If it already wasn't, The Supreme Court Is Now On The Ballot.

The court created a ruling out of nothing that covered the Executive.

May I ask what ruling you're talking about?

I do not believe this court has ever created a ruling out of nothing about anything. Mostly what they're doing is denying the rulings of previous court decision that were created out f nothing, such as the overturning of Roe v Wade. Or they are limited the power of executive agencies to determine their own rules that an agency has the final say over.
which justice has done something unethical and what did he or she do? you obviously think one or more of them have been bribed, who and when?
It would be ignorant for any of us to say for sure. All we have are media reports. If the claims are being made then there should be a hearing where the person can make a defense and the consequences imposed if they are found to have violated their oath of office. This process is spotty at best which is why Biden is calling for reforms.
When isn't the Supreme Court on the ballot?
Even the dems on a cnn panel yesterday afternoon said the ploy is just a sop to the dem's far-left.

Now why I might agree that everything is on the ballot FJB's ploy is very small potatoes in the grand scheme of things that voters care about.

Maybe if he had not fucked-up the economy no end and let in 8-10 million illegals the issue might have had some traction a year ago....But it doesn't.

If it already wasn't, The Supreme Court Is Now On The Ballot.​

TRANSLATION: Having a supreme court as our Constitution specifies as a co-equal branch that actually decides issues by the law even when they screw the democrat's far-leftist agenda just isn't going to fly if the democrat party is to survive as the marxist arm of the government! We either gotta get rid of conservatives, expand it to include a whole lot more social reorganizers, or we must disband it and the electoral college so we can rule by MOB with deep blue California and New York states deciding every election, and screw the other 48 states! :rock:
It’s hard to know the precise combination of developments that changed President Biden’s mind about Supreme Court reforms and prompted him to place them more centrally in the framework of the 2024 election.

Was it the ethics scandals of Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito and the Supreme Court’s own ineptitude in dealing with them? Was it the series of controversial decisions across a whole host of issues and areas of civic life in which the court wrested power away from the executive and legislative branches and placed it firmly in the judicial branch? Was it the six-justice conservative majority aggressively uprooting the court’s own precedents in pursuit of its own preferred legal and policy outcomes? Was it the fact that he’s trailing in the polls with his own re-election more at risk that at any previous point in his presidency?

All of the above are in play, of course. A tipping point was reached, and it’s unlikely any one development was the difference-maker.

trump's Court's popularity is in the shitter. Deservedly so. Perhaps this is a move by Joe to capitalize on voter sentiment. No matter the motive, reform is overdue. There must be accountability for crass ethics violations and for the lack of recusals when there are demonstrable conflicts of interest (hello Clarence). I can understand the Founders wanting to somewhat insulate the Court in order to maintain its independence. But they did not contemplate such a corrupt Court nor such polarized times.
Boy, are the Democrats desperate.
Having a supreme court as our Constitution specifies as a co-equal branch that actually decides issues by the law
Please stop pretending the Court's majority isn't imposing ideologically driven policy positions on the country. In the vernacular of the times, "legislating from the bench." Otherwise you embarrass yourself.
Your party is full of people that hate religion and especially hate Christianity because it is the one true religion. I mean, why does the Democrat Party support Islam, which is far more anti-womens rights and anti-LGBTQ than Christianity? Because they know it’s a false religion that steers people away from God. The only “Christian churches” they support are fake ones that support gay marriage. Their whole purpose is to keep people from Jesus. Look at your leftwing Hollywood elites who love displaying all things Satanic. Hollywood is run by a gang of pedophiles and rapists like Harvey Weinstein, who nearly every Hollywood actor was great friends with and adored.
The Democratic Party supports religious freedom

As does this country (with exceptions like you) all the way back to the founding of Rhode Island and Roger Williams
It’s hard to know the precise combination of developments that changed President Biden’s mind about Supreme Court reforms and prompted him to place them more centrally in the framework of the 2024 election.

Was it the ethics scandals of Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito and the Supreme Court’s own ineptitude in dealing with them? Was it the series of controversial decisions across a whole host of issues and areas of civic life in which the court wrested power away from the executive and legislative branches and placed it firmly in the judicial branch? Was it the six-justice conservative majority aggressively uprooting the court’s own precedents in pursuit of its own preferred legal and policy outcomes? Was it the fact that he’s trailing in the polls with his own re-election more at risk that at any previous point in his presidency?

All of the above are in play, of course. A tipping point was reached, and it’s unlikely any one development was the difference-maker.

trump's Court's popularity is in the shitter. Deservedly so. Perhaps this is a move by Joe to capitalize on voter sentiment. No matter the motive, reform is overdue. There must be accountability for crass ethics violations and for the lack of recusals when there are demonstrable conflicts of interest (hello Clarence). I can understand the Founders wanting to somewhat insulate the Court in order to maintain its independence. But they did not contemplate such a corrupt Court nor such polarized times.
Thanks for the reminder. We CERTAINLY need to prevent Quid Pro Joe from getting his mitts on the court, no matter what.
Please stop pretending the Court's majority isn't imposing ideologically driven policy positions on the country. In the vernacular of the times, "legislating from the bench." Otherwise you embarrass yourself.
The court has been interpreting the constitution with integrity and logic. They have not--as yet--devolved into a body that no longer knows something as simple as "What is a woman."
Please stop pretending the Court's majority isn't imposing ideologically driven policy positions on the country.
Oh absolutely. They are imposing a strictly constitutional ideology of our Founders, and CITE the case law in their every decision. Can you name one decision of theirs that violates the Constitution? What is missing is that they are not ruling along far left socialist lines for a change. Are you going to cry like a little girl now just because a few SC decisions are not going your way for a change? Are you really THAT arrogant to think that any ruling they make which does not comport with YOUR ideology or wishes is flawed and ideological after leftwing justices imposing leftwing ideological decisions on us for YEARS?

Otherwise you embarrass yourself.
☝️ Says one of the biggest embarrassments to this board.


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