If I were Trump, I would remind people of the grotesque process of abortion.

[If it were up to me, I wouldn't be trading with China until they corrected alot of things.
What about every other country that has legal abortions? Would you halt trade with Germany, England, and Sweden?
i disagree....forcing women to have unwanted babies is more criminal to me....all babies brought into this world should be loved and cherished if you are not willing to do that...i would much rather you have an abortion and men make their decision in all this by not controlling them sperm...so dont start that men's right bullshit...control your sperm and it wont be an issue now will it....
No one is forcing women to spread their legs and get pregnant, but yes when they want to use abortion as a means of birth control, and then use the government in an indirect way to pay for it, then I'd say yes we got a problem with both of those end results. If this nation would go back to having standards and morals uplifted again, then this wouldn't even be an issue, but the left has driven these two things into the ground for the past 45 years now. People have been completely brainwashed and desensitized in America, and that is why we see the kinds of programs on TV that are mimicking life as we know it now, and in which are coming out of Hollywood these days. Talk about some sick crap.. good grief.
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most abortions are done with pills now...you go to your local doctor and he gives you two pills.....taken a day or so apart.....it is a big pharm business and no one is going to stop it....
Slavery progressed to just breeding blacks on the democrats plantations for free...people thought like you at the time until people like me at the time came along....jus' sayin'........

Proud Southerns who stood up to the Big Bad Gubment for their State Right to keep human beings as farm animals, because they were taught that the enslaved race was inferior. Notions that were passed down generation to generation long after the war ended in defeat for the Confederacy. These former slave states were solid white democrats racist to the core till something else happened in history..........and the white voters migrated to a different party.
Thank you Beagle9.

Finally a real conservative counterpoint.

This election is most certainly about national values.

Do you want big brother to turn the wombs of free citizens into state controlled incubators for the seeds of Jesus, or do you want families to make their own decisions, and be judged by God not bureaucrats? Christians want big moral government. They want a jack-booted thug at the foot of every bed to ensure that each consensual adult sexual act meets the approval of dear leader.

This is a real choice.

Sure Beagle9 is adding the typical rightwing spin to it, but at least abortion is an actionable difference between these candidates.

At least it's not Trade Policy, where the candidate who gets his steel from China and his ties made in Mexico (and has massive investments in Soviet Russia) isn't trying to convince uneducated talk radio morons that he supports American manufacturing.

Beagle9 should be commended for bringing up an actual difference, because everyone knows that a lifeling donor to Liberal politicians would never lie about abortion just to create a path to the presidency.
. No ...... Thank you for making my points against liberal thinking.
most abortions are done with pills now...you go to your local doctor and he gives you two pills.....taken a day or so apart.....it is a big pharm business and no one is going to stop it....
Slavery progressed to just breeding blacks on the democrats plantations for free...people thought like you at the time until people like me at the time came along....jus' sayin'........

Proud Southerns who stood up to the Big Bad Gubment for their State Right to keep human beings as farm animals, because they were taught that the enslaved race was inferior. Notions that were passed down generation to generation long after the war ended in defeat for the Confederacy. These former slave states were solid white democrats racist to the core till something else happened in history..........and the white voters migrated to a different party.
. The dam race card... I wondered when it was going to be used because the libs are losing the argument.
most abortions are done with pills now...you go to your local doctor and he gives you two pills.....taken a day or so apart.....it is a big pharm business and no one is going to stop it....
Slavery progressed to just breeding blacks on the democrats plantations for free...people thought like you at the time until people like me at the time came along....jus' sayin'........

