If I Shake my Fist at the Sky

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I don't really think that just accepting 'salvation' is enough. Jesus taught that we need to seek answers.

You can't work for it. Accepting it is the only way to gain it. If someone offers you a gift, you don't ask them how many hours you're going to have to work for it.
If someone hands you the best gift you've ever had, and you say, "OMG, I don't deserve this.", that's how God works. Unmerited favor is what it's called.
The thief on the cross was a thief. On a cross. His salvation was secured by simply realizing who Christ was.
Eph 2:8 For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God....

Once your name is written in the Book of Life, read Proverbs for questions and answers. It's filled with how we should be acting. Read Psalms to get to know how terrific our Father is, and the Gospels to hear the voice of the Lord.
But if you do none of those things except accept the gift of salvation, you'll be in Heaven, watching others receive crowns for the work they did on earth for Christ's sake. You'll wish you'd done more for Him when you realize what He endured for you.

He asks us for 2 things. That's all. Not 10, not a book full.
1. Love your Father with all of you heart, all your strength, all your soul and all your mind.
2. Love each other. :)
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If I shake my fist at the sky and declare to God that I am impressed with neither his presence nor his proofs to date, and I challenge the aforementioned God to kill me now or forever be regarded and described by me as fictitious, does that prove anything?


Yes. It proves you are as superstitious as the rest of us - us being the human race. Welcome aboard. Your scenario, whether physically carried out or hypothesized here in writing for public scrutiny, also proves you have questioned your most personal beliefs which makes you quite normal as doing so is a necessity of development and maturity of the human mind. Again, welcome aboard the starship Homo sapiens - don't worry, there's plenty of room for doubters and believers, leaders, followers and fist shakers.
If I shake my fist at the sky and declare to God that I am impressed with neither his presence nor his proofs to date, and I challenge the aforementioned God to kill me now or forever be regarded and described by me as fictitious, does that prove anything?

Not if I'm still here these many years after.

You think that because God does not take your challenge and kill you, that proves He does not exist? That proves nothing!

Maybe God doesn't want to play your silly game. You think just because you issue Him a challenge He has to respond?

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It proves the futility of the hacks at USMB who always try to "prove" to everyone else that "God" does exist.

AND, it proves just as much as praying (preying) does.

If one is inclined to believe in a supernatural origin to the universe, then the name of the Almighty is not as important as the matter of whether He exists at all.

But if one is devout in the belief that there was no "creator," then it probably shouldn't matter to you if somebody else does believe in the divine.

You lolberal atheists care far too much about what others believe.

Either way, it doesn't harm anybody what the fuck you believe or don't believe. So why get so prissy about it?

I don't know about the rest of y'all, but I like the sound of my own voice.

I find my own voice a wee bit shrill. I try to thicken it up a bit. Still--I got what I got. What's a motherfucker supposed to do? Eat spinach? Even mustard greens don't help my evil voice. So...:mad:

OTH--fuck the dumb shit, let's put our money on eachother. That way whoever wins we're all good.

In the words of the Master:

"If Shaw and Einstein couldn't beat death, what chance have I got? Practically none."

If I shake my fist at the sky and declare to God that I am impressed with neither his presence nor his proofs to date, and I challenge the aforementioned God to kill me now or forever be regarded and described by me as fictitious, does that prove anything?


If you are sincerely looking for truth, it will indeed be revealed to you. Not in your time but in His. After all God lives where there is no limit of time

Yes, you must 'ask, seek, and knock.' If you are a seeker you will get the answers you need.

Matthew 7:7-12

New International Version (NIV)
Ask, Seek, Knock

7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

I have particularly enjoyed looking into some of the ancient writings we have available to us these days.

I don't really think that just accepting 'salvation' is enough. Jesus taught that we need to seek answers.


Take the keys to your star ship and fly Monkeys, fly!
If you are sincerely looking for truth, it will indeed be revealed to you. Not in your time but in His. After all God lives where there is no limit of time

Yes, you must 'ask, seek, and knock.' If you are a seeker you will get the answers you need.

