If I have to Put up with a Bazillion Trump aka neuveua Palin Threads ....

Who do you trust more?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 38 67.9%
  • Barrack Obama

    Votes: 18 32.1%

  • Total voters
I don't understand why anyone is thrilled with Trump, anyway. He was full tilt for Obama when Obama ran in '08.

Now he talks out of the other side of his mouth. :cuckoo:

hat's when we all thought he was a us citizen, cause the nice little old lady in hawaii said so. hey HOPE AND COMPASSION... FORE MORE YEARS OF Gambling, bimbos, bankruptcies, toupees, cheesy reality TV, upscale kitsche. It's going to be an awesome fore years, of confusion, incompetence, bumbling, figeting for the foreign policy, drunk telepromter guys, white house chefs named pete... blah blah blah.. hope and cha ching !! i miss pelosi, she was really good.
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He's written books about going bankrupt and screwing his bondholders.

Maybe that makes him qualified! We are going bankrupt anyways. Might as well screw the Chinese and the Arabs.
they say that if trump runs as an independent, it will be a gift for obama. what i haven't heard is that he could throw his support at the last minute to the republican party. he would tell all of his supporters to vote republican. he would then have a pick of cabinet posts. the two or three party conservative numbers could add up to beat the loser we have now in the white house. politics is juicy in this country, anything can happen.
Absolutely! I heard he plans on dying his hair red, white and blue for the debates so which ever way the wind blows, The Donald will be looking super patriotic... :thup:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35vyxbiWIn4]YouTube - Donald Trump's Hair Blows on Monday Night Football MNF[/ame]
they say that if trump runs as an independent, it will be a gift for obama. what i haven't heard is that he could throw his support at the last minute to the republican party. he would tell all of his supporters to vote republican. he would then have a pick of cabinet posts. the two or three party conservative numbers could add up to beat the loser we have now in the white house. politics is juicy in this country, anything can happen.

So, even among his supporters there is a consensus that he is a whore. Good to know.
they say that if trump runs as an independent, it will be a gift for obama. what i haven't heard is that he could throw his support at the last minute to the republican party. he would tell all of his supporters to vote republican. he would then have a pick of cabinet posts. the two or three party conservative numbers could add up to beat the loser we have now in the white house. politics is juicy in this country, anything can happen.

So Trump supporters will do anything he says? I thought the idea was to have politicians that do what WE say. I wouldn't think much of a guy that had me on the hook and then at the last minute cut-n-run but said, "do something for me first". Yeah, right!!! :cuckoo:
interesting scenario. but i think he has too much of an ego to selflessly step back.

Depends on what's in it for him. I think its funny that "the government should be run like a business" crowd wants to run as their guy someone who had to declare bankruptcy. :lol:
Maybe he could have a TV show where candidates could compete for the cabinet spots. For example, they could have contestants running around New York eating at all the ethnic restaurants, and the contestant who finds the best ethnic restaurants could be secretary of state, the contestant that finds the most rats in the back could be secretary of health, and so on.
Maybe he could have a TV show where candidates could compete for the cabinet spots. For example, they could have contestants running around New York eating at all the ethnic restaurants, and the contestant who finds the best ethnic restaurants could be secretary of state, the contestant that finds the most rats in the back could be secretary of health, and so on.

I'm tell you. He would turn it into a reality show.
interesting scenario. but i think he has too much of an ego to selflessly step back.
Trump is in it for one thing. Himself. This is publicity for him and he will milk it to the max. He would turn politics into a reality show.

i think he already made it into a reality show.

but i also still think he's not going to want to disclose his financials or answer for two bankruptcies.
Maybe he could have a TV show where candidates could compete for the cabinet spots. For example, they could have contestants running around New York eating at all the ethnic restaurants, and the contestant who finds the best ethnic restaurants could be secretary of state, the contestant that finds the most rats in the back could be secretary of health, and so on.

great idea toto..
is kleenx stock going up in canada for the royal wedding ?
Maybe he could have a TV show where candidates could compete for the cabinet spots. For example, they could have contestants running around New York eating at all the ethnic restaurants, and the contestant who finds the best ethnic restaurants could be secretary of state, the contestant that finds the most rats in the back could be secretary of health, and so on.

That's the spirit! :clap2:
interesting scenario. but i think he has too much of an ego to selflessly step back.
Trump is in it for one thing. Himself. This is publicity for him and he will milk it to the max. He would turn politics into a reality show.

trump loves this country at least as much as obama does.

why are we talking about "love of country"? that's such a nebulous thing. and given what i've seen the rightwingnuts write, i'm going to say it's a subjective thing when viewed from the outside.

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