If I have to Put up with a Bazillion Trump aka neuveua Palin Threads ....

Who do you trust more?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 38 67.9%
  • Barrack Obama

    Votes: 18 32.1%

  • Total voters
rosie o'donnel said trump was bankrupt.

Celebrity Research Lists - Famous Bankruptcies

there is no shame in chapter 11. i would put trump's finacial past up against obama's anyday. america loves someone who's lost, but then gets it back again.

trump went bankrupt TWICE.

and he never loses his own money. he costs everyone else money.

yeah... he's a perfect repub candidate. :thup:
I guess this is the part where liberals, rather than address their savior's bankrupting of the nation, inflation, $5 gas and 15%+ real unemployment... fixates on Gary Busey and Donald Trump.
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Trump is a very, very lucky man to have such support.

Busey even tries to mimic his facial expressions.


I mean, the dedication some of his supporters have this early in the game is unreal. Any man who garners that much support from such a pillar of today's society CAN win.
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I guess this is the part where liberals, rather than address their savior's bankrupting of the nation, inflation, $5 gas and 15%+ real unemployment... fixates on Gary Busey and Donald Trump.

Yes, how typical of liberals to attack who they fear the most.
Do you think this improves his chances of being a good president?

How many Trump threads are you going to start today? Why didn't you just start one called "Ravi's Donald Trump Obsession Thread" and list your questions?

Oh dear! There's a limit? :eek:

Heh. Not for trolls and for some unknown reason I didn't take into account the fact that Ravi is USMB's master troll. Carry on.
Maybe he means don't start thread after thread after thread but instead just have one or two?
Didn't see Gunny say you can not talk about Trump at all.
they say that if trump runs as an independent, it will be a gift for obama. what i haven't heard is that he could throw his support at the last minute to the republican party. he would tell all of his supporters to vote republican. he would then have a pick of cabinet posts. the two or three party conservative numbers could add up to beat the loser we have now in the white house. politics is juicy in this country, anything can happen.

You act as if Trump is doing this for some greater good. Trump is all about Trump. He will do whatever he believes is in Trump's best interest.
I guess this is the part where liberals, rather than address their savior's bankrupting of the nation, inflation, $5 gas and 15%+ real unemployment... fixates on Gary Busey and Donald Trump.

Yes, how typical of liberals to attack who they fear the most.

Fear?!?! More like chuckling at the sideshow that is the Republican party.
I guess this is the part where liberals, rather than address their savior's bankrupting of the nation, inflation, $5 gas and 15%+ real unemployment... fixates on Gary Busey and Donald Trump.

Yes, how typical of liberals to attack who they fear the most.

Fear?!?! More like chuckling at the sideshow that is the Republican party.


I know that once Trump declares he can't use his show anymore but I think it's clear now that Hollywood will be backing Trump. There goes Obama's base. How sweet does that irony taste?!
I don't understand why anyone is thrilled with Trump, anyway. He was full tilt for Obama when Obama ran in '08.

Now he talks out of the other side of his mouth. :cuckoo:

hat's when we all thought he was a us citizen, cause the nice little old lady in hawaii said so. hey HOPE AND COMPASSION... FORE MORE YEARS OF Gambling, bimbos, bankruptcies, toupees, cheesy reality TV, upscale kitsche. It's going to be an awesome fore years, of confusion, incompetence, bumbling, figeting for the foreign policy, drunk telepromter guys, white house chefs named pete... blah blah blah.. hope and cha ching !! i miss pelosi, she was really good.

What the hell is kitsche? I keep seeing this word in different posts and for the life of me don't know what the hell it is. Somebody please explain.
Just another 'Bagger tryin' to spell....


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