If I have to Put up with a Bazillion Trump aka neuveua Palin Threads ....

Who do you trust more?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 38 67.9%
  • Barrack Obama

    Votes: 18 32.1%

  • Total voters
The best thing Obama has got going for him right now is the Republicans candidates for President!

CNN Poll: Trump tied for first in GOP horserace – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs



they are getting a taste of what their failed ideas are reaping.

Money whores who would do anything for a buck and a little airtime.

Palin has become a millionare off them and the Donnald will do anything for a quick buck, some new viewers and free airtime.

They are being pan handled by their own.

LOLOLOLOL and Obama getting rich off Democrats is different how? You are possibly the most un-aware poster on the internet as a whole.

well, i think most people don't think the donald is a serious candidate.

and how much do you think dick cheney's halliburton stock increased during the 8 years?

I suppose you have evidence of an increase in the president's wealth, right? you know, since you're saying it.
The best thing Obama has got going for him right now is the Republicans candidates for President!

Donald Trump is now tied with Mike Huckabee for first place when Republicans are asked who they support for the GOP presidential nomination in 2012, according to a new national poll. ...

"More than four in ten Republicans say they would not like to see Trump toss his hat in the ring," says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.

Nineteen percent of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents questioned in the poll say that as of now, they'd be most likely to support Trump for next year's GOP presidential nomination. Trump says he'll decide by June whether he runs for the White House. An equal amount say they'd back Huckabee. The former Arkansas governor and 2008 Republican presidential candidate says he'll decide by later this year if he'll make another bid for the White House.

Twelve percent say they'd support former Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska, who was the party's 2008 vice presidential nominee, with 11 percent backing former Massachusetts Gov. and 2008 White House hopeful Mitt Romney and the same amount supporting former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. Seven percent say they are backing Rep. Ron Paul of Texas, another 2008 presidential candidate, with five percent supporting Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, who enjoys strong backing from many in the Tea Party movement. Everyone else registers in the low single digits.

Trump jumped from 10 percent in a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll conducted last month, with Romney dropping from 18 percent to 11 percent.

CNN Poll: Trump tied for first in GOP horserace – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs



Why can't the Republicans/conservatives/libertarians/whatevertheycallthemselvesnow come up with a viable candidate? Why are they all goofballs with equally goofy agendas? This is actually getting scary. Have ancient aliens returned and implanted an idiot code into people? If so, why? You'll know something psychologically abormal is happening when you start seeing really smart Republicans with common sense to boot begin to talk like rambling fools too.
So you admit that Obama is a pathetic candidate? I'd say thats a good first step to waking up.

You totally miss the point. IF he was a "pathetic candidate," the Republicans would have not just one, but several credible candidates that could easily beat him. Instead, they're presenting you with a variety of Disney characters.
I will be amazed if Jeb stays out of the fray. At some point he's going to have to reconsider, at least to himself, whether this isn't the time to take his shot. I realize he doesn't currently poll very well, but that could change if the Republicans can't find a leading candidate. If after the first few primaries, there is no front runner, I could see him jumping in.

I know that members of my family who have remained steadfast Republicans, albeit tremendously against their recent antics, are desperately hoping that more than a few are simply waiting in the wings. Jeb Bush wouldn't be a first choice, but at least he isn't a loud-mouthed asshole.
So you admit that Obama is a pathetic candidate? I'd say thats a good first step to waking up.

You totally miss the point. IF he was a "pathetic candidate," the Republicans would have not just one, but several credible candidates that could easily beat him. Instead, they're presenting you with a variety of Disney characters.

NBC and Fauxnews have the president at 49% approval today.

CNN and Rasmussen have him at 48%.

THAT is why there aren't any credible candidates going against him. The only one who could actually raise the money for the fight is Mitt...

and the rightwingnutes will toss him in the primaries because he's not a loon and would appeal to the middle.
So you admit that Obama is a pathetic candidate? I'd say thats a good first step to waking up.

You totally miss the point. IF he was a "pathetic candidate," the Republicans would have not just one, but several credible candidates that could easily beat him. Instead, they're presenting you with a variety of Disney characters.

NBC and Fauxnews have the president at 49% approval today.

CNN and Rasmussen have him at 48%.

THAT is why there aren't any credible candidates going against him. The only one who could actually raise the money for the fight is Mitt...

and the rightwingnutes will toss him in the primaries because he's not a loon and would appeal to the middle.

