If I have to Put up with a Bazillion Trump aka neuveua Palin Threads ....

Who do you trust more?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 38 67.9%
  • Barrack Obama

    Votes: 18 32.1%

  • Total voters
Does this mean Trump hasn't found any proof yet? How much of his money is he really going to spend chasing this red herring?

Maybe when he matches the 2 million Obama has spent on lawyers blocking the release of most of his records?

You do know he did NOT spend 2 million on blocking lawyers...he spent 2 million on post election bills and that was a small...small part of it. It wasn't to block anything, it was to find what he had to show. (need a link, oh uninformed one? do ya).

He produced it and you idiots still keep coming.

I love burfers. They are the most uninformed people out there . Go fox and go Donald. Woohoo

ETA: He produced a certificate of live birth which is different.

I personally am more interested in the other things I listed.
I suppose that you also believe that Obama was born in Kenya, don't you?

By the way.........Obama was born in Hawaii, and he spent a small part of his childhood in Indonesia (which is a continent or two apart from each other btw).

You birther idiots should try something new............face your fears and investigate what is really going on rather than spewing the same old tripe that your corporate overlords have told you to spew.

You fear the most, what you know the least about. That's why I don't depend on just one point of view, because as a Taoist, I need to look around in 360 degrees.

And.......fwiw..........there are very few things in this Universe that scare me. Why? Because of my childhood, as well as the fact that I served 20 years in the U.S. Navy, across 4 different war zones.

Knowledge of the truth, rather than rhetoric, is the key kids.

Let me ask you something about Indonesia. I remember an interview (although I forget who was interviewing him) when he was asked about "Barry Soetoro" and he laughed it off and dismissed the question.

Isn't that the name on his Indonesian school records?

Most "birthers" just want to know his history. How he was able to travel to Pakistan, what is his religion or his history in terms of religions (he went to an Islamic school during his formative years), what did he share regarding his beliefs during college in thesis papers, who are his proteges, etc.

That he shits on the questions is what keeps this thing going.

Even Chris Matthews said show us the birth certificate already.

And let me ask you two questions...

1. Did he have a united states passport? If so, how did he do it without a birthcertificate?

2. Did trump finally produce the "evidence" his investigators found in hawaii yet? I am starting to have a tiny bit of doubt. LOL

You are either a retard or a preteen. Or a retarded preteen.
Maybe when he matches the 2 million Obama has spent on lawyers blocking the release of most of his records?

That's apparently incorrect.

He has had a team of lawyers burying this for three years. Not just the birth certificate, but other items I listed.

I can see the price tag easily reaching two million. You think that is wildly inaccurate?

Sure, it's quite possible he has spent that sort of money on lawyers.
But on all legal fees.
I read that there are always huge legal costs in winding up a presidential campaign...McCain's campaign has spent $1.3m on lawyers since the election.
Are you suggesting that every dollar he has spent on legal fees has been on the citizenship issue?
That's apparently incorrect.

He has had a team of lawyers burying this for three years. Not just the birth certificate, but other items I listed.

I can see the price tag easily reaching two million. You think that is wildly inaccurate?

Sure, it's quite possible he has spent that sort of money on lawyers.
But on all legal fees.
I read that there are always huge legal costs in winding up a presidential campaign...McCain's campaign has spent $1.3m on lawyers since the election.
Are you suggesting that every dollar he has spent on legal fees has been on the citizenship issue?

Of course I'm not. But he has been very proactive in his pursuit to shut out people to access to many of his public records. That takes a lot of manpower.
Here is the real problem. Perhaps this really is just a game by Obama to make cons look stupid, but the bottom line is that he had a vetting process for those that interviewed for positions within his administration while not affording the people of this country the same requirement.

He feels above the American people. He doesn't realize he works for us, and we have a right to have answers to our questions.
Here is the real problem. Perhaps this really is just a game by Obama to make cons look stupid, but the bottom line is that he had a vetting process for those that interviewed for positions within his administration while not affording the people of this country the same requirement.

He feels above the American people. He doesn't realize he works for us, and we have a right to have answers to our questions.

Surely the presidential campaign is the vetting process?

I would have thought the statements by the Hawaii Dept of Health should be sufficient to shut the debate down - I'm sure they would be in most other circumstances.
Maybe Obama could release more information...I don't know, but why should he if he isn't required to, surely that's an infringement of his rights?
Let me ask you something about Indonesia. I remember an interview (although I forget who was interviewing him) when he was asked about "Barry Soetoro" and he laughed it off and dismissed the question.

Isn't that the name on his Indonesian school records?

Most "birthers" just want to know his history. How he was able to travel to Pakistan, what is his religion or his history in terms of religions (he went to an Islamic school during his formative years), what did he share regarding his beliefs during college in thesis papers, who are his proteges, etc.

That he shits on the questions is what keeps this thing going.

Even Chris Matthews said show us the birth certificate already.

And let me ask you two questions...

1. Did he have a united states passport? If so, how did he do it without a birthcertificate?

2. Did trump finally produce the "evidence" his investigators found in hawaii yet? I am starting to have a tiny bit of doubt. LOL

You are either a retard or a preteen. Or a retarded preteen.

Did he have a pass port? A united states issued pass port? how did he get it? Retard indeed. How did he make so they announced his birth in two newpapers in 1961? Is he that good?
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Forget the birther shit. I just love the fact that Trump came out last night and called Obama "The worst president in US history"

Now, wouldn't it be great to have the Donald come out and call him that during a debate?...Because we all know that Trump would have no qualms about telling Obama exactly what he is, straight to his inept face.
Here is the real problem. Perhaps this really is just a game by Obama to make cons look stupid, but the bottom line is that he had a vetting process for those that interviewed for positions within his administration while not affording the people of this country the same requirement.

