If it already wasn't, The Supreme Court Is Now On The Ballot.

Please stop pretending the Court's majority isn't imposing ideologically driven policy positions on the country. In the vernacular of the times, "legislating from the bench." Otherwise you embarrass yourself.
Stop pretending that it is.
It’s hard to know the precise combination of developments that changed President Biden’s mind about Supreme Court reforms and prompted him to place them more centrally in the framework of the 2024 election.
That means no one will care when Trump expands the court.

The idea that Trump or conservatism is a "threat to democracy" is utter ludicrous based on the actual actions of many on the left.

More than that, the Left's baseless, incendiary language has now gotten both Steve Scalise and President Trump SHOT by unhinged leftwing lunatics, along with Supreme Court justices stalked and threaten with countless others harassed, mobbed and attacked.

You can't even appear on a college campus anymore just to proffer a point of view without taking your life in your hands unless you comport the EXACT, far leftwing ideology taught them by their radicalized socialist teachers.
Those gasbags in congress are too worried about getting re-elected and scamming the system to line their own pockets.
In the democrats case, everything is focused on accomplishing the end goal--a one-world globalist gov't with them in control. That requires the destruction of the US and any other country that has a national identity.
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Whether you loons do something or not, you whine either way. Nothing is going to happen, there is literally nothing wrong, other than you don't like the rulings.
Since the Court is now a political branch of government I submit to you that what's wrong is its current ideological extremism and complete lack of respect for stare decisis. This would not be so if, for example, McTreason had not caused such an imbalance with his dual acts of duplicity. But it's done now. Time for the majority to take the country back.
A. You keep telling us we are not a Democracy. Make up your mind

B. Getting rid of Presidential immunity is the OPPOSITE of dictatorial
The only reason the Supreme Court did that is because the Progressive Socialists are not the democratic Party anymore.
Stop pretending that it is.
As I said, please stop embarrassing yourself. The composition of this Court makes it the most radically conservative one in a century. It's why it finds itself at odds with historical precedent so often. The immunity ruling being a shocking deviation from how the law has applied to a prez since the founding.
The Democratic Party supports religious freedom

As does this country (with exceptions like you) all the way back to the founding of Rhode Island and Roger Williams
There's a reason why it appears to lean "right".

It's because the Democrat party "progressives" have always favored oligarchies/Marxism/communism/socialism where the real power resides only with a few.

Germany is and always has been one of the wealthiest European nations....even though they didn't ever become famous for shipping. But the one time they embraced "progressive" ideologies they gave birth to Hitler and the Nazi party. (Which is a form of Marxism)

And Mousselini(Italy) and Tojo (Japan)were his buddies as well as a failing Ottoman Empire which believed along similar lines. Stalin was too but wanted control for himself and Germany had already attacked.

It's not like these ideas were not around when the Constitution was being drawn up....very much were. And they too were removed from consideration considering all the many recent failures all these forms of centralized governance had realized.

So the Constitution was framed in such a way to stop any such "progressive" ideologies from ever getting promoted.
The first 10 ammendments were all about limiting the Federal Government's power.

Originalist Constitutional Law is what makes up the Supreme Court....Barret in her recent approval hearing gave several dissertations (from the hip...no notes) explaining her viewpoints and other viewpoints on the constitution. EXTREMELY INFORMATIVE for normal people who are not a lawyer to understand.
She also explained why the other viewpoints were extremely impossible to uphold.

At this point....if you do not like the constitution....MOVE TO ANOTHER NATION.
You (nor I) should try to fix what is not broken after 250 years of success.
As I said, please stop embarrassing yourself. The composition of this Court makes it the most radically conservative one in a century. It's why it finds itself at odds with historical precedent so often. The immunity ruling being a shocking deviation from how the law has applied to a prez since the founding.
Thank you Mr. Shithouse lawyer. Please display your credentials. Most credentialed legal scholars disagree with you.
Most credentialed legal scholars disagree with you.
Prove it.

When your attempt has failed I recommend reading this.

Sorry, I forgot you folks don't read...........like trump.
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