If I have to Put up with a Bazillion Trump aka neuveua Palin Threads ....

Who do you trust more?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 38 67.9%
  • Barrack Obama

    Votes: 18 32.1%

  • Total voters
None of that changes the fact that the man is a birther which to any sane individual is a ridiculous platform and a waste of time. You're right, he wouldn't have made it as far in politics as he has if there was something invalid with his citizenship. He shouldn't have to address it because it's a non-issue. Frankly not addressing it helps weed out the idiots because they don't let it go.

Even if he caved in to the Birfers and produced a copy of the medical birth certificate, they would call it a forgery.

Likely, many would.

But at least the President of the United States did what some of the people asked him to do...something that would have no negative affect on him whatsoever.

To do so would be tantamount to saying "Here, is this what you want? Fine, now move on." Which, of course they would, and start a campaign for another untruth and make it appear like another skeleton in his closet. I don't think he ever intended to play their game.
Any candidate for president gets fully vetted. Now why would the FBI and the Secret Service fail to vet Barack Obama?
Why are you so easily persuaded to believe that? If they found something perjorative what would they do with it? What would be the mechanism for disqualifying a potential candidate? Do you know anything for certain in what you just said?

The vetting, as much as there is, is done by the people, the media, and the parties.

The candidate would probably be informed of the "find," and he would bow out of the race, with as little fanfare as possible. As close as the primary race was between Obama and Clinton, don't you think she would have used any birth information as a tool to win if it had been the least bit suspicious? This subject only came up AFTER Obama was inaugurated, and the fringe elements couldn't accept their loss, so they had to go with something juicy that might bring him down.

Wow....where were you?
The subject came up during the primaries....and it was a very touchy subject that no one in the media wanted to touch as it was the same time the race card was being tossed around regarding President Clinton.
Even if he caved in to the Birfers and produced a copy of the medical birth certificate, they would call it a forgery.

Likely, many would.

But at least the President of the United States did what some of the people asked him to do...something that would have no negative affect on him whatsoever.

To do so would be tantamount to saying "Here, is this what you want? Fine, now move on." Which, of course they would, and start a campaign for another untruth and make it appear like another skeleton in his closet. I don't think he ever intended to play their game.

If that were at all accurate then he would not have allowed his Certificate of Live Birth to become public.

Sorry...this was a game he played and it worked. The people had a valid question and asked for him to prove his citizenship. He saw how the media downplayed it and didnt care, so he opted to prodcue something and make the people look as silly as possible.

He could have just as easily produced his BC....he opted to give them half of what they asked for....enough to leave the door of suspicion open....

He did what politicians do....he played a game for political expediency at the expense of a group of people.
Rather than engage in further discussion regarding birth certificates, I thought it may be enlightening to research the vetting process of candidates, and in particular, the most recent Democratic Presidential candidate.

Specifically, Page 18 of the national party rules states, in part:

" K. 1. Based on the right of the Democratic Party to freely assemble and to determine the criteria for its candidates, it is determined that all candidates for the Democratic nomination for President or Vice President shall:

a. be registered to vote, and shall have been registered to vote in the last election for the office of President and Vice President; and

b. have demonstrated a commitment to the goals and objectives of the Democratic Party as determined by the National Chair and will participate in the Convention in good faith.

2. It is further determined that these requirements are in addition to the requirements set forth by the United States Constitution and any law of the United States. "

So, how is eligibility determined? In the last Presidential election, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, as Chair of the Democratic National Convention, certified that Barack Obama was Constitutionally eligible to serve as President.

Interestingly, M's. Pelosi was required to certify Mr. Obama's Constitutional eligibility to election officials in Hawaii. Ironic that Nancy would have to certify to Hawaii when the birth records were available at the DOH.

As to various state applications to be placed on the respective Presidential ballot, candidates merely have to sign a document attesting to the fact that there are eligible to serve. No substantiation as to date of birth, place of birth or citizenship is required. All a candidate has to do is make a sworn statement that the information is true. Copies of the filings for Presidential candidacy are available on line. In fact, a copy of Mr. Obama's filing in the state of Illinois is available for review.

