If I were the Devil

If I where the Devil
I would worship you.

Join me in The Dark Lord's Pray:

Our father who ain't in heaven
Unhallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom burns
Our will be done
in hell as it is on earth

Give us this day our daily sin
and praise our trespasses
as we avenge ourselves
lead us to temptation
and deliver us evil.

Exactly what he was talking about. Thank you for showing yourself [emoji1317]
Did you know that Jesus was gay and black?

If I where the Devil
I would worship you.

Join me in The Dark Lord's Pray:

Our father who ain't in heaven
Unhallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom burns
Our will be done
in hell as it is on earth

Give us this day our daily sin
and praise our trespasses
as we avenge ourselves
lead us to temptation
and deliver us evil.

Exactly what he was talking about. Thank you for showing yourself [emoji1317]
Did you know that Jesus was gay and black?


No tell me
If I where the Devil
I would worship you.

Join me in The Dark Lord's Pray:

Our father who ain't in heaven
Unhallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom burns
Our will be done
in hell as it is on earth

Give us this day our daily sin
and praise our trespasses
as we avenge ourselves
lead us to temptation
and deliver us evil.

Exactly what he was talking about. Thank you for showing yourself [emoji1317]
Did you know that Jesus was gay and black?


Well, I'll honestly say I did not know that.
From 1965 Paul Harvey nails it in 3 mins.

Nails what?

I put a better one anyway down lower

Are you here to extrapolate your views, or are you here to simply post videos?

My views are exactly what he said and I was so surprised when I heard this guy explain my views in 3 mins.

I hope I didn’t offend or trigger you. Are you in a safe space? Are you ok? I’ll pray for you just Incase. Did you like my views on that video? I think that now he thought that in 75. That’s amazing.
If I where the Devil
I would worship you.

Join me in The Dark Lord's Pray:

Our father who ain't in heaven
Unhallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom burns
Our will be done
in hell as it is on earth

Give us this day our daily sin
and praise our trespasses
as we avenge ourselves
lead us to temptation
and deliver us evil.

Exactly what he was talking about. Thank you for showing yourself [emoji1317]
Did you know that Jesus was gay and black?


Well, I'll honestly say I did not know that.

I’m tell yeah we both learned something today [emoji1360]
When Harvey said that, our country had already done those things the devil stated.[/

Yeah all that was happening in 65.

You’re delusional you can think straight anymore. Liberalism is turning your brain to mush.

It damn sure was. It's been going on since 7-4-1776.

Conservatism has you suffering from psychosis.

Somebody make a rebuttal titled:
"If I Were A Crooked Lying Theocrat Charlatan"

All religion must fucking die or I am a fucking Norse Pagan who believes in unobstructed ruthless violence and dying in battle to gain Valhalla!!!

Dead religion or Valhalla!!!

If I where the Devil
I would worship you.

Join me in The Dark Lord's Pray:

Our father who ain't in heaven
Unhallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom burns
Our will be done
in hell as it is on earth

Give us this day our daily sin
and praise our trespasses
as we avenge ourselves
lead us to temptation
and deliver us evil.

Exactly what he was talking about. Thank you for showing yourself [emoji1317]. Book of Matthew...Jesus is speaking

Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man;
but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.

Jesus goes on to say....

Then came his disciples, and said unto him, Knowest thou
that the Pharisees were offended, after they heard this saying?

But he answered and said, Every plant,
which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up.

Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind.
And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.

Then answered Peter and said unto him,
Declare unto us this parable

And Jesus said, Are ye also yet without understanding?

Do not ye yet understand, that whatsoever entereth in at the mouth
goeth into the belly, and is cast out into the draught?

But those things which proceed out of the mouth
come forth from the heart; and they defile the man.

For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies:

These are the things which defile a man:
but to eat with unwashen hands defileth not a man.

Matthew 15:11-20

Jesus said not to be like the Pharisee who can repeat bible verses for show.

I remember Paul Harvey saying after a particularly disturbing report of what goes on in 3rd world countries....."It's not one world." Always remembered that.
Did you know that Jesus was gay and black?


Figures you would think that. Jesus poked Mary Magdeline and maybe more. So fucking what? We all know that women seem to gravitate to 'rock stars' and Jesus was one of those. He probably had girly-boys falling all over him too.
Last edited:
Since Paul Harvey insisted on using a religious narrative to make his point, I feel this discussion is on topic:

Was Jesus even a real person?

If so, evidence strongly suggests that he did NOT look like this dude:


Rather, he looked like this dude:

Figures you would think that. Jesus poked Mary Magdeline and maybe more. So fucking what? We all know that women seem to gravitate to 'rock stars' and Jesus was one of those.
Maybe he did. I was just being an ass when I included the gay part.

That part about him being black is true.

My views are exactly what he said and I was so surprised when I heard this guy explain my views in 3 mins.

Yep, I know. It's the Cult45 brainwashing. Do you feel that this highly religious video sermon represents your politics too? Don't be shy. I'm pretty sure I'm dead on.

I hope I didn’t offend or trigger you. Are you in a safe space? Are you ok? I’ll pray for you just Incase. Did you like my views on that video? I think that now he thought that in 75. That’s amazing.

Yep, Christian Conservative. Thus, constant outrage regarding make believe narratives. Thank you for your honesty. I really appreciate it.
Since Paul Harvey insisted on using a religious narrative to make his point, I feel this discussion is on topic:

Was Jesus even a real person?

If so, evidence strongly suggests that he did NOT look like this dude:


Rather, he looked like this dude:


So.....What's your point? Oh yeah, you're a fucking racist.
If I where the Devil
I would worship you.

Join me in The Dark Lord's Pray:

Our father who ain't in heaven
Unhallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom burns
Our will be done
in hell as it is on earth

Give us this day our daily sin
and praise our trespasses
as we avenge ourselves
lead us to temptation
and deliver us evil.

Exactly what he was talking about. Thank you for showing yourself [emoji1317]
Did you know that Jesus was gay and black?

Define 'gay". He certainly wasn't a white dude with the pics generally seen above the collection plates. He could have been in line with 100 arabs when they showed up to haul him off.They didn't/weren't able to spot him.
He damn sure didnt look like this

Likely more like this. .People in Nazareth were generally somewhat groomed tight. NazarINES were a different crowd,

He might have slipped in with these two guys. A rabbi and his Pal ( Palestinian)
If I where the Devil
I would worship you.

Join me in The Dark Lord's Pray:

Our father who ain't in heaven
Unhallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom burns
Our will be done
in hell as it is on earth

Give us this day our daily sin
and praise our trespasses
as we avenge ourselves
lead us to temptation
and deliver us evil.

Exactly what he was talking about. Thank you for showing yourself [emoji1317]
Did you know that Jesus was gay and black?


Well, I'll honestly say I did not know that.

I’m tell yeah we both learned something today [emoji1360]

Cool. Learning new things should always be a positive.
Since Paul Harvey insisted on using a religious narrative to make his point, I feel this discussion is on topic:

Was Jesus even a real person?

If so, evidence strongly suggests that he did NOT look like this dude:


Rather, he looked like this dude:


Cool [emoji41]

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