If I were the Devil

My views are exactly what he said and I was so surprised when I heard this guy explain my views in 3 mins.

Yep, I know. It's the Cult45 brainwashing. Do you feel that this highly religious video sermon represents your politics too? Don't be shy. I'm pretty sure I'm dead on.

I hope I didn’t offend or trigger you. Are you in a safe space? Are you ok? I’ll pray for you just Incase. Did you like my views on that video? I think that now he thought that in 75. That’s amazing.

Yep, Christian Conservative. Thus, constant outrage regarding make believe narratives. Thank you for your honesty. I really appreciate it.

Yes I’m a straight white male Christian Conservative. What’s it to you?
I would worship you.

Join me in The Dark Lord's Pray:

Our father who ain't in heaven
Unhallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom burns
Our will be done
in hell as it is on earth

Give us this day our daily sin
and praise our trespasses
as we avenge ourselves
lead us to temptation
and deliver us evil.

Exactly what he was talking about. Thank you for showing yourself [emoji1317]
Did you know that Jesus was gay and black?


Well, I'll honestly say I did not know that.

I’m tell yeah we both learned something today [emoji1360]

Cool. Learning new things should always be a positive.

Yeah even if the thing we learned wasn’t the same thing. Who knows
So.....What's your point?
That all religion is built on a bunch of bullshit, twisted to manipulate and control people, including changing the appearance of main figures to further manipulate and control people.


Since Paul Harvey insisted on using a religious narrative to make his point, I feel this discussion is on topic:

Was Jesus even a real person?

If so, evidence strongly suggests that he did NOT look like this dude:


Rather, he looked like this dude:


Cool [emoji41]
Along those lines, for sure.
Probably a large and rather tough bloke. Carpentry was hard ass work then. Pretty decent sized as were most in dat hood. 5 ' 8" to six foot.Nappy hair "feet colored like bronze". Darkish tone like all the genes on his moms side.Trimmed hair in that hood. That picture is pretty real as a guess.
Exactly what he was talking about. Thank you for showing yourself [emoji1317]
Did you know that Jesus was gay and black?


Well, I'll honestly say I did not know that.

I’m tell yeah we both learned something today [emoji1360]

Cool. Learning new things should always be a positive.

Yeah even if the thing we learned wasn’t the same thing. Who knows

Sorry, I'm not clear on your comment. Could you expound?
Figures you would think that. Jesus poked Mary Magdeline and maybe more. So fucking what? We all know that women seem to gravitate to 'rock stars' and Jesus was one of those.
Maybe he did. I was just being an ass when I included the gay part.

That part about him being black is true.


Was that supposed to make us mad lol

I actually dunno, new person, does it make you mad?

You actually quoted someone else.

Super. I'm a flawed human being. Anything else?
Yeah all those Eastern Desert-dwellers were probably at least brown. Even if their skin was white in the absence of sun. But so fucking what?
That's a proper attitude. Thank you.


I am mainly just fucking around, but I had a pretty oppressive religious up bringing, so I get kind of irritated when it gets thrown around to politically manipulate people, like saying "If I Were The Devil."

Makes me want to say a bunch of defiant shit like I DENY THE HOLY GHOST!

It's also therapeutic to toy with underlying latent bigotry by pointing out the fact that Jesus was not a white dude. That you are okay with it speaks to your character.
Yeah all those Eastern Desert-dwellers were probably at least brown. Even if their skin was white in the absence of sun. But so fucking what?
That's a proper attitude. Thank you.


I am mainly just fucking around, but I had a pretty oppressive religious up bringing, so I get kind of irritated when it gets thrown around to politically manipulate people, like saying "If I Were The Devil."

Makes me want to say a bunch of defiant shit like I DENY THE HOLY GHOST!

It's also therapeutic to toy with underlying latent bigotry by pointing out the fact that Jesus was not a white dude. That you are okay with it speaks to your character.

I went through similar shit myself. Don't beat yourself up about it.
Yes, Harvey's broadcast of this proved to be prophetic. The moral fiber of our society has been in decline for decades and a lot -- not all -- of it has to do with what he outlined.
Yes, Harvey's broadcast of this proved to be prophetic. The moral fiber of our society has been in decline for decades and a lot -- not all -- of it has to do with what he outlined.

It's an ambiguous decree from a Christian. Nothing extraordinary. I imagined you much more objective than that. My apologies.
Yes, Harvey's broadcast of this proved to be prophetic. The moral fiber of our society has been in decline for decades and a lot -- not all -- of it has to do with what he outlined.

It's an ambiguous decree from a Christian. Nothing extraordinary. I imagined you much more objective than that. My apologies.
I am objective. Each and every point he made has come to fruition. You disagree because you hate religion. I don't care.

I don't see the religious aspect at all except to say that the greatest achievement of Lucifer was to convince people that he did not exist.

Our society is decaying morally -- that is not a code phrase for more religion, though something tells Me you'll take it that way -- and it is because the fiber that held our decency afloat was many of the principles and values that have been destroyed in the manner he described.

By all means, disagree. I, however; will not change My mind as I've thought about this many times.