Apparently, the whole vetting process relied on the honesty and integrity of the candidates, the state party chairs, and the chair of the Democratic National Convention.

It would be enlightening to interview M's Pelosi to determine what investigation or documents she may have reviewed before issuing her sworn certification of eligibility. Perhaps this could clear up the eligibility question
Why are you so easily persuaded to believe that? If they found something perjorative what would they do with it? What would be the mechanism for disqualifying a potential candidate? Do you know anything for certain in what you just said?

The vetting, as much as there is, is done by the people, the media, and the parties.

The candidate would probably be informed of the "find," and he would bow out of the race, with as little fanfare as possible. As close as the primary race was between Obama and Clinton, don't you think she would have used any birth information as a tool to win if it had been the least bit suspicious? This subject only came up AFTER Obama was inaugurated, and the fringe elements couldn't accept their loss, so they had to go with something juicy that might bring him down.

Wow....where were you?
The subject came up during the primaries....and it was a very touchy subject that no one in the media wanted to touch as it was the same time the race card was being tossed around regarding President Clinton.

It was a campaign of nearly two years, and DID NOT come up until AFTER Obama had won the nomination. (I referenced this previously by pointing out that it would have been a guaranteed win for Hillary Clinton had the citizenship question been raised during the campaign.) The Wikipedia entry on this subject tells the history.

Barack Obama citizenship conspiracy theories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
These conspiracy theories received attention in mid-2008 following Obama's victory in the Democratic primaries, in late 2008–early 2009 with regard to the Electoral College vote and Obama's inauguration...
Likely, many would.

But at least the President of the United States did what some of the people asked him to do...something that would have no negative affect on him whatsoever.

To do so would be tantamount to saying "Here, is this what you want? Fine, now move on." Which, of course they would, and start a campaign for another untruth and make it appear like another skeleton in his closet. I don't think he ever intended to play their game.

If that were at all accurate then he would not have allowed his Certificate of Live Birth to become public.

Sorry...this was a game he played and it worked. The people had a valid question and asked for him to prove his citizenship. He saw how the media downplayed it and didnt care, so he opted to prodcue something and make the people look as silly as possible.

He could have just as easily produced his BC....he opted to give them half of what they asked for....enough to leave the door of suspicion open....

He did what politicians do....he played a game for political expediency at the expense of a group of people.

So now I'm supposed to feel sorry for this "group of people"???? Obvious bigots? Yeah, I'll work on that sometime before I die. Maybe.
Liberals always tell us who they fear the most. They should fear Trump. He's an extremely viable candidate. Much more so than Obama was at this stage of the game (back in 2007). Trump has instant recognition and loads of cash. Oh did I mention he has a hit television show too? :clap2:

He captured everyone's attention with the birth certificate issue- that's what a good showman does. He'll play that for as long as he can. Then he'll focus on the track record of the empty suit that currently occupies the oval office. Obama is in for a fight regardless of whom the nominee is but if Trump gets the nod, it will be a dirty, bloody fight.


This coming from the guy who swore up and down Sharron Angle would be elected to the Senate.
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Rather than engage in further discussion regarding birth certificates, I thought it may be enlightening to research the vetting process of candidates, and in particular, the most recent Democratic Presidential candidate.

Specifically, Page 18 of the national party rules states, in part:

" K. 1. Based on the right of the Democratic Party to freely assemble and to determine the criteria for its candidates, it is determined that all candidates for the Democratic nomination for President or Vice President shall:

a. be registered to vote, and shall have been registered to vote in the last election for the office of President and Vice President; and

b. have demonstrated a commitment to the goals and objectives of the Democratic Party as determined by the National Chair and will participate in the Convention in good faith.

2. It is further determined that these requirements are in addition to the requirements set forth by the United States Constitution and any law of the United States. "

So, how is eligibility determined? In the last Presidential election, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, as Chair of the Democratic National Convention, certified that Barack Obama was Constitutionally eligible to serve as President.

