If I Shake my Fist at the Sky

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Same as the rest of us. The parts we don't know.

It's not an accusation. It's encouragement.

I support the seeking of knowledge for it's own sake, based on the passion of the seeker.

I've never regretted the years I spent learning about Christianity.

Why should regret ever enter into a conversation about learning?

Unless that conversation was about colon cancer or something along that line--or maybe there's a tack on the floor between you and the fridge and you choose to ignore that aspect of the conversation. Maybe your orange juice is really gasoline? Cotton candy grapes? Two people talking away as one of them runs you over?

OK. I am infused with despair (smells like chocolate). Just to be safe: Don't learn. That's what I found out.


PS: Our moms had SEX. Wait, no they didn't.

I know of at least 7 time my mom had sex ...myself 4 sisters 2 brothers.
Man's inhumanity to man:
Isn't God's idea.

Remember when Satan tempted Christ? He offered Christ earthly kingdoms, power, and glory, because they were his to offer. It would have been a hollow offer, if Satan didn't have dominion over the things he offered up.
He gained dominion over the earth in the Garden of Eden. A lot more happened in the beginning than we realize.

Look at the first 2 sentences in Genesis:
Genesis 1:1-2 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
Period. Done.

Now look at the 2nd. sentence:

And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.
It's like those 2 sentences should be reversed. God didn't create "void".

So, let's read it again in the original Greek:

God created the heaven and the earth.
But, the earth became confused, and waste; and unnatural darkness was upon the face of the deep.

One hell of a battle took place between those two sentences. Science will tell us how long that battle between God, and Satan lasted by determining the age of the earth.

But then, God re-furbished earth (the first of 3 renovations) and made it habitable for mankind and when He had everything done for Adam, then He created Adam, and gave Adam dominion over all the earth. (Gen.1: 3-)

How long Adam and Eve lived in Eden before Satan showed up again isn't recorded in the Bible. But when Satan showed back up he tricked Eve. Eve was the one facing eviction, not Adam.
Adam chose to give up his dominion over the earth, and leave Eden with His wife.

Satan has been running to and fro ever since. He is the prince behind the Kings, and the King behind the Princes:

Ezekiel 28:11–17
Moreover, the word of the Lord came to me: “Son of man(Ezekiel), araise a lamentation over the king of Tyre, and say to him, Thus says the Lord God...............

Then Ezekiel describes the one over the King of Tyre:
"You were in Eden, the garden of God........."

Satan's reign is coming to an end, and he knows that. Christ regained dominion of the earth (and removed the consequence of sin in it's inhabitants), on the cross. And now, after 2,000 years of gathering Gentile souls to His Father, He's coming back to take title.
It's a promise.
For thine is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory on earth, as it is in Heaven.

And here is our caveat ( for those who think they can wait till the last minute):
Luke 21:34 "Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness and the anxieties of life, and that day will close on you suddenly like a trap.
Romans 13:11 And do this, understanding the present time: The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed.

Inhumanity is about to be replaced with brotherly love. Can't wait! :clap:
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Man's inhumanity to man:
Isn't God's idea.

Remember when Satan tempted Christ? He offered Christ earthly kingdoms, power, and glory, because they were his to offer. It would have been a hollow offer, if Satan didn't have dominion over the things he offered up.
He gained dominion over the earth in the Garden of Eden. A lot more happened in the beginning than we realize.

Look at the first 2 sentences in Genesis:
Genesis 1:1-2 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
Period. Done.

Now look at the 2nd. sentence:

And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.
It's like those 2 sentences should be reversed. God didn't create "void".

So, let's read it again in the original Greek:

God created the heaven and the earth.
But, the earth became confused, and waste; and unnatural darkness was upon the face of the deep.

One hell of a battle took place between those two sentences. Science will tell us how long that battle between God, and Satan lasted by determining the age of the earth.

But then, God re-furbished earth (the first of 3 renovations) and made it habitable for mankind and when He had everything done for Adam, then He created Adam, and gave Adam dominion over all the earth. (Gen.1: 3-)

How long Adam and Eve lived in Eden before Satan showed up again isn't recorded in the Bible. But when Satan showed back up he tricked Eve. Eve was the one facing eviction, not Adam.
Adam chose to give up his dominion over the earth, and leave Eden with His wife.

Satan has been running to and fro ever since. He is the prince behind the Kings, and the King behind the Princes:

Ezekiel 28:11–17
Moreover, the word of the Lord came to me: “Son of man(Ezekiel), araise a lamentation over the king of Tyre, and say to him, Thus says the Lord God...............

Then Ezekiel describes the one over the King of Tyre:

Satan's reign is coming to an end, and he knows that. Christ regained dominion of the earth (and removed the consequence of sin in it's inhabitants), on the cross. And now, after 2,000 years of gathering Gentile souls to His Father, He's coming back to take title.
It's a promise.

