If I were Iran I would be taking these threats from Israel seriously


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
They (Iran) has every right to do preemptive strike on Israel since Israel thinks it has every right to do preemptive strikes, in fact that is how Israel fight, seldom are the in defense.

I am waiting for some sort of false flag from Israel to begin a fight with Iran, Israel and PM Bibi are getting inpatient and trigger happy.

Steinitz Hints Israel Could Strike Iran as Nuclear Talks Drag On

Intelligence Affairs Min. says 'all options on the table', says Israel won't held back from defending itself by 'diplomatic constraints'.

Minister Yuval Steinitz

Flash 90

Intelligence Affairs Minister Yuval Steinitz warned Thursday that Israel could act unilaterally against Iran over its nuclear drive, saying Tehran has failed to make concessions in talks with world powers.

"I won't be too specific but all options are still on the table," Steinitz told reporters.

"Whttp://Steinitz Hints Israel Could Strike Iran - Defense Security - News - Arutz Sheva never limited Israel's right of self-defence because of some diplomatic constraints," he said.
There isn't anything going on right now vis a vis Iran and Israel and the USA that hssn't been happening for the past 30 years. Iran comes up prior to every US Presidential election as well as Israeli elections as a scapegoat and boogeyman.

If Iran were truly regarded as a threat the time to do something about it was 30 years ago.
There isn't anything going on right now vis a vis Iran and Israel and the USA that hssn't been happening for the past 30 years. Iran comes up prior to every US Presidential election as well as Israeli elections as a scapegoat and boogeyman.

If Iran were truly regarded as a threat the time to do something about it was 30 years ago.

I agree, and its time we let them get nuclear power, and I do believe Israel knows P5=1 is on the edge of saying ok, and they do not want that. Israel is going to do something (in my opinion) to make Iran look bad.
There isn't anything going on right now vis a vis Iran and Israel and the USA that hssn't been happening for the past 30 years. Iran comes up prior to every US Presidential election as well as Israeli elections as a scapegoat and boogeyman.

If Iran were truly regarded as a threat the time to do something about it was 30 years ago.

I agree, and its time we let them get nuclear power, and I do believe Israel knows P5=1 is on the edge of saying ok, and they do not want that. Israel is going to do something (in my opinion) to make Iran look bad.

Despite our protestations, we didn't strike North Korea to prevent their nuclear ambitions, and they overtly sought nuclear weapons and woulda been a hellluva lot easier to prevent aquisition of such weaponry than Iran would be.

Strategic think tanks have been writing about Iran for decades, and the consensus has always been if you attack to prevent their developing nuclear weapons, all you do is give power to their hardliners as they tell the more moderate ones "If we don't get these nukes, we'll forever be at the mercy of the west." In effect, all you achieve is the certainty they seek nukes. Attacking can at best prevent it a little bit as they have to rebuild their facilities, but they're gonna rebuild, and try even harder. Thus a military solution is simply out of the question.

Don't want Iran getting nuclear tech, buy them off. Pay them not to, give them the extra energy resources they'd get from nuclear, etc.
I agree military action should be avoided, and the sanctions should not be increased. That will even make the society of Iran angrier, but then again , chaos in a country is good for the ones wanting a coup. Divide and conquer. If a country is not united, it is weaker.
There isn't anything going on right now vis a vis Iran and Israel and the USA that hssn't been happening for the past 30 years. Iran comes up prior to every US Presidential election as well as Israeli elections as a scapegoat and boogeyman.

If Iran were truly regarded as a threat the time to do something about it was 30 years ago.

I agree, and its time we let them get nuclear power, and I do believe Israel knows P5=1 is on the edge of saying ok, and they do not want that. Israel is going to do something (in my opinion) to make Iran look bad.

for those who do not know-----the propaganda of the islamo-Nazi pigs is PRE-COOKED-----even before they engage in their filth they cook up the justifications----
Penelope's hero, Adolf----where writing their denials of the filth she so enjoys even before they built Auschwitz. I read the stuff
as a child having grown up in a town full of scum like Penelope----
the old stuff was scattered here and there near the brothels on
the edge of town. -------poetically, near the train tracks.
I noted the same phenomenon on the day 9-12-11-----
At that time my work took me to an area of town which was
an enclave of south east Asians. Within ONE day the little
children were already parroting the mosque shit-----
learners those spawn of hell. The word got around so quickly---- I heard the same shit mouth crap from the mouths
of teenaged islamo Nazi shit the very next day------when my work
took me to the arab enclave. The very same words.
They (Iran) has every right to do preemptive strike on Israel since Israel thinks it has every right to do preemptive strikes, in fact that is how Israel fight, seldom are the in defense.

I am waiting for some sort of false flag from Israel to begin a fight with Iran, Israel and PM Bibi are getting inpatient and trigger happy.

Steinitz Hints Israel Could Strike Iran as Nuclear Talks Drag On

Intelligence Affairs Min. says 'all options on the table', says Israel won't held back from defending itself by 'diplomatic constraints'.

Minister Yuval Steinitz

Flash 90

Intelligence Affairs Minister Yuval Steinitz warned Thursday that Israel could act unilaterally against Iran over its nuclear drive, saying Tehran has failed to make concessions in talks with world powers.

"I won't be too specific but all options are still on the table," Steinitz told reporters.

"Whttp://Steinitz Hints Israel Could Strike Iran - Defense Security - News - Arutz Sheva never limited Israel's right of self-defence because of some diplomatic constraints," he said.

"Seldom are the in the defense"

And the moronic comments just keep on piling up.
They (Iran) has every right to do preemptive strike on Israel since Israel thinks it has every right to do preemptive strikes, in fact that is how Israel fight, seldom are the in defense.

I am waiting for some sort of false flag from Israel to begin a fight with Iran, Israel and PM Bibi are getting inpatient and trigger happy.

Steinitz Hints Israel Could Strike Iran as Nuclear Talks Drag On

Intelligence Affairs Min. says 'all options on the table', says Israel won't held back from defending itself by 'diplomatic constraints'.

Minister Yuval Steinitz

Flash 90

Intelligence Affairs Minister Yuval Steinitz warned Thursday that Israel could act unilaterally against Iran over its nuclear drive, saying Tehran has failed to make concessions in talks with world powers.

"I won't be too specific but all options are still on the table," Steinitz told reporters.

"Whttp://Steinitz Hints Israel Could Strike Iran - Defense Security - News - Arutz Sheva never limited Israel's right of self-defence because of some diplomatic constraints," he said.

"Seldom are the in the defense"

And the moronic comments just keep on piling up.

do not blame peneloopy----she merely parrots islamonazi propaganda------but DO
pay attention-----once you get the GIST of islamo Nazi crap, you can smell an islamo Nazi -------uhm------1000 cyber miles away

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