If "illegals" are down by 40%, do we need a "beautiful Trump wall?"

build that wall , easy to do and the first line of defense against enemies flooding or trying to flood the USA .
And armored vehicles from the invasion forces...
Have you ever realized that Mexicans who come here illegally are driving around in the most environmentally unfriendly cars, that pollute the shit out of this country, and the liberals adore them, yet We the People, need to downsize because our AIR isn't clean enough. Can you imagine the hypocrisy of the liberals? Not I, seen it now for almost 50 years.

Mexican Armored Vehicle?
View attachment 116226
I see them driving a lot of Honda brand autos and chevy trucks and a few Fords...But none from the era of the 1950's you have a pick of...They also like Cadillac Escapades SUVs..
build that wall , easy to do and the first line of defense against enemies flooding or trying to flood the USA .
And armored vehicles from the invasion forces...
Have you ever realized that Mexicans who come here illegally are driving around in the most environmentally unfriendly cars, that pollute the shit out of this country, and the liberals adore them, yet We the People, need to downsize because our AIR isn't clean enough. Can you imagine the hypocrisy of the liberals? Not I, seen it now for almost 50 years.

Mexican Armored Vehicle?
View attachment 116226
I see them driving a lot of Honda brand autos and chevy trucks and a few Fords...But none from the era of the 1950's you have a pick of...They also like Cadillac Escapades SUVs..
I said illegals, not white Hispanic US citizens. Of course the law abiding legal immigrant will follow the law, but like those illegals here in Va, they have yard full of broken down wrecks, and that 1 or 2 LATINO love machine.

A lift kit, you should thank these people for blowing all that moolah on crap they really don't need, just like most Americans do..
I am sure that right wingers on here are dancing with glee that undocumented folks fro Central America and Mexico are down and that "its all due to the scary orange monster in the oval office."......

Well, if that is indeed the case, why spend billions and billions of US taxpayers money (actually money to be added to our debt) to build a wall?
...just in case another libtard assumes the office.
build that wall , easy to do and the first line of defense against enemies flooding or trying to flood the USA .
And armored vehicles from the invasion forces...
Have you ever realized that Mexicans who come here illegally are driving around in the most environmentally unfriendly cars, that pollute the shit out of this country, and the liberals adore them, yet We the People, need to downsize because our AIR isn't clean enough. Can you imagine the hypocrisy of the liberals? Not I, seen it now for almost 50 years.

Mexican Armored Vehicle?
View attachment 116226
I see them driving a lot of Honda brand autos and chevy trucks and a few Fords...But none from the era of the 1950's you have a pick of...They also like Cadillac Escapades SUVs..
I said illegals, not white Hispanic US citizens. Of course the law abiding legal immigrant will follow the law, but like those illegals here in Va, they have yard full of broken down wrecks, and that 1 or 2 LATINO love machine.

------------------------------------------- I could never understand that type of foolish style in post 24. All flash and no substance or function just like 'mexico' .
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The wall is not needed.

I know the big government spending Trump supporters will disagree and want the wall but the reality is it will not stop the cartel from importing illegals into this country.

Enforcing the laws on the books and making it impossible for illegals or out of status visa holders to obtain employment would go further than some wall.

All terrorist attacks have been committed by those that were born here or came here legally, so the argument to protect this country from future terrorist attacks is just the big spending Trump supporter attempt to use that thought to scare someone and call those that disagree with them terrorist lovers and anti-American!
Dumb post. Of course walls work, ask the Israelis. There's a reason Mexico has one on their southern border. Nothing is 100%, that doesn't mean we shouldn't do it. Many illegals have murdered Americans too. You call it scare mongering, I call it common sense.
I am sure that right wingers on here are dancing with glee that undocumented folks fro Central America and Mexico are down and that "its all due to the scary orange monster in the oval office."......

Well, if that is indeed the case, why spend billions and billions of US taxpayers money (actually money to be added to our debt) to build a wall?

Because it's only down 40% and not 100%.

If you're going to insist on being part of the problem, please get out of the way and let good Americans handle this...
I am sure that right wingers on here are dancing with glee that undocumented folks fro Central America and Mexico are down and that "its all due to the scary orange monster in the oval office."......

Well, if that is indeed the case, why spend billions and billions of US taxpayers money (actually money to be added to our debt) to build a wall?
Yes. Next?
The wall is not needed.

I know the big government spending Trump supporters will disagree and want the wall but the reality is it will not stop the cartel from importing illegals into this country.

Enforcing the laws on the books and making it impossible for illegals or out of status visa holders to obtain employment would go further than some wall.

All terrorist attacks have been committed by those that were born here or came here legally, so the argument to protect this country from future terrorist attacks is just the big spending Trump supporter attempt to use that thought to scare someone and call those that disagree with them terrorist lovers and anti-American!
Dumb post. Of course walls work, ask the Israelis. There's a reason Mexico has one on their southern border. Nothing is 100%, that doesn't mean we shouldn't do it. Many illegals have murdered Americans too. You call it scare mongering, I call it common sense.