And here is our caveat ( for those who think they can wait till the last minute):
Luke 21:34 "Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness and the anxieties of life, and that day will close on you suddenly like a trap.
Romans 13:11 And do this, understanding the present time: The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed.

Inhumanity is about to be replaced with brotherly love. Can't wait! :clap:
[ame=http://youtu.be/TU3-lS_Gryk]Blondie - Dreaming - YouTube[/ame]
If I shake my fist at the sky and declare to God that I am impressed with neither his presence nor his proofs to date, and I challenge the aforementioned God to kill me now or forever be regarded and described by me as fictitious, does that prove anything?


I'm still alive and I've done it.

what's your point?
If I shake my fist at the sky and declare to God that I am impressed with neither his presence nor his proofs to date, and I challenge the aforementioned God to kill me now or forever be regarded and described by me as fictitious, does that prove anything?


I'm still alive and I've done it.

what's your point?
that is his point!

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He is actually revealing Himself to us through the Holy Spirit. The HS is within ALL believers, and He actually talks to us through the HS. Do you have a conscience? It's sort of like that...you get this "feeling", something's telling you to do or not do something which could be good or bad. Then you decide if what you're feeling is of God. Would God give you the urge to rob a bank, or attack some person to steal from them? I don't think so...He's there telling you that's really not a good idea. He wants us to do the right thing and He's always there to help us with it. Because we're human and we can make some pretty dumb decisions on our own! :) But like I said, it's hard to explain to someone that most likely doesn't have the HS in them. That's what's so hard for people to understand.

Thank you for the explanation, CJ. The only question that comes to mind is how is this any different to just being a normal person with a conscience? Going by the golden rule and always being true to oneself seems to cover everything that you just provided. What am I missing?

Of course a "normal" person has a conscience and knows right from wrong...you don't have to be a believer to have that. But, does your conscience ever really speak to you? Have you ever had the urge to do something that sounds to you to be a really good idea, it's not going to hurt anyone to do it, but much later you wish you hadn't? You didn't have that voice (HS) inside you telling you that you should wait? Maybe you were offered a job that makes really good money but it's not really what you wanted...but you take it just for the money? Later, you wish you would have waited. It's really hard to describe to someone that doesn't have that....maybe someone else can explain better.

My parents were 2 of the nicest people around, never heard them say or do anything against anyone else. But they rejected God a long time ago, they're both gone now, and it breaks my heart to think I may not see them again.
If I shake my fist at the sky and declare to God that I am impressed with neither his presence nor his proofs to date, and I challenge the aforementioned God to kill me now or forever be regarded and described by me as fictitious, does that prove anything?


I'm still alive and I've done it.

what's your point?
that is his point!

[ame=http://youtu.be/S6o6J3s7X4w]Blancmange - Blind Vision - YouTube[/ame]

So because in an act of anger in a petulant moment I don't get nuked by who I believe to be my Lord, He doesn't exist?

That's supposed to be the proof whether God exists or not?


I'm still alive and I've done it.

what's your point?
that is his point!

[ame=http://youtu.be/S6o6J3s7X4w]Blancmange - Blind Vision - YouTube[/ame]

So because in an act of anger in a petulant moment I don't get nuked by who I believe to be my Lord, He doesn't exist?

That's supposed to be the proof whether God exists or not?


believe is this operative word...it's not evidence of anything but itself.
I'd like to take this moment to apologize to the Almighty for the fist shaking behavior of some of my fellow mortals. You know what they say:

the kids these days.
Which Almighty, Brother?

Religious discussion requires specificity...

I have heard it said (verily) that there is no God but God.

That seems correct to me.

People all think that they are worshiping different Gods. But the Jews who worship G-d and the Christians who worship God and the Muslims who worship Allah are all worshiping the One True Almighty Creator of All.

Personally, I don't think THE Almighty gives a hoot what name you use for Him. In fact (psst) I don't think He even notices us.
So you are, in fact, talking about The God of Abraham, as described in The Torah, The New Testament and The Koran.

That would have been my first guess, my very American friend.
If I shake my fist at the sky and declare to God that I am impressed with neither his presence nor his proofs to date, and I challenge the aforementioned God to kill me now or forever be regarded and described by me as fictitious, does that prove anything?

Yeah, it proves that you have a Father in Heaven that loves you. You're still breathing right? ;)
Would you expect your earthly father to kill you if you demanded it? How much more does your Father in Heaven love you to not take back the breath of life He gave you, the second you challenged Him to prove Himself, and instead gives you another chance to draw near to Him.

Other than that He has nothing that He needs to prove to His children except to say, " Where were you when I was creating the universe?"
xxxxoooo to Joe :eusa_angel:
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Still breathing. :party:

Turns out that the hype was more exciting than the storms... at least for S. Florida. Condolences to the folks further north who did lose someone or something in the storms.
If I shake my fist at the sky and declare to God that I am impressed with neither his presence nor his proofs to date, and I challenge the aforementioned God to kill me now or forever be regarded and described by me as fictitious, does that prove anything?


Tried something similar, it doesn't work. :)
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