Well if I had my druthers, I would much rather see a President Romney than a President Trump. I always envision candidates handling some delicate situation sitting opposite a formidible foreign leader. Trump could start a war by his condescending tone; Palin would have to check her notes every 3 seconds; Huckabee would tell jokes to distract; Bachmann would be checking her lip gloss; Rick Santorum would refuse to sit down with any non-Christian anyway; Gingrich would need a time out to channel Ronald Reagan.
yeah, but it's embarrassing. *sigh*

Oh Jillian you sound so much like my wife. I made my wife watch the Hannity interview of Trump (OK I bribed her, a dinner at Benihanna's - I win there also)! The guy made perfect sense and was moving. Yet she comes away with, he is against abortion and a Republican. :eusa_wall:

I said you didn't come away with taking on China. Having a viable economic future for our 3 children. Nope its Republican, bad bad bad!

He won't get far by demonizing China. Why make them mad when we need them to keep buying our Treasury Bonds at least until sometime in the far future, the US is self-sufficient? The adage "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer" can be no truer than our relationship with China. Do I like it? No, but it is what it is for now.

As far as his stance on issues of the day, he'll first need to revisit his stance on the issues back in 1999 when he first threw his hat into the ring. You might be surprised that he favored a universal health care plan. He also had a few opinions on raising taxes for the wealthy, which won't sit well with conservative intelligentsia these days.

Donald Trump on the Issues
And here we go again with the left wing whackaloons telling us who we need to run.

That's how we got this empty suit, aka, Barry Soetoro.
I think The Donald would be a great GOP candidate for President. In his first week in office, he can order the military to invade Iraq and seize the oil fields. That would be a typical Trump move.

Satire? Because you know he actually said that to Hannity. Nothing like suggesting to the rest of the world that the USA is the imperialist usurper we've always been accused of being.
Interesting comment. I would usually expect better of you.

People who think differently than you are not necessarily stupid, or evil or "garbage".

The arrogance of thinking otherwise is pathetic.

Sorry, I shouldn't have broad stroked. Look at the group that would support a birther and this is what you get.

I dont see him as a birther....I see him as someone who is, is instead, taking on the role of the media.
No one can deny that the medioa diod not vet Obama as they have vetted every single candidate in the past....so he has opted to use his resopurces to get every bit of information on the guy....pretty much as the media did with Palin...

And during the campaign, Obama outright used the term "spread the wealth" but I dont frown upon those that supported a man wh9o believes in "spreading the wealth"

I dont like the fact that his pastor has a very hard antoi white approach. I dont hold against Obamas supporters that they can support a man who has a great friend and mentor who has a very anti white sentiment.

So sorry....I find it very shallow that you see his followers that way.

Any candidate for president gets fully vetted. Now why would the FBI and the Secret Service fail to vet Barack Obama?
Sorry, I shouldn't have broad stroked. Look at the group that would support a birther and this is what you get.

I dont see him as a birther....I see him as someone who is, is instead, taking on the role of the media.
No one can deny that the medioa diod not vet Obama as they have vetted every single candidate in the past....so he has opted to use his resopurces to get every bit of information on the guy....pretty much as the media did with Palin...

And during the campaign, Obama outright used the term "spread the wealth" but I dont frown upon those that supported a man wh9o believes in "spreading the wealth"

I dont like the fact that his pastor has a very hard antoi white approach. I dont hold against Obamas supporters that they can support a man who has a great friend and mentor who has a very anti white sentiment.

So sorry....I find it very shallow that you see his followers that way.

Any candidate for president gets fully vetted. Now why would the FBI and the Secret Service fail to vet Barack Obama?
Why are you so easily persuaded to believe that? If they found something perjorative what would they do with it? What would be the mechanism for disqualifying a potential candidate? Do you know anything for certain in what you just said?

The vetting, as much as there is, is done by the people, the media, and the parties.
I think The Donald would be a great GOP candidate for President. In his first week in office, he can order the military to invade Iraq and seize the oil fields. That would be a typical Trump move.

Satire? Because you know he actually said that to Hannity. Nothing like suggesting to the rest of the world that the USA is the imperialist usurper we've always been accused of being.

I wish we'd just say the Iraq War was mainly for oil, it'd mark a revolutionary change in level of honesty in government.