Have a good morning.
Figures you would think that. Jesus poked Mary Magdeline and maybe more. So fucking what? We all know that women seem to gravitate to 'rock stars' and Jesus was one of those.
Maybe he did. I was just being an ass when I included the gay part.

That part about him being black is true.


Was that supposed to make us mad lol

I actually dunno, new person, does it make you mad?

You actually quoted someone else.

Super. I'm a flawed human being. Anything else?

I dunno, is there?
La guerra en nosotros mismos manifiesto

An interesting , and not totally unexpected result of the economic deathspiral upon us seems to have grown it's own maggots like trash left out in the heat. As the {former} middle class lifeboat shrinks , the sqaubbling blame game among it's occupants has esculated to mutinous proportions.

First they came for the partisans, people who base all their faith in what , for all apperances is, a democratic republic. But each and every election has shown us only two choices, which out of 1/3 billion citizens is not only much of a choice to begin with, but choices that are lobbyied so relentlessly by concentrated wealth that they are essentially, after the rethoric is stripped off, the same choice.

Yet the general populance historically venting their discontent via huge party swings, has been repeatedly subjected of late to a stymied efficacy mired in broken campaign promises of change equating to a new spin on old problems with the same undertones of collusion.

But we did not speak, because our superficial political mentality crippled us from delving into the magnitude of detail following the $$$$

Next they came for clarity and transparency, obsfuscating every law, parlaying every bill into unreadably extranious legaleese , much to the benifit of special intrest inclusions , to be presented to a legislature for 11th hour votes, with little to no time for detailed reflection . One of our shining examples are our tax codes, which has evolved into a specialty service for the upper echelon with more hidey holes than dones has pills, while the servant class continues it's generic H&R block fare

Despite the growing disparity, the tax nazi's came for the little guy next, fueled by nieghbor v. lifeboat neighbor's discontent that a small crumb from the ruling class might go undetected , while the simple fact that wall street socialism for the rich / capatilism for the rest of us would result in spending the next generation into debt flew right over their heads

But we did not speak, because we idolized greed, and worshipped mammon

Next they came for our freedoms, all with orwellian twists like free speech zone, patriot act, employee free choice act, literally changing the meaning of words by degree....all goaded on by jingoists who were more than willing to have their fellow lifeboaters walk the gangplank , for a pat on the head & a little security

But we did not speak , and gave up innocence until proven guilty , despite those freedoms being paid for in blood

Next they came for Lady Justice, polluting our system of liberty for one and all equally by introducing celebrity justice's deeper pockets , media mayhem, and further appointing judicals for the sake of ideology than integrity. But we did not speak , because we accepted hollywoods moral bankrupcy, and thus became as blind as lady justice herself to our own fundamentals

Next they came for our jobs, claiming the trickle down effect of outsourcing would eventually benifit the collective, which reduced a healthy producer nation to a consumer nation. The result of prostituting a third world working force's view of America and Americans creating a WOT backlash inversley proportional to the torch of freedom our fathers and grandfathers presented them with. And now our nation's dollar may fall from being a benchmark in the global fiat's monetary consortium via the IMF's SDR. But we did not speak because as this occured they focused our attentions on the immigrants stealing our jobs

Next they came for our homes, yet despite predatory lending practices of our fiscal institutions, they threw us to the sharks claiming our inability to keep up due to living lavish wanton lifestyles beyond our means. But we did not speak because keeping up with the Jones's was what we were social engineered to do

Next they came for our kids, moving the educational goal posts making them less competitive in a market with less opportunity, subjecting them to a war on drugs with extreeme police state implimentations that no sane country has. But we did not speak, because we were perfect children raised without such strife

Next they came for our seniors, who after being subjected to our pharmacabal's consistent influence, would systematically be drained of all their assets and packed off into their own tidy scuttle to meet their ends. But we did not speak, because walton mountain is merely the nuclear families defereed entertainment now

Next they changed the labels, radicalizing terms like conservative, liberal, christian and jew or muslim so that each would view the other with contempt. But we did not speak because it was simply easier to turn one's back on a brother, than to address the institutionalizing of misathropic mannerism where a patriot can love his country and hate half the people in it

And so it seems we are really at war with ourselves now, a balkanized homogonized citizenry adrift in what was once a country that could achieve a collective direction. So when they come for those of us left in this raft of straw, who will be left to speak for us?

Did you know that Jesus was gay and black?


Well, I'll honestly say I did not know that.

I’m tell yeah we both learned something today [emoji1360]

Cool. Learning new things should always be a positive.

Yeah even if the thing we learned wasn’t the same thing. Who knows

Sorry, I'm not clear on your comment. Could you expound?

Simple I learned something I said when you said you learned something today. And you’re right learning is good. All clear
Figures you would think that. Jesus poked Mary Magdeline and maybe more. So fucking what? We all know that women seem to gravitate to 'rock stars' and Jesus was one of those.
Maybe he did. I was just being an ass when I included the gay part.

That part about him being black is true.


Was that supposed to make us mad lol

I actually dunno, new person, does it make you mad?

You actually quoted someone else.

Super. I'm a flawed human being. Anything else?

Yeah trying working on yourself for God sake’s you’re 46

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