Interestingly, M's. Pelosi was required to certify Mr. Obama's Constitutional eligibility to election officials in Hawaii. Ironic that Nancy would have to certify to Hawaii when the birth records were available at the DOH.

As to various state applications to be placed on the respective Presidential ballot, candidates merely have to sign a document attesting to the fact that there are eligible to serve. No substantiation as to date of birth, place of birth or citizenship is required. All a candidate has to do is make a sworn statement that the information is true. Copies of the filings for Presidential candidacy are available on line. In fact, a copy of Mr. Obama's filing in the state of Illinois is available for review.

Apparently, the whole vetting process relied on the honesty and integrity of the candidates, the state party chairs, and the chair of the Democratic National Convention.

It would be enlightening to interview M's Pelosi to determine what investigation or documents she may have reviewed before issuing her sworn certification of eligibility. Perhaps this could clear up the eligibility question

That's the dumbest argument yet.

For one thing, when are "sworn statements" considered invalid based solely on who was doing the swearing? It's taken for granted that a "sworn statement" is "swearing" to its honesty and authenticity. The POTUS makes a "sworn statement" when he takes the Oath of Office. So we should no longer believe he means it? Seriously?

Second, the DNC doesn't do the "vetting" of candidates for security purposes. They must pass a background check just as any other person holding high office with potential access to the highest level top secret material. The agencies are capable of finding out if you picked your nose in grammar school and stuck the booger under your desk.
The candidate would probably be informed of the "find," and he would bow out of the race, with as little fanfare as possible. As close as the primary race was between Obama and Clinton, don't you think she would have used any birth information as a tool to win if it had been the least bit suspicious? This subject only came up AFTER Obama was inaugurated, and the fringe elements couldn't accept their loss, so they had to go with something juicy that might bring him down.

Wow....where were you?
The subject came up during the primaries....and it was a very touchy subject that no one in the media wanted to touch as it was the same time the race card was being tossed around regarding President Clinton.

It was a campaign of nearly two years, and DID NOT come up until AFTER Obama had won the nomination. (I referenced this previously by pointing out that it would have been a guaranteed win for Hillary Clinton had the citizenship question been raised during the campaign.) The Wikipedia entry on this subject tells the history.

Barack Obama citizenship conspiracy theories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
These conspiracy theories received attention in mid-2008 following Obama's victory in the Democratic primaries, in late 2008–early 2009 with regard to the Electoral College vote and Obama's inauguration...

neo-con can beat a dead horse to bone and then some , this is just stupid .
Impeach the Muslim

I suppose that you also believe that Obama was born in Kenya, don't you?

By the way.........Obama was born in Hawaii, and he spent a small part of his childhood in Indonesia (which is a continent or two apart from each other btw).

You birther idiots should try something new............face your fears and investigate what is really going on rather than spewing the same old tripe that your corporate overlords have told you to spew.

You fear the most, what you know the least about. That's why I don't depend on just one point of view, because as a Taoist, I need to look around in 360 degrees.

And.......fwiw..........there are very few things in this Universe that scare me. Why? Because of my childhood, as well as the fact that I served 20 years in the U.S. Navy, across 4 different war zones.

Knowledge of the truth, rather than rhetoric, is the key kids.
Does this mean Trump hasn't found any proof yet? How much of his money is he really going to spend chasing this red herring?

Maybe when he matches the 2 million Obama has spent on lawyers blocking the release of most of his records?
Impeach the Muslim

I suppose that you also believe that Obama was born in Kenya, don't you?

By the way.........Obama was born in Hawaii, and he spent a small part of his childhood in Indonesia (which is a continent or two apart from each other btw).

You birther idiots should try something new............face your fears and investigate what is really going on rather than spewing the same old tripe that your corporate overlords have told you to spew.

You fear the most, what you know the least about. That's why I don't depend on just one point of view, because as a Taoist, I need to look around in 360 degrees.