Wouldn't make it any less immoral, but the citizens would at least know what we're dealing with.

Then after that they could tell us another truth, that our military actions in Afghanistan and Libya are also about oil.
Trump is leading in polls now because he is out there running his mouth and since he has very high name recognition the media picks up on it and people hear about it. He'll eventually fade as the candidate pool becomes more established and the more serious candidates solidify their positions.

Trump actually reminds me a lot of Howard Dean when he ran in 2004. Dean was all the rage in the polls and the media and then Iowa came and he got spanked pretty good.

I was going to say pretty much the same thing but most of the liberals here just wana poke fun, while they can... It's useless to try and add a bit of reason and reality to the mix so like I said, we'll just have to wait and see the changes to come.

Trump says he is a Republican, but if the dems knew how he supports the unions, and just how much he has contributed to Democrats, in elections, they might find themselves taking a second and open-minded look at Trump. For a complete list:

Donald Trump has contributed more than $65,000 to Dems than GOP | Politicons

That changes with the party in power. Trump is a one-man lobbyist who always knows which side of his bread is buttered, as you'll see here. In 2010, he donated more to Republicans; in 2008 more to Democrats.

Trumps biggest issue with Obama is that slimy real estate agents are a higher class of people than slimy used car salesmen.
There is a sharp distinction between conservatives and the nutters. The type that harp on Obama birth certificate. Trump has loudly pronounced his desire to "get to the bottom" of the birth certificate issue. That makes him a birther. If he were a real candidate he would be more focused on actual issues, but he's not. He appeals to the idiot element of the conservative party. I'm not against Trump because of his associations, I'm against him because he's a loud mouthed idiot who is an excellent marketer and knows how to play an angle. The angle in this case is directly through the moronic element that wants to continue to investigate BO's birth certificate.

I have said all along that I have n o doubt Obama is a citizen. But that is based on loigic alone. Not based on legitimate proof. Logically, there is no way he would have gotten as far as he did in politics if he were not a citizen.
As for proof, there is enough of an argument on both sides that what he produced MAY be proof, but there is better proof..and he refuses to produce it...(which I beleive is a ganme by Obama to make a small part of the right look bad)

There were those that believed 9-11 was an inside job...the truthers I beluieve they were called. I did not hold it against them...it was a serious allegation and one that warranted proof one way or another...and that was delivered without question....all the way down to engineering reports.....and now I laugh at those that still want more proof....but only for one reason....they dont know what more proof they would need....

But as for Obama...more proof? The state issued BC...Hawaii has it...it exists....Obama refuses to release it...and I think it is unfair to the few birthers for him to play that stupid game.....he should be above it...and he is not.

SO Trump is going to force his hand...and when he prodcues it? Trump will ask him "what the fuck was so hard about that"

None of that changes the fact that the man is a birther which to any sane individual is a ridiculous platform and a waste of time. You're right, he wouldn't have made it as far in politics as he has if there was something invalid with his citizenship. He shouldn't have to address it because it's a non-issue. Frankly not addressing it helps weed out the idiots because they don't let it go.

Even if he caved in to the Birfers and produced a copy of the medical birth certificate, they would call it a forgery.
I have said all along that I have n o doubt Obama is a citizen. But that is based on loigic alone. Not based on legitimate proof. Logically, there is no way he would have gotten as far as he did in politics if he were not a citizen.
As for proof, there is enough of an argument on both sides that what he produced MAY be proof, but there is better proof..and he refuses to produce it...(which I beleive is a ganme by Obama to make a small part of the right look bad)

There were those that believed 9-11 was an inside job...the truthers I beluieve they were called. I did not hold it against them...it was a serious allegation and one that warranted proof one way or another...and that was delivered without question....all the way down to engineering reports.....and now I laugh at those that still want more proof....but only for one reason....they dont know what more proof they would need....

But as for Obama...more proof? The state issued BC...Hawaii has it...it exists....Obama refuses to release it...and I think it is unfair to the few birthers for him to play that stupid game.....he should be above it...and he is not.

SO Trump is going to force his hand...and when he prodcues it? Trump will ask him "what the fuck was so hard about that"

None of that changes the fact that the man is a birther which to any sane individual is a ridiculous platform and a waste of time. You're right, he wouldn't have made it as far in politics as has if there was something invalid with his citizenship. He shouldn't have to address it because it's a non-issue. Frankly not addressing it helps weed out the idiots because they don't let it go.

