has worked for shit.....Other than burying our future generations in mass debt.

Yeah, you lib's should be so proud.:cuckoo:

You you are completly side stepping bush not putting the wars on the books or medicare part d. That was ok with you? Really? Then you complain when Obama tries to fix that mess? Really?
Obama took the mess and has made it even worse. What did your dem controlled congress and senate do during Bush's term?

Face it, Obama is undoubtedly the worst president in US history. The man is clueless. He's not a leader in any way. Just look at how he nad his administration can't get onh the same page regarding anything. They are all over the fucking place. Obama says one thing, and the next day members of his administration are saying something completely different. It's fucking comical. That shit doesn't happen under true leadership.
You know...I have been sayiong all along that whereas I believe Obama is a citizen, I am convinced that he has been aloof with his birth certificate so his politcal allies can make fun of those that refuse to accept his citizenship as fact without a BC.

Now, yes, the hospital prodcued his Certificate of Live Birth, but that is not a BC...

Which brings me to this....

I was audited last Wednesday by the department of Labor. Being in the business I am in (one of my companies is a temporary staffing firm), we are subject to unannounced field audits where the DoL comes in and we must open our I-9 records to them. Each employee must have proof of citizenship (and we must retain a photocopy of the doc(s)..and it is like a Chinese Restaurant Menu...they can produce a Passport...OR...a Birth Certificate and a Drivers license....or a combination of other things.....

We passed the audit, but I asked the auditor if a Certificate of Live Birth is acceptable....as we discussed the whole birther thing..... and he said no, unless it is accompanied by a vairety of other things...and is not as "strong" as a birth certificate...

So my question is....if it is illegal to hire someone without the required proof of citizenship, then why do those that support Obama continaully claim that he does not have to produce his BC if he does not want to?

Didnt we, the American People hire him? Is he exempt from having to prove his citizenship? Exactly who was the one who processed his paperwork as a government employee...in particualr...his i-9 form....and isnt that supposed to be public seeing as he is hired by the public?

I agree.

I believe he's a citizen as well but find it rather odd that he hasn't produced that pesky BC to put this birther bs to bed.

If Trump finds proof that he wasn't born in Hawaii then I'd like to see it.

By the same token I'm sure there are plenty of folks who would like to see his BC as well.

Why was Bush never asked to produce his birth certificate?

Obama's black. Therefore he must be something other than an American. There's no God damn way the birthers and Trump can..

- Accept the Hawaiian health dept's word..
- Believe a Republican gov..
- Believe all the other public officials who've seen the birth certificate..
- Accept a certificate of live birth (which has also been verified by many public officials and fact-checking organizations)..
- + a birth announcement for Obama in a Hawaii paper the day after he was born..

Nope, no way.
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And he puts it in 'politics'. This is interesting because it provides evidence that, to the Obamanation, empty shit is politics.

:lol:Donald Trump is considering a run for POTUS, which makes his charade "political". Luckily, he and Caribou Barbie are both gunning for the GOP slot. You right wingers must be SO proud....

Just because someone is running for POTUS, does not mean that a whining flame qualifies as 'politics'..... but I understand why people who have no clue about 'substance' would struggle with that concept.

With the left, if MSNBC printed the Obama's grocery list, y'all would put it in politics. And you wonder why I think you're stupid? Seriously? :lol::lol:

"No clue about "substance' "... hmm... you mean like someone making multiply posts about which subcategory a thread should be in. Maybe someone needs to get a life.

This is where you normally respond by calling your perceived 'opponent' some variation of "stupid" with enough profanity peppered in to differentiated it from an elementary school kid's retort.
Rather than engage in further discussion regarding birth certificates, I thought it may be enlightening to research the vetting process of candidates, and in particular, the most recent Democratic Presidential candidate.

Specifically, Page 18 of the national party rules states, in part:

" K. 1. Based on the right of the Democratic Party to freely assemble and to determine the criteria for its candidates, it is determined that all candidates for the Democratic nomination for President or Vice President shall:

a. be registered to vote, and shall have been registered to vote in the last election for the office of President and Vice President; and

b. have demonstrated a commitment to the goals and objectives of the Democratic Party as determined by the National Chair and will participate in the Convention in good faith.

2. It is further determined that these requirements are in addition to the requirements set forth by the United States Constitution and any law of the United States. "

So, how is eligibility determined? In the last Presidential election, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, as Chair of the Democratic National Convention, certified that Barack Obama was Constitutionally eligible to serve as President.

Interestingly, M's. Pelosi was required to certify Mr. Obama's Constitutional eligibility to election officials in Hawaii. Ironic that Nancy would have to certify to Hawaii when the birth records were available at the DOH.

As to various state applications to be placed on the respective Presidential ballot, candidates merely have to sign a document attesting to the fact that there are eligible to serve. No substantiation as to date of birth, place of birth or citizenship is required. All a candidate has to do is make a sworn statement that the information is true. Copies of the filings for Presidential candidacy are available on line. In fact, a copy of Mr. Obama's filing in the state of Illinois is available for review.