You are living proof what I am writing about because anyone that disagree with your wish for a wall must be stupid to you.

What is funny is portion of the wall is already built and the cartels have massive tunnel systems under them, so let me guess you will want landmines to go with that wall so you can stop the tunnels!?!

Then the fact our border with Mexico is longer than Mexico southern border to Central America, and you want to compare their southern border to our southern border!?!

I am sure you attempted to find one terrorist attack that was committed here because of some illegal but when you could not then you went to illegals killing people which is wonderful to know when most Americans are killed by American assholes they know.

Finally, you must be one of those that believe going after the employer is wrong and believe the wall will solve everything and when it does not even slow the illegal activity from slave trade to drugs what will be your next worthless idea to waste billions of dollars on!?!
The wall is not needed.

I know the big government spending Trump supporters will disagree and want the wall but the reality is it will not stop the cartel from importing illegals into this country.

Enforcing the laws on the books and making it impossible for illegals or out of status visa holders to obtain employment would go further than some wall.

All terrorist attacks have been committed by those that were born here or came here legally, so the argument to protect this country from future terrorist attacks is just the big spending Trump supporter attempt to use that thought to scare someone and call those that disagree with them terrorist lovers and anti-American!
Dumb post. Of course walls work, ask the Israelis. There's a reason Mexico has one on their southern border. Nothing is 100%, that doesn't mean we shouldn't do it. Many illegals have murdered Americans too. You call it scare mongering, I call it common sense.

You are living proof what I am writing about because anyone that disagree with your wish for a wall must be stupid to you.

What is funny is portion of the wall is already built and the cartels have massive tunnel systems under them, so let me guess you will want landmines to go with that wall so you can stop the tunnels!?!

Then the fact our border with Mexico is longer than Mexico southern border to Central America, and you want to compare their southern border to our southern border!?!

I am sure you attempted to find one terrorist attack that was committed here because of some illegal but when you could not then you went to illegals killing people which is wonderful to know when most Americans are killed by American assholes they know.

Finally, you must be one of those that believe going after the employer is wrong and believe the wall will solve everything and when it does not even slow the illegal activity from slave trade to drugs what will be your next worthless idea to waste billions of dollars on!?!
No, I responded to your rationale, not the mere fact you don't want a wall. We have more money than Mexico. We send them millions a year in aid, we can use that money for the wall.

Illegals killing Americans has been an issue for a long time. Your ignorance shows why you think what you do. We need to shut down sanctuary cities as well and throw the mayors in jail if we have to. How many terrorists have crossed illegally? I don't know but how many people need to die before it concerns you?
I am sure that right wingers on here are dancing with glee that undocumented folks fro Central America and Mexico are down and that "its all due to the scary orange monster in the oval office."......

Well, if that is indeed the case, why spend billions and billions of US taxpayers money (actually money to be added to our debt) to build a wall?
Good point!

All that's needed are weather proof signage facing South of trump in and orange suit with his mean scowl on his face wagging a finger about 20 meters apart right on the border and that would scare the living shit out of those illegals wanting to immigrate. Talk about a cost savings!

And the last thing he saw was a sign saying MAX HEADROOM .........
Hey Homer, doh.... Of course you still need a wall, because there are people in the world that want to kill US, and they use the southern border to get in.. Why is it that a liberal is just too stupid to know better?

Sure, moron, exactly how many terrorists have come in through the Mexican border? Actual terrorists have either flown in or have been home grown. Your stupidity is only matched by your love of an orange clown.
I am sure that right wingers on here are dancing with glee that undocumented folks fro Central America and Mexico are down and that "its all due to the scary orange monster in the oval office."......

Well, if that is indeed the case, why spend billions and billions of US taxpayers money (actually money to be added to our debt) to build a wall?
Call us when it is 100%.
build the WALL , Trump WALL and be done with it . If nothing else its a poke in the eyes to the messican and is taken as an insult from Gringo to messican and i like that style Nat !!
Hey Homer, doh.... Of course you still need a wall, because there are people in the world that want to kill US, and they use the southern border to get in.. Why is it that a liberal is just too stupid to know better?

Sure, moron, exactly how many terrorists have come in through the Mexican border? Actual terrorists have either flown in or have been home grown. Your stupidity is only matched by your love of an orange clown.

Napolitano: Terrorists Enter U.S. from Mexico ‘From Time to Time’
Napolitano: Terrorists Enter U.S. from Mexico ‘From Time to Time’
By Edwin Mora | July 30, 2012 | 4:55 PM EDT

(CNSNews.com) -- Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano told Congress last week that terrorists intending to harm the American people enter the U.S. from Mexico “from time to time."

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