At first mention, the Truthers claim was rediculous. The governemnt should not have spent a second addressing it. But there was a group of people that felt that way, and the government had the responsibility to put their concerns to rest. So they did.\

Well, the same thing with Obama. The claim is rediculous...but there is a group of tax paying citizens that have asked for the President to produce one item...they did not ask for the docuiment drafted by the hospital..they asked for the state issued document. He refused to produce it. Why? To what loss would there have been for him to do as the people asked? How would the truthers have felt if the rest of us said..."let it go" before the investigation took place?

I believe he is a citizen...but I believe the few that have doubt have a right to see his BC...they are not asking for something that costs millions to produce. Open you fucking wallet and let the people you lead see it.

To me...and to Trump....Obama is playing a game at the expense of some people for political expediency...and he needs to be called on it...and that is exactly what I believe Trump is working toward.

Hate Trump if you want....but he is a very cunniing man...he is not a fool...he knows what he is doing....he knows how birthers are viewed in the country....he mopst certainly didnt ally with them as his base...they are few and far between.....he has a plan with this birther thing...and my guess is his goal is to make Obama look like a man who has little respect for the American people...

We shall see how it unfolds.

What has been provided IS the "State issued" certificate. It's the only form the State of Hawaii issues!!! The Birfers want the long form--which contains all the medical information: Weight, length, birthmarks, etc., and that information is NOT released to ANYONE other than the person him/herself or the next of kin.
I have said all along that I have n o doubt Obama is a citizen. But that is based on loigic alone. Not based on legitimate proof. Logically, there is no way he would have gotten as far as he did in politics if he were not a citizen.
As for proof, there is enough of an argument on both sides that what he produced MAY be proof, but there is better proof..and he refuses to produce it...(which I beleive is a ganme by Obama to make a small part of the right look bad)

There were those that believed 9-11 was an inside job...the truthers I beluieve they were called. I did not hold it against them...it was a serious allegation and one that warranted proof one way or another...and that was delivered without question....all the way down to engineering reports.....and now I laugh at those that still want more proof....but only for one reason....they dont know what more proof they would need....

But as for Obama...more proof? The state issued BC...Hawaii has it...it exists....Obama refuses to release it...and I think it is unfair to the few birthers for him to play that stupid game.....he should be above it...and he is not.

SO Trump is going to force his hand...and when he prodcues it? Trump will ask him "what the fuck was so hard about that"

None of that changes the fact that the man is a birther which to any sane individual is a ridiculous platform and a waste of time. You're right, he wouldn't have made it as far in politics as he has if there was something invalid with his citizenship. He shouldn't have to address it because it's a non-issue. Frankly not addressing it helps weed out the idiots because they don't let it go.

Even if he caved in to the Birfers and produced a copy of the medical birth certificate, they would call it a forgery.

Likely, many would.

But at least the President of the United States did what some of the people asked him to do...something that would have no negative affect on him whatsoever.
I dont see him as a birther....I see him as someone who is, is instead, taking on the role of the media.
No one can deny that the medioa diod not vet Obama as they have vetted every single candidate in the past....so he has opted to use his resopurces to get every bit of information on the guy....pretty much as the media did with Palin...

And during the campaign, Obama outright used the term "spread the wealth" but I dont frown upon those that supported a man wh9o believes in "spreading the wealth"

I dont like the fact that his pastor has a very hard antoi white approach. I dont hold against Obamas supporters that they can support a man who has a great friend and mentor who has a very anti white sentiment.

So sorry....I find it very shallow that you see his followers that way.

Any candidate for president gets fully vetted. Now why would the FBI and the Secret Service fail to vet Barack Obama?
Why are you so easily persuaded to believe that? If they found something perjorative what would they do with it? What would be the mechanism for disqualifying a potential candidate? Do you know anything for certain in what you just said?

The vetting, as much as there is, is done by the people, the media, and the parties.

The candidate would probably be informed of the "find," and he would bow out of the race, with as little fanfare as possible. As close as the primary race was between Obama and Clinton, don't you think she would have used any birth information as a tool to win if it had been the least bit suspicious? This subject only came up AFTER Obama was inaugurated, and the fringe elements couldn't accept their loss, so they had to go with something juicy that might bring him down.

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