Apparently, the whole vetting process relied on the honesty and integrity of the candidates, the state party chairs, and the chair of the Democratic National Convention.

It would be enlightening to interview M's Pelosi to determine what investigation or documents she may have reviewed before issuing her sworn certification of eligibility. Perhaps this could clear up the eligibility question

That's the dumbest argument yet.
That's the dumbest argument yet.

I'm not arguing whether or not Obam is actually a citizen, I'm arguing the defects in the system which you take for granted to be entirely aboveboard and reliable. Hillary probably would've been Obama's undoing, if she really knew of any defect in his application; then again she might not have. The really important question to me, and many others I assume, is what would Obama or even Nancy Pelosi have done to insure the candidate was fully and properly qualified for the office as required in the constitution. Obvously there has been some doubt in the minds of many.

Your points:
For one thing, when are "sworn statements" considered invalid based solely on who was doing the swearing? It's taken for granted that a "sworn statement" is "swearing" to its honesty and authenticity. The POTUS makes a "sworn statement" when he takes the Oath of Office. So we should no longer believe he means it? Seriously?

We know that Nancy Pelosi is no paragon of honesty. Less than a year after 9/11, Pelosi attended a briefing along with (future CIA Dir.) Rep Porter Goss. (Four people attended these briefings/two from the house and two from the senate - the so called gang of four) Goss and the briefers all say that Nancy (as witnessed by Goss) was fully briefed about Enhanced Interrogation Techniques (EIT), and in February of 2003 she was again briefed and was told about a videotape of Abu Zubaydah being water-boarded. In 2009, for partisan reasons and to defend her newly constructed partisan position she denied she was ever informed about EIT. CIA sources said both Pelosi and Goss asked if the interrogators were doing enough to extract information. Obama’s CIA director (at the time) supported the CIA’s version of the briefings.

So yes, I challenge Pelosi’s reliability to honestly and forthrightly certify a document of such significant importance to her political party’s electoral chances by calling into question any “detail” that would reverse and undo the work of a presidential hopeful leading up to an election.

As for Obama, if he was at the point of going forward with seeking the presidency, he would’ve long ago made the decision to certify it to be accurate and a truthful representation: who but gullible liberals believes he would not do that; Isn’t it the old liberal maxim that sometimes “it’s better to ask forgiveness than to ask for permission” which, of course only applies when permission would not be forthcoming, and once the deed was done there would or could be no going back.

Second, the DNC doesn't do the "vetting" of candidates for security purposes. They must pass a background check just as any other person holding high office with potential access to the highest level top secret material. The agencies are capable of finding out if you picked your nose in grammar school and stuck the booger under your desk. I know that; as an enlisted man I had a top-secret crypto-clearance while in the USMC - BUT..
..There is no vetting of elected federal officials for security purposes until after they take office. To pre-vet them would be seen as disenfranchising the electorate. As for house members and senators, they are backgrounded after election, and they are sometimes but not always kept off committees which handle sensitive classified information.

Judge Alcee Hastings, a judge serving in Florida was impeached for bribery by the U.S. House of Representatives, and removed from office. He ran for and was elected to the US House. In 2006 Nancy Pelosi announced she would place Hastings on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Her motivation was widely suspected to be her jealousy towards Jane Harmon, a fully competent, long serving, widely respected, and well informed house member serving on the committee as the ranking member. Later in the month Pelosi nominated Sylvester Reyes instead. If she hadn’t backed down, Hastings, a convicted of bribery, would have been chairman of that committee. A known bribery felon would never, as a in the private sector, or in the US military be allowed a security clearance for viewing classified information; but as a congressman, Hastings would’ve been, on a need to know basis.

As for presidents, having full confidence of the electorate, they have full access to all classified information as needed. The president himself would be denied access to cryptographic key-lists. All other information would be under the perusal and authority of the president and would be available on “need to know basis”

I ask you to do a search of US Security Codes Title-18. They are the federal security codes for classified information and extend to the physical security of high ranking public officials like the president.

Nowhere will you will find in those codes (or anywhere else) anything about vetting US presidential candidates, except that they are required to, on their own honor, swear that they are qualified.

The background check you claim comes after the election and not before it. Issues raised about McCain came from the media and political opponents.

Nancy Pelosi was the Chair of the Democratic National Convention in 2008, as such once the nomination was complete, she certified candidate Obama.
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Liberals always tell us who they fear the most. They should fear Trump. He's an extremely viable candidate. Much more so than Obama was at this stage of the game (back in 2007). Trump has instant recognition and loads of cash. Oh did I mention he has a hit television show too? :clap2:

He captured everyone's attention with the birth certificate issue- that's what a good showman does. He'll play that for as long as he can. Then he'll focus on the track record of the empty suit that currently occupies the oval office. Obama is in for a fight regardless of whom the nominee is but if Trump gets the nod, it will be a dirty, bloody fight.


This coming from the guy who swore up and down Sharron Angle would be elected to the Senate.