Matthew 7:7-12

New International Version (NIV)
Ask, Seek, Knock

7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

I have particularly enjoyed looking into some of the ancient writings we have available to us these days.

I don't really think that just accepting 'salvation' is enough. Jesus taught that we need to seek answers.


Take the keys to your star ship and fly Monkeys, fly!

Hey man, I thought you were flying this thing.


Now I have to re-think my whole reality.

Thanks a lot.

Same as the rest of us. The parts we don't know.

It's not an accusation. It's encouragement.

I support the seeking of knowledge for it's own sake, based on the passion of the seeker.

I've never regretted the years I spent learning about Christianity.
Same as the rest of us. The parts we don't know.

It's not an accusation. It's encouragement.

I support the seeking of knowledge for it's own sake, based on the passion of the seeker.

I've never regretted the years I spent learning about Christianity.

So you're basically calling me a slacker? That's just great.

All my naked, Slayer, Anton LeVey book reading, rolling on the ground farting is for naught. I was THIS close to seeing something. Now all I got left are TV dinners and Matlock.

A Pox on you Sir/Madam/It's Your Call for making me think more about taking out the trash...or watching TV...or looking at images of naked women...

They still do that...don't they???

A quantum possibility that depends on the existence of some "field" that itself came from nothing -- and which got somehow perturbed.

And what caused the perturbation?

Oh -- nothing. Well, not nothing, exactly; but the special version of "nothing" that exists in the quantum physics sense . . . .

And its damn funny to see folks lapping this up as though it provided explanatory power.

It might be "true" in some profound sense.

But it doesn't "explain" shit.
not to your satisfaction any way.

It shouldn't "satisfy" anyone to get an alleged "explanation" that has no explanatory power.


Quantum theorists have committed suicide over what could conceivably happen. Their job is to find more than one possible answer to the same question.

Look how long we have been convicted by our trust in the 1st. and 2nd. law of thermodynamics. What happened to that certainty? Now what?
Einstein was convinced that there were only 3 dimensions right up to the day someone showed him # 4. And we took that to the bank until now.
They still can't even explain light. The basic element of quantum theory or quantum mechanics is the double-slit experiment. Light appears to exhibit acute awareness of it's surroundings and reacts accordingly. Light comprehends faster than the speed of light. (Sorry, Mr. Einstein.)
They don't know how light does it, only that it does.
Here's a clue to any future physicists:

John 1:5 And the light shines in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

James 1:17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom is no fickleness, neither shadow of turning.

In our future:
Revelation 21:23 And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.

The smarter we get, the more God laughs. :eusa_angel:
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not to your satisfaction any way.

It shouldn't "satisfy" anyone to get an alleged "explanation" that has no explanatory power.


Quantum theorists have committed suicide over what could conceivably happen. Their job is to find more than one possible answer to the same question.

Look how long we have been convicted by our trust of the 1st. and 2nd. law of thermodynamics. What happened to that certainty? Now what?
Einstein was convinced that there were only 3 dimensions right up to the day someone showed him # 4. And we took that to the bank until now.
They still can't even explain light. The basic element of quantum theory or quantum mechanics is the double-slit experiment. Light appears to exhibit acute awareness of it's surroundings and reacts accordingly. Light comprehends faster than the speed of light. (Sorry, Mr. Einstein.)
They don't know how light does it, only that it does.
Here's a clue to any future physicists:

James 1:17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom is no fickleness, neither shadow of turning.

In our future:
Revelation 21:23 And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.

The smarter we get, the more God laughs. :eusa_angel:

You are brilliant. I will be returning more often to this section just to hear more of what you have to say.

I was raised a Catholic, but I call myself agnostic. Meaning that I just don't know. My faith is weak. If I am brutally honest I have to admit that I neither believe nor disbelieve in God. But I do pray to God from time to time, have conversations with Him. Respect Him. I am very, very fond of Jesus. And I wish I could have stronger faith. It would make life easier, that's for sure.
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Faith is like the mustard seed. It may start out small, but look what a magnificent bush it grows into. That you are fond, no, very very fond of Christ, is the kind of heart God loves. I am confident He started a work in you that He intends to finish. In the mean time, pray for faith, and wisdom. He promises and is happy to provide both.
Thank you so much for the compliment. :)
The proof part.