Proud Southerns who stood up to the Big Bad Gubment for their State Right to keep human beings as farm animals, because they were taught that the enslaved race was inferior. Notions that were passed down generation to generation long after the war ended in defeat for the Confederacy. These former slave states were solid white democrats racist to the core till something else happened in history..........and the white voters migrated to a different party.
. The dam race card... I wondered when it was going to be used because the libs are losing the argument.
You don't have an argument.
[If it were up to me, I wouldn't be trading with China until they corrected alot of things.
What about every other country that has legal abortions? Would you halt trade with Germany, England, and Sweden?
. Any nation killing or murdering their babies or people (committing genocide), should be shunned until they stop it. Selling our soul is a major problem these days, and guess what ?? We don't have to sell our souls or our nation out. We have been gifted with one of the most viable, resourceful nation's on earth, and we have been blessed to have the people that we have had (over the years), to bring out the best ways to utilize her resources. This idea that we should intertwine ourselves with other nations that are abusive to their citizens or allow terrible things to go on is foolish beyond imagination. The main reason so many of the elite think that we do, is because it muddies the waters so much, that we can't put an eyeball on exactly how bad they are, and how bad their dealings are.
Yeah, he should make up more lies about abortion .

"They take the women, grab her by the pussy. Then shove a little electric chair in her pussy. Then they hook up the baby to the little electric chair. That's how they kill the baby! With a little electric chair!!"

What lies did he make up. While I am pro-choice in the first trimester and with the exceptions in the later trimester (mother's life is in danger, baby has birth defects, baby product of rape/incest or the baby is of African descent), I recognize abortion is murder and late term and it is barbaric in the late term.

It is the lesser of 2 evils to me.

He said you can just go and get an abortion in the 9th month right up until the kid is born. And they "rip the baby from the womb" . Not true !

Row v wade protects up to viability . Which is like 24 weeks or so .

Roe v Wade prevented the states from prohibiting abortion up to the point of viability true. After that it is up to the states to decide on late term abortion. Most states prohibit it. Some states allow it.

Cause a lot of fucked up shit happens in pregnancy .

Late term abortion is like 1% of abortion. And it's used for horrible cases where the kid is deformed or dead already .

I know this lady who's babys insides , were on the outside ! You would have her go through term and have a dangerous birth just to satisfy you random sense of outrage .
. Your talking about a 1% in cases out there, where as a baby & mom is in the condition you talked about. Do you realise how many abortions are conducted or have been conducted over the last 35 to 40 years or so ???
[If it were up to me, I wouldn't be trading with China until they corrected alot of things.
What about every other country that has legal abortions? Would you halt trade with Germany, England, and Sweden?

most abortions are done with pills now...you go to your local doctor and he gives you two pills.....taken a day or so apart.....it is a big pharm business and no one is going to stop it....
Slavery progressed to just breeding blacks on the democrats plantations for free...people thought like you at the time until people like me at the time came along....jus' sayin'........

Proud Southerns who stood up to the Big Bad Gubment for their State Right to keep human beings as farm animals, because they were taught that the enslaved race was inferior. Notions that were passed down generation to generation long after the war ended in defeat for the Confederacy. These former slave states were solid white democrats racist to the core till something else happened in history..........and the white voters migrated to a different party.
. The dam race card... I wondered when it was going to be used because the libs are losing the argument.

owebo brought up the topic of slavery and democrats. My family were proud slavers, democrats and racist. Racism is not a card. But reducing it to something played in a game is great for whining about about it's continued existence especially in the Republican controlled south.
[If it were up to me, I wouldn't be trading with China until they corrected alot of things.
What about every other country that has legal abortions? Would you halt trade with Germany, England, and Sweden?

most abortions are done with pills now...you go to your local doctor and he gives you two pills.....taken a day or so apart.....it is a big pharm business and no one is going to stop it....
Slavery progressed to just breeding blacks on the democrats plantations for free...people thought like you at the time until people like me at the time came along....jus' sayin'........

Proud Southerns who stood up to the Big Bad Gubment for their State Right to keep human beings as farm animals, because they were taught that the enslaved race was inferior. Notions that were passed down generation to generation long after the war ended in defeat for the Confederacy. These former slave states were solid white democrats racist to the core till something else happened in history..........and the white voters migrated to a different party.
. The dam race card... I wondered when it was going to be used because the libs are losing the argument.

owebo brought up the topic of slavery and democrats. My family were proud slavers, democrats and racist. Racism is not a card. But reducing it to something played in a game is great for whining about about it's continued existence especially in the Republican controlled south.
. Better preach to the Demon-crats, because they are the ones reducing it's seriousness to a joker card, and this by using it willy-nilly everytime they lose an argument or debate on an issue.

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