He feels above the American people. He doesn't realize he works for us, and we have a right to have answers to our questions.

Yeah! I mean I know he did show what Hawaii has, but dammit, thats not enough! He should actually break the law...I mean he is the president dammit...and go back to hawaii and get that damn long form...even though that is not how the law is written in hawaii and he did exactly what hawaii said was legal already.

Forget the birther shit. I just love the fact that Trump came out last night and called Obama "The worst president in US history"

Now, wouldn't it be great to have the Donald come out and call him that during a debate?...Because we all know that Trump would have no qualms about telling Obama exactly what he is, straight to his inept face.

yep. what he said^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^:clap2:
Forget the birther shit. I just love the fact that Trump came out last night and called Obama "The worst president in US history"

Now, wouldn't it be great to have the Donald come out and call him that during a debate?...Because we all know that Trump would have no qualms about telling Obama exactly what he is, straight to his inept face.

To give you an idea of how truthful the Donald really is...he said he is liked by the blacks. I love that one. I really do.

The blacks love the Donald. lololololol

He tells it like it is, doesn't he? He also says he has billions. This is Huge!!!!!!

(He fucking inherited 400 million dollars and still declared bankruptcy 4 times!) Oh and he is going to announce if he is running on his show, so tune in! Its not about publicity though.

He tell it like it is though. lololololol
Stupid is when someone denies the verified facts.
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I'm curious...does it hurt to be so stupid?

:lol: his own posts prove he's a moran.

When you write moran, are you speaking about Israeli model Moran Atias.............

Or, are you too much of a moron yourself to spell the word correctly?:razz:
Forget the birther shit. I just love the fact that Trump came out last night and called Obama "The worst president in US history"

Now, wouldn't it be great to have the Donald come out and call him that during a debate?...Because we all know that Trump would have no qualms about telling Obama exactly what he is, straight to his inept face.

To give you an idea of how truthful the Donald really is...he said he is liked by the blacks. I love that one. I really do.

The blacks love the Donald. lololololol

He tells it like it is, doesn't he? He also says he has billions. This is Huge!!!!!!

(He fucking inherited 400 million dollars and still declared bankruptcy 4 times!) Oh and he is going to announce if he is running on his show, so tune in! Its not about publicity though.

He tell it like it is though. lololololol
I don't give a fuck, nor do I think he should be president but, i'm highly enjoying the fact that he is thoroughly bringing to light the abject FACT that Obama is an incompetent moron on so many levels.....Face it, Trump's a popular dude, and he is inflicting major damage on the annointed one. Like it or not!

Gotta love the Donald!:clap2::clap2::clap2:
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And let me ask you two questions...

1. Did he have a united states passport? If so, how did he do it without a birthcertificate?

2. Did trump finally produce the "evidence" his investigators found in hawaii yet? I am starting to have a tiny bit of doubt. LOL

You are either a retard or a preteen. Or a retarded preteen.

Did he have a pass port? A united states issued pass port? how did he get it? Retard indeed. How did he make so they announced his birth in two newpapers in 1961? Is he that good?
You're a retard.

How to Get a Passport Without a Birth Certificate

You don't need a birth certificate.

Now, the real question, for the grown ups that are trying to have a conversation, is how he traveled to Pakistan during the time he said he traveled there.

Because you are a retard, I will not ask you to engage in that dialog, because it contains two moving parts.
Here is the real problem. Perhaps this really is just a game by Obama to make cons look stupid, but the bottom line is that he had a vetting process for those that interviewed for positions within his administration while not affording the people of this country the same requirement.

He feels above the American people. He doesn't realize he works for us, and we have a right to have answers to our questions.

Yeah! I mean I know he did show what Hawaii has, but dammit, thats not enough! He should actually break the law...I mean he is the president dammit...and go back to hawaii and get that damn long form...even though that is not how the law is written in hawaii and he did exactly what hawaii said was legal already.

He's been in Hawaii numerous times in the last few years. Getting a long form isn't exactly asking him to donate bone marrow, now is it?
Personally, I want to see a bill of sale for the Donalds hair. I do not want a man running for president who has hair that was not made in the good ol usa!

Go burfers!
It probably was made in China, like the stuff he builds his buildings out of. Dump Truck bitches about buying cheap lower quality crap from China but he buys cheap low quality crap from China for his buildings to maximize his profits. That :asshole: loves money more than this great country.
Does this mean Trump hasn't found any proof yet? How much of his money is he really going to spend chasing this red herring?

Maybe when he matches the 2 million Obama has spent on lawyers blocking the release of most of his records?

You do know he did NOT spend 2 million on blocking lawyers...he spent 2 million on post election bills and that was a small...small part of it. It wasn't to block anything, it was to find what he had to show. (need a link, oh uninformed one? do ya).

He produced it and you idiots still keep coming.

I love burfers. They are the most uninformed people out there . Go fox and go Donald. Woohoo

So after spending 730,000,000 dollars on his 2 year campaign, he still owed another 2 million? What an economic wizard this clown is. I'm amazed at the lack of curiosity coming from the left, the same people that supposedly give us all of the "scientist", what a joke you people are.

A successful Billionaire Businessman running the largest economy in the world and not a community organizer?


Wait a minute!

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