If "illegals" are down by 40%, do we need a "beautiful Trump wall?"


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
I am sure that right wingers on here are dancing with glee that undocumented folks fro Central America and Mexico are down and that "its all due to the scary orange monster in the oval office."......

Well, if that is indeed the case, why spend billions and billions of US taxpayers money (actually money to be added to our debt) to build a wall?
I am sure that right wingers on here are dancing with glee that undocumented folks fro Central America and Mexico are down and that "its all due to the scary orange monster in the oval office."......

Well, if that is indeed the case, why spend billions and billions of US taxpayers money (actually money to be added to our debt) to build a wall?
One illegal alien… Is one too many
I am sure that right wingers on here are dancing with glee that undocumented folks fro Central America and Mexico are down and that "its all due to the scary orange monster in the oval office."......

Well, if that is indeed the case, why spend billions and billions of US taxpayers money (actually money to be added to our debt) to build a wall?
Hey Homer, doh.... Of course you still need a wall, because there are people in the world that want to kill US, and they use the southern border to get in.. Why is it that a liberal is just too stupid to know better?

I am sure that right wingers on here are dancing with glee that undocumented folks fro Central America and Mexico are down and that "its all due to the scary orange monster in the oval office."......

Well, if that is indeed the case, why spend billions and billions of US taxpayers money (actually money to be added to our debt) to build a wall?

Now you're worried about the debt?
I am sure that right wingers on here are dancing with glee that undocumented folks fro Central America and Mexico are down and that "its all due to the scary orange monster in the oval office."......

Well, if that is indeed the case, why spend billions and billions of US taxpayers money (actually money to be added to our debt) to build a wall?

Now you're worried about the debt?
I would rather pay for a wall, then keep paying for shits like Nat's welfare. Or the anchor babies the illegals brought across. Have enough problems with your own shitfuck liberal citizens, and maybe we can clean up the mess in the inner cities where Liberalism has ruled for the past 60 years.

Cost war on poverty
The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion - NCPA
build that wall , easy to do and the first line of defense against enemies flooding or trying to flood the USA .
The Wall is largely symbolic. It tells our neighbors to the south, "we are serious about our immigration laws." That's why immigration has slowed. Word is out. As for the cost, it wouldn't be the first government boondoggle that was only justified by the temporary spending and employment when built.
I am sure that right wingers on here are dancing with glee that undocumented folks fro Central America and Mexico are down and that "its all due to the scary orange monster in the oval office."......

Well, if that is indeed the case, why spend billions and billions of US taxpayers money (actually money to be added to our debt) to build a wall?
and the other 60%?

Do we just ignore them?
The wall is not needed.

I know the big government spending Trump supporters will disagree and want the wall but the reality is it will not stop the cartel from importing illegals into this country.

Enforcing the laws on the books and making it impossible for illegals or out of status visa holders to obtain employment would go further than some wall.

All terrorist attacks have been committed by those that were born here or came here legally, so the argument to protect this country from future terrorist attacks is just the big spending Trump supporter attempt to use that thought to scare someone and call those that disagree with them terrorist lovers and anti-American!
build that wall , easy to do and the first line of defense against enemies flooding or trying to flood the USA .
And armored vehicles from the invasion forces...
Have you ever realized that Mexicans who come here illegally are driving around in the most environmentally unfriendly cars, that pollute the shit out of this country, and the liberals adore them, yet We the People, need to downsize because our AIR isn't clean enough. Can you imagine the hypocrisy of the liberals? Not I, seen it now for almost 50 years.

Mexican Armored Vehicle?

BTW is your Visa up for renewal or have you over stayed your welcome?

I think you have over stayed your welcome.

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