And.......fwiw..........there are very few things in this Universe that scare me. Why? Because of my childhood, as well as the fact that I served 20 years in the U.S. Navy, across 4 different war zones.

Knowledge of the truth, rather than rhetoric, is the key kids.

Let me ask you something about Indonesia. I remember an interview (although I forget who was interviewing him) when he was asked about "Barry Soetoro" and he laughed it off and dismissed the question.

Isn't that the name on his Indonesian school records?

Most "birthers" just want to know his history. How he was able to travel to Pakistan, what is his religion or his history in terms of religions (he went to an Islamic school during his formative years), what did he share regarding his beliefs during college in thesis papers, who are his proteges, etc.

That he shits on the questions is what keeps this thing going.

Even Chris Matthews said show us the birth certificate already.
Does this mean Trump hasn't found any proof yet? How much of his money is he really going to spend chasing this red herring?

Maybe when he matches the 2 million Obama has spent on lawyers blocking the release of most of his records?

You do know he did NOT spend 2 million on blocking lawyers...he spent 2 million on post election bills and that was a small...small part of it. It wasn't to block anything, it was to find what he had to show. (need a link, oh uninformed one? do ya).

He produced it and you idiots still keep coming.

I love burfers. They are the most uninformed people out there . Go fox and go Donald. Woohoo
Impeach the Muslim

I suppose that you also believe that Obama was born in Kenya, don't you?

By the way.........Obama was born in Hawaii, and he spent a small part of his childhood in Indonesia (which is a continent or two apart from each other btw).

You birther idiots should try something new............face your fears and investigate what is really going on rather than spewing the same old tripe that your corporate overlords have told you to spew.

You fear the most, what you know the least about. That's why I don't depend on just one point of view, because as a Taoist, I need to look around in 360 degrees.

And.......fwiw..........there are very few things in this Universe that scare me. Why? Because of my childhood, as well as the fact that I served 20 years in the U.S. Navy, across 4 different war zones.

Knowledge of the truth, rather than rhetoric, is the key kids.

Let me ask you something about Indonesia. I remember an interview (although I forget who was interviewing him) when he was asked about "Barry Soetoro" and he laughed it off and dismissed the question.

Isn't that the name on his Indonesian school records?

Most "birthers" just want to know his history. How he was able to travel to Pakistan, what is his religion or his history in terms of religions (he went to an Islamic school during his formative years), what did he share regarding his beliefs during college in thesis papers, who are his proteges, etc.

That he shits on the questions is what keeps this thing going.

Even Chris Matthews said show us the birth certificate already.

And let me ask you two questions...

1. Did he have a united states passport? If so, how did he do it without a birthcertificate?
2. Did trump finally produce the "evidence" his investigators found in hawaii yet? I am starting to have a tiny bit of doubt. LOL
Personally, I want to see a bill of sale for the Donalds hair. I do not want a man running for president who has hair that was not made in the good ol usa!

Go burfers!
Does this mean Trump hasn't found any proof yet? How much of his money is he really going to spend chasing this red herring?

Maybe when he matches the 2 million Obama has spent on lawyers blocking the release of most of his records?

That's apparently incorrect.

He has had a team of lawyers burying this for three years. Not just the birth certificate, but other items I listed.

I can see the price tag easily reaching two million. You think that is wildly inaccurate?
Does this mean Trump hasn't found any proof yet? How much of his money is he really going to spend chasing this red herring?

Maybe when he matches the 2 million Obama has spent on lawyers blocking the release of most of his records?

You do know he did NOT spend 2 million on blocking lawyers...he spent 2 million on post election bills and that was a small...small part of it. It wasn't to block anything, it was to find what he had to show. (need a link, oh uninformed one? do ya).

He produced it and you idiots still keep coming.

I love burfers. They are the most uninformed people out there . Go fox and go Donald. Woohoo

You have an itemized list of everything Obama spends? You sound like a partisan shrill. Let the adults talk, m'kay?
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