You are kidding right? Seriously, this guy really thought Angle would win? What about that nut in Delaware?

Whats next, a prediction the Donald will win? Or Palin? Bachman? Come on.
You know...I have been sayiong all along that whereas I believe Obama is a citizen, I am convinced that he has been aloof with his birth certificate so his politcal allies can make fun of those that refuse to accept his citizenship as fact without a BC.

Now, yes, the hospital prodcued his Certificate of Live Birth, but that is not a BC...

Which brings me to this....

I was audited last Wednesday by the department of Labor. Being in the business I am in (one of my companies is a temporary staffing firm), we are subject to unannounced field audits where the DoL comes in and we must open our I-9 records to them. Each employee must have proof of citizenship (and we must retain a photocopy of the doc(s)..and it is like a Chinese Restaurant Menu...they can produce a Passport...OR...a Birth Certificate and a Drivers license....or a combination of other things.....

We passed the audit, but I asked the auditor if a Certificate of Live Birth is acceptable....as we discussed the whole birther thing..... and he said no, unless it is accompanied by a vairety of other things...and is not as "strong" as a birth certificate...

So my question is....if it is illegal to hire someone without the required proof of citizenship, then why do those that support Obama continaully claim that he does not have to produce his BC if he does not want to?

Didnt we, the American People hire him? Is he exempt from having to prove his citizenship? Exactly who was the one who processed his paperwork as a government employee...in particualr...his i-9 form....and isnt that supposed to be public seeing as he is hired by the public?

I agree.

I believe he's a citizen as well but find it rather odd that he hasn't produced that pesky BC to put this birther bs to bed.

If Trump finds proof that he wasn't born in Hawaii then I'd like to see it.

By the same token I'm sure there are plenty of folks who would like to see his BC as well.

Why was Bush never asked to produce his birth certificate?

This is all a bunch of racist bullshit. Yes, I called it what it is.

Obama's black. Therefore he must be something other than an American. There's no God damn way the birthers can accept the health dept., believe a Republican gov., and all the other public officials who've seen the birth certificate, + accept a certificate of live birth (the document required to get a passport), which has also been verified by many public officials and fact-checking organizations.. Nope, no way.

Trump is a 'tard.
So, when the lib's were questioning McCain's birth status, that was "racist" also, eh?


Seriously, grow the fuck up. Aspiring to be a young liberal is idiotic enough. Aspiring to be a lifelong liberal is abject stupidity on so many levels.

Trump is a "'tard"?

You continue to show your age and naive ways in every post, youngin'.

A successful Billionaire Businessman running the largest economy in the world and not a community organizer?


Wait a minute!

He got 400 million as an inheritance...and then...and then...he filed for bankruptcy four times. Yeah, thats the guy I want running our country.

You know...I have been sayiong all along that whereas I believe Obama is a citizen, I am convinced that he has been aloof with his birth certificate so his politcal allies can make fun of those that refuse to accept his citizenship as fact without a BC.

Now, yes, the hospital prodcued his Certificate of Live Birth, but that is not a BC...

Which brings me to this....

I was audited last Wednesday by the department of Labor. Being in the business I am in (one of my companies is a temporary staffing firm), we are subject to unannounced field audits where the DoL comes in and we must open our I-9 records to them. Each employee must have proof of citizenship (and we must retain a photocopy of the doc(s)..and it is like a Chinese Restaurant Menu...they can produce a Passport...OR...a Birth Certificate and a Drivers license....or a combination of other things.....

We passed the audit, but I asked the auditor if a Certificate of Live Birth is acceptable....as we discussed the whole birther thing..... and he said no, unless it is accompanied by a vairety of other things...and is not as "strong" as a birth certificate...

So my question is....if it is illegal to hire someone without the required proof of citizenship, then why do those that support Obama continaully claim that he does not have to produce his BC if he does not want to?

Didnt we, the American People hire him? Is he exempt from having to prove his citizenship? Exactly who was the one who processed his paperwork as a government employee...in particualr...his i-9 form....and isnt that supposed to be public seeing as he is hired by the public?

I agree.

I believe he's a citizen as well but find it rather odd that he hasn't produced that pesky BC to put this birther bs to bed.

If Trump finds proof that he wasn't born in Hawaii then I'd like to see it.

By the same token I'm sure there are plenty of folks who would like to see his BC as well.

Why was Bush never asked to produce his birth certificate?

This is all a bunch of racist bullshit. Yes, I called it what it is.

Obama's black. Therefore he must be something other than an American. There's no God damn way the birthers can accept the health dept's word., believe a Republican gov., and all the other public officials who've seen the birth certificate, + accept a certificate of live birth (the document required to get a passport), which has also been verified by many public officials and fact-checking organizations, + a birth announcement for Obama in a Hawaii paper.. Nope, no way.

Trump is a 'tard.

There wasn't any doubt about Bushes citzenship and birth place, obama maybe a citizen but he sure has the drag the feet blues time of showing it.

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