Why can't God part a sea or drop a perfect pillar of fire in time for the 6:00 news?

Why does proof of God have to be impossible?
I have proof enough. I am utterly and completely convinced of God's existence. And yet, all the personal experiences I have had can only translate in me being convinced. It seems clear to me that, for whatever reason, God's intent is to reveal Himself to people, usually one person at a time, using His own time table. Now that I'm a believer, I don't get bogged down in questions like, "Why did God wait until 10 years ago to reveal Himself to me," or, "Why did God reveal Himself to me, but not others close to me?" Those are interesting questions, but what's important right now is that I'm a believer and that won't change. I talk to people; I try to remove the barriers they put between themselves and God; I try to help reveal the truth and dispel misconceptions and dishonest claims; I do what I can. But ultimately no one I speak with or try to convince, will truly believe until God--through what's called the "Holy Spirit," effectuates change within that person.

So.... You can totally relate to the 'me, myself and I' aspect of this discussion?

It's all about one gathering whatever 'evidence' one cares to consider and deciding this shit for oneself in the privacy of ones own mind and heart.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDUXE9-SS4s]RUSH - Freewill HD - Time Machine Tour 2011 - YouTube[/ame]

"If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice!"
A quantum possibility that depends on the existence of some "field" that itself came from nothing -- and which got somehow perturbed.

And what caused the perturbation?

Oh -- nothing. Well, not nothing, exactly; but the special version of "nothing" that exists in the quantum physics sense . . . .

And its damn funny to see folks lapping this up as though it provided explanatory power.

It might be "true" in some profound sense.

But it doesn't "explain" shit.
not to your satisfaction any way.

It shouldn't "satisfy" anyone to get an alleged "explanation" that has no explanatory power.


Especially when the entire subject matter is unprovable in any direction, remaining a simple matter of opinion and faith.

Origins are a fun discussion, but proof of origins is almost as elusive as proof of God.
I don't really think that just accepting 'salvation' is enough. Jesus taught that we need to seek answers.

You can't work for it. Accepting it is the only way to gain it. If someone offers you a gift, you don't ask them how many hours you're going to have to work for it.
If someone hands you the best gift you've ever had, and you say, "OMG, I don't deserve this.", that's how God works. Unmerited favor is what it's called.
The thief on the cross was a thief. On a cross. His salvation was secured by simply realizing who Christ was.
Eph 2:8 For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God....

Once your name is written in the Book of Life, read Proverbs for questions and answers. It's filled with how we should be acting. Read Psalms to get to know how terrific our Father is, and the Gospels to hear the voice of the Lord.
But if you do none of those things except accept the gift of salvation, you'll be in Heaven, watching others receive crowns for the work they did on earth for Christ's sake. You'll wish you'd done more for Him when you realize what He endured for you.

He asks us for 2 things. That's all. Not 10, not a book full.
1. Love your Father with all of you heart, all your strength, all your soul and all your mind.
2. Love each other. :)

Love: Putting the needs, wants and desires of another ahead of your own needs, wants and desires.

So... historically speaking, how's that working out for humanity? Can you feeeeeeeeeel the brotherly love in the story of Man?
Same as the rest of us. The parts we don't know.

It's not an accusation. It's encouragement.

I support the seeking of knowledge for it's own sake, based on the passion of the seeker.

I've never regretted the years I spent learning about Christianity.

Why should regret ever enter into a conversation about learning?

Unless that conversation was about colon cancer or something along that line--or maybe there's a tack on the floor between you and the fridge and you choose to ignore that aspect of the conversation. Maybe your orange juice is really gasoline? Cotton candy grapes? Two people talking away as one of them runs you over?

OK. I am infused with despair (smells like chocolate). Just to be safe: Don't learn. That's what I found out.


PS: Our moms had SEX. Wait, no they didn't.

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